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1、初初三三英英语语中中考考介介词词专专题题复复习习试试卷卷(含含答答案案)6学校:姓名:班级:考号:试卷第 1 页,总 9页评卷人得分一、单一、单选选题题1.the morning of Oct.24,there was a horrible accident happened in Putuo district.AAtBOnCInDTo2.Ronald started his visit to Canada December 2019.AwithBonCinDof 3They usually go to the park six oclock on Saturday evening.AinBo

2、nCatDto 4My mother would like to buy a scarf some lovely flowers on it.AtoBforCwithDon 5The 2nd China International Import Expo was held November,2019.AatBonCinDfrom6I go to school six oclock in the morning.AtoBatCofDon 7Well start our journey the morning of December 15.AinBbyConDat8.Nobody could an

3、swer the teachers question Tom,who listened very carefully in class.AexceptBbesidesCexcept forDbeside 9All the girls took part in the activity Ellie because of her broken leg.AbesideBbesidesCexceptDexcept for 10What are you going to wear the show?DfromA yellow shirt,blue jeans and trainers.AforBwith

4、Cas11Mary doesnt play soccer.She only watches them TV.AonBinCtoDat12I made a special card for my father Fathers Day this year.Dto试卷第 2 页,总 9页DOfDatDofDofDfor onAinBatCon13.My favourite TV show is 8 oclock in the evening.AonBatCinDof14.What is Linda going to do next Sunday?AonBin CatD/15.a hot mornin

5、g,he went to the pool with his uncle.AOnBInCAt 16Turn on the blender about two minutes.AforBinCto 17We play football Thursday.AatBinCon 18Its warm and windy spring in my hometown.AatBinCon19Do you know who they are waiting the bus stop?Afor atBforCat 20Guess,how much does it cost?I think it costs 15

6、 and 20 dollars.AfromBbetweenCamongDwith 21Jinan is the west of Shandong,and it is the south of Beijing.Aat;inBin;toCto;toDin;in22I was born April 6,1980.AonBfromCatDin 23Mrs.Green often goes to work 8:00 in the morning.AofBinConDat 24 Sunday morning,I went to the library with my friends.AInBOnCAtDT

7、o 25What time do you usually get up on weekends?I usually get up 7:00 oclock in the morning.AatBinCon26 the morning December 25,Lisa received a lot of presents.AIn;ofBOn;ofCIn;onDAt;on27-Which language are you good at English?-French.I love reading French novels.AamongBbesidesCout of28I sometimes he

8、lp my mother with the housework Saturdays.AatBonCinDfor 29Would you like to go swimming with us nine oclock this Sunday?AonBatCofDin30For boys,we have lots of T-shirts and hats only 48 yuan.Which one do you试卷第 3 页,总 9页Dinlike?AtoBonCfor31.-Id like a cup of black coffee.What about you,Maggie?CwithDto

9、-I prefer coffee sugar.AthanBfor32Be polite others!AtoBatCaboutDon33一 Did you get WeChat red packets(微信红包)the Spring Festival?一 Yes.Its actually the most popular way of sending traditional holiday presents now.AwithBforCduringDafter34(2012 甘肃兰州)All the workers went home yesterday MrWhiteWhy?Because

10、he was on duty AexceptBbesides Cexcept for Dbeside35-is the School Day?-April 2nd.AWhen;inBWhen;onCWhere;onDWhat;in评卷人得分二、根二、根据据首字母、中首字母、中文文提示填提示填空空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词36.In a,the weather becomes colder.37.We like t Chinese food,such as dumplings,noodles and Chinese rice cakes.38You should cook the tur

11、key at a high t.39Can you tell me how to c Childrens Day in China?40How much(食糖)should I add to get the soup the best taste?41How much(蜂蜜)do we need to get the drink sweet enough?42Mom added too much p to the beef so it tasted too hot.43My family and I are going to(英格兰)and France for vacation this s

12、ummer.44I usually have some p of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.45You can see some cheese on the(盘子).Its for my sister.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词46I called you last night but there was no r.试卷第 4 页,总 9页47.Please s my mail to my new address.48.Hi,Li Ming.Why are you in such a hurry?To c the 7:00 train.4

13、9D the two photos in your QQ zone,since they are terrible.50I cant finish the work well w your help.I need you.51Uncle Li is leaving.Lets say g to him.52Can you p the article for me?I cant see the handwriting clearly.53Did you get his i?He will have a party tonight.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词54Thanks for i me

14、 to your party.But Im sorry I cant go.55Where did you go yesterday afternoon?I h out with my friends on the streets.56I didnt a his invitation because I was too busy then.57There is no(理由)for you to be late for class again.58The library is open on(工作日)only.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词59I w if you can give me a ha

15、nd.60We should t to help people in trouble.61.It was sunny and hot.So we d to go to the beach.62.Look!There are many b singing in the trees.63I looked down from the mountain to the valley b and saw a river.64My mother didnt have e money to buy the coat.65.We must w when the traffic light is red.66.I

16、m h now,and wed better get something to eat.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词67.He is seven years old and is old e to go to school.68Is e here?Its time for class.69You(似乎)to be tired after two hours study.Stop to have a rest,please.70The water b the bridge runs very fast.71.Did you enjoy y on the Great Wall last Sa

17、turday?Yes,I did.72.What a nice day!We(决定)to go out for a picnic.73Frank ate nothing this morning,so he is h now.74Our teacher is busy now.He is talking on the phone.Yes,we must w for a minute.75English is very difficult,so I d it and I want to give it up.76Do you know Donald D or Mickey Mouse?77It

