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1、七年级数学上册:第1章数学与我们同行教学课件1把一张长方形纸片通过把一张长方形纸片通过折叠、裁剪、展开,你能得折叠、裁剪、展开,你能得到一个正方形吗?到一个正方形吗?用火柴棒搭三角形搭2个三角形需要火柴棒_根搭3个三角形需要火柴棒_根搭1个三角形需要火柴棒_根357搭10个三角形需要火柴棒_根搭100个三角形需要火柴棒_根21201搭n个三角形需要火柴棒_根(2n1)日日一一二二三三四四 五五六六12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031观察月历日日一一二二三三四四 五五六六1234567891011121314151617181

2、9202122232425262728293031观察月历日日一一二二三三四四 五五六六12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031观察月历日日一一二二三三四四 五五六六12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031观察月历活动名称活动名称篮球篮球足球足球乒乓球乒乓球羽毛球羽毛球健美操健美操跳绳跳绳人数人数 Revision Module 71.1.1集合的概念课内合作探究课内合作探究 2巩巩 固固 提提 升升3课后强化作业课后强化作业 4课前自主预习课前自主预习1课前自主

3、预习课前自主预习.重点单词 1破坏,损坏(v.)_ 2临时的(adj.)_ 3尴尬的(adj.)_(使)尴尬(v.)_ 4区分,区别(v.)_ 5安排,布置(n.)_ 安排(v.)_ damagetemporaryembarrassedembarrass distinguish arrangementarrange.重点短语 1mistake._.误将认为 2throw_扔掉,抛弃 3_show在展出for awayon课内合作探究课内合作探究1embarrass vt.使尴尬;使窘迫I hope my words didnt embarrass you.我希望我的话没有使你难堪。The re

4、lease of these secret documents has embarrassed the administration.这些秘密文件的公开使政府陷入困境。知识拓展(1)embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的,使人难堪的 embarrassed adj.感到难堪,感到尴尬的 be embarrassed to do sth.对做某事感到困窘或尴尬 be embarrassed about对感到不好意思 I dont like making speeches in public;it is so embarrassing.我不喜欢在公众面前讲话,太难为情了。Arthur see

5、med embarrassed by the question.亚瑟似乎被这个问题弄得有些窘迫。(2)embarrassment n害羞,困窘,难堪 much to ones embarrassment令人很不好意思的是 Hes an embarrassment to his family.他是家中叫人为难的人。即学即用 语法填空(1)I felt_(embarrass)about how dirty my house was.(2)She asked a lot of_(embarrass)questions.答案:(1)embarrassed(2)embarrassing 2disting

6、uish vt.区别,辨别 distinguish between.and.distinguish.from.区别与 distinguish onself(as.)使某人出众;使某人著名 distinguished adj.杰出的;著名的 I couldnt distinguish the twin brothers.我无法分辨那对双胞胎兄弟。Please tell me how to distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one.请告诉我如何区分毒蛇和无毒蛇。Speech distinguishes man from the other

7、animals.语言把人和其他动物区别开来。He distinguished himself by winning four prizes.他因赢得4个奖而出名。He is distinguished for his knowledge of science.他以懂得广泛的科学知识而出名。注意:distinguish A from B相当于tell A from B,表示:辨别/分辨A与B。即学即用 完成句子 色盲者很难辨别红色与绿色。Color blind people often find it difficult to_ red_green.答案:distinguish between;

8、andthrow away 扔掉;抛弃;浪费;错过You should throw away all useless things.你应当把那些没用的东西统统扔掉。My advice was thrown away on him.我对他的劝告都白费了。This could be the best chance youll ever have;dont throw it away.这很可能是你能得到的最好的机会,别白白地错过了。知识拓展 throw light on/upon 阐明;使显得清楚 This find is very valuable,for it throws much light

9、 on the history of the textile art.这一发现很有价值,因为它为纺织工业的发展史提供了资料。即学即用 翻译句子 这些消息为弄清总统的神秘死亡提供了线索。_ 答案:The news threw light on the presidents mysterious death.it was too badly damaged to be put on show again,.已受到严重的破坏而不能被再次展出了,too.to.太而不能在该短语中,too后接形容词或副词,to后接不定式,可能是肯定意义,也可能是否定意义。具体用法如下:(1)否定意义。后面的to接不定式修

10、饰前面的too时,才具有否定意义,翻译时要加否定词。The boy was too excited to keep still.这个男孩太兴奋了,无法保持平静。The boy is too young to go to school.那个男孩还没到上学的年龄。(2)肯定意义。在too的前面有all,but,not,only等词时,具有肯定意义。only/but too.to.太巴不得,非常(十分)He is only too pleased to help you.他非常乐于助人。not too.to.不太还来得及,并非太而不能.He is not too young to dress him

11、self.他不是小的连衣服也不会穿。.It is not too much to say that life without water is impossible.没有水就没有生命,这样说并不过分。too.not to.太不能不.You are too clever not to understand the importance of this question.你太聪明了,一定能懂得这个问题的重要性。.He was too angry not to say what he thought.他太气愤了,忍不住要说出心里话。即学即用 完成句子 驾驶汽车时,你怎么小心也不过分。You cann

12、ot_careful when you drive a car.答案:be too巩巩 固固 提提 升升 单项填空 1English has a large vocabulary,hasnt it?Yes._ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.AKnowBKnowing CTo know DKnown 答案:A考查“祈使句and陈述句”句式结构。2We wanted to get home before dark,but it didnt quite _ as plann

13、ed.Amake out Bturn out Cgo on Dcome up 答案:Bturn out“结果是”;不像计划的那样。3We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for _.Anone Beither Cany Deach 答案:C根据have no use可确定应用any。因为any用于否定句中。either用于否定句表示“也不”。4Because the shop _,all the Tshirts are sold at half price.Ahas closed down Bclosed

14、down Cis closing down Dhad closed down 答案:C现在进行时有时可表示将要发生的事,特别是在计划中即将发生的事。根据下文all the Tshirts are sold at half price可判断出商店即将关门。5Anyway,that evening,_ Ill tell you more about later,I ended up staying at Rachels place.Awhen Bwhere Cwhat Dwhich 答案:D这是一个非限制性定语从句,which在定语从句中作about的宾语。6Brad was Janes brot

15、her!_ he reminded me so much of Jane!ANo doubt BAbove all CNo wonder DOf course 答案:Cno wonder“难怪”,因为Brad是Jane的兄弟,他经常提到Jane就没有什么奇怪的了。7Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company,_ as 3M.Aknowing Bknown Cbeing known Dto be known 答案:B过去分词known作Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Comp

16、any的定语。8The Chinese language is generally thought by the foreign learners to be the hardest _.Ato learn Bto be learnt Clearning it Dto learn it 答案:A句型“sth.beadj.to do(须及物)”,及物的不定式的逻辑宾语应是句子主语。9It was required that each student _ enough food for the picnic.Abring Bbrought Cwould bring Dhad brought 答案:

17、A受require的影响,本句使用“should动词原形”构成虚拟语气(should可以省略)。10What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game starts._.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.AIt just depends BIts up to you CAll right DGlad to hear that 答案:BIts up to you.“随你的便”。所提供的情景“Whatever you want to do is fine with me”说明对方所做的事都会使说话人高兴。


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