1、一、考试内容一、考试内容二、新托福写作备考策略二、新托福写作备考策略托福写作概况介绍托福写作概况介绍 写作部分位于新托福考试的最后一个环节,包括两篇作文,一篇是独立写作(Independent Writing),另一篇是综合写作(Integrated Writing),作答时间合计50分钟。1)综合写作部分综合写作部分,基于阅读和听力的写作部分,要求考生在3分钟内要阅读250-300字的阅读材料,然后听一段与之内容相关的lecture,最后写一篇关于听力和阅读关系的总结性文章。2)独立写作部分独立写作部分,与旧托福的作文较类似,要求考生在30分钟内写一篇300字以上的文章。1、评分标准1)综合
2、写作:有效的完成了写作任务,表述了演讲中的相关信息点。准确的将演讲与写作中的信息点连接起来ScoreScoring Standards 5 5A response at this levelEffectively addresses the task by conveying relevant information from the lecture;and accurately relates key information from the lecture to information in the reading;and Is well organized and coherent;an
3、d Contains appropriate grammar and vocabulary,with only occasional minor language errors.文章切题切题,包含听力中的相关信息;将听力主要信息与阅读材料信息准确对应信息准确对应;段落组织有序,衔接紧密;用词确组织有序,衔接紧密;用词确切,语法规范,有少量拼写错误切,语法规范,有少量拼写错误ScoreScoring Standards4 A response at this levelGenerally conveys relevant information from the lecture,but may
4、have minor omissions;andIs generally good in relating information from the lecture to information in the reading,but may have minor inaccuracies or vagueness of some content or connections among ideas;andIs generally well organized;and Contains appropriate grammar and vocabulary,but may have noticea
5、ble minor language errors or occasional lack of clarity.文章基本切题基本切题,基本包含了听力中的相关信息,但有少许遗漏少许遗漏;信息组织基本合理基本合理,但有少许不准确不准确之处或某些内容或观点间的衔接不清晰不清晰;段落组织基本有序基本有序;用词确切,语法规范,有明显的拼写错误或偶尔表有明显的拼写错误或偶尔表述不清述不清。ScoreScoring Standards3A response at this levelContains some relevant information from the lecture,but may omi
6、t one key point;orConveys some connections between the lecture and the reading,but some content or connections among ideas may be incomplete,inaccurate,or vague;orContains errors in grammar or usage that result in vagueness of some content or connections among ideas包含了听力中的某些相关信息,但遗漏了一个要点遗漏了一个要点;阐述了听
7、力与阅读的某些联系,但某些内容或观点间的联系不完整,不准确或含糊不清不完整,不准确或含糊不清;包含语法错误影响了某些内容或观点间联系的表达ScoreScoring Standards2 A response at this levelContains some relevant information from the lecture,but may have significant omissions or inaccuracies of key points;or Omits or largely misrepresents the connections between the lect
8、ure and the reading;orContains language errors that obscure meaning of key ideas or connections among ideas.包含听力材料中的某些相关信息,但有重大遗漏或要点表述错误;遗漏重大遗漏或要点表述错误;遗漏或嵌解或嵌解了听力与材料间的联系;语法错误严重影响语法错误严重影响内容表达ScoreScoring Standards1 A response at this level Contains little or no relevant content from the lecture;orFai
9、ls to connect points from the lecture and reading;orContains language errors that greatly obscure meaning;orIs too brief to allow evaluation of writing proficiency.没有或有很少听力中的相关信息;没能将听力与阅读建立起联系;语法错误严重影响表达;篇幅太小影响评分0 A response at this levelOnly copies sentences from the reading;orIs not related to the
10、 given topic;orIs written in a language other than English;or is blank.仅从阅读材料中抄袭句子抄袭句子;与主题无关与主题无关;用除英语外的其它语言写作;空白卷空白卷 通过对评分标准进行分析,我们知道了ETS对于一篇好的综合写作作文的要求:细节缺一不可(example,reason,detail)不能跑题(unity)结构紧凑(organization)段落过渡流畅(coherent)用词多样化,丰富(variety)2)独立写作:结构比较精当,论证比较充分,有一些事例,理由及细节。-有效的完成了写作任务,清楚的阐述了作者的观
11、点。ScoreScoring Standards5此分数的文章大体有以下特点:有效地针对话题完成任务能充分展开充分展开,结构清晰,使用适当的解释,例证和适当的解释,例证和/或细节或细节体现出一致、递进、连贯一致、递进、连贯的特点语言熟练,能使用不同的句法不同的句法、合适的措辞和习语,允许出现次要的词汇或语法错误4此分数的文章大体有一下的特点:很好地针对话题完成任务,但是一些论点没有充分展开一些论点没有充分展开总体上能够充分展开,结构清晰,使用适当的解释、例证和/或细节体现出一致、递进、连贯的特点。但是存在偶尔没必要的重复、离偶尔没必要的重复、离题或是不清楚的联系题或是不清楚的联系语言熟练,能使
