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1、 第四章 国际海上货物运输与保险法n 本章内容:本章内容:提单的性质、种类、承运人的责任以、租船运输合同的种类。n 海上运输保险的原则、承保的损失、承保的险别、保险人责任的起讫。n n 教学要求:教学要求:掌握提单的性质和种类,以及承运人的责任。n 了解海上运输保险的原则,掌握承保的损失、承保的险别,熟悉保险人责任的起讫。n n 第一节 国际海上货物运输法n 一、提单一、提单n(一)调整提单的公约n 1、海牙规则n 2、维斯比规则n 3、汉堡规则 (二)提单的概念n 提单是一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物已经由承运人接收并装船,以及承运人保证据以交付货物的单证。n 1、The Receipt C

2、haracter 2、Evidence of the Contract of Carriage by Sea 3、The Bill of Lading as a Document of Title(权益凭证)n(三)提单的种类 1、以货物是否装船分为已装船提单和收货待运提单 (1)已装船提单(On Board BL or Shipped BL)n n同一票货物全部装进船舱或装上舱面并经大副签收后,根据托运人要求,由承运人、船长或代理人签发给托运人的提单。(2)待运提单(Received for Shipment BL)n 承运人收到并掌管托运货物等待装船期间,经托运人要求所签发的提单。2、按收

3、货人抬头分为记名提单、指示提单和不记名提单 (1)记名提单(straight BL)n 指记名货物交付或指定给具体人的凭证。n 记名提单安全,但在多数国家不具备流通性。(2)不记名提单(Blank B/L;Open BL;Bearer B/L)指发货人没有指明任何收货人,收货人栏内仅注明“交与持有人”(to bearer)的 提单。n 缺乏安全性。n (3)指示提单(Order B/L)n 处理提单所列货物的人经背书指示交付货物的提单。指示提单发生遗失或被盗,不致被他人任意冒领提货;并可经背书 转让。3 3、以提单上是否有不良批注分为清洁、以提单上是否有不良批注分为清洁提单和不清洁提单提单和不

4、清洁提单n(1)清洁提单(Clean BL)n 指对货物外表未加不良批注的提单。(2)不清洁提单(Foul BL)n 明显声明货物及或包装有缺陷的提单。n (四)Carriers Duty under a Bill of Ladingn 1、to exercise due diligence to the ship seaworthy,before and at the beginning of the voyage n 2 2、To Exercise Due Diligence to Properly and Carefully Loading,Handing,Stowing(积载),Car

5、rying,Keeping(保管),Caring for(照料),and Discharging the Goods Carried.管货过失与管船过失不同:前者不能免责;后者可免责。3、unlawful deviation is not allowedn(五)Carriers Immunitiesn Article 4(2)of the Hague Rules provides:n“Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from n 1、Act

6、,neglect,or default of the masternmariner,pilot,or the servants nof the carrier in the navigation(驾驶)or in the management(管理)of the ship;n 2、Fire,unless caused by the actual fault or privity of the carriern3、Perils,dangers,and accidents of the sea or other navigable water(海难);4、Act of God(天灾);n5、Act

7、 of war;n6、Act of public enemies;n7、Arrest or restraint of princes,rules,nor people,or seizure under legal process;n8、Quarantine(检疫)restrictions;n9、Act or omission of the shipper or owner of the goods,or his agent or repre-sentative;n10、Strikes or lockouts or stoppage or nor restraint of labor from

8、whatever cause,whether partial or general;provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve a carrier from responsibility for the carriers own acts;n11、Riots and civil commotions;n12、Saving or attempting to save life or property at sea;n13、Wastage in bulk or weight or any other lo

9、ss or damage arising from inherent defect,quality,or vice of the goods;n14、Insufficiency of packingn15、Insufficiency or inadequacy of marks;n16、Latent defects not discoverable by due diligence;andn17、Any other cause arising without the actual fault and privity of the carrier and without the fault or

