九年级英语(外研版)上册Module 1 Unit 1公开课课件.ppt(课件中不含音视频素材)

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1、 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 Its more than 2,000 years old.Period One an old wonder=an _wonder man-made wondernot _wonderThe people in Egypt(埃及)(埃及)built them about 4,500 years ago.the Pyramidsancientnaturalthe Pyramids(in Egypt)Stonehenge(in England)the Grand Canyon(in America)the Great Ba

2、rrier Reef(in Australia)ancient wondersnatural wondersWonders of the worldman-made wonder巨石阵巨石阵(大堡礁)大堡礁)大峡谷大峡谷Unit 1 Its more than 2,000 years old.a)The Terracotta Armyb)The Three Gorges Damc)The Giants Causewayd)Victoria Falls1.Match the names of the wonders with the pictures on the right and the n

3、ext page.a)The Terracotta Army 秦始皇兵马俑秦始皇兵马俑b)The Three Gorges Dam.三峡大坝三峡大坝 C)The Giants Causeway 巨人之路巨人之路d)Victoria Falls 维多利亚大瀑布维多利亚大瀑布Words and expressions wonder n.奇观;奇迹 discussion n.讨论;商讨 though conj.虽然;尽管 opinion n.看法;主张 natural adj.大自然的 man-made adj.人造的 eastern adj.在东边的;来自东边的 loud adj.(声音)响亮的

4、electricity n.电 join in 参加;加入 more than 超过 in ones opinion 按某人的意见;根据某人看来 be(not)sure(不)确定 millions of 成千上万的;无数的Words and expressions IP142根据音标自学课本Module1 Unit 1(P2)的单词,根据句子首字母或所给的中文提示完成单词。每空只能填一词。1.In my (看法),the greatest wonder of the world is the Great Wall.2.The Pyramids in Egypt are m_ wonders.3

5、.Its better for animals to live in n_ reserves.4.Can you tell me what the (讨论)is about?5.Now I cant imagine the life without _(电).opinionan-made aturaldiscussionelectricity1.Which two are natural wonders?2.Which two are man-made wonders?3.Which is an ancient wonder?4.Which is a modern wonder?2.Look

6、at the pictures and answer the questions.Use the words in the box to help you.ancient man-made modern natural wonderThe Giants Causeway and Victoria Falls.The Terracotta Army and the Three Gorges Dam.The Terracotta Army.The Three Gorges Dam.3.Listen and read.Listen and answer the following two quest

7、ions.1.What is about 2,000 years old?A.The Terracotta Army.B.The three Gorges Dam.C.Victoria Falls.2.What is the three Gorges Dam used for?A.Its used for saving water.B.It is used for producing electricity.Watch the flash and read the dialogue.3.Listen and read.Now check()the true sentences.1.Tony t

8、hinks the Giants Causeway is the largest natural wonder.2.Lingling thinks Victoria Falls are more fantastic than the Giants Causeway.3.Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders4.For Daming,the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army.4.Answer the questions.1.Where i

9、s the Giants Causeway?2.How wide are Victoria Falls?3.What wonders does Betty think are more exciting?4.How old is the Terracotta Army?On the eastern coast of Northern Ireland.About 1,700 metres wide.She thinks man-made wonders are more exciting.Its more than 2,000 years old.Period Two II.请朗读教材,翻译以下

10、词组。请朗读教材,翻译以下词组。1兵马俑_ 2三峡大坝_ 3巨人之路_ 4维多利亚大瀑布_ 5 顶部15米宽_ 6 100米高_ 7 发电_ 8依我之见_ The Terracotta Army The Three Gorges Dam.The Giants CausewayVictoria Falls fifteen metres wide at the topone hundred metres highproduce eletricityin my opinion5.Complete the sentences with the words in the box.1.In my _,na

11、tural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones.2.Victoria Falls,about 1,700 metres wide and 100 metres high,are_3.Lets join in the _about the wonders of the world.discussion eastern huge opinion thoughopinionhugediscussion5.To some degree,Lingling agrees with Tony about the Giants Causeway,_s

12、he thinks Victoria Falls are more fantastic.though4.I think the Giants Causeway on the _coast of Northern Ireland is a fantastic natural wonder.eastern 1.原句:Lets call Wonders of the World and join in the discussion._。wonder(v.):想知道(表示好奇)(n.):奇迹,奇观 join,join in,take part in 的用法比较 1)join有两个用法:(1)指加入某个

13、党派,团体组织等,成为其成员之一,意为:“参军、入团、入党”。(2)和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb.in(doing)sth.,根据上下文,in(doing)sth.也可以省去。2)join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。3)take part in 指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。Exercises:(1)We”ll _the English evening tonight.我们会参加今晚的英语晚会。(2)When did your brother _the army?你哥哥什么时候参军的?(3)Will y

14、ou_us in the discussion?你参加我们的讨论吗?take part injoinjoin 2.原句:I think natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones.(1)I think 为主句,后面是省略了连接词that的宾语从句。如:I think maths is more difficult than English.(2)ones 作代词,指代wonders.ones 指代复数名词,同类不同物。3.原句:Hm,Ive never seen it,so Im not sure I agree with y

15、ou.(1)be sure that/be sure of 确信.,对.有把握 (2)agree with sb.of/about sth,表示同意“某人”的意见、想法、解释等。(对象是人或人的观点);agree ton./v(原),表示同意“某事或某建议”,不但同意而且认可并“愿意协力合作”。(对象是事,且这件事一定会实行)3、agree on(doing)sth用于表示“(双方或多方)在某事或某方面取得一致意见”。Eg:(1)Her parents both agree _her decision(2)We all agree _ you.to with 4.原句:It runs for

16、several hundred metres on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland.run for:竞选;匆匆去取;赶紧去请 5.原句:Its about 2,300metres long,185 metres high and 15 metres wide at the top.数词+计量词+long/wide/high.=“数词+计量词+in length/width/height”.Eg:The river is about 2,000 metres in length.=The river is about _.2,000 metres lo

17、ng三、随堂练习,单项选择。()1.Jimmy opened his dictionary at Page 1 and wrote his name at top of the page.A.a B.an C.the D./()2.Dont worry,Im sure _ him,he can make it.A.thatB./C.for D.of()3.Sara likes travelling very much.So she does.In opinion,travelling is relaxing and exciting.A.myB.hisC.herD.your()4.Gina,h

18、ave you ever heard of the Giants Causeway?Sure,its one of the most fantastic in the world.A.newsB.wondersC.trips D.dreams()5.I quite agree _ what you said.A.to B.with C.on D.of()6.Timmy spends two hours reading every evening,he is more than 65 years old.Oh,we should learn from him.A.if B.soC.though

19、D.becauseCDCBBCIm not sure.我不确定我不确定In my opinion.依我看,依我看,Look at 看看Whod like to 谁愿意谁愿意1.Ive never seen it,so Im not sure I agree with you.2.That sounds great,though I think Victoria Falls in Africa are even more fantastic.3.In my opinion,man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.Now liste

20、n again and repeat.6.Listen and mark the pauses.7.Work in pairs.Make a list of wonders of the world.Say which one you would like to visit and why.-Which wonder of the world would you like to visit?-Id like to visit the Giants Causeway because I love wild places by the sea.Homework 1.Remember all the new words and expressions weve learned today.2.Finish exercises.


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