Unit 3 单词简单应用与拓展-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit 3 book21 blog n.博客 v.写博客Blog post 博文Blogger 博主postings on a blog博客上的博文micro blog微博repost 转发2 engine n.引擎 Search engine n.搜索引擎diesel engine 柴油机fire engine 消防车the important engine of economic growth经济增长最重要的拉动因素3 chat n.v.聊天Chatter n.喋喋不休 v.喋喋不休的说(牙齿) 格格作响A chatting room 聊天室Chat/have a chat with s

2、b about sthChit-chat 拉呱 唠嗑 八卦Live/online chat在线聊天4 stream v 流播 n.溪流I stream videos of talented Ups on bilibili everydaya small stream一条小溪a stream of traffic /smoke一股车流/一缕烟Cars stream along the highway.汽车在公路上流水般地行驶Video Streaming 视频流5 identity n.身份 特征 Identify v.证明身份 Identification n.身份证明political an

3、d cultural identities政治文化特征6 convenient adj.便利的conveniently adv. convenience n.便利inconvenient adj不便利的sth/it is convenient for sb 错/罕; sb is convenient for the convenience of young readers 为方便年轻读者at your convenience 在你方便的时候7 cash n.现金 pay in cash 用现金支付or pay by checkcash in on 靠赚钱,变现Chinese driver tr

4、ainers cash in on new drivers in one way or another.8 update n.v. 更新Up to date adj最新的 时新的a weather update(最新消息)最新天气预报Update my blog 更新博客9 database n.数据库The database is updated monthly.数据库每月更新The information is stored on a large database.信息储存在巨大的数据库中10 software n.软件 Hardware n.硬件software package软件包11

5、 network n.网络social network 社会网络(人脉)power network 电力网road network公路网12 stuck adj.卡住的 困入 Stick n.v. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴Get stuck (in the mud)陷入泥里Be stuck in the middle 夹在中间进退两难13 keep sb company(不可数)陪伴某人accompany v. sb 陪伴某人companion n. 同伴 随同we have company我们有客人了比较;we have a company我们有家公司14 surf v.浏览 冲浪surfboar

6、d冲浪板go surfing去冲浪surfer冲浪者15 benefit n.v.益处 受益 beneficial adj.有益的Benefits福利(金)Sb benefit from sthSth benefit sbBoth sides benefited from the talks The talks benefited the both sides双方都从会谈中获益for the benefit of 为的利益16 distance n.距离 Distant adj. 遥远的In the distance /from a distance远远地Keep distance 保持距离S

7、ocial distancing(疫情)社交隔离17 inspire v.激励 启发Inspiration n.Inspiring/inspired adj. inspire sth in sb sb with sth 激发某人的某种情感Were trying to inspire him with confidence我们在努力鼓舞他的自信心18 now that 既然Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐同Seeing that nobody was at home, I had to leave.由

8、于没人在家,我也只好走了19 access n.通道 v.进入.的(权限)Have access to.有进入的(权利或手段)People in that mountain area had no access to education.那个山区的人们过去没有受教育的机会We cant access the Internet我们连不上网20 charity n.慈善(机构)charity performance 义演out of charity出于仁慈21 go through v.通过go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火(经历)going through his li

9、st of customers(浏览)22 tough adj.艰难的 严厉的 Toughness n.tough guy 美口硬汉Tough fight 打硬仗Tough time艰难困苦23 province n.省 Provincial adj.provincial government 省政府The province is heavily forested and sparsely populated. 该省森林茂密,人烟稀少24 conference n.会议Confer(with) v. 协商News/press conference 记者招待会conference room 会议

10、室annual conference 年会25 resident n.居民 adj.居住的 Residential adj. 住宅的Resident Evil 生化危机local residents 当地居民residential areas 住宅区26 plus conj.此外prep.加n.加号 优势The bill was 10, plus 1 for postage.帐款是10英镑,再加上1英镑邮费All the children here are 12 plus.这里所有的孩子都大于十二岁Her knowledge of French is a plus in her job27 f

