2020广东中考英语总复习中考解读第二部分专题1 听力理解课件.ppt

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1、一、考试要求一、考试要求 听力训练题是中考的必考题型之一,主要通过题干设置较真实的情景,考查考生对语法基本知识的理解掌握和语言运用的能力。根据听力的考纲要求,听力理解题主要从以下几个方面来考查学生:1.能够根据语调和重音理解说话人的意图。2能够借助语境克服生词障碍、理解语篇大意。3能够听懂熟悉话题的谈话,捕捉语篇中的有效信息。4能够在听的过程中用适当的方式做出反应。5能够针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。广东省中考英语的听力考试分为四个部分,共30小题,每小题1分,共30分。话题选材包括:学校生活、日常生活、娱乐运动、饮食习惯、疾病健康、交通运输等,比较贴近学生的实际生活;强调对时间、日期、价格

2、、数量、地点、方位、人物关系、人物对事件的观点或态度、事件的起因、过程、结果等细节信息的理解和判断。题型解读题型解读 听力理解四个部分题目设置如下:部分部分内容内容体裁体裁题型题型题量题量题目设置方式题目设置方式听几遍听几遍A听单句话短句选择题5以what,where,when,who,which,why,how等引导的特殊疑问句提问,选出相应图画听一遍B听对话情景对话选择题10以what,where,when,who,which,why,how等引导的特殊疑问句提问,选出相应答案听两遍C听独白独白选择题10选择关键内容选项完成句子听两遍D听填信息短文填空题5填写单词或词组听两遍2015201

3、9年广东省中考“听力理解”考点一览表二、考情分析二、考情分析题型设置2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年A.听单句(句子)疑问词which,why,when,what,howwhere,what,which,who,whatwhat time,how tall,where,which,whathow,where,why,which,whatwhere,who,what,what time,how many考点事物、原因、时间、活动、方式地点、事物的形状、故事、人物、衣服时间、身高、地点、科目、活动活动、地点、原因、人物、事物地点、人物、运动、时间、数量题型设置2015年2016年

4、2017年2018年2019年B.听对话疑问词how many,where(2),who,how much,why,how often,what(2),how longhow far,why,where,when,what(3),how long,why,how manywhat(3),how much,how,why,where,what place,how,how manywhat(4),which,where,how long,how,who,whenwho,what(4),when,how much,where(2),how考点数字、地点、人物、价钱、原因、地点、频率、问题地点、原因、

5、职业、场所、时间、活动、寻物事物、活动、方式、原因、场所、地点、方式、数量、事物天气、事物、形状、地点、时间、人物、方式人物、看法、星期、活动、价钱、地点、方式、事物题型设置2014年2015年2016年2017年2018年C.听独白(短文)短文大意 Julie要离开给人们生活带来便利的电台 Kate写信给Tina,并邀请她去上海见好朋友Sally Jack 在去看电影的路上,拯救了一只小鸟的故事 Tony 介绍他夏令营的情况。同时学到很多东西 1.Steven的奶奶给他送毛衣的故事;2.介绍目前中国非常受欢迎的卡通人物Peppa Pig考点人物、时间、信息、方式、原因时间、方式、物品、外貌、

6、地方时间、颜色、身体部位、地点、数字人物、天气、时间、事件、原因时间、原因、人物、物品、数量、节日、主旨(续表)题型设置2014年2015年 2016年2017年2018年D.听填信息短文大意度假购物飞机航班推迟的广播通知骑车上班日的广播节目关于将熊猫运送到荷兰的短文介绍我国明代著名医药学家李时珍和他的著作本草纲目考点时间、物品、活动、价格事件、原因、交通方式、食物、数字数字、月份、形容词、数字(百分比)、动词短语时间、交通方式、目的、年龄、活动年份、动词、名词(2)、形容词1.1.听前听前速读题干,把握主题速读题干,把握主题 拿到试卷后,快速阅读听力部分问题的题干和选项,划出关键词和三个选项

7、中不同的部分。根据题目中所含的信息来比较、推测话题的主题、内容,如:数字、时间、人物、事件、地点、电话号码、价格、位置、颜色等,考生应带着问题去听。2.2.听中听中理解大意,注重细节理解大意,注重细节 在听录音时,抓住句子重音和关键词,在做B、C、D三部分的题目的过程中,听第一遍听力材料时不要急于填答案,而是要专心听,理解句意,适当地做记录。听第二遍时开始写答案。解题指导解题指导 3.3.听后听后迅速作答,注意检查迅速作答,注意检查 听完录音后,要果断迅速作答,遇到实在没听懂的地方,要勇于“忍痛割爱”,切记不要一边听下面的录音,一边想着前面的题,影响整个听力测试的成绩。听力结束后不要急于做笔试

8、部分,一定要把答案代入句中去检查,检查写好的单词是否拼写有误,名词的形式、动词的时态是否正确,句子的意思是否完整、是否有语法错误等。解题指导解题指导听力理解听力理解(2019佛山市南海区初中毕业生适应性学业检测)例1A听单句根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。()1.Who is used to reading newspapers every morning?A.B.C.例题剖析例题剖析【录音材料】My father is used to reading newspapers every morning.【答案剖析】本题在听录音时抓住“my father”这个关键词语

