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1、句子成分句子成分 P76正确理解正确理解5种句子成分种句子成分 英文里句子的组成成分细分起来主要有7种:主语、谓语、宾语主语、谓语、宾语(还有一种特例叫表语还有一种特例叫表语)、定、定语、状语、语、状语、补语和同位语。其中,补语和同位语难度比较大,一般重点了解前5种就够了。2.1 主语主语是句子要说明的人或事物,可以由名词、代词、动名词(v.+ing)、动词不定式(to+v.)、what从句、that从句、how从句等组成。动词原形不能作主语。请阅读下面的句子,特别注意主语由何种成分组成。Some towns,cities,regions and countries seem to have

2、better education than others.Fifty years ago in the UK,getting good grades and scoring high on tests were important but not critical to life chances.It is important to keep calm and carry on while working under pressure.(主语后置)It is certainly true that scientists are gaining a clearer understanding o

3、f the outer space thanks to many years of research and better data.满分范文:“It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school.”范文:“It is true that sometimes the amount of money they are able to earn in a short time cannot be

4、 justified by the amount of work they do.”2.2 谓语谓语谓语说明主语的动作、状态或特征动作、状态或特征。谓语永远只能由动动词词构成。请阅读下面的句子,特别注意谓语由何种成分组成。Today many local and national newspapers carry advertisements and information about holidays.Spending time with other children and sharing experiences can make children more sociable(喜欢社交的)

5、.2.3 宾语宾语 宾语表示动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后。能宾语表示动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后。能作宾语的有名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式、作宾语的有名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式、that从句、从句、what从句、从句、how从句等。从句等。有一种特殊的宾语,就是当动词是be(am,is,are)动词时,be动词后面的名词或者形容词名词或者形容词也可以叫做表语。请阅读下面的句子,特别注意宾语(或表语)由何种成分组成。Some adults use a computer for other purposes,such as getting information or emailin

6、g friends.A good writer does not just concentrate on the words,phrases and grammar that he/she uses,but his/her thoughts as well.The world inside the school walls is different from the world outside those walls.The main concern is the type of computer activities that attract children.2.4 定语定语 修饰名词的成

7、分叫定语。最常用的定语就是形容形容词词,还有一种用句子修饰名词的定语,就是定语从句了。请阅读下面的句子,特别注意定语由何种成分组成。Employees need to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work.In addition,the government should fund the parental support.They are more important to our well一being and our future than the stars who earn their fortunes so quickly

8、.2.5 状语状语 状语可修饰动词、形容词或者全句,可以由副词、介词短语、分词短语或者动词不定式构成。请阅读下面的句子,特别注意状语由何种成分组成。The majority of stars do not hold their top positions long.They are generally more confident than children who stay at home with their parents.2.6 补语补语 所谓补语,在IELTS作文里主要是宾补,即下面的这个结构:v+n.十十n./adj.中的n./adj.部分。雅思口语中用到的补语结构特别多,但在雅思

9、作文中,宾补结构则较为有限,一般只用来补充说明以下动词后的宾语:find/make/renderMany people find their rewards unfair,especially when comparing these salaries with those of top surgeons(外科医生)or research scientists.The recent graduates found the job market frustrating because of the economic recession.Some individuals are concerned

10、 the Internet will make/render international tourism obsolete(过时的).(请注意render后面加的宾补多为负面含义,如useless/powerless等)2.7 同位语同位语 Social sciences,the sciences that deal with human life,came into being(形成)in Europe in the early nineteenth century.同位语就是一个名词的后面跟一个短语,解释说明这个名词,在雅思作文中体现的是一种要求并不太高的下定义能下定义能力力。范文:Job

11、 satisfaction,a very important part of an employees sense of wellbeing,can be promoted in most jobs.补语同位语理解一,补语是句子主干之一,去掉了补语,主干就不完整了。同位语在句法功能上就没有这样重要的作用,去掉同位语,主干仍然完整。二,补语跟被它补足的那个成分之间有逻辑上的关系。比如,逻辑上的主谓关系:例1:The teacher asked us to clean the classroom.宾语us跟宾语补足语to clean the classrooom,就是逻辑上的主谓关系。例2:Mr