11、unction n.功能 v起作用 Functional adj.功能性的 Malfunction n.故障Multi-function 多功能The function of a clock is to tell the time 钟表的功能是报时The machine will not function properly if it is not kept well-oiled.机器没有上好油,就不会顺利地运转28 battery n.电池a car with a dead battery.一辆没电的汽车battery charger 充电器29 confirm v 确认confirmati

12、on n.证实confirm an order 确认订单confirm sb in the belief使坚信30 press v. 按压 n.出版社press the button 按按钮Press firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding用力压住伤口止血31 button n.纽扣 按钮 v.扣上fasten a button扣上纽扣undo a button解开纽扣button his coat 扣上衣服32 file n.文件 v 归档 提交file an application递交申请33 in shape 状态良好My shoes are s

13、till in shapeThe tombs were in the shape of pyramids out of shape变形了的 不健康的keep in shape 保持健康 ; 保持体形34 keep track of了解的动向Lose track of 失去的动向On the right track步入正轨(back on the track)恢复正常Track the animal through its footprints 利用足迹跟踪动物35 discount n.v.打折They are available at a discount它们可以以折扣价买到We give

14、10 percent discount/Sth be discounted at 10%九折优惠36 account n.账号 描述open an account(在银行)开户keep accounts记账 account for 解释 占比例on account of由于on no account决不He has been asked to account for his conduct他被要求解释他的行为One must take the audience into account when making speeches.作演讲要考虑听众37 click n.v.点击click rate

15、 点击率it clicks恍然大悟I heard a click and then her recorded voice听到咔擦一声38 privacy n.隐私Private adj私人的 privately adv.Privatization n 私有化Can I have some privacy?39 theft n.偷窃There have been several thefts in this area这一地区发生了几起盗窃案40 rude adj.无礼的 粗鲁的 Rudely adv. Rudeness n.Rude remarks 出言不逊41 target n.目标 v.以.

16、为目标aim attrack a target瞄标追踪目标fire at the target对着靶子射击an easy target for bandits匪徒攻击的目标Bandits target minors 42 troll n.发帖子挑衅的人(北欧神话中的)穴居巨怪trolls are creatures who look like ugly people. They live in caves or on mountains and steal children43 cyber-bully 网络霸凌school bullyingsibling bullying手足霸凌44 fals

17、e adj.假的 错误的a set of false teeth一副假牙what youre told is true or false45 particular adj.特定的 Particularly adv.in particular 特别地be particular about 讲求 ; 挑剔Ted was particular about the colors he used特德对于他使用的颜色是非常挑剔的46 embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的 Embarrassed adj.感觉尴尬的 Embarrassment n.You didnt embarrass me in

18、the slightest.你一点也没让我为难47 make fun of 取笑tease 讥笑laugh at 48 upset v.打扰 adj烦躁的 过去式/分词同形upset the plan打乱计划 upset the schedule打乱安排 upset the vase打翻花瓶Im suffering from an upset stomach.我的肠胃正不舒服着呢48 guideline n.原则 指导原则They see the law only as a general guideline他们视法律为一般的准则A written IQ test is merely a gu

19、ideline(参考)49 author n.作者 v 创作A noted author知名作家He authored two best-sellers.他写过两部畅销书50 tip n.忠告 诀窍gives tips on applying for jobsthe tips of his fingers指尖tips the balance 使稍微有优势tip of the iceberg 冰山一角51 familiar adj.熟悉的 Familiarity n.熟悉Sb Be/get familiar with.与.熟悉Sth Be familiar to 被熟知Are you famil

20、iar with this game?Is this game familiar to you?52 define v.下定义 Definition n.定义 Definitely adv.肯定的define as vt. 定义为How do you define laziness?你是怎么定义懒惰的呢53 keepin mind 记住Bear .in mind记住Mind thisYou should keep in mind what I have said我刚才说过的你要记住54 case n.案例 案件a case in point恰当的例子In case/just in case以防万一In this case 既然这样In that case 假如那样的话


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