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1、英语必修必修 人教版人教版Unit 3Inventors and inventionsSection Using Language2 2合作探究合作探究3 3写作探究写作探究4 4巩固提升巩固提升5 5课课 时时 作作 业业1 1自主预习自主预习自自 主主 预预 习习.单词速记1freeze(vt./vi.)(使)结冰,冰结;冷藏;呆住 _(adj.)冰冻的;严寒的;极冷的/(n.)冰点;凝固点 _(adj.)冷冻的;冷藏的;冻僵的;惊呆的2 _(v.&n)轻敲,轻打,轻拍;轻轻地敲击(声),(水)龙头3tri(前缀)angle(n.)角,角度 _(n.)三角形;三角形物体freezingfr

2、ozentaptriangle4 _(adj.)稳固的;稳定的;安定的 _(adv.)稳固地;稳定地;安定地 _(n.)稳定(性);稳固(性)5 _(adj.)清白的;无罪的;天真的 _(n.)清白;无辜;无罪;天真6green(adj.)绿色的grocer(n.)食品杂货商 _(n.)蔬菜水果商,(pl.)蔬菜水果店7 _(vt.)联想;联系;交往/(n.)同伴;伙伴 _(n.)联想;联系;交往;协会;社团stablestablystabilityinnocentinnocencegreengrocerassociateassociation8extend(v.)延长,延伸,扩展 _(n.)

3、电话分机;扩大;延伸9 _(n.)能力;胜利;本领 _(adj.)能胜任的;有能力的;称职的10 _(adj.)实际的,实践的,实用的 _(v.)练习,训练 _(n.)练习extensioncompetencecompetentpracticalpractisepractice.短语互译1set out(to do)_ 2ring back _ 3ring off _ 4be associated with _ 5迅速把手伸入;一心投入 _ 6不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 _ 7次序颠倒;发生故障 _ 8设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过 _ 开始(做)回复电话挂断电话和有联系dive

4、into hang onout of orderget through.句型结构1Every time you do you will be certain to find something.公式every time引导时间状语从句。仿写他每次从国外来,我都到机场迎接他。_ he comes from abroad,I will meet him at the airport.2It was this exploring around problems and his spirits that led to his famous invention.公式此句为强调句。It is/was被强调

5、部分that/who其他。仿写在“东方之星”沉船事故中死亡的人数是442人。_ 442 people _ lost their lives in the Oriental Star Sinking Accident.Every timeIt waswho.课文理解()阅读课文,选出最佳答案1Alexander Graham Bell invented the microphone because _.Ahe was interested in the microphoneBhe liked inventing anything he likedChe wanted to help deaf p

6、eople like his mother to communicate with othersDhe had nothing to do but kill the timeC2What was not included in Alexander Bells experiment mentioned in the passage?_ AA straw.BA microphone.CSmoked glass.DA deaf mans ear drum.3.Which of the following is WRONG?_ ABells exploration and dynamic spirit

7、 led to his invention of the telephone.BBell invented the first telephone in searching to improve the telegraph.CBell was always aimed at improving the quality of everyones life.DBell sent his first telephone message before he got his patent.BD4From the whole passage we can see that Alexander Graham

8、 Bell was a(n)_ person.Apoor BcreativeCrich Dkind5The main idea of the passage is about _.AAlexander Graham Bells lifeBAlexander Graham Bells life and inventionsCAlexander Graham Bells inventionsDhow Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephoneBB()课文语法填空Alexander Graham Bell is a great inventor.He b

9、elieved that 1._(curious)was a good quality for inventors.Though he is remembered as the inventor of the telephone,he never set out 2._(invent)it and what he was trying to design was a multiple telegraph.One day as he was experimenting 3._ one end of a straw 4._(join)to a deaf mans ear drum and 5._

10、other to a piece of smoked glass,he realized that if sound waves could 6._(reproduce)in a moving electrical current,they could be sent along a wire.curiosityto inventwithjoinedthebe reproducedThen he invented the first telephone.Bell was 7._(full)aware of the importance of his invention.He thought t