10、 negli-ence of the agents or servants of the carrier,but the burden of proof shall be on the person claiming the benefit of this exception to show that neither the actual fault or privity of the carrier nor the fault or neglect of the agents or servants of the carrier contributed to the loss or dama

11、ge.n The provisions show that the Hague and Hague Visby Rules exempt carriers from almost all liability from damages.Once the goods carried are damaged,carriers can use any of the 17 immunities to excuse his liability.The Hamburg Rules prolongs the carriers period ofnresponsibility:n The responsibil

12、ity of the carrier for the goods under this Convention ncovers the period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods at the port of loading,during the carriage and at the port of discharge.Thencarrier is deemed to be in charge of the goods:(1)from the time he has taken over the goods;(2)unti

13、l the time he has delivered the goods.n The most important modification by the Hamburg Rules is that it has canceled carriers immunities from thenact,neglect,or default of the master.marine,pilot,or the servants of the carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship.n n(六)承运人的责任限额(六)承运人的责

14、任限额n 1、海牙规则:100英镑/件或单位n 2、维斯比规则:10 000金法郎/件或单位 30法郎/公斤(毛重),以两者较高者为准n 3、汉堡规则:835特别提款权/件n或单位 2.5特别提款权/公斤(毛重)。n 比海牙规则高4倍,比维斯比规则提高25%。n二、租船运输二、租船运输n(一)(一)Voyage Charterparties(航次租船航次租船合同)合同)nWhen a charterer hires a ship and its crew for the carriage of goods from one place to another,the charterer and

15、shipowner have entered into a voyagencharterparty.Under the terms most commonly used in such a contract,the owner agrees to provide the ship at a named port at a specified time and to carry the goods to the contracted desti-nation.The charterer agrees to provide a full cargo and to arrange for its l

16、oad-ning at an agreed-upon time.n In the charterparty both the port of loading and the port of discharge must be mentioned,although the charterer may be given power to order the ship to proceed to any port within the limits named in the charterparty.n1、The Implied TermsnThe law implies the following

17、 three terms into every voyage charter:n(1)that the ship is seaworthy;n(2)that it shall proceed with reasonable dispatch;and that three should be nonunjustifiable deviation.n2、Lay Days and Demurrage nWhen the ship is an arrived ship and the shipowner gives the charterer notice of readiness,the lay d

18、ays begin to run.Notice of readiness to load must always be given,though it maynbe given orally,but notice of readiness to discharge is not required unless so stated in the charterparty.n The lay days are the time specified in the charterparty for loading or unloading.If the charterparty does not fi

19、x the lay days,the charterer mustnload and unload the cargo within a reasonable time.The charterparty sometimes specifies as lay days“working days”or“weather working days”.n If the lay days are exceeded and the ship is detained longer in the portnof loading or unloading than agreed in the charterpar

20、ty,demurrage is payable by the charterer to the shipowner.n(二)(二)Time Charterparties(定期租定期租船合同船合同)n Under a time charterparty thencharterer engages the use of a vessel for a stated period of time.The charterer normally pays“hire”monthly,and the shipowner will be entitled to withdraw the ship from th

21、e charterers use if a monthly installment is not paid promptly.n The charterer has the right to direct nthe ship to proceed to wherever it is needed.Ordinarily,the only limitation on this right is the charterers promise to engage only in lawful trades,to carry only lawful goods,and to only direst th

22、e vessel to safe ports.If the shipowner attempts to interfere withnthe charterers use of the vessel,he will be in breach of the charterparty.n(三)(三)Charterparties by Demisen Under this type of charterparty,known in American law as bare boat charterparty,the charterer obtainsnpossession and control o

23、f the ship and puts in his own master and crew,who are his employees.Such charterparties are not frequently used in the ordinary trade,but they are often used in the oil tanker trade.n 第二节第二节 国际海上货物运输保险法国际海上货物运输保险法n一、国际海上货物运输保险的原则国际海上货物运输保险的原则(一)保险利益原则(Insurable Interest)(二)最大诚信原则(utmost good faith)

