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1、Practical English Writing1.Part I Letters and Communications 2.(书信、电函类书信、电函类)2.Part 2 Forms and Cards 3.(表格、卡片类表格、卡片类)3.Part 3 Notes and Bills 4.(便条、条据类便条、条据类)4.Part 4 Advertisements and Public Signs(广告、标识类广告、标识类)Part 1 Letters and Communications(书信与电函书信与电函)一、一、Types of English Letters personal Lett

2、ersbusiness Lettersfamily letters love lettersletters of appointmentsLetters of Invitation 邀请信邀请信Thank-you Letters 感谢信感谢信Letters of Congratulation 祝贺信祝贺信Letters of Apologies 道歉信道歉信Letters of Consolation 慰问信慰问信Letters of Condolence 吊唁信吊唁信Letters of Requests 请求信请求信Letters of Introduction 介绍信介绍信Letters

3、 of Recommendation 推荐信推荐信Letters of Application 求职信求职信Letters of Certification 证明信证明信Letters of Complaint 投诉信投诉信1.Heading 信头信头,即写信人的地址即写信人的地址2.Date 日期日期3.Inside address信内地址,即收信人地址信内地址,即收信人地址 4.Salutation 称呼称呼5.Body 正文正文6.Complimentary Closing 结束敬语结束敬语7.Signature 署名署名二、二、The Structure of English Lett

4、ers Im writing in response to your advertisement for a PA/Secretary to the Managing Director.I will be available for interview at any time,and look forward to hearing from you.Mail box No.23,GX universityNanning,Guangxi,ChinaDear Sir/Madam,Yours faithfully,William Jeremy SmithNov.7,2011inside addres

5、ssalutationdateheadingbodycomplimentary closingsignatureLi GangPeace Hotel1818 Ling Xia RoadBeijing,China1.1.Block Format Block Format 齐头式齐头式,即每一项构成要素都顶即每一项构成要素都顶格书写。格书写。2.2.Paragraph-Indented Format Paragraph-Indented Format 缩行式缩行式,即每段开即每段开头都空五格头都空五格,信头信头,日期写在右上方日期写在右上方,结束语结束语,签签名写在右下方。名写在右下方。3.3.M

6、odified Block Format Modified Block Format 混合式混合式,即每段开头即每段开头顶格写顶格写,信头信头,日期日期,结束语结束语,签名的位置与缩行签名的位置与缩行式相同。式相同。三、三、The Format of English Letters 信头包括信头包括寄信人地址寄信人地址或某公司的名称、地址、电话、或某公司的名称、地址、电话、电传、传真、邮编、电子信箱地址或网址等。电传、传真、邮编、电子信箱地址或网址等。headingEASTERN TEXTILES IMP.&EXP.CO.,LTD.34297 Shangcheng Road,Shanghai,

7、China(Tel:6606811 Fax:6507631 Http:/E-mail:)地址的书写顺序是由小到大地址的书写顺序是由小到大:第一行第一行写寄写寄信人的门牌号码、街道名称信人的门牌号码、街道名称;第二行第二行先写先写城镇、县市名称,再写省或州名称,往右城镇、县市名称,再写省或州名称,往右空两个字母的位置,再写上邮编。如果是空两个字母的位置,再写上邮编。如果是寄往国外的信件,寄往国外的信件,第三行第三行写出寄信人所在写出寄信人所在国家的名称。国家的名称。英文地址的英文地址的写写法和中文相反法和中文相反,口诀:,口诀:由小到大由小到大(e(e.g.g.:号号弄弄巷巷路路/街街城市城市国

8、国家家)号 No.(Number)楼 F(Floor)室 Rm.(Room)弄 Aly(Alley)巷 Ln.(Lane)路 Rd.(Road)街 St.(Street)段 Sec.(Section)区 Dist.(District)县 County市 City大道 Ave.(Avenue)省 Province国家名 日期应写在寄信人地址下方,表达方式各不相日期应写在寄信人地址下方,表达方式各不相同。通常同。通常英式按日英式按日/月月/年的顺序年的顺序,而美,而美式按月日式按月日年的顺序年的顺序。注意:。注意:年份写全,不可省略年份写全,不可省略;月份月份用英文单词表示,不可用数字替代用英文单