11、he day was coming 8._ telegraph wires would 9._(lay)on to houses.Although Bell is most often associated with the invention of the telephone,he was indeed a searcher after 10._(practice)solutions to improve the quality of everyones life.fullywhenbe laidpractical寻规巧记词tri作前缀表示“三,三倍”ringadv./prep.动词短语tr

12、iangle 三角形tricycle三轮车triple三倍的trimonthly每三个月一次的ring back回复电话ring off 挂断电话ring up打电话ring for 打电话叫合合 作作 探探 究究The ladder doesnt seem very stable.这个梯子好像不太稳。He was clearly not a very stable person.很明显,他不是一个很沉稳的人。This is a politically stable country.这是一个政治上稳定的国家。核 心 词 汇1stable adj.稳定的;稳固的;安定的stability n.稳

13、定(性)stabilize v.稳定;稳固stably adv.稳定地;沉稳地当表示“相对不变的事物的稳定”时,用stable;而当表示“运动中的稳定”时用steady。补全句子我们必须确保在2017年经济快速而稳定地发展。We should make sure of _ in economy in 2017.a fast and stable developmentPeople always associate Hangzhou with the West Lake.提起杭州,人们总是联想到西湖。He is not a friend but an associate.他是同事,而不是朋友。2

14、associate v.联想;联系n.同伴;伙伴(1)associate.with.把和联系起来(2)associated adj.有关联的be associated with.与有关/有瓜葛(3)association n协会;联盟;联合in association with.与有关联;与相联系;与结合You shouldnt always associate happiness with money.你不应该老是把幸福跟钱联系在一起。The earthquakes are said to be closely associated with largescale ice loss even

15、ts.据说地震与大规模的冰损活动有密切关系。We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.我们正与本地许多公司联合为无家可归的人筹款。补全句子People often _.人们经常将祖国与母亲联系在一起。I dont want to _ them any more.我不想再和他们交往了。Light _ sight.光与视力相联系。The film was produced _ an independent company.这部电影是在一个独立公司的帮助

16、下拍摄完成的。associate their country with motherassociate(myself)withis associated within association withWe need practical plans,rather than useless fantasy.我们需要实际计划,而不是无用的幻想。Be practical!We cant afford the car and the vacation!实际点吧!我们没有足够的钱既去买汽车又去度假!I think practical experience is more important than kn

17、owledge.我认为实践经验比知识更重要。It is very practicalit can make almost everything.它很实用,几乎可以制造任何东西。3practical adj.实际的;实践的;实用的practice n.U实践;练习;惯例in practice(in fact)在实践中,实际上put/bring.in/into practice 实行;实施practise(美practice)vt.实践;练习;训练;从事(法律专业、医务工作等)practise doing sth.练习做某事补全句子When we plan our vacation,mother

18、often offers _(实用的建议)At weekends,little Tom often _(练习拉)the violin with his sister.practical suggestionspractices playingAs soon as he undertook this task,he dived into his work.他一承担了这项任务,就埋头于工作。She dived into her pocket and took out a jelly.她迅速把手伸入口袋掏出了一个果冻。He dived into the river to save the drown

19、ing child.他跳入河中去救那个溺水的孩子。重 点 短 语1dive into 一心投入;迅速把手伸入;跳水(头朝下)“一心投入;专心于”的多种表达法:devote oneself tobe absorbed infix ones mind on/uponkeep ones mind onbe lost inconcentrate on 写出句中dive into的含义Just then,the man _ his pocket and took out a sharp knife._ Find a hobby or an activity you enjoy and _it._ You

20、 should _the sea to find a pearl._ dived into迅速把手伸入dive into沉浸于,一心投入dive into跳入The line was engaged and the operator asked if Id like to hang on.电话占线了,话务员问我是否愿意等一下(别挂断电话)。Its hard work but if you hang on youll succeed in the end.这是件困难的工作,但如果你坚持不懈,最后是能成功的。2hang on不挂断;紧紧握住;稍等hang on作“别挂断,坚持”讲时等于hold o

