9A Unit 1 Know yourself Grammar2课件(牛津译林版九年级上).ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)

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9A Unit 1 Know yourself Grammar2课件(牛津译林版九年级上).ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)_第1页
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1、Have you watched the program?How much do you know about them?Both dads and their children take part in the show.Not only Feynman but also Joe is five years old.Feynman is five years old.Joe is five years old too.Duoduo is from China.Beier is also from China.Neither Duoduo nor Beier is from Malaysia.

2、You can call him either Yang Wenchang or Yang Yangyang.both and 既既又又 not only but also 不仅不仅而且而且 either or 要么要么要么要么 neither nor 既不既不也不也不We can use these conjunctions to connect the same part of two sentences to avoid repetition.both.and.两者都两者都 我和我和Kitty都了解这四个人的一些事。都了解这四个人的一些事。Both Kitty and I have kn

3、own something about the four people.我既能说英语又能说汉语。我既能说英语又能说汉语。I can speak both English and Chinese.Tom多才多艺,既能唱又能跳。多才多艺,既能唱又能跳。Tom is talented.He can both sing and dance.Rules:not only but(also)不仅不仅 而且而且 Carelessness will be a disaster to ourselves.Carelessness will be a disaster to patients.Carelessne

4、ss will be a disaster not only to ourselves but(also)to patients.词性要一致词性要一致Rules:1).他不仅篮球打得好,钢琴也弹得好。他不仅篮球打得好,钢琴也弹得好。He not only plays basketball well but also plays the piano wonderfully.2).她不仅能说英语也能说日语。她不仅能说英语也能说日语。She can speak not only English but also Japanese.Rules:1).她不仅歌唱得好而且舞也跳得好。她不仅歌唱得好而且舞也

5、跳得好。She not only sings well but also dances beautifully.2).他不仅会弹钢琴,还会小提琴。他不仅会弹钢琴,还会小提琴。He can play not only the piano but also the violin.3).他们不仅在教室而且在寝室也说英语。他们不仅在教室而且在寝室也说英语。They speak English not only in class but also in the dorm.Rules:3).不仅同学们而且老师也将一起去南京博不仅同学们而且老师也将一起去南京博物馆。物馆。Not only the stude

6、nts but also the teacher is going to visit Nanjing Museum.Not only the teacher but also the students _ going to visit Nanjing Museum.are主谓一致:就近原则主谓一致:就近原则Rules:e.g 不仅她父母还有她也喜欢看动作片。不仅她父母还有她也喜欢看动作片。Not only her parents but also she likes watching action films.不但你错了,我也错了。不但你错了,我也错了。Not only you but als

7、o I am wrong.Rules:either.or.要么要么.要么要么.你要么领先,要么落后。你要么领先,要么落后。You either take the lead or fall You either take the lead or fall behind.behind.你要么说英语要么说汉语,别说日语。你要么说英语要么说汉语,别说日语。You can speak either English or You can speak either English or Chinese.Dont speak Japanese.Chinese.Dont speak Japanese.Rules

8、:面包不见了,要么面包不见了,要么Eddie吃了,要么吃了,要么Hobo吃了。吃了。The bread has gone missing.Either Eddie or Hobo _ eaten it.has主谓一致:就近原则主谓一致:就近原则Rules:1).要么她爸要么她妈对飞行感兴趣。要么她爸要么她妈对飞行感兴趣。Either her father or her mother is interested in flying.2).要么你错了,要么我错了。要么你错了,要么我错了。Either you or I am wrong.3).不是不是Harry就是就是Tom想出这个好主意。想出这个

9、好主意。Either Harry or Tom has come up with the good idea.4).你要么举左手,要么举右手。你要么举左手,要么举右手。You can raise either your left hand or your right one.neither.nor.两者都不两者都不 我父母和我都不认为我能做个好会计。我父母和我都不认为我能做个好会计。Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.我既不能说英语又不能说法语。我既不能说英语又不能说法语。I can speak neither

10、 English nor French.Tom既不能唱又不能跳。既不能唱又不能跳。Tom can neither sing nor dance.Rules:我和我和Kitty都不了解这四个人的一些事。都不了解这四个人的一些事。Neither Kitty nor I have known sth about the four people.Tom和和Kitty都不认为我能做个好会计。都不认为我能做个好会计。Neither Tom nor Kitty thinks I can make a good accountant.主谓一致:就近原则主谓一致:就近原则Opposite:both.and.no