9、词表示,不可用数字替代(一般信函(一般信函可缩写,较正式的公函需写全);可缩写,较正式的公函需写全);日期用阿拉日期用阿拉伯数字基数词伯数字基数词表示即可。表示即可。2nd December,2011 December 2nd,2011 2 December,2011 December 2,2011 Days and Months 7 days of the week12 months of the year 信内地址应写在信笺左上方,与信封上的地址完全信内地址应写在信笺左上方,与信封上的地址完全一致。一致。第一行第一行写收信人姓名(称呼语写收信人姓名(称呼语+全名);商全名);商务信函中还需

10、务信函中还需另起一行写出职务另起一行写出职务;收信人地址应确;收信人地址应确切完整。切完整。Mr.Frank Brownjob titlereceivers addressinside addressPublic Relations Manager305 Queens DriveSafeway Laboratoriesreceivers nameDear Sir/Madam,salutation 称呼应写在信内地址下,其称呼应写在信内地址下,其左边要与信内地址左边要与信内地址第一行对齐第一行对齐。英文书信的称呼一般都是以。英文书信的称呼一般都是以Dear 或或My dear开头的。开头的。1.

11、亲近熟悉的人亲近熟悉的人:Dear/My dear+称呼或名字。称呼或名字。2.长辈、关系一般、不相识:长辈、关系一般、不相识:Dear+“先生先生/女士女士/教授教授”3.机关、团体、公司、工厂或学校:机关、团体、公司、工厂或学校:Dear Sir or Madam,To whom it may concern.Dear Sir/Madam,称呼下面隔一两行开始写正文。称呼下面隔一两行开始写正文。齐头式段落之间齐头式段落之间一定要空一行,缩进式通常不空一定要空一行,缩进式通常不空。这样做是为了。这样做是为了让段落划分清楚,在应试作文中尤其不可忽视。让段落划分清楚,在应试作文中尤其不可忽视。I

12、m writing in response to your advertisement for a PA/Secretary to the Managing Director.Although I did not have to travel in my previous job,I would be very willing to do so.I will be available for interview at any time,and look forward to hearing from you.body1、开门见山说意图、开门见山说意图书信正文写作的五点要求书信正文写作的五点要求

13、 Im writing to.Im writing to you in the hope that.I should be very grateful if you could.Im sorry to bother you,but.2、咨询、咨询/建议建议1、2、3、3、不同内容可分段、不同内容可分段4、感谢客气不可少、感谢客气不可少5、期待回信成老套、期待回信成老套Im looking forward to hearing from you.I hope to receive your response shortly.Best wishes to you.With my best wish

14、es.Yours faithfully,开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号开头字母要大写,末尾用逗号。结束语也称敬语,。结束语也称敬语,使用时也应因人而异,取决于发信人与收信人之间使用时也应因人而异,取决于发信人与收信人之间的关系或熟悉程度。的关系或熟悉程度。1.家人亲戚家人亲戚:Your loving mother/son/brother;Yours lovingly,With love,All my love etc.2.长辈或一般朋友:长辈或一般朋友:Yours respectfully/sincerely,Yours truly etc.3.机关、团体、学校等:机关、团体、学校等:Yours

15、faithfully/sincerely,Yours truly plementary closeYours faithfully,William Jeremy Smith 写信人要在结束语下面签名,以表示写信人要在结束语下面签名,以表示对信件中的全部内容负责。签名最好是对信件中的全部内容负责。签名最好是写信人的亲笔,手写后可附打印的全名。写信人的亲笔,手写后可附打印的全名。signature四、四、Styles of English Envelopes 如要说明信件由何种邮路递送或信件为何种如要说明信件由何种邮路递送或信件为何种类别,一般在信封正面的左下角注明。类别,一般在信封正面的左下角注

16、明。航空航空 By Air Mail 挂号挂号 Registered 印刷品印刷品 Printed Matter 快件快件 Express 内有照片内有照片 Photo Enclosed如信件需由别人或单位转交给收信人,则需在转交如信件需由别人或单位转交给收信人,则需在转交人前面加上人前面加上C/O C/O(care ofcare of)后跟转交人的姓名地)后跟转交人的姓名地址。如址。如宋力托李娜转交一封信给李明宋力托李娜转交一封信给李明,信封格式为:,信封格式为:Song LiNo.1 Middle SchoolNantong,226000Jiangsu Li MingC/O Li NaBe