21、n。hang on to 紧紧抓住;保留hang back畏缩不前;退缩hang up挂起;挂断电话hang about拖延;闲逛hang out常去某处;泡在某处get the hang of了解;熟悉Dont hang back in the face of difficulties.不要因为困难而却步。You hang out with that car more than you hang out with your own son.你在那辆车上花的时间,比你用在儿子身上的时间还要多。单句语法填空Hang on _ the rope;dont let it go.Sorry,I hav

22、e to hang _.Its time for me to go to work.I know youre tired,but try to hang _ a bit longer.She knew all the clubs where he usually hung _.补全句子It is difficult for a foreigner to _(掌握)English idioms.解析:句意:对一个外国人来说,掌握英语习语很难。get the hang of“了解,熟悉,掌握”,符合句意。touponabout/aroundget the hang of(机器或设备等)发生故障,失

23、灵My watch was out of order.我的手表出故障了。次序颠倒(紊乱);排列错误I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order.我检查过案卷,其中有些未按顺序编排。3out of order(1)out of order的反义词组:in order整齐,状况良好,适宜,按顺序(2)类似的短语有:out of breath上气不接下气out of control失去控制out of danger脱离危险out of date过时的,过期的out of place不合适的(不相称的,不适合的)out of

24、question毫无疑问,一定,当然out of reach够不着out of sight看不见,在视野之外out of touch失去联系out of work失业Ill see that everything is in good order when the guests arrive.客人来时我会把一切都料理得井井有条的。His idea is really out of date.他的想法太过时了。Im out of touch with most of the friends of my school days.我和大部分学生时代的朋友们都失去联系了。补全句子We tried in

25、 vain to reach you last night.Was your phone _.我们昨晚没有联系上你。你的电话出故障了吗?After running for a mile yesterday,I was almost _.昨天跑了一里路之后,我几乎就上气不接下气了。The mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _.这位妈妈挥手和女儿道别,直到火车驶出了视线。out of orderout of breathout of sightI tried several times,but couldnt get

26、through.我打了好几次电话,但都没打通。We were very glad when we heard that you had got through your exam.听说你考试及格了,我们都很高兴。The government managed to get the new law through.政府终于通过了新的法案。These children got through with their homework at school.这些孩子在学校就把家庭作业完成了。4get through设法联系上(尤指打电话);(设法)做完;通过(考试);成功get across被理解,被传达

27、;把讲清楚get away with干了(坏事)而不受处罚get down to开始认真做(to为介词)get over 克服get on/along(with)进展;进步;与相处get around/round到处走动;传播出去;成功地对付,解决get in 进来;进站;被录取get out 出去;(消息)被泄露;逃脱;出版get down记下;下来;咽下;使沮丧单句语法填空The number of people who applied for that job was up to 100.None got _ the interview because of their poor Eng

28、lish,though.解析:句意:申请那份工作的人数达到了100。但是因为他们的英语太糟糕,没有一人通过面试。考查动词短语。get through通过(面试、考试等)。So when you want to get _,you should make yourself close to the floor.解析:句意:所以当你想着出去时,你应该让自己靠近地面。考查动词短语。get out意为“出去”,与题干信息“close to the floor”吻合。throughoutOne day Ted got _ on the floor and crawled(爬)under his bed.

29、解析:句意:某天Ted下来到了地板上并且爬到了他的床底下。考查动词短语。get down意为“下来”,符合题干语境“on the floor”和“under his bed”。Operator,Ive been trying to make phone call for nearly 10 minutes and I just cant get _.解析:句意:接线员,我一直试着打了接近10分钟的电话了,我都不能打通。考查动词短语。get through意为“设法联系(尤指打通电话)”与题干信息“Operator”“phone call”吻合。downthroughWhile the stud

30、ents came from different countries,they got _ quite well in the summer camp.解析:句意:尽管学生们来自不同的国家,可是他们在夏令营相处得却很好。考查动词短语。get along well意为“相处得好”。alongYou can ring him back if you are free.如果你有空的话给他回个电话。I didnt get through just now but soon he rang back.刚才我没接通(电话),但很快他就打了回来。5ring sb.back 回复电话ring off挂断rin