11、t only.but also.Rules:Extension:neither of 两者都不两者都不我爸妈都不能来开家长会。我爸妈都不能来开家长会。_can come to the parents meeting.他们俩都没在家。他们俩都没在家。Neither of them _ at home.isNeither of my parentsneither of 做主语时,谓语动词在正式文体中做主语时,谓语动词在正式文体中要用单数。要用单数。他们俩都在家。他们俩都在家。_ at home.Both of them are 我父母双亲都不是工程师。他俩都是会计。我父母双亲都不是工程师。他俩都是

12、会计。Neither of my parents is an engineer.Both of them are accountants.你们两个都没有去过美国。他俩之一去过那儿。你们两个都没有去过美国。他俩之一去过那儿。Neither of you has been to America.Either of them has been there.Neither of.Neither of.两者都不两者都不Either of Either of 两者之一是两者之一是Both of.Both of.两者都是两者都是neither of 做主语时,正式文体中要用单数。做主语时,正式文体中要用单数

13、。either of 做主语时,谓语动词用单数。做主语时,谓语动词用单数。both of 做主语时,谓语动词用复数。做主语时,谓语动词用复数。1.Both Kitty and Simon _(be)energetic.2.Not only the students but(also)their teacher _(know)about the four people.3.Either Simon or David _(be)ready to take on new challenges.接受新的挑战4.Neither Millie nor her friends _(know)about ty

14、pes of personality.areknowsisknowExercise 1:Amys family Neither norBoth andEither oreitherornot onlybut alsoExercise 2:P14 B1not onlyAmys classmates Amy:I have learnt about jobs and personalities recently.Suzy:Really?What jobs do you think our classmates can do in the future?Amy:I think Millie would

15、 make an excellent teacher.Shes(1)_ willing to work with children _ patient with them.Suzy:What about Simon?Amy:Hes active and good at playing football.I think he can be(2)_ a PE teacher _ a football player.but alsoeitherorExercise 3:P14 B2NeitherSuzy:Do you think David and Lisa can be artists?Amy:T

16、hey are very organized,but artists should be creative.(3)_ Davids _ Lisas personality(4)_(be)suitable for being an artist,Im afraid.Suzy:Who can be a manager?Amy:(5)_ Billy _ Paul(6)_(be)very confident and energetic.I think they can be managers.Suzy:How can I learn about jobs and personalities?Amy:Y

17、ou can read about them(7)_ from some books _ on the Internet.norisBoth and areeitherorChoose the right answers.Choose the right answers.1._ Lily _ Lucy may go with you 1._ Lily _ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.because one of them must stay at home.A.Not onlyA.Not only;but

18、 alsobut also B.EitherB.Either;oror C.BothC.Both;andand D.NeitherD.Neither;nornor2._ men2._ men _ animals can live without air._ animals can live without air.A.A.Both and Both and B.Either or B.Either or C.C.So.That So.That D.Neither norD.Neither nor3.Not only Jim but also Tom _ not here.3.Not only

19、Jim but also Tom _ not here.They both went to Shanghai last week.They both went to Shanghai last week.A.areA.are B.wereB.were C.isD.wasC.isD.wasExercise 3FillFill inin thethe blanksblanks withwith thethe rightright words.words.Neither JimNeither Jim nor Samnor Sam _(have)_(have)the ticket for the fi

20、lm.the ticket for the film.Both your father and your mother Both your father and your mother _(play)the piano well._(play)the piano well.Either he or we _(be)right.Either he or we _(be)right.Neither the students nor the teacher Neither the students nor the teacher _(come)_(come)toto schoolschool byb

21、y carcar everyevery day.day.Not only Tom but also I _(be)Not only Tom but also I _(be)interested in traveling.interested in traveling.Both Kate and IBoth Kate and I _(be)ready for _(be)ready for the picnic now.the picnic now.hasplayarecomesamare1.1.ReviseRevise whatwhat wewe learntlearnt inin GrammarGrammar B.B.2.2.Finish the relevant exercises.Finish the relevant exercises.3.3.Preview Integrated skills.Preview Integrated skills.


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