17、ijing UniversityBeijing,100871如不需要邮寄,只需写上如不需要邮寄,只需写上受托人和收信人受托人和收信人的姓名即可。的姓名即可。先写收信人,再用先写收信人,再用By courtesy of,Through By courtesy of,Through courtesy of,By favor ofcourtesy of,By favor of引出所托之人的姓名。引出所托之人的姓名。Li MingBy courtesy of Li Na面交信面交信(宋力本人当面交给收信人的信宋力本人当面交给收信人的信):Song LiPresent Practice George W

18、ang will write a letter to his pen pal,Mike Clinton.Mikes address is:1025 Long Street,San Francisco,CA 94101,U.S.A.And Georges address is:23,Alley4,Lane130,Sec.II Nanking East Rd.Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C.Please write an envelope for him.Mike Clinton 1025 Long Street,San Francisco,CA 94101 U.S.A senders n

19、ame and addressreceivers name and addressGeorge Wang 23,Alley4,Lane130,Sec.II Nanking East Rd.Taipei,Taiwan 104 R.O.C.1.写给家人、亲戚或关系密切的朋友等人时,一般在写给家人、亲戚或关系密切的朋友等人时,一般在Dear或或My dear之后分别加上亲属关系的称呼或直书其名。如:之后分别加上亲属关系的称呼或直书其名。如:Dear Father,My dear son,Dear John,My dear uncle等。等。2.写给年长或关系一般的朋友、同事等时,习惯在写给年长或关系

20、一般的朋友、同事等时,习惯在Dear之后之后用用“先生先生”、“小姐小姐”等之类的称呼再加上某人的姓氏。等之类的称呼再加上某人的姓氏。如:如:Dear Mr.Smith,Dear Professor Smith,Dear Chairman Smith。3.写给机关、团体、公司、学校等单位时,一般用写给机关、团体、公司、学校等单位时,一般用(Dear)Sir(s),Madam,Dear Sir/Madam,Gentlemen,To whom it may concern 等。等。五、英文书信常用称呼五、英文书信常用称呼 1.写给家人、亲戚时,一般用写给家人、亲戚时,一般用Your loving

21、father(son),Yours very affectionately,Yours Lovingly,With love,Lovingly,With all the best,Love and all good wishes 等。等。2.写给朋友、同事、同学等时,一般用写给朋友、同事、同学等时,一般用Yours respectively,Yours sincerely,Yours obediently,Yours truly,Yours cordially,With best wishes等。等。3.写给机关、团体、公司、学校等单位时,一般用写给机关、团体、公司、学校等单位时,一般用You

22、rs faithfully,Yours sincerely,Yours truly等。等。(结束语的第一个字母应大写,其中以(结束语的第一个字母应大写,其中以Y开头的结束语的次开头的结束语的次序可以颠倒。如:序可以颠倒。如:Sincerely yours,Cordially yours-)六、英文书信常用结束语六、英文书信常用结束语 1.I should be very glad if you would come to dinner with me at my home at 7a.m.on Friday,April 24.2.Would you like to go swimming wi

23、th me next Sunday?3.It would be very nice if you and your wife would come and spend the weekend with us?4.We hope you can come and look forward to seeing you by then.5.Will you do us the favor of joining our party?6.You are cordially invited to the dinner party.7.Well be looking for you two charming

24、 people at that time,so dont disappoint us.七、邀请信常用套语七、邀请信常用套语 1.Many thanks for your kind and warm letter.2.Please accept my profound appreciation for-3.We are greatly indebted to you for your help.4.Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.5.You couldnt have given me anything that I would en

25、joy more.6.It was most kind of you to send us a gift and such a handsome one!7.Your note of congratulations is deeply appreciated.8.I hope something will bring you to my hometown soon so that I can return your kindness.八、感谢信常用套语八、感谢信常用套语 1.We are delighted to learn that you have entered Bejing Unive

26、rsity.2.Accept my sincerest congratulations on your-3.Hearty congratulations and good wishes on this milestone in your life.4.Many happy returns(of the day).祝你长寿祝你长寿(敬祝佳节敬祝佳节)5.May you have many,many happy birthdays,and always keep that loneliness and charm which God gave you.祝你年年生日快乐祝你年年生日快乐,永远保持天生