18、rained heavily last night,so the ground is(湿 的)now.78The(小 山)is very low,so I think old people can climb it.79She looked at the beautiful scarf and(想知道)how much it cost.84Can you help me my English?试卷第 5 页,总 9页评卷人得分三、填三、填写写适当的单词适当的单词补补全句全句子子用适当的介词或副词填空80I like listening to music my free time.81Eatin

19、g vegetables is good our health.82Most students use the Internet fun.83Its not good for us to stay up late.85.Students should sleep eight hours every day.86.Mary spent half an hour her homework.用适当的介词填空87.Id like to put a teaspoon honey in my water.88.Do you know that Thanksgiving is the fourth Thur

20、sday in November?89The baby is too young,so you need to cut the food pieces and give it to him.90Here is one way of making turkey_ a Thanksgiving dinner.91Please put the bread on the table and cover it a piece of cloth.试卷第 6页,总 9页评卷人得分四、用四、用单单词的正确形词的正确形式式完成句完成句子子用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空take a trip;look after

21、;turn down;help out;hear from92I have to with my sons homework tonight.93The Smiths plan to to China next month.94We are looking forward to you soon.95His wife stayed at home and the children.96David the job offer because of the low salary.用介词 at,on,to,for,like 完成句子97Last summer we went to Hainan Is

22、land vacation.98I looked my lost pen,but I didnt find it.99They stayed home all day.100Whats the weather in your hometown now?101We went Jims birthday party last night.评卷人得分五、用五、用所所给单词的正给单词的正确确形式填形式填空空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空102.He(be)a teacher after he leaves college.103.There(be)fewer children in peoples ho

23、mes in 10 years.104Do you think(predict)the future is difficult or easy?105His sister always plays a part in(save)the animals.106I look forward to(swim)in the river because its too hot.107Now the(pollute)is very serious.108We should plant(many)trees than before.109It(seem)that its going to rain.110.

24、There are(hundred)of people planting trees on the hill.111.The elephants are in great(dangerous);people shouldnt kill them any longer.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空112.Let me show you how(make)dumplings.113.My mother always(serve)me delicious food when I come home.114How many(hole)do we have to get ready for plant

25、ing the young trees?115There are some(sandwich)on the table.116.The children should take 1.5(spoon)of this medicine each time.117.He went to apply for(申请)a job by(fill)in the form with his name,phone number and address.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空118.Susan felt really(surprise)at the surprising news.119He often

26、goes to school without(have)breakfast.120I miss my parents very much.Im looking forward to(see)them again.121Thanks so much for(plan)for this party.122Kim invites me(spend)my summer vacation with him in Tibet.123Its important to know how to turn down an(invite)politely.124All the students are busy m

27、aking(prepare)for the school music concert.125I(take)a trip to Shanghai the day after tomorrow.126Jane didnt play computer games until she(finish)her homework.127He(catch)me by the arm and said,“Dont forget.”用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空试卷第 7 页,总 9页128.Im very glad(see)my old friend.129.Thanks for(help)me with my

28、 English.130.He didnt do any(prepare)for this exam,so he failed.131They are coming to the party as my(guest).132He left the room(with)saying a word.133How often do you(hang)out with your friends?About once a week.134.When she is looking through the newspaper,“Teachers Wanted”(catch)her eyes.135.I ca

29、nt help shaking because I feel so cold.Oh,you must have the(flu).评卷人得分六、完六、完成成句句子子翻译句子136每个人天生具有学习的能力。Everyone the ability to learn.137它们象征着幸福和好运。They are a symbol of and good .138据我所知,他擅长英语。,he is good at English.139茶由手工采摘。Tea is picked .140我原来经常 6 点起床。I get up 6 am.评卷人得分七、汉七、汉译译英:整英:整句句翻译句子141谢谢你给

30、我讲这个有趣的故事。试卷第 8 页,总 9页142他不够强壮来搬那个沉重的箱子。143她每天做多少锻炼?144Peter 穿那件灰色的毛衣看上去多精干啊!145苏州的秋天既不太冷也不太热。试卷第 9 页,总 9页参考答参考答案案答案第 1页,总 6页1B2C3C4C5C6B7C8A9C10A11A12C13B14D15A16A17C18B19A20B21B22A23D24B25A26B27B28B29B30C31C32A33C34A35B答案第 2页,总 6页36.autumn37.traditional 38temperature 39celebrate 40sugar 41honey 42

31、pepper 43England 44pieces 45plate46.reply47.send 48catch 49Delete 50without 51goodbye 52print 53invitation54.inviting55.hung 56accept57.reason58.weekdays答案第 3页,总 6页59.wonder60.try 61decided 62birds 63below 64enough 65wait 66hungry67.enough68.everyone 69seem 70below 71yourself 72decide 73hungry 74wai

32、t 75dislike 76Duck 77wet 78hill 79wondered80.in81.f o r 82for 83too84.with85.for 86on答案第 4页,总 6页87.of88.on 89into 90for 91with92.help out93.take a trip 94hearing from 95looked after 96turned down97.on98.for 99at 100like 101to102.will be103.will be 104predicting 105saving 106swimming 107pollution 108

33、more 109seems110.hundreds111.danger答案第 5页,总 6页112.to make113.serves 114holes 115sandwiches 116spoons 117filling118.surprised119.having 120seeing 121planning 122to spend 123invitation 124preparations 125will take 126finished 127caught128.to see129.helping 130preparations 131guests 132without 133hang

34、134catches 135flu136答案第 6页,总 6页with137luck138asIknow139140isbornhappiness Asfarbyhandusedtoat141.Thank you for telling me this interesting story.142.He isnt strong enough to carry the heavy box.143How much exercise does she do/take every day?144How smart Peter looks in the gray sweater!145Its not too cold or too hot in autumn in Suzhou.


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