Unit4 (听说阅读词汇短语)(ppt课件) 共38张PPT-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.ppt

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Unit4 (听说阅读词汇短语)(ppt课件) 共38张PPT-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.ppt_第1页
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Unit4 (听说阅读词汇短语)(ppt课件) 共38张PPT-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.ppt_第2页
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Unit4 (听说阅读词汇短语)(ppt课件) 共38张PPT-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.ppt_第3页
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Unit4 (听说阅读词汇短语)(ppt课件) 共38张PPT-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.ppt_第4页
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Unit4 (听说阅读词汇短语)(ppt课件) 共38张PPT-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.ppt_第5页
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1、Do you know QuFu?Have you ever been there?What do you know about it?Learning without reflecting leads to confusion.学而不思则罔Review the old and learn the new.温故而知新。Make no social distinctions in teaching.有教无类。To learn and at due time to repeat what one has learnt,isnt that after all a pleasure?学而时习之,不亦乐

2、乎?Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.己所不欲勿施于人 Whenseeing a person with high caliber,strive to be his equal.见贤思齐1.I m not good at maps-they re my Achilles heel!我不擅长看地图,这是我的弱项。Achillesheel 即“阿喀琉斯之踵”,意为“致命弱点;要害”。源自希腊神话英雄阿喀琉斯(Achilles)的故事。例如John s vanity is his Achilles heel.虚荣

3、心是约翰最大的弱点。这类源自希腊神话的习语在英语中应用广泛。例如Achilles and Patroclus情同手足。源自帕特洛克罗斯(Patroclus)和阿喀琉斯(Achilles)这两位亲威兼挚友在希腊与特洛伊战争中肝胆相照、荣辱与共的故事。例如He and John are good friends.They go everywhere together like Achilles and Patroclus.他和约翰是好朋友,两人形影不离,情同手足。pull ones leg与某人开玩笑,使某人对不真实情与某人开玩笑,使某人对不真实情况信以为真。况信以为真。如:I panicked

4、when he said the test was tomorrow,but then I realised he was just pulling my leg.当他说考试是在明天的时候,我很惊慌,但是我马上就意识到他是在和我开玩笑。其他含有leg的习语有shake a leg用于催促某人,相当于 hurry up,意为“赶快,迅速行动赶快,迅速行动”。例如:You d better shake a leg if you don t want to be late for work.如果不想上班迟到,你最好快点儿。a fish out of water(与环境格格不入与环境格格不入)感到别扭

5、感到别扭。例如:I feel like a fish out of water at the party because I don t know anyone.在这个聚会上我一个人也不认识,感到浑身不自在。其他含有fish的习语还有:a big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物。小地方的大人物。例如:In school he was a big fish in a small pond,but once he moved to the city he was just another struggling actor.在学校,他赫赫有名,但是一到城里,他就只是一个苦苦

6、挣扎的小演员了。Can you tell what type of map it is?It is an administrative zoning map.行政区域图地形图(topographic map)交通图(traffic map)气候图(weather map)资源图(resource map)What do the different symbols(e.g,circles,spots)and colours stand for?The small cireles stand for big cities,the red spot stands for the capital an

7、d different colours stand for different regions or countries.?How many parts(countries)can you see that make up the UK?What message can you get from the title?What might a name here refer to?What do you expect to read in the passage?What is the full name of the UK?What message does its name convey?F

8、inally,in the 20th century,the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK,which resulted in the full name we have today:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.最后在二十世纪时,爱尔兰南部脱离脱离了联合王国,形成了今天的英国全称:大不列及北爱尔兰联合王国。break away 脱离脱离;逃脱逃脱Three members of the band broke away and formed th

9、eir own group.三个成员脱离了乐队,创建了自己的组合。此外,与 break搭配的常见动词短语还有break a record打破纪录打破纪录break off 突然停止突然停止;中断中断(谈判谈判)break down(机器、车辆机器、车辆)坏了坏了break the ice 打破僵局打破僵局;打破冷场局面打破冷场局面break into破门而入破门而入例如:To everyone s surprise,the young athlete broke a record in the world championship.出乎每个人的意料,这位年轻的运动员在世界锦标赛上打破了一项纪录

10、。Were really sorry for being late,but our car broke down.真的很抱歉,我们迟到了,因为我们的车抛锚了。The robbers planned to break into the jewellery shop.抢劫者计划强行闯入珠宝店。We all agreed that it was time to break off the negotiation.我们一致同意,是时候该中止谈判了Sally is good at breaking the ice and starting a conversation.萨利善于打破沉默,启动交谈。1.n