27、丽质与魅力。永远保持天生丽质与魅力。6.I look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary.May you have many golden years.7.Pray accept my best and sincerest wishes for the New Year.九、祝贺信常用套语九、祝贺信常用套语 1.I am extremely sorry-2.I owe you an apology for-3.I sincerely regret-4.It is with sentiments of profou

28、nd regret that I am writing this letter of apology to you.5.How can I apologize for missing our date yesterday?6.I humbly beg your forgiveness for my negligence.7.I trust you will overlook this mistake,which I exceedingly regret.8.A thousand pardons,and lets meet again when you return.十、道歉信常用套语十、道歉信

29、常用套语 1.We wish you a speedy recovery.2.Were sure it wont be long before youre back on your feet again.3.Being much concerned about your ailment,I hasten to offer my hearty sympathy.4.We just cant tell you how anxious we were to learn of your-5.How grieved I am to hear of your-6.I shall be very much

30、delighted if I can be of any service to you.7.Please let me know what I can do to help.十一、慰问信常用套语十一、慰问信常用套语 1.I was terribly sorry to hear of the death of-2.I cant tell you how saddened I was.3.I am sorely grieved to learn of the death of your father,for whom I had the greatest admiration and regard

31、.4.Tears stream down my cheeks when I call the look of the deceased which in life.当我回想起死者生前容貌时当我回想起死者生前容貌时,禁不住热泪滚禁不住热泪滚滚滚.5.I can not tell you how sorry I am to hear of your great loss.Please accept my sympathy and best wishes.6.I know you will be strong and brave for the sake of the children.十二、吊唁信

32、常用套语十二、吊唁信常用套语 1.May I request your kindness to execute a few commissions for me?我能否求您替我代办几件事我能否求您替我代办几件事?2.Will you please greatly oblige me by-?能够请您帮我个忙能够请您帮我个忙?3.May I take the liberty of asking you to-?我是否可以麻烦您我是否可以麻烦您?4.I trust you will forgive my troubling you on so slight art acquaintance.刚刚认

33、识就给您添麻烦刚刚认识就给您添麻烦,请原谅请原谅.5.Please favor me with an early reply.请早日答复请早日答复.6.If you think I might be of help,I beg you not to hesitate to tell me.如认为我能帮忙的话如认为我能帮忙的话,请尽管说请尽管说.7.I hope you will put the matter in your mind.希望您能把这事放在心上希望您能把这事放在心上.十三、请求信常用套语十三、请求信常用套语 1.I take the liberty to introduce to

34、you-兹冒昧向您介绍兹冒昧向您介绍-2.I have the honor to introduce to you-我荣幸地向您介绍我荣幸地向您介绍-3.With a great pleasure I introduce to you-我非常高兴地向您介绍我非常高兴地向您介绍-4.The bearer of this letter,Mr.-has been with us for many years.持信人持信人-先生已同我们在一起多年先生已同我们在一起多年.5.Mr.-,who will present this letter,is a man I have known for 3 yea

35、rs.呈交此信的呈交此信的-先生同我认识已有三年先生同我认识已有三年.6.If you will be so kind as to render him your valuable assistance,I shall hold myself under great obligation to you.您若能对其鼎力相助您若能对其鼎力相助,本人将甚为感激本人将甚为感激.7.I hope you will kindly show him attention which I shall consider as shown to myself.我希望你对他多加关照我希望你对他多加关照,我认为者如同对

36、我的关照我认为者如同对我的关照.十四、介绍信常用套语十四、介绍信常用套语 1.I am glad to recommend to you Ms.-2.It is my pleasure to recommend to you Mr.-3.Please allow me to recommend Mr.-as a candidate.4.Mr.-is a man of good education,and I am confident that he will prove his worth by his industry and faithfulness.5.I should be most

37、grateful if you would consider my recommendation.6.I shall consider it a great favor if you will be kind enough to give him the opportunity he seeks.十五、推荐信常用套语十五、推荐信常用套语 1.Replying to your advertisement for a _ in todays _,I take the liberty of offering myself for the situation.响应你们今天在响应你们今天在_上征聘一名上

38、征聘一名 _ 的启事的启事,特冒昧申请这一职位特冒昧申请这一职位.2.I believe that my ability and experience will fully qualify me for the position of _ for which you advertised in todays _.今天的今天的_ 刊有你们征聘刊有你们征聘 _ 的启事的启事,我认为本人的能力与经历足以担我认为本人的能力与经历足以担任这份工作任这份工作.3.Having heard that a situation of _ is vacant in your company,I beg to of

