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1、牛津译林 9AUnit8 知识点同步梳理及练习 【知识梳理】【知识梳理】 1.He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7 p.m. yesterday. 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 see v. _ 1) see sb doing sth _ 被动结构:sb be seen doing sth _ 2) see sb do sth _ 被动结构:sb be seen to do sth _ 3) 类似 see 的动词还有_。后接丌带 to 的丌定式动词短 语,但变为被动语态时,要加上动词丌定式。 批注: see v. 看

2、见 1) see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 被动结构:sb be seen doing sth 某人被看见正在做某事 2) see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事 被动结构:sb be seen to do sth 某人被看见做了某事 3) 类似 see 的动词还有 notice, hear, watch 等感官动词和使役动词 make, have。后 接不带 to 的不定式动词短语,但变为被动语态时,要加上动词不定式。 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 The suspect was seen _ (进入) the Building at 7 p.m. last night

3、. 答案:entering 2. .Whether the victim was killed somewhere else . 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 somewhere else 其他某个地方 1) somewhere adv. 意思是 _,常用于_。 2) else adv. 意思是 _,常用于_之后。 What else do you like? I have something important to tell you. 批注: somewhere else 其他某个地方 1) somewhere adv. 意思是在某处,常用于肯定句。 2) else adv. 意思是另外的;另

4、外,常用于疑问词或 something, anything, nothing, somebody 等不定代词之后。 What else do you like? I have something important to tell you. 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 There are so many cars that I could hardly find _(某地)to park my car. 答案:somewhere 3.The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 1)

5、with prep. 意思是 _,后面一般接_。 2)bleed v. 意思是 _,名词_,过去式_,常用短语:流血 致死_。 3)as a result可以位于表示结果的_。 批注: 1)with prep. 意思是用,后面一般接具体的工具。 2)bleed v. 意思是流血,名词 blood,过去式 bled,常用短语:流血致死 bleed to death。 3)as a result 可以位于表示结果的句子句末。 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 The engineer was attacked a knife when he was going home his bike. A. by;

6、by B. with; on C. with; by D. by; on 答案:B 4. He was guilty of computer crimes in the past. 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 guilty adj. 有罪的;犯罪的 1)be guilty of_ 2)be guilty about _ 批注: guilty adj. 有罪的;犯罪的 1)be guilty of 犯罪 2)be guilty about 对内疚 批注: guilty adj. 有罪的;犯罪的 1)be guilty of 犯罪 2)be guilty about 对内疚 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】

7、 他对他的妈妈很内疚。(翻译) _ 答案:He is guilty about his mother. 5. He was charged with breaking into several computer games over the last year. 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 1)be charged with _ sb be charged with sth/doing sth_,其主动结构为:charge sb with. _。 常用短语:in charge of _ in the charge of _。 2) break into _,后带宾语。 由 break 构成的常用

8、短语: break out_ break down_ break off_ break up_ 批注: 1)be charged with 被指控 sb be charged with sth/doing sth 某人被指控某事/做某事,其主动结构为:charge sb with. 指控某人有罪。 常用短语:in charge of 主管;负责 in the charge of 由主管/负责 2) break into 闯入;侵入;强行进入,后带宾语。 由 break 构成的常用短语: break out 爆发 break down 出故障;坏掉 break off 断开;折断 break u

9、p 粉碎; 破碎 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 Last night someone _ a jewellery shop on South Taiping Road and took away lots of valuable necklaces. A. broke out B. broke up C. broke down D. broke into 答案:D 6. we suppose that the victim knew his murderer. 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 suppose v. 认为;推断;料想,常用结构: 1) be supposed to do sth. _ He

10、 is supposed to study hard. 2) suppose +that 从句 I suppose that he has gone to Beijing. 批注: suppose v. 认为;推断;料想,常用结构: 1) be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 He is supposed to study hard. 2) suppose +that 从句 I suppose that he has gone to Beijing. 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 他认为他一定能成功。(翻译) _ 答案:He supposes that he must succ