24、n(三)近因原则(proximate cause)n(四)经济补偿原则n(五)代位求偿原则(Subrogation)n二、承保的风险二、承保的风险n(一)海上风险n 1、自然灾害n 2、海上意外事故 3、外来风险 n(二)除外风险n 1、被保险人的恶意行为或过失n 2、货物本身特性所引起的损失n 3、自然损耗n 4、虫蛀鼠咬n 5、延期所造成的损失n三、国际海上货物运输保险承保的损失三、国际海上货物运输保险承保的损失 (一(一)全部损失(total loss)n 全部损失,简称全损。它是指保险货物完全灭失或损害,可分为实际全损(actual total loss)和推定全损(constract

25、ive total loss)。n1、实际全损n 它主要有以下几种表现形态:n (1)保险标的完全灭失,例如船舶沉没、货物被全部焚毁等;n (2)保险标的物受到毁损而无法复原;n(3)被保险人因船货被劫被扣,永远丧失了对保险标的物的所有权;n(4)船舶失踪后经过一段合理时间而仍无消息时,认为是完全灭失。n2、推定全损n 它是指保险标的物遭受海上风险,实际全损已不可避免,或对受损标的物的救助、修复以及运送到原定目的地的费用超过到达目的地后该标的物的价值。n 3、委付(abandonment)n 指被保险人把保险标的的一切权利转让给保险人,而请求支付保险标的的保险金额。委付的成立,应具备以下条件:

26、n (1)委付时,必须对被保险货物的全部进行委付,而不能只委付被保险货物的一部分。但如果在同一保险单上包括多种货物,只有一种发生推定全损,则可以将该种货物与其他货物分开处理、单独进行委付。n(2)必须经保险人承诺才生效,保险人有权选择接受或拒绝。n(3)委付不得附带条件。n 委付的效力:n 1)保险标的物权力的转移,保险人取得被保险人对保险标的物n的权利,包括保险标的物的剩余部分及其一切所有权;n 2)被保险人可以请求支付保险金额的全额。n (二)部分损失(partial loss)n 1、共同海损(general average)n 指载货船舶在海运途中遇到危难,船方为了维护船舶和所有货物的

27、共同安全或使船程得以继续完成,有意地并且合理地做出的某些特殊牺牲或支出的特殊费用。n 所谓共同海损的特殊牺牲,如船舶搁浅,为减轻船舶负荷以脱险,将船上n一批载货抛入海中。n 所谓共同海损的特殊费用,如为使船舶脱险,雇用拖船拖曳所花费的拖驳费用。须符合以下要件:n 第一,必须确有危及船、货共同安全的危险存在,且危险是危急的和真实的n 第二,做出的牺牲或支出费用必须是有意而合理的行为;n 第三,牺牲或支出费用必须具有特殊的性质,若是为了履行运输合同而作出的正常牺牲或费用,则不属共同海损;n 第四,牺牲或支出费用必须是为n挽救处在共同危险中的财产,并须使船舶、货物取得救助的实际效果。n 2、单独海损

28、n 它是指海上风险直接导致船舶或货物的部分损失。这种损失只是单独一方的利益受到损害,只能由受损一方自行负责。n 四、承保的险别四、承保的险别n 承保险别,是保险人对承保货物损失时所负的赔偿责任的范围。n (一)主要险n 这种险别可以独立承保,不是附加在某一险别项下,是国际海运n保险的基本险别。它又可分为平安险、水渍险和一切险。n 1、平安险(Free from parti-ncular average)n 承保平安险的保险人负责赔偿的范围是:n (1)被保险货物在运输中由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害造成整批货物的全部损失或推定全损;n (2)由于运输工具遭受搁浅、触礁、沉没、互

