西藏西藏那曲市聂荣县 2020-2021学年七年级上学期期中英语 试卷.pdf

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1、第 1 页 共 4 页注意事项:注意事项:1.全卷共()大题,满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟。2.答题前,考生务必将自己的年级、班级、姓名写在答题纸相应的位置上。3.选择题必须用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题用黑色墨水钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题纸规定的地方。如直接答在试卷上,答题无效。一、情景交际一、情景交际(共计(共计 1010 分)分)(A)情景对话(根据上下文所表达的意思,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个正确答案。每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)()1.Good morning!_.A.OKB.Thank youC.Im fineD.Good mo

2、rning!()2.Nice to meet you?_.A.Nice to meet you tooB.yesC.Thank youD.Nice to meet you()3.Hi Bob!How are you?_.A.Im happyB.It is a penC.very goodD.Im fine()4.字母 AU Y E G D 中属于元音字母的是?_.A.U Y EB.AU YC.AU ED.E G D()5.晚饭后,你散步时遇到一个朋友,应说“_”来打招呼。A.Good morning!B.Good afternoon!C.Good evening!D.Good bye!()6.

3、Your jacket is nice._.A.Thank you B.Yes,its niceC.Thats OKD.No,it isnt()7.Are you Li Ming?Yes,I _.A.isB.areC.am()8.Whats this?_ a quilt.A.ThissB.This isC.ItsD.Its()9.-Whats your car number?-_536445A.ImB.ItsC.ItsD.My car is()10.-Whoare they?-_ are my parents.A.ItB.SheC.ThemD.They(B)补全对话(从所给的选项中选出能补全对

4、话(从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的选项填入空白处的选项。每小题每小题 1 1 分分,共计共计 5 5 分)分)A:Good morning!11._.B:My name is Li Lei.How are you,Miss Chen?A:12._.And you?B:Im fine,too.A:13._.B:Its a key.A:14._.B:Yes,K-E-Y,key.A:15_.Goodbye!B:Good bye!A.Thank you.B.Whats your name?C.Can you spell it,please?D.Im fine,thanks.E.Whats this

5、in English?二、单项选择(从二、单项选择(从 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。每小题四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。每小题 1 1分,共计 20 分)16.()别人帮了你之后,你应该说:“_”。聂荣县中学聂荣县中学 2020202020212021 学年度第一学期期中考试卷学年度第一学期期中考试卷七年级英语考试时间:120 分钟满分:120120 分分第 2 页 共 4 页A.OKB.HelloC.Fine,thanks.D.Thanks.17.()Bob is _ friend._ is a good boy.A.my;HisB.my

6、;HeC.I;HisD.I;He18.()She_Helen.A.areB.amC.isD./19.()老师说;“Good afternoon,class!”学生应该说_.A.HelloB.Good afternoonC.Thank youD.Hi20.()This is my sister,_ name is Lily.A.my B.her C.our D.his21.()Mom,this is my classmate,PeterHi,Peter!_A.Good-bye!B.thank you!C.Are you Peter?D.Nice to meet you22.()The pen a

7、nd the ruler _green.A.am B.isC.are D.be23.()What color is your coat?Its _orange.Its _orange coat.A.an,/B./,an C.a,anD.an,an24.()Where _you from?Lucy _ from the USA,I _from China.A.are;is;isB.are;is;areC.are;are;amD.are;is;am25.()询问同学的夹克衫颜色,应该说_。A.Whats your jacket?B.What color is your jacket?C.Is it

8、 a jacket?D.Whats this in English?26.()Michael is my_.His family name is smith.A.friendB.mapC.schoolD.ruler27.()Is that his brother?_.A.Yes,he isntB.No,he isntC.No,it isD.Yes,it is28.()英语字母共有_ 个,其中元音字母有_ 个。A.26;5B.26;3C.24;5D.25;529.()She eats three_ every day.A.apples B.appleC.the appleD.a apple30.