31、g out发出响亮而清晰的声音ring sb.up给某人打电话ring round给各处打电话Ill ring you up tonight.今晚我要给你打电话。A pistol shot rang out.发令枪响了。补全句子I will _(回复电话)as soon as I find something wrong.John rang to you;he wanted you to _ him _(给回电话)Ill have to _(挂断电话)now.I have a train to catch.Can you _(别挂断)?Ill try to find her.ring/call

32、 backring/callbackring off/hang uphold on/hang on难 点 解 析1Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before.每次你这样做的时候,你一定会发现你从未见过的东西。every time,each time,next time,the last time,immediately,the moment,the minute等可用从属连词,引导时间状语从句。The moment I got off the train,I sa

33、w my father.我一下火车就看到了我的父亲。Every time he comes here,he asks me for money.每次来,他都向我要钱。Immediately he turned up at the airport,he was surrounded by the reporters.他一出现在机场,就被记者包围了。单句改错One time I passed boys who were playing basketball,I stopped to silently watch them._ 解析:句意:每次我从正在打篮球的男孩旁边经过时,我都停下来默默地看着他们

34、。考查连词。every time意为“每次”,引导时间状语从句。OneEvery单句语法填空 _(immediate)I was found compatible(相匹配的),my journey as a kidney provider began.解析:句意:我一被发现相匹配,我作为肾源供应人的旅途就开始了。考查连词。immediately意为“立刻;马上”,引导时间状语从句。_ last time I was there he introduced me by saying.解析:句意:我最后一次在那里时,他口头上对我做了介绍。the last time 意为“最后一次”,为固定搭配,引

35、导时间状语从句。ImmediatelyThe _moment you decide to give up or stop working toward your goals,failure is born.解析:句意:你一决定放弃或者停止朝着目标工作,失败就诞生了。考查连词。the moment“一就”,为固定搭配,引导时间状语从句。The本句中含有重要结构:“祈使句and(表结果的)简单句”,祈使句表示“条件”,简单句表示“结果”,通常使用一般将来时。句型“祈使句and(表结果的)简单句”的意义为“干某事,那么就会”;“祈使句or/or else/otherwise(表结果的)简单句”的意义

36、为“干某事,否则就会”,连词or可用 or else/otherwise替代。2Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西盘踞在你的头脑。Work hard and(If you work hard)you will pass your examinations.你若用功,考试就能及格。Arrive late once more an

37、d(If you arrive late once more)youre fired.你再迟到一次,就把你开除。Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.把热度调低吧,要不蛋糕就要糊了。Run or else youll be late.快跑,不然你要迟到了。Put the cap back on the bottle,otherwise the juice will spill.把瓶盖儿盖好,要不汁液就洒出来了。句型转换Work hard,and you will succeed sooner or later._,you will succeed

38、sooner or later.Hurry up,or you will be late for the meeting._,you will be late for the meeting.单句改错Dont turn off the computer before closing all programs,you could have problems._ If you work hardIf you dont hurry upyou前加or或otherwisefindn.(宾语)adj.(宾补)to do(to do作状语修饰adj.)是finditadj.(宾补)to do sth.(i

39、t是形式宾语,to do sth.是真正的宾语)的变式注意:“to do”形式中当“do”为不及物动词时,应在后面加上适当的介词。并且动词不定式使用一般式。The man found the river dangerous to swim in.The man found it dangerous to swim in the river.这个人发现在这条河里游泳很危险。3But he found the problem difficult to solve.但是他发现这个问题很难解决。find后的宾语可以是名词或代词,而补语则可由许多成分充当:(1)find宾语形容词/副词/介词短语。如:I

40、 seldom found him out.我很少发现他外出。When I woke up I found myself in a hospital.当我醒来时,我发现自己在医院里。(2)find宾语现在分词。如:They found the lost boy hiding in the cave.他们发现那个失踪的男孩藏在洞里。(3)find宾语过去分词。如:We found the place outside greatly changed.我们发现外面全变了。(4)find宾语名词。如:I find him an easy man to work with.我觉得他是个容易共事的人。单句

41、语法填空I found him easy _(get along)解析:句意:我发现他很容易相处。本题属于findn.(宾语)adj.(宾补)to do结构,在此结构中要求to do使用一般式,并且当do为不及物动词时,应加上适当的介词。to get along withI like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good _(breathe)解析:句意:在夏季,我喜欢早起。呼吸早晨的空气有益于身心。本句还可以转换为:It is so good(for us)to breathe the morning air.不定