29、撞、与流冰或其他n物体碰撞,以及失火、爆炸,或在装卸、转运时由于一件或数件货物 落海等意外事故造成货物的全部或部分损失;(3)在运输“工具已发生搁浅、沉没、焚毁等意外事故的情况下,n货物在此前后又在海上遭受恶劣气候、雷电、海啸等自然灾害所造成的部分损失;(4)对在承保范围内的受损货物进行施救而支付的费用,但以不超过该批被救货物的保险金额为限;(5)运输工具遭遇海难后,在避难港由于卸货所引起的损失以及在中途港、避难港由于卸货、存仓以及运送货物所产生的特别费用;(6)共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用;(7)根据运输契约中“船舶互撞责任”条款规定,应由货主偿还船方的损失。2、水渍险(with part

30、icular average)。n 它的原义是“单独海损包括在内”。n 其责任范围除包括上述平安险的各项责任外,还负责被保险货物由于恶劣气n候、雷电。海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害所造成的部分损失。n 3、一切险(all risks)n除包括平安险和水渍险所列各项外,还包括对被保险货物在运输中由于外来原因所致的全部或部分损失。它是主要险别中保险人责任范围最大的一种险别。(二)附加险n 附加险不能单独投保。投保人可在投保平安险和水渍险的同时,加保附加险中的一种或数种。若投保一切险,则不必加保附加险,因为一切险中已包括对一般外来原因造成的一切损失的赔偿责任。下列附加险均属于一切险的范围:n 偷 窃、提

31、 货 不 着 险(t h e f t,pilferage and non-delivery);淡水雨淋险(fresh water rain damage);n短量险(risk of shortage);沾污险(risk of intermisturencontaimination);n 渗漏险(risk of leakage);n 串味险(risk of odour);n 受潮受热险(damage caused by sweating and heating);n 包装破裂险(loss or damagencaused by breakage of packing);n 钩损险(hook da

32、mage);n 破损、碰损险(risk of clash breakage);n 锈损险(risk of rust)。n(三)特殊附加险n 特殊附加险所负责的是由于特殊外来原因风险所造成的损失,它一般包括:1、交货不到险(failure of delivery risks)、n 2、进口关税险(import duty risk)n3、舱面险(on deck risk)、n4、拒收险(rejection)、n5、黄曲霉素险(aflatoxin risk)、n6、战争险(war risk)、n7、罢工险(strikes risk)n n五、国际海上货物运输保险的责任起讫五、国际海上货物运输保险的责

33、任起讫n 保险责任的起讫,是指保险人承保海上货物运输保险的责任期限。n 在国际保险市场上对此通常按“仓至仓条款”(warehouse to warehouse clause)的规定办理,即保险人对货物n承保的责任自启运港发货人的仓库开始,至目的港收货人的最后仓库为止。n (1)当被保险货物在最后卸货港全部卸离海轮后,并未进入收货人的最后仓库,保险责任可以从卸离海轮时起算满60天终止;(2)被保险货物在目的港卸货后,收货人并求运往最后仓库,而是对货物进行分配、分派或者分散转运,保险责任在这时即行终止;(3)保险单上所载的目的地不在卸货港,而是在内陆某地,收货人在内陆运输途中将货物进行分配、分派或分批运往各地,即使其中有一部分仍运往 保险单载明的最终仓库。保险责任同样在分配时全部终止。n 以上三种情形保险责任的终止以首先发生者为准。n 本章思考题:本章思考题:n 1、提单的作用有哪些?提单的作用和跟单信用证机制有什么关系?n2、海牙规则中规定了承运人的责任事项有哪些?n3、比较海牙规则、维斯比规则以及汉堡规则的内容。n4、中国海商法吸收了公约的中哪些内容?n5、航次租船合同和定期租船合同有哪些异同?n6、如何认识保函问题?n7、订立海上保险合同的基本原则是什么?n8、如何理解保险利益?n9、什么是委付,委付和代位求偿权有无区别?n10、国际海上运输保险的主险和附加险有哪些?


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