39、fer myself as a candidate for the same.听说贵公司缺少一名听说贵公司缺少一名 _,特申请这一职位特申请这一职位.4.I shall be much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity for interview.如果能给予我面试的机会如果能给予我面试的机会,我将不胜感激我将不胜感激.5.Have you an opening in your company for a young man who believe that he has something to offer?有位年轻人认为他能够对贵公司有

40、所贡献有位年轻人认为他能够对贵公司有所贡献,贵公司能对他打开大门吗贵公司能对他打开大门吗?十六、求职信常用套语十六、求职信常用套语 1.I am writing to apply for membership in _.我特来信申请加入我特来信申请加入_.2.I wish to apply for admission to your department as a graduate student.我愿申请到贵系当研究生我愿申请到贵系当研究生.3.I have been working here for 2 years.I should be grateful if you would con

41、sider the possibility of giving me an increase in my wages,which are at present$250 a week.我在这里工作已满我在这里工作已满2年年,工资为每个星期工资为每个星期250美元美元.如蒙考虑增加我的工资如蒙考虑增加我的工资,当深当深为感激为感激.4.I wish to submit the article enclosed here with for publication in your esteemed journal.我希望所寄去的文章在贵刊得以发表我希望所寄去的文章在贵刊得以发表.5.I should

42、be very grateful if you would let me have details of any scholarships in _ that your country may be offering to foreign students.贵国政府可为在贵国政府可为在_的外国学生提供何种奖学金的外国学生提供何种奖学金,如果能让我了解这方面的详如果能让我了解这方面的详情情,我将不胜感激我将不胜感激.十七、申请信常用套语十七、申请信常用套语 1.This is to certify that-兹证明兹证明-2.It is hereby certified that-特此证明特此证

43、明-3.This is a letter of intention to indicate that-本信意在证明本信意在证明-4.I have much pleasure in certifying to the diligence and good conduct of Mr.-对于对于-先生的勤奋和优良品行先生的勤奋和优良品行,本人非常乐于提供证明本人非常乐于提供证明.5.This is to certify that Mr.-has maintained a savings account with us since May 23,2005.兹证明兹证明-先生自先生自2005年年5月月

44、23日至今在我行存款日至今在我行存款.6.This is to certify that Mr.-is a fulltime employee of the-from 2000 to date.兹证明兹证明-先生自先生自2000年至今为我公司正式工作人员年至今为我公司正式工作人员.十八、证明信常用套语十八、证明信常用套语 1.The goods we ordered from you on-have not been delivered yet.我们于我们于-向你所订购的货物向你所订购的货物,迄今尚未交货迄今尚未交货.2.When we came to examine the goods di

45、spatched by you on-,we found that-我们着手检查你们我们着手检查你们-发出的货物时发出的货物时,发现发现-.3.The quality of this consignment is far from satisfactory.此货的质量远远不能令人满意此货的质量远远不能令人满意.4.I am returning the-with this letter and looking forward to receiving a full refund of-.随信将随信将-寄还并盼望将贷款全额退还寄还并盼望将贷款全额退还.十九、投诉信常用套语十九、投诉信常用套语 1.

46、英文电函的文体结构英文电函的文体结构:英文电函包含三部英文电函包含三部分分:telegram电报、电报、telex电传和电传和fax传真。它们的文传真。它们的文体结构大体都应包括,收体结构大体都应包括,收电人的地址、姓名,函电电人的地址、姓名,函电内容,发电人的地址、姓内容,发电人的地址、姓名,也可加上发出的时间。名,也可加上发出的时间。英文电函应做到英文电函应做到3C:Clearness简明扼要,简明扼要,Conciseness表达清楚,表达清楚,Courtesy注意礼貌。注意礼貌。2.英文电函的写作要求英文电函的写作要求 用词简练,选词准确。同用词简练,选词准确。同时,由于电报计词收费而时,由于电报计词收费而电传计时收费,缩略词和电传计时收费,缩略词和省略法的使用极为重要。省略法的使用极为重要。一般来说,第一、二人称一般来说,第一、二人称的代词、冠词、前置词、的代词、冠词、前置词、助动词、连词都不使用。助动词、连词都不使用。二十、二十、Telegrams,Telexes and Faxes 电函电函


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