13、合适或不充分存在明显的选词和明显的选词和/或拼写错误或拼写错误句子结构和/或用法上存在大量的错误分数分数回答等级描述回答等级描述1此得分的作文存在以下严重缺陷:文章严重缺乏组织和展开严重缺乏组织和展开细节很少,或根本没有、或不相关细节很少,或根本没有、或不相关、或是完成任务是存在很大的问题句子结构或用法存在严重又频繁的错误严重又频繁的错误0仅仅是从题目中抄句子从题目中抄句子,拒绝针对话题写作,或所写和话题根本无关,或用其他语言写作,或文中只包括无意义的键盘符号,或是什么也不写ScoreScoring Standards5An essay at this level largely accomp
14、lishes all of the following:effectively addresses the topic and taskis well organized and well developed,using clearly appropriate explanations,exemplifications,and/or detailsdisplays unity,progression,and coherencedisplays consistent facility in the use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety,a
15、ppropriate word choice,and idiomaticity,though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors4An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:addresses the topic and task well,though some points may not be fully elaboratedis generally well organized and well developed,using appropr
16、iate and sufficient explanations,exemplifications,and/or detailsdisplays unity,progression,and coherence,though it may contain occasional redundancy,digression,or unclear connectionsdisplays facility in the use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety and range of vocabulary,though it will probab
17、ly have occasional noticeable minor errors in structure,word form,or use of idiomatic language that do not interfere with meaningScoreScoring Standards3An essay at this level is marked by one or more of the following:addresses the topic and task using somewhat developed explanations,exemplifications
18、,and/or detailsdisplays unity,progression,and coherence,though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscuredmay demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaningmay display accurate but limited range of synt
19、actic structures and vocabulary2An essay at this level may reveal one or more of the following weaknesses:limited development in response to the topic and taskinadequate organization or connection of ideasinappropriate or insufficient exemplifications,explanations,or details to support or illustrate
20、 generalizations in response to the taska noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word formsan accumulation of errors in sentence structure and/or usageScoreScoring Standards1An essay at this level is seriously flawed by one or more of the following weaknesses:serious disorganization or underdev
21、elopmentlittle or no detail,or irrelevant specifics,or questionable responsiveness to the taskserious and frequent errors in sentence structure or usage0An essay at this level merely copies words from the topic,rejects the topic,or is otherwise not connected to the topic,is written in a foreign lang
22、uage,consists of keystroke characters,or is blank.1)综合写作综合写作:a.主要考察英文复述能力。要用自己的语言复述文章内容,并保持其完整准确。b.尽量提高英文的记忆能力。背诵文章,提高记忆细节的能力。养成记忆细节的习惯。c.提高记笔记的能力。除良好的记忆力外,还应掌握速记技巧。d.提高快速阅读的能力,抓住阅读材料关键词。2)独立写作独立写作:a.需要具备充足的词汇量。b.需要掌握良好的语法知识,熟悉学术论文的写作格式。包括时态,语态,语气,句式。语法准确,措辞清晰,逻辑紧密。c.了解基本文体知识。多阅读一些学术性文章,熟悉写作格式,常用语言,表达句式,文章格式,用英美思维思考问题。d.熟悉题库。反复阅读题库中的题目,熟悉所有话题,有针对性的准备素材。