11、eed. 7. A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt. 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 breathe v. _,名词是_。 常用结构:out of breath _ breathe in/out _ 批注: breathe v.呼吸,名词是 breath。 常用结构:out of breath 上气丌接下气 breathe in/out 呼入/出 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 The International Union Against Cancer says about seven h

12、undred million children _ ( breath ) smoke-filled air. 答案:breathe 8.The victims parents have offered a reward of 50,000 for any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer. 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 1)reward n._,常不介词_连用。也可做动词_。 He got nothing in reward for his kindness. How can I reward your kindness? 2

13、) arrest n._,常用短语:under arrest_。 也可以做动词,常用短语:arrest sb. for sth._。 批注: 1)reward n. 报酬;奖赏,常与介词 for 连用。也可做动词报答,奖赏。 He got nothing in reward for his kindness. How can I reward your kindness? 2) arrest n. 逮捕,拘捕,常用短语:under arrest 被逮捕,被捕。 也可以做动词,常用短语:arrest sb. for sth. 因某事而逮捕某人。 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 那个小偷昨天被捕了。(翻

14、译) _ 答案:The thief was under arrest. 9.The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there. 明朝和清朝的皇帝们过去明朝和清朝的皇帝们过去 居住在那里。居住在那里。 used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”,通常指过去的习惯动作。例: My grandparents used to walk after supper. 我的爷爷奶奶过去经常在晚饭后散步。 【辨析】used to do sth.,be used to do sth.,be used to doing sth.

15、 used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”,指过去经常做而现在不做了,是一般过去 时。 be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做某事”,相当于 be used for doing sth.,是被动结构。 be used to doing sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”,可用于任何时态,其中的 to 是介词,后接名词 或动 词-ing 形式。 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 例例 1. He used to be one of the professors. 例例 2. Computers can be used to play games. = Computers can

16、be used for playing games. 电脑可 以用来玩游戏。 10.Many tourists like to gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag. 许多游客喜欢在清晨聚许多游客喜欢在清晨聚 集在那里看升国旗。集在那里看升国旗。 (1)句中动词不定式短语 to watch the raising of the national flag 作目的状语。例: The teacher spoke loudly enough to make the students he

17、ar what he said. 老师说话声音足够大, 以 使学生们听到他的话。 (2)raising 是名词,意为“升髙”。例: He is watching the raising of the balloon. 他正在观看气球的升高。 【拓展】 raise vt. 筹集,招募,相当于 collect。常用结构:raise for.意为“为筹集”。例: We are raising books and clothes for the students in poor areas. 我们正在为贫困地区的学生筹 集书籍和衣物。 I will raise enough money for my

18、holiday. 我将筹够钱去度假。 raise vt. raise,rising 11.Another famous attraction is the Great Wall. 另一个著名景点是长城。另一个著名景点是长城。 attraction 是名词,意为“吸引,吸引力,吸引人的事物”。 【拓展】 (1)attract v. 吸引(某人的注意力、兴趣、情感等),引起(兴趣、关注等),使喜爱, 后面的宾语可以是人,也可以是物;如果与介词 to连用,则表示“把吸引到”。 (2)attractive adj. 有吸引力的,吸引人的,有魅力的,引人注目的。例: She is a very attr

19、active lady. 她是一位非常有魅力的女士。 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 例例 1. My favourite attraction is Lijiang River. 我最喜欢的名胜是漓江。 例例 2. The teacher attracts his students because of his excellent teaching. 这位老师吸引他的学生 是因为他 出色的教学。 例例 3. She is a very attractive lady. 她是一位非常有魅力的女士。 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 1.- What are the greatest _ ? - A gian

20、t panda. attraction B.attractions C. attractive D. Attract 2.Your proposal sounds very_(attract) The light_a lot of insects(attract) Detective novels hold a special_for me(attract) B;attractive,attracts,attraction 12.It lies on the two sides of Lijiang River. 它位于漓江的两岸。它位于漓江的两岸。 lie 是动词,意为“位于”,相当于 be

