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1、单词还没准备好的行动起来!New Concept English 11 1 Review Lesson 31-40 2 2 New Lesson 41-42 3 3 Conclusion 1.There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A.was B.is going to haveC.has D.is going to be2.Its eight oclock.The students _ an English class.A.have B.having C.is having D.are having3.Listen!The bab

2、y _ in the next room.A.crying B.cried C.is crying D.Cries4.She _ up at six in the morning.A.get B.gets C.getting5.Mrs.Read _ the windows every day.A.is cleaning B.clean C.cleans6.Jiamin is doing some reading.(一般疑问句)7.Rose is going to come to see us the day after tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)8.Miss White和Allan打

3、算今晚去看电影。(翻译成英文)9.Sally正在教室里写作业。(翻译成英文)10.我打算把我的书给Candy。11.你能给我们看看你的新手表吗?Review Lesson 31-40Review Lesson 31-40 DictationRecitation HomeworkLead-inQuestions:1.How many things in the bag?2.What are they?Lead-inQuestions:1.How many things in the bag?Three.2.What are they?A robot,a doll and a toy snake.

4、New Lesson 41New words and expressionscheese n.乳酪,干酪bread n.面包soap n.肥皂chocolate n.巧克力sugar n.糖coffee n.咖啡tea n.茶tobacco n.烟草,烟丝New words and expressionscheese n.乳酪,干酪乳酪,干酪 不可数名词 一块芝士【文化】拍照 外国人拍照时说cheese。a piece of cheeseNew words and expressionsbread n.面包面包 不可数名词 a loaf of bread 一条面包一块面包a piece of

5、breadNew words and expressionssoap n.肥皂肥皂 不可数名词 a bar of soap soap opera【文化】什么是肥皂剧?肥皂剧一块肥皂Culture什么是肥皂剧,肥皂剧如何得名?肥皂剧是连续很长时间的电视剧,没有深度。起源于早期欧美电视,电视台会播放一些搞笑短片,没有什么实际意义,只是让观众们笑一笑,在这些短片里经常会有一些肥皂广告,(大多是宝洁的肥皂)久而久之,大家就用肥皂剧来称呼这些没有营养又很长的电视剧。New words and expressionschocolate n.巧克力巧克力 不可数名词 一块巧克力 white chocolat

6、e black/dark chocolate chocolate cake 白巧克力黑巧克力巧克力蛋糕a bar of chocolateNew words and expressionssugar n.糖糖 不可数名词 candy lollipop(lollypop)marshmallow 糖棒棒糖棉花糖New words and expressionscoffee n.咖啡咖啡 不可数名词 coffee bean 【文化】猫屎咖啡咖啡豆Culture【文化】猫屎咖啡New words and expressions【文化】世界上最贵的咖啡之一介绍:猫屎咖啡:产于印尼,印尼种植大量的咖啡作物

7、,有种野生动物叫麝香猫,最喜欢吃新鲜咖啡豆,最终成为猫的粪便排出来,粪便就是一粒粒的咖啡豆,成为世界上最昂贵的粪便。由于数量非常稀少,所以价格非常昂贵,一年产量不超过500磅(大约250千克,一磅约等于0.5千克,大约有5个50千克的人),每磅价格300800美元(约人民币20005300元),经过加工和烘焙成为我们喝的咖啡。New words and expressionstea n.茶茶 不可数名词 green tea black tea 绿茶红茶New words and expressionstobacco n.烟草,烟丝烟草,烟丝 不可数名词 cigar cigarette smok

8、e 禁止吸烟。n.雪茄n.香烟v.吸烟 n.烟No smoking.5?1one more time一盒烟丝20345sugar tea一块巧克力chocolate soap one less timeacross?answer a question0tongue twister2043coffee tobacco cheese一杯茶一块肥皂一片面包run afterbread一块芝士paintvalleytongue twisterNew cheese,blue cheese,chew cheese please.New cheese,blue cheese,chew cheese plea