11、.孔子2.n.公馆;宅第3.n.基地;公基4.philosophyn.5.descendantn.6.adj.单独的;个别的n.个人7.n.足跟;(脚、抹子等的)后跟8.Achilles heel 9.n.王国;领域10.adj.最重要的;最高级别的n首领11.n.智力游戏;疑问w.迷惑;使困惑12.adj.附近的;邻近的adv.在附近13.把和连接或联结起来1.Confucius2.Mansion3.Cemetery4.n.哲学哲学5.n.后裔;后代后裔;后代 6.individual7.heel8.知名的弱点知名的弱点9.kingdom10.Chief11.Puzzle12.nearby1

12、3.jointo1.脱离脱离;背叛背叛;逃脱逃脱2.vi.应在(某处);适应3.属于属于4.同同(一样也一样也);和和;还还5.n.通货;货币6.adj.军事的;军用的7.n.防御;保卫8.adj法律的;合法的9.vt.围绕;包围10.n.证据;证明11.n.成就;成绩;达到12.n.地方;地点;位置13.vt.占领;征服;控制 break away(from sb/sth)belongbelong toas well ascurrencymilitarydefencelegalsurroundevidenceachievementlocation conquer1.n.战役;搏斗vi.vt.

13、搏斗;奋斗2.n.港口(城市3.adj.极有吸引力的;述人的4.留心留心;留意留意5.n.收费;指控;主管vt.收费;控告;充电6.vt.宣布;通知;声称7.nm.金额;数量8.n(艺术作品的)展览馆;画廊9.n.方法;途径;接近vt.接近;接洽10.vt.保证;确保;担保11.n.(陆上,尤指乡村的)风景12.adi慷慨的;大方的;丰富的13.n.黄油;奶油.涂黄油于battleportfascinatingkeep your eyes open forchargeannounceamountgalleryapproachensurelandscapegenerousbutter1.n.蜂蜜


15、风俗;习俗;习惯9.sensoryadi.10.adj.引人注目的;显著的11.transitionn.12.n.人群;民众vt.挤满13.Wales ocean 气味气味;气息气息greetpubwinebeer 炖菜炖菜;炖炖;煨煨custom 感觉的感觉的;感官的感官的striking 过渡过渡;转变转变;变迁变迁crowd 威尔士威尔士(英国英国)导致混乱lead to confusion做一个的研究项目do a research project on家谱family tree与相be similar to允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth致命的弱点Achilles h

16、eel同某人开玩笑pull ones leg;因环境不熟悉而感到不舒服或尴尬的人 fish out of water被用于做某事be used for根据,按照,取决于,据所说according to对感到迷惑be confused by如果有什么的话(如果那样)if any(if so)一点儿a little bit解决难题solve a puzzle1.解决难题2.把和连接或联结起来3.在18世纪4.脱离;背叛;逃脱5.导致6.把称为7.属于8.同(一样也);和;还9.军事防御10.例如11.教育/法律体系12.被包围13.接管,掌管solve a puzzlejointoin the 1

17、8th centurybreak away from sb./sthresult inrefer toasbelong toas well asmilitary defencefor exampleeducation/legal systemsbe surrounded bytake over1.在不同历史时期2.留下3.使得某事/物被(他人)做4.对.做出改变5.成为的一部分,影响,进入6.追溯到7.一直8.全英国9.留心;留意10.挑选出,分类11.还有/剩下12.在入口处13.眼睛盯着 at different times throughout historyleave behind h

18、ave sth.donemake changes to enter into date back toall the way all over the UK keep your eyes open for sort out There be sth left at the entrance of have ones eyes fixed on1.一份,一本2.注意,照料3.看守,监视,照管4.渴望做某事5.对有极大的影响6.有悠久的历史。7.一个真正的视觉盛宴8.点缀着9.组成,弥补,化妆10.在一个安静的早晨11.吸入(呼出)12.用向某人打招呼/问候某人。13.有做某事的机会a copy

19、ofattend towatch over be eager to do sth.have a great influence on have a long history ofa true feast for the eyesbe dotted withmake up on a quiet morningbreathe in(out)greet sb.with have a chance of doing sth.1.过去坐坐,顺便造访2.更好的是3.更有可能做某事4.背景知识,背景资料。5.对做一些研究6.成为废墟7.发生,举行stop bybetter yet be more likely to do sth background information do some research onbe left in ruinstake place


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