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1、Words and expressions in U5Canada-“The True North”1multicultural(多多种文化种文化的)的)=multi+culturalmulti-=many Prefix(前缀前缀)Noun&AdjectiveAdjective multi-colored multi-national multi-channel multi-mediamulticoloredmultinationalmultichannelmultimedia2quizCanadian-Canadabeavergrizzly3Justin Trudeaupolar adj.-

2、pole n.杆;柱;极点杆;柱;极点penguinprime minister-primely adv.最初地最初地governor n.-govern v.统治统治-government n.管理;政府管理;政府4rather than 与其;不愿与其;不愿【联想拓展联想拓展】would rather do A than do Bwould do A rather than do Bprefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做宁愿做A而不愿做而不愿做B1)Many students would ratherstudy in school than study at

3、home.2)Many students would study in school rather than study at home.3)Many students prefer to study in school rather than study at home.【即学活用即学活用】很多学生宁愿在校学习也不愿意在家里学习很多学生宁愿在校学习也不愿意在家里学习。5【考点考点】rather than连接两个并列成分连接两个并列成分作主语作主语时,谓语与时,谓语与rather than前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致,前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致,即即“就就远原则远原则”。与之用法类似的词

4、还有。与之用法类似的词还有as well as,(together/along)with,but,except,besides,including,in addition to,apart from等。等。rather than后接不定式时,不定式可以带后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以,也可以不带不带to,但,但当当rather than位于句首位于句首时,时,只能接不带只能接不带to的的不定式不定式。【即学活用即学活用】1)I think Tom,rather than you,_(be)to blame.2)He was engaged in writing rather than

5、_ (read)the newspaper.3)Rather than _(seek)help from his friends,he decided to rely on himself.rather than 是一个连词,常用来连接平行结构,即前面是名是一个连词,常用来连接平行结构,即前面是名词,后面也是名词,前面的动词原形,后面也是动词原形。词,后面也是名词,前面的动词原形,后面也是动词原形。isreadingseek6continent7chat(chatted,chatted,chatting)vi.&n.聊天聊天【联想拓展联想拓展】chat with sb about sth.和某

6、人闲聊某事和某人闲聊某事 vi.have a chat with sb.和某人和某人聊天聊天 n.8baggage=luggage【U】scenerythe Rocky Mountainsharbour9surround vt.包围,环绕包围,环绕【联想拓展联想拓展】surroundwith 用用包围包围be surrounded by/with 被被包围包围surrounding adj.周围的;附近的周围的;附近的the surrounding scenery surroundings n.环境;周围的事物环境;周围的事物【即学活用即学活用】1)Once upon a time,a kin

7、g who was polite to _countries lived in a castle _ by a large forest and having wonderful _.(surround)2)Gates has surrounded himself _ smart people.3)我很快适应了新的环境。我很快适应了新的环境。I soon adapted to/got used to my new surroundings.surroundedsurroundingwithsurroundings10 Prep&Noun Suffix(后缀(后缀)Adjective up -w

8、ard back -ward east -ward west -ward-ward=in a certain direction out+ward=outward 向外向外upwardbackwardeastwardwestward11measure vivt 测量;衡量;测量;衡量;判定判定 n.措施;计量制措施;计量制-measurable adj.可测量的可测量的【联想拓展联想拓展】measureby 用用来衡量来衡量make sth.to sb.s measure 给某人量身定做给某人量身定做take measures/steps/action to do sth.采取措施做某事采取措

9、施做某事【即学活用即学活用】1)我们我们一定要采取措施保护我们的环境不受污染一定要采取措施保护我们的环境不受污染。2)我们要采取保护性措施来防止被病毒感染。我们要采取保护性措施来防止被病毒感染。(infect)3)The tree behind my house _(measure)more than 10 meters tall.We must take measures to protect our environment from/against pollution.We must take protective measures to prevent ourselves from be

