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1、unit 4History and Traditions 基础知识回顾:Key words:1._ n.孔子 Confucius Institute _ 2.n.公馆;宅第3.n.基地;公基4.philosophy n._ _ n.哲学家 _ adj.哲学的5.descendant n._ 6.adj.单独的;个别的 n.个人7.n.足跟;(脚、抹子等的)后跟8.Achilles heel_ Confucius孔子学院mansioncemetery哲学philosopherphilosophical后裔,后代,子孙individualheel阿喀琉斯之踵,致命的弱点9.n.王国;领域10.ad

2、j.最重要的;最高级别的 n.首领11.n.智力游戏;疑问 vt.迷惑;使困惑 _adj.令人迷惑的,令人费解的 _adj.困惑的,茫然的12.adj.附近的;邻近的adv.在附近13.n.通货;货币 adj.现行的 流通的 通用的 最近的14.adj.军事的;军用的 military training _15.n.防御;保卫 _ vt 辩护 防护 16.adj法律的;合法的 _adj 非法的 违法的kingdomchiefpuzzlepuzzlingpuzzlednearbycurrencycurrentmilitary军训defencedefendlegalillegal17.vt.围绕;

3、包围 _ adj.周围的 附近的 n.环境 周围的事物18.n.证据;证明 evident adj._19.n.成就;成绩;达到 _ vt.取得 获得 实现 20.n.地方;地点;位置 _vt.位于;查找.的地点21.vt.占领;征服;控制 _n.征服者 胜利者22.n.战役;搏斗vi.vt.搏斗;奋斗23.n.港口(城市24.adj.极有吸引力的;述人的25.n.收费;指控;主管vt.收费;控告;充电26.vt.宣布;通知;声称 _ n.公告 宣告 通告27.n.金额;数量28.n(艺术作品的)展览馆;画廊surroundsurroundingevidence明显的 明白的achieveme

4、ntachievelocationlocateconquerconquerorbattleportfascinatingchargeannounceannouncementamountgallery29.n.方法;途径;接近vt.接近;接洽30.vt.保证;确保;担保31.n.(陆上,尤指乡村的)风景32.adi慷慨的;大方的;丰富的 _ n.慷慨 大方 33.n.祖宗;祖先34.n.位置;姿态;职位35.n.庭院;院子36.adj.热切的;渴望的37.n.诗人 _ n.诗38.n.(英国、爱尔兰的)郡;(美国的)县39.n.盛宴;宴会;节日40.vi.vt.(使)翻滚;(使)滚动n.卷(轴)

5、;翻滚41.n.点;小(圆)点Wi.加点;遍布approachensurelandscapegenerousgenerosityancestorpositioncourtyardeagerpoetpoemcountyfeastrolldot42.n.牛43.vi.是n.吼叫;咆哮45.scentn.46.vi.问候:迎接47.n.酒吧;酒馆48.n.葡萄酒;果酒49.n.(一杯)啤酒50.stewn.51.n.风俗;习俗;习惯52.sensoryadi.53.adj.引人注目的;显著的54.transitionn.55.n.人群;民众vt.挤满cattleroar气味 气息greetpubwi

6、nebeer炖菜custom感觉的 感官的stiking过渡 转变 变迁crowd Practise:单句语法填空 1、The _ problem made the students _.(puzzle)2、The English exam is so difficult.Even Tom _ (belong)to the top students failed in it.3、She had to _(defence)herself against the guard dog.4、Some athletes take drugs to improve their performance,wh

7、ich is _(legal).5、The thief tried to run away but gave up when he found himself _(surround).6、This interest in international dance was especially _(evidence)in Paris.7、Sandoval made great _(achieve)in her career.8、Despite its _(locate)far from any urban center,the site attracts roughly one million v

8、isitors per year.9、Body language is _(fascinate)for anyone to study.10、Theren is no doubt that the way _we use memory is changing.puzzlingpuzzledbelongingdefendillegalsurroundedevidentachievementslocationfascinatingthat/in which/key phrases:1、_ _ 把.和.连接或联结起来 2、_ _(from sb/sth)脱离 背叛 逃脱 3、_ _ 属于 4、_ _

9、 _ 同(一样也);和;还 5、_ _ _ _(for)留心;留意 6、_ _ 导致 造成 7、_ _._ 把.当做 8、_ _丢弃 留下 忘记携带 9、_ _ 编造(故事谎言等)化妆,上妆;形成;构成;做出补偿 Practise:用上面的短语完成下面的句子。1、Can you tell me the time?I have _ my watch _.2、His children _ _ _ his wife were invited to the party.join tobreak awaybelong toas well askeep your eyes openresult inref

