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1、 Lesson 3 Time 时间AugustMTWThFSaSu123456789101112131415161718192021D1 Voc:Lets review the numbersn1-10n11-20n21-30n31-100nLets practice a little.Chinese to EnglishEnglish to ChineseA Game!n避七n交头接耳Month and Dates月 和 号nLets practice on some names for the months September?February?June?May?August?nAnd t

2、hen the dates:8th?22nd?14?31?2?10?n今天(Jn tin,today)是几月几号?今天是 月 号。今天(Jn tin,today)是几月几号n今天是几月几今天是几月几号?号?n今天是六月十八今天是六月十八号号。JuneMTW ThFSa Su12345678910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天今天是几月几号?今天是几月几号?n今天是几月几今天是几月几号?号?n今天是六月十今天是六月十九九号号。JuneMTW ThFSa Su12345678910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天今天是几月几

3、号?今天是几月几号?n今天是几月几今天是几月几号?号?n今天是今天是八八月月五号五号。AugustMTW ThFSa Su12345678910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天今天是几月几号?今天是几月几号?n今天是几月几今天是几月几号?号?n今天是今天是十十月月二十二十一号一号。OctoberMTW ThFSa Su12345678910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天今天是几月几号?今天是几月几号?n今天是几月几今天是几月几号?号?n今天是今天是一一月月二号二号。January MTW ThFSa Su12345678

4、910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天今天星期几?今天星期几?n星期星期+Number+Numbern今天星期几?今天星期几?n今天星期三。今天星期三。OctoberMTW ThFSa Su12345678910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天今天星期几?今天星期几?n今天星期几?今天星期几?n今天星期四。今天星期四。FebruaryMTW ThFSa Su12345678910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天今天星期几?今天星期几?n今天星期几?今天星期几?n今天是星期今天是星期天天。

5、March MTW ThFSa Su12345678910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天几月几号星期几?(几月几号星期几?(Order is Order is important!)important!)n几月几号星期几?几月几号星期几?n今天是二月十号今天是二月十号星期三。星期三。FebruaryMTW ThFSa Su12345678910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21今天几月几号星期几?几月几号星期几?n今天是今天是几月几号几月几号星期几?星期几?n今天是十二月二今天是十二月二十三号星期一。十三号星期一。Decemb

6、erMTW ThFSa Su910 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29今天你的生日是几月几号?星期几?你的生日是几月几号?星期几?n小高的生日是七小高的生日是七月二十七号星期月二十七号星期五,你的呢?五,你的呢?nLets ask Lets ask your your classmatesclassmatesJulyMTW ThFSa Su910 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29小高的生日你今年多大?n你今年多大?我今年十八岁。nAsking a

7、ges in Chinese culturenPair Practice:Ask the person next to you about age and birthdays.You will be asked to report to the class what you found out.here are the functions we just learned.Pair Practicen你的生日是几月几号?星期几?你的生日是几月几号?星期几?n我的生日是我的生日是X X月月X X号星期号星期X.X.n你今年多大?n我今年XX岁。nForm a birthday dragonMult

8、iple functions of“请”n请问。The same as“please”n请Sb.do sth.(Treat sb to sth.)我请你.(I treat you)我请你吃饭。我请你吃晚饭。我请你吃中国饭。还是 Vs.可是n还是:is about alternatives.You must make a choice.你是学生还是老师?他们喜欢吃中国菜还是美国菜?小高有弟弟还是妹妹?她叫张美还是你叫张美?n可是:but,however.可是n我不是医生,可是我爸爸是医生。n你不喜欢中国饭,可是你朋友喜欢吃中国饭。n他没有哥哥,可是他有两个姐姐。n我是中国人,可是我喜欢吃美国饭。

9、Telling time-Part I:点钟n点钟n几点钟?n两点钟Telling time-Part I:点钟n几点钟?n四点钟Telling time-Part I:点钟n几点钟?n九点Telling time-Part I:点钟n几点钟?n十一点钟n晚上十一点钟。Telling time-Part I:半n几点钟?n一点半Telling time-Part I:半n几点钟?n八点半n晚上八点半Telling time-Part I:半n几点钟?n三点半Telling time-Part In几点钟?n晚上六点半 D1 Listening ComprehensionnWhen is Lit

10、tle Gaos B-day?nHow old is Little Gao this year?nLittle Gao is American,correct?nWhat do Little Gao and Little Bai plan to do Thursday evening?nWhat does Little Gao prefer,Chinese or American food?nWhen will Little Bai have dinner Thursday evening?To be or not to be.“是”n我是中国人。n我很好。nIdentification Vs