21、或 stand,其 过去式是 lay,过去分词是 lain。例: Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东面。 【拓展】 (1)lie vi. 认躺,平卧,其现在分词形式是 lying,过去式是 lay,过去分词是 lain。常用 结构:lie on. 意为“躺在上面”。例:He often lies on bed to read. 他经常躺在床上看书。 (2)lie vt. laid; lay B. lied; lying; laid C. lay; laid; laying D. lay; lying; laid B 13.some hang dow

22、n, and others point upwards. ,有的向下悬垂,还有一些向上伸展。,有的向下悬垂,还有一些向上伸展。 (1)hang 是动词,意为“垂下,悬挂”。例: My mother hung the washing on the line to dry. 我的母亲把洗好的衣服挂在绳子上晾干。 【拓展】hang vt. & vi. 上吊,绞死。例: He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital. 他到达精神病院两小时后上吊 自杀了。 (2)point是不及物动词,意为“指,指向”。例: I aske

23、d him where the post office was and he pointed across the street. 我问他邮局在哪里,他指 向大街的对面。 【固定搭配】 point at 指着(近处)point to 指向(远处) point out 指出,指明 【拓展】point n. 点,小数点,要点,尖端,(体育 比赛中的)得分,是可数名词; pointed adj.尖的,尖锐的,明确的;pointedly adv. 尖锐地,明确地。例: Our team scored six points in the game. 在比赛中我们队获得了 6 分。 He said, po

24、intedly, your idea was not right. 他尖锐地说出你的想法是不对的。 【例题精讲】【例题精讲】 例例 1. Its rude to point at others with your fingers. 【巩固练习】【巩固练习】 You can see many lights ( ) in the trees on every side of the square。 A.hanging B.hung C.hang D.hanged A 课堂练习 1 Amy likes to go to the cinema,but she doesnt like to see ho

25、rror films ASince BAs CThough D丌填 2The old theatre will close soon some extra donations are made Aso Bif Cunless Dbecause 3On those foggy days,you could hardly see anything around you it was noon Aso Bbecause Cbut Dthough 4 not only Jim but also his parents a few places of interest since they came t

26、o China? AHas;visited BWill;visit CHave;visited DDid;visit 5Boys model planes to dolls,while girls have dolls than model planes Awould rather;prefer Bprefer;would rather Cwould rather;would rather Dprefer;prefer 6Im feeling much better now so you call the doctor Amustnt Bmay not Ccant Dneednt 7一 Im

27、afraid the concert has begun 一 Dont worryIt until Li Yundi Adoesnt begin;comes Bwont begin;will come Cwont begin;comes Ddoesnt begin;will come ( )8. If you go,at least wait until the rain stops Acan Bmay Cmust Dwill 9一 Have you seen the film Gravity? 一 Yes,its well worth The scenes in space are amaz

28、ing that Ive seen it twice Aseeing;too Bto see;enough Cseeing;so Dto see;such ( )10 our national football team lost the game to such a weak team,I didnt have any doubt about the new coachs ability AUntil BBy the time CUnless DAfter ( )11We teenagers shouldnt be impatient our own problems they are so

29、lved,we can never give up Ain;If Bwith;Since Cto;Until Dwith;Till ( )12This work needs close teamwork will be achieved unless we work well together ANothing BAnything CSomething DEverything ( ) 13. I still like those good old songs I often listened to _myself in my spare time. A. enjoy B. enjoying C. to enjoy D. enjoyed ( )14Have you returned Lilys purse? 一 Not yet, Ill see her at the party tonight Aso Bunless Cbecause Dthough ( )15She has close friends so that she really doesnt know Amany;who to talk Bfew;who to talk to Cmuch;what to do D1ittle;how to do l 一一 5 DCDAB 610 DCCCA 1115 DACCB


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