9、se.Put the potatoes,tomatoes,and tobacco into the hot pot.Betty better butter Brads bread.Betty better butter Brads bread.Grammar复习一般将来时复习一般将来时时间标志词:1.after the day after tomorrow 2.next next day/week/month/year3.in in+一段时间,in the future,in a few days4.单词和词组搭配 tomorrow,soon,from now on,some day,befo

10、re longGrammar复习一般将来时复习一般将来时结构:肯定句:She is going to show me that picture.否定句:一般疑问句:回答:特殊疑问句:No,she isnt.be going to do 打算/计划做某事 She is not going to show me that picture.Is she going to show me that picture?Who is going to show me that picture?Yes,she is./Grammar量词量词:用在不可数名词前:用在可数名词前:a piece of a loaf

11、 ofa bar ofa bottle of.a booktwo books一张,一片.一条一块一瓶ListeningQuestions:1.Is that bag heavy?A.Not very.B.Yes,it is.C.No,it isnt.2.Who is the tin of tobacco for?A.Me.B.Penny.C.Sam.Is that bag heavy,Penny?Not very.Here.Put it on this chair.Whats in it?A piece of cheese.A loaf of bread.A bar of soap.A bar

12、 of chocolate.A bottle of milk.A pound of sugar.Half a pound of coffee.A quarter of a pound of tea.And a tin of tabacco.Is that tin of tobacco for me?Well,its certainly not for me!1.Is that bag heavy?2.Where is Penny going to do?3.Whats in it?Not very heavy.She is going to put it on this chair.A pie

13、ce of cheese.A loaf of bread.A bar of soap.A bar of chocolate.A bottle of milk.A pound of sugar.Half a pound of coffee.A quarter of a pound of tea.And a tin of tabacco.Is that tin of tobacco for Sam?Its certainly not for Penny!Its for Sam.Sentence structure 1.Not very.=2.Put it on this chair.it指代上文提

14、到过的bag。on the chair in the chair It is not very heavy.没扶手有扶手Sentence structure3.A pound of sugar.pound:磅(量词)=453.59克 two pounds of sugar 英镑 These apples cost one pound.这些苹果花了一英镑。【文化】英镑的符号 和换算 1 英镑 “”9人民币两磅糖Sentence structure 4.注意文中量词的连读:a piece of,a loaf of,a bar of,a bottle of,a pound of,a quarter

15、of,a tin of Video Games Role playRole play New Lesson 42New words and expressionsbird n.鸟鸟 ladybird eg.The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。瓢虫New words and expressionsladybird 中世纪,圣母玛利亚早期画像总是穿一件红色斗篷,人们把圣母玛利亚Mary(Our Lady)和七星瓢虫联系起来。称为“圣母甲虫”。lady是暗指天主教信仰中的圣母玛利亚。New words and expressionsany det.一些一

16、些 anything 任何事some det.一些一些 something 某事,某物(缩写sth.)Grammarsome与与any的区别的区别some 用在 ,any用在eg.桌子上有一些书。肯定句:否定句:一般疑问句:特殊疑问句:肯定句肯定句否定句和疑问句否定句和疑问句There are not any books on the desk.Are there any books on the desk?There are some books on the desk.What are there on the desk?Practice用P83句型看图造句。ConclusionConclusionwordssentencesgrammar一般将来时量词some/any区别背诵单词背诵单词背诵课文背诵课文听写订正听写订正APP作业作业作文练笔作文练笔HomeworkWriting今天是周六,天气很好,阳光明媚。你看到公园里有很多小朋友在玩耍,Tony 和他爸爸在树底下看书,Linda和她妈妈在看视频,一只小狗在追一只小猫。请用现在进行时现在进行时写一篇作文。要求:1、需包含题目里的要点,可发挥合理的想像。2、不少于7句话。3、字迹清楚、条理清晰。Thank you


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