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1、-投诉信投诉信(Letter of Complaint)投诉信(投诉信(Letter of Complaint)投诉信是当事人对某产品产品或服务服务表示不满意的一种书信形式,格式与其他书信类似。【写作点拨】在生活中,人们经常会遇到一些令人伤脑筋的事情,比如消费利益受损、正常生活和工作受到干扰等,此时写投诉信不失为一个解决问题的办法。投诉信通常包括以下几个方面的内容:说明投诉的原因并表示遗憾;实事求是地阐述问题发生的经过,切记不要夸大其词;指出问题引起的后果;提出批评及处理的意见或敦促对方采取措施,或者提出期望的赔偿以及补救方式。组织提纲时要遵循“三步走”的写作规律:专题专题3 3应用文写作之投

2、诉信应用文写作之投诉信返回目录返回目录第一段:表明来信所要投诉的问题,尽可能做到客观、礼貌,给读信人留下好印象。应该记住读信人不一定就是错误的责任人,他的合作对事情的最终圆满解决有着非常重要的作用。第二段:写明投诉的原因、问题的经过及产生的后果。可以说具体的理由,也可以说问题的具体体现方式。第三段:提出解决方案,不需展开。这段应体现书信的礼貌原则,可以用类似“如果你能,我将十分感激”这样的表达方式,还要注意做到公平、公正。返回目录返回目录专题专题3 3应用文写作之投诉信应用文写作之投诉信1段首常用语:(1)I am writing to make a complaint about(2)I a

3、m most reluctant to complain,but(3)One annoying aspect of your service is(4)I have been pleased with your service for years,but now I feel very disappointed.(5)I would like to draw your attention to the problem/fault(6)I am writing to inform you that I findunsatisfactory.(7)I wish to express my diss

4、atisfaction/disappointment about返回目录返回目录2段尾常用语:(1)It would be highly appreciated if you could(2)I believe you will take my complaints seriously and(3)I hope you will give due attention to this matter.(4)I would like to get this matter settled by the end of this month.(5)I could not be more satisfied

5、 if you can kindly(6)I would appreciate it very much if you could返回目录返回目录范文范文(日期)Aug.8,2003 Dear Sirs,(称呼)I am writing to complain to you about the pairs of shoes that I bought from your shop during the May Day.When I took it back home,I found there was something wrong with the shoes.As you will rea

6、lize,I was extremely upset to discover all this.I am returning the shoes with this letter and look forward to receiving a new one of the same size.正文(结束敬语)Yours truly(签名)Li Ming范例范例1.情景介绍情景介绍 假如你是一名乘客,名叫李华,对这次航班不满意,理假如你是一名乘客,名叫李华,对这次航班不满意,理由有如下四个:由有如下四个:(1)航空公司给你弄丢了一个重要的包,内有公司机密文件;)航空公司给你弄丢了一个重要的包,内

7、有公司机密文件;(2)飞机迟到一个半小时;)飞机迟到一个半小时;(3)飞机上的食物很差;)飞机上的食物很差;(4)乘务员的服务态度不好。)乘务员的服务态度不好。请你就此事给航空公司写一封请你就此事给航空公司写一封投诉信投诉信。100词左右。词左右。写作步骤:写作步骤:1.审题,要做到审题,要做到“四确定四确定”(1)体裁格式)体裁格式:应用文(书信)格式:应用文(书信)格式 (2)主体主体时态:一般过去式时态:一般过去式 (3)中心中心人称:人称:第一人称第一人称 (4)内容要点:内容要点:2 2 投诉事由要点一投诉事由要点一投诉事由要点二;投诉事由要点二;投诉事由要点三;投诉事由要点三;投诉

8、事由要点投诉事由要点-;1 1自我介绍,自我介绍,说明投诉理由;说明投诉理由;3 3 提出要求提出要求或希望或希望3.列提纲列提纲-抱怨信、批评信、投诉信类抱怨信、批评信、投诉信类Dear_,My name is Im writing this letter about Im sorry to say that Im very unhappy about First of all,Secondly,Thirdly,Fourthly,I hate to have to say this,but Honestly speaking,The focus of my complaint is I do

9、 hope 投诉信格式模板:Dear _,I am _(自我介绍).I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about _(抱怨的事情)The reason for my dissatisfaction is _(总体介绍).In the first place,_(抱怨的第一个方面).In addition,_(抱怨的第二个方面).Under these circumstances,I find it _(感觉)to _(抱怨的方面带来的后果)返回目录返回目录I appreciate

10、it very much if you could _(提出建议和请求),preferably _(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by _(设定解决事情的最后期限)Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming返回目录返回目录Dear manager,My name is Li Hua,a passenger of your airline.Im writing th