9、,从选项中找到对应father的图片。答案选C。C例例2B听对话根据所听内容,回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听第六段对话,回答第1112小题。()11.Why is the boy unhappy?AHe is not feeling well.BHe hasnt finished his writing.CHe cant find his picture.()12.What does the girl do?ATo help the boy finish his writing.BTo go on a visit to China.CTo give the

10、 boy an idea.BC【录音材料】W:You dont look happy.Whats the matter?M:My English teacher has asked us to finish our writing,but I just cant come up with any ideas and I have to hand it in tomorrow.W:That shouldnt be too difficult.Do you remember those pictures you showed me last week?M:Sure.W:Why not write

11、about your visit to the Great Wall of China?M:That sounds like a good idea.【答案剖析】11B本题要求考生答出男孩不开心的原因。由录音中“but I just cant come up with any ideas and I have to hand it in tomorrow”可知答案选B。12C本题要求答出女孩做了什么。由录音中“That sounds like a good idea”可知答案选C。例例3C听独白根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出 一个能完成句子的最佳答案。()21.Liz is _

12、years old.A15B16C17()22.They had the birthday party _.Ain the restaurant Bin the park Cin the garden()23.Lizs mother _ for the party.Adid Lizs hair Bblew up balloons Cmade a cheesecake()24._ was one of Lizs birthday presents.AA car BA dress CA chocolate cake()25.According to the passage,we can know

13、that _.ARita couldnt go to Lizs birthday party BLiz wore a white dress to the partyCLizs grandparents were away on holidayBCCBA【录音材料录音材料】Hello,Rita.This is Liz.I called you,but you werent in.So I leave a message for you.Yesterday I just had my sweet sixteenth birthday party.I was sad you missed the

14、party because you didnt feel well.I wore a short red dress to the party.My sister did my hair because I was too excited to do it myself.My mom made a delicious cheesecake and Dad helped blow up balloons.We had the party in the garden,because it was a beautiful,warm,sunny day.My grandparents and uncl

15、e,and all my cousins came to the party.They all brought me birthday presents,like birthday cards,flowers,a silk dress,and a box of chocolates.Some of my friends didnt come because they were away on holiday.We had delicious food.I enjoyed myself a lot.I hope you will feel better soon.See you.【答案剖析答案剖

16、析】21B本题要求考生回答年龄。由“I just had my sweet sixteenth birthday party”,可知答案选B。22C本题要求考生回答生日聚会的地点。由“We had the party in the garden”,可知答案选C。23C本题要求考生回答Liz的妈妈为生日会做了什么。由“My mom made a delicious cheesecake”,可知答案选C。24B本题要求考生回答Liz的生日礼物。由“like birthday cards,flowers,a silk dress,and a box of chocolates”,可知答案选B。25A

17、本题要求考生理解听力材料细节,难度较大,根据“I was sad you missed the party because you didnt feel well.”,可知答案选A。例例4D听填信息你将听到的是一则关于情绪管理的广播,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。How to Deal with Bad Moods(情绪)ExerciseEven a short(26)_ can help you feel better.Get some restMake sure you get(27)_ sleep.Eat rightMeals with(28)_ and snacks like nu

18、ts or yogurt.Look on the bright sideFind(29)_ to be glad.Make someone else smileBring happiness to others and you may be(30)_ how good it makes you feel.walkenoughvegetablesreasonssurprised【录音材料录音材料】Dear fellow students,everyone feels sad,nervous or angry sometimes.But you dont need to stay angry,ne

19、rvous or sad.The next time you feel blue,try these ideas.ExerciseWalking makes you feel better.When you are busy,even a short walk can help.Get some restDo you get enough sleep?If not,you might often feel angry or sad.Take a nap if you need to.Eat rightYou know junk food is bad for your body.But do

20、you know its bad for your mood too?Eat healthy meals with vegetables and snacks like nuts or yogurt,and you will feel better inside and out.Look on the bright sideDont keep thinking about why you are in a bad mood.Find reasons to be glad.Think about those instead.Make someone else smile Bring happin

21、ess to someone else.You may be surprised how good it makes you feel,and watch two peoples bad moods disappear.Hope you have a nice day.【答案剖析】26walk本题要求考生写出一个名词。由“even a short walk can help”可知答案。27enough本题要求考生写出一个形容词。由“Do you get enough sleep?If not,you might often feel angry or sad.”可知答案。28vegetables本题要求考生听出“vegetables”这个单词。由“Eat healthy meals with vegetables and snacks like nuts or yogurt”可知答案。29reasons本题要求学生听出一个名词,要注意名词复数。由“Find reasons to be glad.”可知答案。30surprised本题要求学生听出“surprised”这个单词。由“You may be surprised how good it makes you feel”可知答案。Thank you!


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