2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册Welcome unit 听说课(ppt课件).pptx

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1、WELCOME UNITListening and SpeakingSarahSarahwhat do you see?How do you understand the sentence?What is your first step?Do you think the first step is very important/challenging.A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step.Please recall the first day of your senior high school.BRAINSTORM excite

2、d movedinspired受到激励的Impressed留下深刻印象的amazedshockedastonishedstrangecuriousdisappointedgloomy郁闷的upset不安的nervousanxiousworriedembarrassed尴尬的annoyedHow do you feel?WhereWhereWhoWhatteacher introduced.dining hall classmates headmaster deliver a speech.played.domitorylecture hall What kinds of new people

3、do you meet on the first day of school?The headmaster./The teachers./The classmates.campusActivity 1Look at the pictures.Describe what the people in the picture are doing.Then match the pictures with sentences.who?what?where?A boy is in the front of a classroom with a woman teacher standing by.Some

4、students are sitting by their desks.Maybe the boy is introducing himself.Hi,Im Max Jackson.Im an exchange student from the UK.ex change 交换交换exchangein exchange forin exchange forexchange-forexchange-forActivity 1 In a lecture hall,a formally dressed man is standing on the stage behind a microphone(w

5、ith).Some people are sitting in chairs and listening to him.Maybe he is giving a welcome speech.Hello,everyone!Welcome to our school!deliver a lecturedeliver a lecturelecture on lecture on attend a lecture attend a lecture Activity 1 It is in an office.A man is sitting by his desk and a girl is talk

6、ing with him.A.My name is Amy.Id like to have a student ID card,please.Activity 2Listen to Conversation 1 and complete the table.1 1REGISTRATIONREGISTRATION2 2Student No.NameSexNationalityGradeEmail3 3 Amy Female4 4Prediction:What is this conversation talking about?170143Jonesthe USAODiscussion:What

7、 do you think they are doing at the end of the conversation?How do you infer that?1.“stand over here,smile”2.the sound of“crack”3.there is a camera on the desk Activity 3Listen to Conversation 2 and tick Maxs favorite subject and Amys favourite subject.SubjectChineseMathsEnglishChemistryPhysicsMaxs

8、favoriteAmys favoriteThinking:What other subjects do you take?BiologyGeography.History PoliticsActivity 4Listen to Conversation 3 and answer the questions.1.What does Amy want to be in the future?A.An engineer.B.A designer.C.A writer.2.What course will Amy probably choose?A.English.B.IT.C.Art.1.What

9、 does designer mean?How do you know it?2.What other courses do you think Ms Li will advise Amy to choose?Why?Introductions Introductions Greetings Greetings Responses Responses1.Morning!2.Nice/Glad to meet you,too.3.Hi/Hey!4.Great!5.Not much.6.Im fine,and you?7.Very well,thank you.8.Fine,thanks.1.Go

10、od morning!2.Nice/Glad to meet you.3.Hi/Hello!4.Hows it going?5.Whats up?6.How are things going?7.How are you?8.How are you doing?1.My name is.2.Im.3.This is.4.Have you met.?5.Do you know.?6.May I introduce.?7.Id like to meet.8.I dont believe you know.BrainstormingBrainstormingSituation 3A boy and a

11、 girl are at the airport to meet a visiting group of teachers and students from England.Situation 2An exchange student is talking to a teacher on campus.Situation 1A boy meets a girl during a break.Pair WorkPair Work1.Choose one situation;2.Make a conversation with partners;3.Use proper introduction

12、s and greetings.DiscussionRecall the listening materials.Do you think conversation1,2,3 are formal talks or informal talks?Say the reasons.Do you still remember what they have said to greet each other?Activity 5Group work.A boy meets a girl during a break.An exchange student is talking to a teacher

13、on campus.A boy and a girl are at the airport to meet a visiting group of teachers and students from England.PronunciationListen and repeat.Then add a word to each group.make Japanese likeoverstudentsadgetsitrockcut重读开音节重读闭音节Homework1.正确认识“音节”、“重读音节”、“重读开/闭音节的概念。2.思考a、e、i、o、u五个元音分别在重读开音节和重读闭音节中的发音规律。THANK YOU


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