10、er to asleave behindmake upleft behindas well as 3、When asked by the teacher,she _ _ an excuse.4、People often _ _ teachers _ the engineer of Human Soul.5、Stress and tiredness often _ _ a lack of concentration.6、Modern music like jazz has _ _ _ the old traditional rules.7、The new bridge will _ the is

11、land _ the mainland.made uprefer to asresult inbroken away fromjoin to 重难点解析:1、puzzle n.谜;智力游戏;疑问 vt.迷惑;使困惑 语境领悟 1)、Getting to know a little bit about British history will help you solve this puzzle.2)、The puzzling question puzzled all thestudents in the class.3)、People have long puzzled over how th

12、e Egyptains moved such huge rocks.4)、They feel puzzled over choices.归纳拓展1)、sth puzzle sb 某事使某人迷惑2)、puzzle over/about sth 苦苦思索、仔细琢磨.3)、puzzled adj.迷惑不解的 be/feel puzzled about/over sth 对某事感到迷惑4).puzzling adj.令人迷惑不解的 practise:1)、The situation was more _(puzzle)than ever.2).It is _ puzzle to me how he c

13、ould come here.3).Her _(puzzle)look on her face suggested she didnt understand what I said.2.belong vi.应在(某处);属于 教材原句 The four countries that belong to the United Kingdom work together in some areas.归纳拓展 1)、belong to 属于;是.中的一员 该短语不能用于进行时或被动语态。但belonging to 可做后置定语。2)、belongings n.动产 财物puzzlingapuzzle

14、d Practise:1).China _(属于)the Third World.2)、China is a country _ (属于)the Third World.3.surround vt.包围;围绕 教材原句 Almost everywhere you go in the UK,you will be surrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history.归纳拓展 1).surround.with.用.包围 be sur

15、rounded with/by.被.包围/环绕 2).surrounding adj 周围的 附近的 3).surroundings n.环境 周边事物belongs tobelonging to Practise:1).When the car stopped in the town square it_by the soldiers.2).That means a transparent object doesnt look very different from the _ air or water.3).The barefoot kid who had been living in p

16、overty,_ by violence had written a new chapter in the history of sports.4.charge n.收费;指控;主管 vt.收费;控告;充电 教材原句 We could get our car battery charged.归纳拓展 1).sb be in charge of sth.某人负责某事 sth be in the charge of sb.某事由某人负责 free of charge 免费 take of charge 负责 主管was surroundedsurroundingsurrounded 2).char

17、ge sb with sth 为某事而控告某人 charge sb money for sth 为某事向某人要价多少钱 Practise:1).The park is open to the public free _ charge.2).Dr.Wilson is _ charge of the school built one hundred years ago.3).He will _(掌管)the company instead of Mr.Liu.5.approach n.方法;途径;接近 vt.接近;接洽;着手处理 vi 靠近 教材原句 It was hard to approach

18、 the painting as there were so many people around.归纳拓展 1).make approaches to sb 想亲近某人或想和某人打交道 (an)approach to 接近,近似;(做某事的)方法(途径)ofintake charge of/be charge of at the approach of.在.快到的时候 2).approach sth/some place 靠近某物 接近某地 Practise:单句语法填空:With Christmas _(approach),they found an approach _the probl

19、em.6.break away from 脱离 背叛 逃脱 教材原句 Finally,in the 20th century,the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK.归纳 由break 组成的其他短语 break in 破门而入;打断(谈话等)break up 解散;打碎;驱散 break down 出故障;失败;垮掉;分解 break out 突发;爆发approachingto Practise:1.I locked myself out of my apartment and had to _.2.A huge forest

20、fire _ after the lightning struck.3.The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.4.Modern music like jazz has _ the old traditional rules.7.result in 导致 造成=cause=lead to result from=be caused by 起因于.;因.而发生 as a result of 因为.as a result 所以;结果是 Practise:完成句子bre

21、ak in broke out broke downbroken away from 1.Tom stayed up last night._,he is sleepy in class.2.Joes application to the University was not accepted _his failing English.3.Stress and tiredness often _ a lack of concentration.8.keep your eyes open(for)留心 留意 归纳拓展 keep a close eye on 照看 留神 留意 keep sb/st