11、 State of being,continuing Vs.temporary)n她是学生。n小高今年十八岁。The order of timenWhen we tell time,the bigger units should go before the smaller ones.nYear-month-day-day of week-parts of a day-hour-min-second 2007年 十月 二十八号 晚上 八点半But where do all these time phrase fit into a sentence?Basic structure of Chine

12、se sentence,expanded.nSubject+Time+Verb+Object ORnTime+Subject+Verb+Object我 2007年 十月 二十八号 晚上 八点半请小王吃晚饭。No matter how complicated the time phrases are,they always go before the verbs they modify.n小王是医生小王是医生还还是是律师律师?n小王是小王是医生医生。now lets practice on 还是小小王王n你喜欢吃中国你喜欢吃中国饭饭还是还是日本菜日本菜?n我喜欢吃中国我喜欢吃中国菜菜。还是还是n

13、他们是美国人他们是美国人还是还是中国人中国人?n他们是中国人他们是中国人。n中文老师姓高中文老师姓高还是还是姓白姓白?n中文老师姓白中文老师姓白。还是白白 高高n我们晚上七点吃我们晚上七点吃饭饭还是还是八点吃饭八点吃饭?n我们晚上八点我们晚上八点吃饭吃饭。还是n你今年十九岁你今年十九岁还是还是二十岁二十岁?n我今年二十我今年二十岁岁。还是 20D2 Voc:Telling the Time Part IInNow some additional vocabulary to tell the time more preciselyn分分n十二点二十五分。现在现在几点钟几点钟?n现在两点四十n现在


15、,明天呢?九月一 二 三 四 五 六 日9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29今天今天/明天四月一 二 三 四 五 六 日9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29明天n明天是四月二十六号,今天呢?n明天是星期四,今天呢?Other new words.n有事=很忙n事:Business,mattersn为什么?nAlways goes before the verb.你为什么不喜欢吃美国饭?为什么他请我吃饭?D2 Listening Co

16、mprehensionnWhat time is it now?nWhen does Wang Peng have business to attend to?nIs Wang busy today?What about tomorrow?nWho is going to treat Wang tomorrow to dinner?nWho is Little Li?Does Wang Peng know him?nHow many people will be there for the dinner tomorrow?Difference between“也”和“还”n“也”和“还”ove

17、rlaps a great deal.They both mean“also,as well”,and are both followed by verbs.But“还”emphasize more on the“in addition”.我有弟弟,也有妹妹。我有弟弟,还有妹妹。nThere are cases they are used very differently:我是中国人,小高也是中国人。我是中国人,小高还是中国人。What about“还有”?n“还有”is really a compound word“还”+“有”,meaning also have or there is a

18、lso.nIt is to be followed by NOUN.张三,李四还有王五都喜欢中国饭。Affirmative+Negative(V not V)questionsnThere are two way to ask a“Yes/No”question:nAdd a“吗”at the end of the sentence,OrnV not V:是不是?对不对,懂不懂,好不好?忙不忙,有没有,喜欢不喜欢?Affirmative+Negative(V not V)questions:Practicen你是学生吗?n你是不是学生?n你有哥哥吗?n你有没有哥哥?n你今天忙吗?n你今天忙不忙

19、?n你喜欢中文吗n你喜欢不喜欢(喜不喜欢)中文?Number GamesnLets count only the even/odd numbersnLets skip sevennI will give you a number and you tell me the numbers before and after.PracticenInterview your classmates“cocktail party”style.nGreet and find out the persons name.nfind someone who matches you on all five point

20、s.You must use all four forms of questions:nalternative-choice(还是)nv-not-vn吗n“question word”questionsnSay“thanks!”and“goodbye!”我请你吃饭!谁吃饭谁吃饭?董老师董老师,小高小高,小高的弟弟小高的弟弟,还有小白还有小白为什么?明天是董老师的生日几点钟?晚上七点半吃什么饭美国饭,董老师喜欢吃美国饭。在哪儿(na3 er2)吃饭?在Iron HillPractice.nAge I can say“你今年多大?”(question words type)or I can say

21、“你今年十九岁还是二十岁?”(alternative type)nBusy or not busy today?nFood preferencenNationalitynTime of eating dinnerLesson 3 incorrect sentencesn我是十八岁今年。我今年十八岁。n明天是三月八号,和三月八号是我的生日.明天是三月八号,三月八号是我的生日.n星期五我们吃饭几点钟?星期五我们几点钟吃饭?n今天你是忙为什么?今天你为什么忙?Lesson 3 incorrect sentencesn你请吃晚饭星期一谁?你星期一请谁吃晚饭?n七点这晚你有没有事吗?今天晚上七点你有没有事?n星期四还是星期五吃中国饭吗?星期四还是星期五吃中国饭Other Business nLets also work on Pinyin a little morenAbout Oral Exam.


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