12、Brain has just heard Zheng Jie playing the piano in a concert.同位语跟它同位的那个成分之间,没有这样的逻辑关系。同位语表示对其同位成分的进一步的解释、介绍或强调。例1:This is Mr.Wang,our manager.our manager是Mr.Wang的同位语,这两个成分没有逻辑关系,our manager指的即是Mr.Wang;而Mr.Wang指的也就是our manager。即所谓的“同位”吧,“同样的位置”。这两个成分甚至可以互换,句子都依然说得通:This is our manager,Mr.Wang。例2:Lu

13、Xun was respected by us Chinese.例3:But it was not enough that he himself thought this.句句 子子 结结 构构 P88基本句型基本句型简单句到复杂句的简单句到复杂句的其他句型(存在)其他句型(存在)一,基本句型一,基本句型陈述对象陈述对象+陈述内容陈述内容主语主语+谓语谓语谓语动词决定了一个句子的骨架结构谓语动词决定了一个句子的骨架结构1)分析复杂句时,先找谓语。)分析复杂句时,先找谓语。(2)写句子时,要知道谓语动词的用法特点)写句子时,要知道谓语动词的用法特点 写主体段的第一句话topic sentence

14、和后面的分论点时常常用到简单句。希望大家不要不敢用简单句,其实很多时候简单句也有它的优势。例句:Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways.The value of experiments is not limited to sciences.句型一:主系表句型一:主系表句型二:主谓句型二:主谓句型三:主谓宾句型三:主谓宾句型四:主谓宾宾句型四:主谓宾宾句型五:主谓宾补句型五:主谓宾补句型一:主语句型一:主语+系动词系动词+表语表语be动词动词(2)感官动词(感官动词(seem,look,taste,sound)(3)其他系动词其他系动

15、词“变得变得”(appear,come,go,become,get)1.梦想已经实现。梦想已经实现。The dream has come true.2.Street signs,supermarket goods and even their own newspaper are all in English.街上的标牌、超市里的货物、设置他们自己的报纸街上的标牌、超市里的货物、设置他们自己的报纸均使用英语。均使用英语。3.人们对坏消息显然要比对好消息更加好奇。人们对坏消息显然要比对好消息更加好奇。People are clearly more curious about bad news th

16、an good.句型二:主语句型二:主语+谓语谓语Intransitive verb(本身意思完整,后面不(本身意思完整,后面不需要宾语)需要宾语)Iron rusts.Tr.第一印象很重要。第一印象很重要。The First impression counts/matters.句型三:主语句型三:主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语:(后面带有宾语,表示作用的对象。)(后面带有宾语,表示作用的对象。)Tr.教育满足需要。教育满足需要。Education meets/satisfies the demand/need.句型四:主语句型四:主语+谓语谓语+间接宾语间接宾语+直接宾语直接宾语:人:人+物物短语

17、搭配短语搭配He showed the guard his passport.I am going to buy her a gift.=I am going to buy a gift for her.句型五:主语句型五:主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语:appoint,find,keep,make,prove,believe,think)They appointed John chairman.主主 谓谓 宾宾 宾补(名词做宾补)宾补(名词做宾补)A hedge between keeps friendship green.主主 谓谓 宾宾 宾补宾补(adj.)保持距离,友谊常青。(君子之交淡如水。)保持距离,友谊常青。(君子之交淡如水。)练习:找主干进行翻译练习:找主干进行翻译1.在经济全球化的时代,许多跨国公司更愿意雇佣有留在经济全球化的时代,许多跨国公司更愿意雇佣有留学背景的人。学背景的人。In the times/age/era of economic globalization,many multi-national companies would like to employ the people having an overseas educational background.


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