9、()My brother and I like baseball._play it every day.A.WeB.IC.TheyD.Them31.()_you_ TV every day?Yes,I doA.Is;watchB.Do;;watchC.Can;seeD.Are;watch32.()Lets_ sportsA.playsB.to playC.playingD.play33.()Lily likes English,_I like English,too.A.AndB.butC.orD.for34.()_this your dictionary?Yes.A.AmB.IsC.AreD

10、.Do35.()-Whos that girl?-She is my friend,Jane.She and I _in the same school.A.areB.amC.isD.was三完形填空三完形填空。(每题(每题 1.5 分,共分,共 15 分)分)Hello!My name is Bob.I am_36_English boy.Im 12.My_37_nameis Smith.I have(有)a red_38_and the phone number is 825-8652.Mygood_39_isBill White.Heis 12_40_.Heis_41_Beijingno

11、w._42_is his first name.Can you_43_it?Yeah!B-I-L-L.His phonenumber is 836-4637.He has a nice_44_.Its a red jacket.His pen is yellow.Its his favorite(最喜爱的)_45_.His ruler is yellow,too.36.A.aB.anC.theD./37.A.firstB.lastC.middleD.English38.A.telephoneB.rulerC.cupD.pen39.A.cupB.numberC.mapD.friend40.A.y

12、esB.noC.tooD.to41.A.onB.toC.inD.of42.A.BillB.WhiteC.FrankD.Smith43.A.seeB.sayC.spellD.meet44.A.orangeB.jacketC.rulerD.CD45.A.nameB.numberC.colorD.ruler四、阅读理解四、阅读理解(每题(每题2分,共分,共30分)分)AMs.Hu:Good morning,boys and girls!Im Ms.Hu and Im your Englishteacher(老师).Boys and girls:Good morning,Ms.Hu!Ms.Hu:Are

13、 you Dave?A:No.Im Bill.Ms.Hu:OK.Now,Bill,whats this in English?A:Its a ruler,Ms.Hu.Ms.Hu:What color is it?A:White.第 3 页 共 4 页Ms.Hu:Right.(正确)And what color is this pen?A:Its blue.I like(喜欢)blue,because(因为)I like the sea(大海).B:No.The pen is green.And I like green.Look!My jacket is green.Ms.Hu:Great46

14、、_is the English teacher.A.DaveB.BillC.Ms.Hu47、The boy is_A.BillB.DaveC.White.48、The ruler is_A.blueB.greenC.white.49、The jacket is_A.whiteB.greenC.blue.50、The_is blue.A.rulerB.seaC.penBMy name is Helen.Im seven.Dale is my brother.Hes nine.We are students.My mother is a teacher.She is an English tea

15、cher.She is a teacher in our(我们的)school.My father is a teacher in the school,too.I have a dog.Its name isBen.We are good friends.51、Dale and Helen are_.A.brother and sisterB.friendsC.sistersD.teachers52、Dales mother is _.A.an English teacherB.a Chinese teacherC.a studentD.nine53、Ben is the name of _

16、.A.Dales sisterB.Helens dogC.Helens motherD.Dales father54、Helen is _.A.an English teacherB.fiveC.a studentD.eleven55、Dale,Helen and their mother are_.A.in the same(相同的)schoolB.studentsC.teachersD.friendsCThis is my mother.Her name is Fiona。This is my father.His name is Patrick.These are my two brot

17、hers.My elder(最大的)brothers name is Jacob.Jonahis the youngest(最年轻的)in our family.This is our dog.his name is Spot.Canyou find me?my name is Sophie.()56.Jacob is my brother.()57.My fathers name is Fiona.()58.My first name is Sophie.()59.Spot is a boy.()60.There are five people in my family.五词汇(根据所给音标

18、、首字母或汉语提示写出下列句中所缺单词,共 5 分。)61.Nice to(遇见)you,Jenny Green.62.Whats his telephone_(号码)?63.My sister is in_(中国).64.(谁)is that boy?Hes my cousin,Dale.65.Here is a photo of my(家庭).六用括号中所给的单词的正确形式填空(每题 1 分。共计 10 分)。66、I _Alan.(be)67、The T-shirts_(be)too big for me.68、It_my English book.(be)69、Tom and Tim

19、_(be)my good friends.70、_(be)Tom and Bob good friends?71、Bob has three _(brother).72、There are many_(box)73、She has three_(ruler)74、I have a good_(friend),75、My_(parent)are in Beijing now.七、句字改错(每空 2 分、共 10 分)76、Itama whitecup.()_ABCD77、She name is Lucy Green.()_ABC78、This are my friends.()_ABC第 4 页 共 4 页79、It is an useful tool.()_ABCD80、Thoseare my photo.()_ABC八、作文(15 分)请用所学的英文,介绍你的家庭成员。要求:1.词数不少于 602.要点齐全,书写工整3.不得出现真实的姓名或学校名称。所有有关姓名的请用 xxx 代替。MyFamily


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