42、式(短语)修饰作表语或补足语的形容词时,通常采用主动形式表示被动含义。They found the lecture hard _(understand);they all felt sleepy.解析:句意:他们发现这个讲座很难懂,所以他们都有恹恹欲睡的感觉。不定式修饰作表语或补足语的形容词时,如果和句子的主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式通常采用主动形式表示被动含义。to breatheto understand(1)4The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water or ga

43、sand friends will talk to each other without leaving home.这样的一天即将到来。到那时,电报线将会铺到各家各户,就像水或煤气通到各家各户一样。朋友之间不必离开家就可以彼此通话了。(2)本句中的先行词the day和定语从句分隔了,这样的定语从句为分隔式的定语从句。The days are gone forever when the Chinese were looked down upon.中国人被瞧不起的日子一去不复返了。We will put off the picnic in the park until next week whe

44、n the weather may be better.我们将会把去公园野餐的时间推迟到下周,那个时候天气可能会更好一些。翻译句子不用离开家就能工作、购物的日子已经来到。_单句改错As the smallest child of his family,Alex is always longing for the time where he should be able to be independent._The days have come when people can work and shop without leaving home.wherewhen写写 作作 探探 究究如何写求职

45、信(Letter of application)求职信属于应用文中的书信类。写作时,要注意书信的一些基本格式。首先,要注意开篇交代句、末尾总结句和常识性语句,提高文章的呼应性。开篇句往往交代得知消息的渠道,并表明求职心愿。如:Ive learned from the newspaper that you are employing a.and Im very interested in it.末尾句往往表达希望能很快收到答复的迫切愿望并表明感激之情。如:I would be very thankful if you would give me an early reply.第二,求职信往往需要

46、介绍自己的姓名、年龄、身高、健康状况、业余爱好、特长、工作态度及人际关系等。常见的短语有be in good health,be good at,be expert in,have rich working experience,enjoy doing sth.,in ones spare time,be strict with,be kind to,get on well with等。此外,要防止遗漏要点。如果是针对广告招聘的求职信,应认真阅读广告,明确招聘要求,并对照自己的条件,逐一加以介绍,同时还要注上自己的通讯地址和联系方式。注意:1.篇幅不宜太长,要简明扼要。2态度要诚恳,实事求是。

47、3所展示的信息要精炼且有针对性。4语气要客气、礼貌。5可用各种时态,通常用一般现在时和一般过去时。常用句型1开头。说明写求职信的缘由与动机。I would like to apply to become a(an).in your company.In todays newspaper I noticed your advertisement for.Im writing this letter to apply for.2正文。介绍个人情况。I graduated from.I am majoring in./My major is.I am experienced in./I have e

48、xperience of.I have had four years experience in my present post as.I believe that both my education and experience are directly related to your requirements.3结尾。表达你希望早日得到回音并提供你的联系方式。I hope to have the pleasure of an interview.I would appreciate your call at.I hope that you will give my application

49、careful attention.An early reply would be appreciated.Thank you.I would be most grateful if my request receives your favorable consideration.话题导入假定你是李华,即将从浙江大学毕业,从人才周刊上看到了某公司的招聘广告,请根据以下内容用英语写一封求职信。1即将毕业,主修国际贸易;2通过了大学英语六级考试,擅长文字处理;3热情乐观,容易相处。注意:1.词数100左右;2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:人才周刊Tale

50、nt Weekly;秘书secretary;大学英语六级考试CET6写作词汇热身1回应 _ 2从毕业 _ 3除了 _ 4在方面有丰富经验 _ 5至于 _ 6与相处融洽 _ 7期待着 _ respond tograduate fromapart fromhave rich experience inas forget on well withlook forward to写作表达练习1我在人才周刊上看到贵公司6月8日的招聘广告,特来应聘秘书一职。_ 2除了专业课程,我还努力学习英语,并在2017年通过了大学英语六级考试。_ I am responding to your advertisemen


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