1、madeofcanruohanxingU Un ni it t2 2P Po oe em ms sTeachingAims1 1、学学习习在在听听力力中中有有限限的的时时间间内内抓抓住住关关键键的的信信息息词词,有有选选择择性性地地做做简简要要记记录录2 2、学学会会表表达达意意图图的的日日常常交交际际用用语语听听力力测测试试的的应应对对技技巧巧1 1.从从宏宏观观上上把把握握对对话话或或独独白白的的内内容容,提提炼炼出出主主题题。2 2.记记住住谈谈话话人人加加重重语语气气所所强强调调的的人人、事事物物或或概概念念。3 3.努努力力把把握握谈谈话话或或演演讲讲中中的的关关键键词词或或短短语语
2、,尤尤其其要要关关注注谈谈话话人人不不止止一一次次用用到到的的词词或或短短语语。4 4.注注意意不不要要只只从从对对话话一一方方的的话话语语中中寻寻找找答答案案。由由于于是是考考察察整整段段对对话话的的主主题题,因因此此双双方方的的话话语语中中应应都都含含有有与与追追相相关关的的线线索索词词。P Pr re e-l li is st te en ni in ng gQ Qu ue es st ti io on n1 1:I In nw wh ha at tk ki in nd do of fp pl la ac ce ed do oy yo ou ul li ik ke et to ow wr
3、 ri it te ep po oe et tr ry y?Q Qu ue es st ti io on n2 2:W Wh ha at tc co on nd di it ti io on ns sd do oy yo ou un ne ee ed dt to ob be ea ab bl le et to ow wr ri it te ep po oe et tr ry y?(D Do oe es si it th ha av ve et to ob be eq qu ui it te e,d do oy yo ou un ne ee ed dt to ob be ea al lo on
4、ne e,d do oy yo ou un ne ee ed dt to ol li is st te en nt to om mu us si ic ca an nd ds so oo on n?)HOWTOBECOMEINSPIREDTOWRITEPOETRY(T=TeacherL=LucyP=PittJ=Jack)Ateacher,MissJiangistalkingwithherclassaboutapoetrycompetition.1 1.L Li is st te en nt to oP Pa ar rt t1 1a an nd da an ns sw we er rt th h
5、e es se eq qu ue es st ti io on ns s.(1 1)W Wh ho oh ha as sw wr ri it tt te en na ap po oe em ma al lr re ea ad dy ya an nd di is sr re ea ad dy yt to oe en nt te er rt th he ec co om mp pe et ti it ti io on n?(2 2)W Wh ho oi is sn no ot tg go oi in ng gt to oe en nt te er ra ap po oe em mf fo or r
6、t th he ec co om mp pe et ti it ti io on nt th hi is sy ye ea ar r?(3 3)W Wh ho op pl la an ns st to ow wr ri it te ea at tt th he ew we ee ek ke en nd d?(4 4)W Wh he en ni is st th he ed de ea ad dl li in ne ef fo or rt th he ec co om mp pe et ti it ti io on n?LucyPittJackthe24thofthemonthPart1T:Re
9、ady.Now,whataboutyour_,Pitt?P:Imnotgoingtoenterapoemthisyear.Ijust_thinkofanythingtowriteabout.T:Well,whataboutyou,Jack?J:Ihaventbegun_yet.IplantodoitthisweekendbutonlyifIfeel_!poemcannotmineinspiredNameHowtheyareinspiredtowritepoetryJ Ja ac ck kL Lu uc cy yP Pi it tt tB By yg go oi in ng gf fo or r
10、a ah hi ik ke ei in nt th he ec co ou un nt tr ry ys si id de ea an nd dt th he en ns si it tt ti in ng gq qu ui ie et tl ly yb by yh hi im ms se el lf fB By ys su ur rr ro ou un nd di in ng gh he er rs se el lf fw wi it th hf fa am mi il li ia ar rt th hi in ng gs si in nh he er ro ow wn nh ho ou u
11、s se eP Po os ss si ib bl ly yb by yl li is st te en ni in ng gt to oh hi is sf fa av vo or ri it te em mu us si ic ct th ho ou ug gh hh he eh ha as sn ne ev ve er rw wr ri it tt te en np po oe et tr ry yb be ef fo or re eListentoPart2andfillinthechart.Part2T:OKeverybody,letstalkabouthowtobecome_tow
18、eekend.How_inspireyourselfthisweekend?I_goforahikeinthecountrysideandsitquietlysomewherebymyself.Ithink_tryouthiswaytoosometime.Ivenevertrieditwithpoetrybut_tryittonight.AndnowI_readingallyourpoems.n no ot tg go oi in ng gt to op pl la an nt to od do oi it tw wi il ll ly yo ou ui in nt te en nd dt t
19、o oI Il ll lI Im mg go oi in ng gt to oa am ml lo oo ok ki in ng gf fo or rw wa ar rd dt to oExpressionsaboutintentionandplansIm(not)goingto.Howareyougoingto.?Iplanto.Ill.Imlookingforwardto.Iintendtolookatthetalkingtopicsshownonthescreenanddiscusswithyourpartnersandthenmakeupyourowndialogues.1Doyoue
20、njoylisteningtopoetryorreadingit?Whyorwhynot?2Doyouenjoywritingit?Whyorwhynot?T Th hi in nk ko ov ve er r:1.1.M Ma as st te er rt th he el li is st te en ni in ng gs sk ki il ll l-g gr ra as sp pi in ng gk ke ey yp po oi in nt ts s.2 2.F Fi in ni is sh ho of ff ft th he ee ex xe er rc ci is se e4 4o on np pa ag ge e1 10 0i in ns st tu ud de en nt ts sL Li is st te en ni in ng gC Co om mp pr re eh he en ns si io on nB Bo oo ok ks s