22、h in mind 把.记住;牢记 keep off 远离 keep up 保持;使.不低落 keep away from 离开;不接近;戒除 keep up with 与.同步 keep back 阻止;留在后面As a resultas a result ofresult in Practise:完成句子 1.She sat down quietly,but she couldnt keep _ her tears.2.To keep your strength _,eat well and get enough sleep.3.Keep _ the grass,will you?4.Po

23、lice have asked residents to keep an eye open _anything suspicious.句型解析 1.原文再现Almost everywhere you go in the UK,you will be surrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history.解析:本句是复合句,划线部分是everywhere 引导的让步状语从句。everywhere“无论在哪里”,在句子中做连词,引导让

24、步状语从句,此时可以换成no matter where或wherever。backupofffor 活学活用:1.Everywhere she is,I will support her and protect her personal safety.(句型转换)_ she is,I will support her and protect her personal safety.2.His dog follows him _ he goes.2.(原文再现)With all this beauty,it is not surprising that Ireland has developed

25、 strong traditions that include music,dancing and dining.解析:句中划线部分是it 作形式主语,that引导的主语从句。语境领悟1).Its a pity that you cant attend my birthday party.2).It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.3).Its suggested that the old man(should)go to the countyside to hav

26、e a rest.4).It surprised him that they came to visit him suddenly.No matter where/Wherevereverywhere/wherever/no matter where句型归纳:常见的用it 作形式主语的主语从句结构有:1.It be+名词词组(a fact/a shame/a pity/no wonder/good news/a wonder 等)+that 从句2.It be+形容词(clear/important/well-known/necessary/likely/obvious/certain/nat

27、ural/strange等)+that 从句 注意:若形容词是important/necessary/natural/strange that从句里谓语部分用(should)+动词原形3.It+be+过去分词+that 从句 常用的过去分词有said reported recorded announced suggested thought requested considered等4.It+be+不及物动词+that 从句常见的不及物动词有seems/happens/appears/matters/turns out 等 1.It is by no means clear _ the pre

28、sident can do to end the strike.2.It doesnt matter _ he likes it or not.3._(据报道)that the numberof wild animals in Africa is decreasing.4._(碰巧)that I was out that day。whetherwhatIt is reportedIt happened课堂达标训练:一:单词填空。1As the old saying goes,“Together,_(个人)can make a difference”2He works as a_(主要的)edi

29、tor in China Daily3The country needs a_(防御)capability as insurance against the unexpected4My mother works in a _(附近的)company and she usually walks home5The _(位置)of the Arts Theatre was considered a poor area of town6They were unwilling to accept the fact that their son died in the _(战斗,战役)7As is kno

30、wn to us,Qingdao is a beautiful _(港口)city with a long history8As is known to all,China has made great _(成就)during the past decades9Tims_(困惑的)expression suggested that he didnt understand what they had saidindividuals chiefdefencenearbylocationbattleportachievements puzzled二.完成句子.1在过去的几年里,中国在环保方面取得了巨

31、大成就。In the last few years,China has_in environmental protection 2我们可以更多地了解伟人的生活以及其他国家的历史和文化。We can know more about the life of great people _other countries 3著名科学家袁隆平于2019年9月29日被授予共和国勋章。Yuan Longping,_,was awarded National Medals on September 29th,2019 4保持环境清洁无污染是使人们生活健康的关键一步。_ and free of pollution

32、 is the key step to make life healthy 5温哥华是加拿大最温暖、最美丽的城市。它被群山和太平洋环绕。Vancouver is Canadas warmest and most beautiful city,which _ mountains and the Pacific Oceanmade great achievementsas well as history and cultures of3.known as a famous scientistKeeping the environment cleanis surrounded by三.课文语法填空

33、Studying British history can help you understand 1_ the United Kingdom,Great Britain,Britain,England meanIn the 16th century,Wales was joined to the Kingdom of EnglandIn the 18th century,Scotland was joined 2_(create)the Kingdom of Great BritainIn the 19th century,the Kingdom of Ireland was added to

34、 create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandHowever,the southern part of Ireland broke away 3._the UK,4._ resulted in the full name we have today:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Although the four countries work together in some areas,they still have some 5_(differ

35、ent)The United Kingdom has a long and interesting history to explore,6_ can help you understand much more about the country and 7_(it)traditionsNo matter where you go in the UK,you will 8_(surround)by evidence that four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout historyStudying the history of the country will make your visit much more 9_(enjoy)The UK is a fascinating mix of history and modern culture,with both new and old 10_(tradition)whatto createfromwhichdifferences whichitsbe surroundedenjoyable traditions


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