11、is letter about your bad service.Im sorry to say that Im very unhappy about your airline.First of all,your airline lost one of my bags,in which there is an important paper of our company.Secondly,my plane was one and a half hours late.You know,I had to attend an important meeting in time.Thirdly,the

12、 food on the plane was terrible.Fourthly,I hate to say this,but I think the attendants on the plane were unfriendly and impolite to me.Honestly speaking,this is the worst airline I know in the world.The focus of my complaint is where my bag is.I do hope you can help me find my bag and improve your s

13、ervice.Yours,Li Hua自我介绍自我介绍投诉事由投诉事由投诉投诉事由要点概括句事由要点概括句对抱怨、投诉的总结句对抱怨、投诉的总结句突出投诉的中心议题突出投诉的中心议题提出要求和希望提出要求和希望Dear manager,My name is Li Hua,a passenger of your airline.Im writing this letter about your bad service.Im sorry to say that Im very unhappy about your airline.First of all,your airline lost one

14、 of my bags,in which there is an important paper of our company.Secondly,my plane was one and a half hours late.You know,I had to attend an important meeting in time.Thirdly,the food on the plane was terrible.Fourthly,I hate to say this,but I think the attendants服务服务 on the plane were unfriendly and

15、 impolite to me.Honestly speaking,this is the worst airline I know in the world.The focus of my complaint is where my bag is.I do hope you can help me find my bag and improve your service.Yours,Li Hua 1.Im writing to you about _(产品)that I bought _(时间、地点)2.It didnt work.(broken,)3.It wasted my time.(

16、noisy,made me headache)4.I hope you to give back my money.(change to a new one,repair quickly)对对于于产产品的投品的投诉诉:语言注意点:投诉信应重点表明投诉的原因,叙事应客观、准确、简洁。最后提出的解决方法应切实可行。在表达自己的不满时,语言要把握分寸,不失风度。你参加了某旅行社组织安排的云南六天游。你参加了某旅行社组织安排的云南六天游。以下是旅行社广告宣传与你参团后实际情以下是旅行社广告宣传与你参团后实际情况的对比:况的对比:广告宣传广告宣传实际情况实际情况行程行程安排安排游览当地十处著名游览当地十

17、处著名景点景点仅游览了八处仅游览了八处景点景点,行程乏味行程乏味酒店酒店住宿住宿入住五星级酒店入住五星级酒店,配配套设施齐全套设施齐全配套设施陈旧配套设施陈旧,没有热水供应没有热水供应巩固练习巩固练习(作业作业1):写作内容写作内容请给旅行社写一封投诉信请给旅行社写一封投诉信,内容包括:内容包括:1.写信的目的;写信的目的;2.行程安排、酒店住宿旅游广告宣传与实际行程安排、酒店住宿旅游广告宣传与实际情况的对比;情况的对比;3.要求要求退回退回(give-back)30%团费团费,否则将采否则将采取进一步行动。取进一步行动。精华点评精华点评 这是一篇关于旅行参团后的投诉信。因这是一篇关于旅行参团

18、后的投诉信。因事情已发生事情已发生,描述广告宣传与实际情况对比时描述广告宣传与实际情况对比时,应该使用合适的过去时态。当谈及广告宣传应该使用合适的过去时态。当谈及广告宣传时时,可使用可使用“As it was promised /;It was claimed in your advertisement that.”等句型等句型,并使用并使用However /On the contrary等副词或等副词或but等连词等连词,引出实际引出实际情况的描述。情况的描述。在词汇运用方面在词汇运用方面,对重复出现的词句对重复出现的词句,可尝可尝试运用多种表达试运用多种表达,如游览如游览(visit,pa

19、y a visit to)著名著名景点景点(historical attractions,places of interest,scenic spots)、配套设施、配套设施(well/poorly furnished/equipped),并可通过使用相同单词的不同词性,并可通过使用相同单词的不同词性来变换表达来变换表达,如如enjoy the stay(名词名词)in a five-star hotel和和stay(动词动词)in a poorly equipped hotel。参考范文参考范文 Dear Sir,Im writing to complain about the six-da

20、y trip to Yunnan organized by your travel agency.As it was promised in your advertisement,we would visit ten famous historical attractions of the local place.However,we only visited eight places of interest,tired of the boring journey as well.Besides,it was claimed that we would enjoy the stay in a

21、five-star hotel which was well furnished,but to our disappointment,we were arranged to stay in a poorly equipped hotel with no hot water supply.Please give 30%of my money back,or I shall be forced to take the matter further.Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Chen Ming


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