10、ing infected by the virus.measures12The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers _.飞机飞机坠毁,机上坠毁,机上157名乘客全部遇难。名乘客全部遇难。aboard prep.&adv.在(船、飞机、火车)上;在(船、飞机、火车)上;上上(船、飞机、火车)(船、飞机、火车)区别区别 abroad adv.在国外;到海外在国外;到海外aboard131)He settled down in his chair to read the newspaper.2)Theyd like to see their daught

11、er settle down,get married,and have kids.3)The chairman tried to settle the audience down.4)He found it hard to settle down to doing his work.settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于;定居;平静下来;专心于;坐下坐下-settlement n.解决;定居;协议解决;定居;协议-settler n.定居者;移民者定居者;移民者坐下或躺下坐下或躺下安顿安顿/定居定居使使.平静下来平静下来认真认真/定下心来做某事定下心来做某事【即学活用即学活用】Afte

12、r the panda_ _(定居)定居)in the mountain,she _ _ _(让自己平静下来)让自己平静下来).Look!The panda is _ _ _ _(专心专心地吃)地吃)leaves of bamboo.(settle)settled downsettled herself downsettling down to eating14manage to do=succeed in doing-设法做设法做-management n.管理管理-manager n.管理人员;经理管理人员;经理【即学活用即学活用】1)The bird managed _(catch)th

13、e butterfly.2)He worked hard and succeeded in_ the exam(pass).3)He _ pass the exam,but failed because of laziness.【联想拓展联想拓展】manage it 设法完成设法完成try/attempt to do 尽力做某尽力做某事(事(结果结果不确定)不确定)to catchpassingtried to15catch sight of 看见;瞥见看见;瞥见(caught,caught)【联想拓展联想拓展】come into sight 进入视野,出现在眼前进入视野,出现在眼前lose

14、sight of 看不见;忽略;忘记看不见;忽略;忘记lose ones sight 失明失明out of sight 看不见,在视野外看不见,在视野外in/within sight 在视野内;看得见在视野内;看得见at first sight 乍看上去;初次见到乍看上去;初次见到at the sight of.一看见一看见.16【即学活用即学活用】用用sight的词组填空的词组填空1)The baby smiled _ his mother.2)He tried to catch the thief,but he _ him in the crowd.3)The eagle was soon

15、 _.4)I _an empty seat at the back of the bus.5)_I thought it was Mary,but when I looked again I saw it was Helen.at the sight oflost sight ofout of sightcaught sight ofAt first sight17have a gift for 有有天赋天赋-gifted adj.有天赋的有天赋的【联想拓展联想拓展】have a gift for=have a talent forbe gifted in/at doing sth.=be t

16、alented in/at doing sth.在在方面有天赋方面有天赋梅西有踢足球的天赋,这使得他梅西有踢足球的天赋,这使得他闻名世界。闻名世界。Messi has a gift for/is gifted at playing football,which makes him world famous.18within prep.在在-之内之内;不越过不越过【联想拓展联想拓展】1)时间:)时间:(将来或过去时)将来或过去时)within 2 days(2天天内内)2)距离:)距离:within 5 miles (5英里之英里之内内)3)范围)范围/程度:程度:within ones pow

17、er 在某人的权力范围内,力所能及在某人的权力范围内,力所能及within ones reach=within(the)reach of sb.“在某在某人够得着的范围之内人够得着的范围之内”19borderslight adj.-slightly adv.acreurban20location-locate v.位于;查找位于;查找.地点地点topicbushmaple21mix vt.&vi.混合;调配混合;调配-mixture n.混合(物);混混合(物);混合状态合状态-mixed ad.混合的混合的【联想拓展联想拓展】mix with 与与混合;融合混合;融合mix A with B

18、=mix A and B 把把A与与B混合起来混合起来/融合在一起融合在一起mix up 弄乱;混淆;搅拌弄乱;混淆;搅拌a mixture of A and B A和和B的混合物的混合物【即学活用即学活用】1)You cant mix oil _ water.你不能把油和水混合起来。你不能把油和水混合起来。2)I always mix _ the twins.我总是把这对双胞胎弄混我总是把这对双胞胎弄混。3)The performance is a_ of western and Chinese cultures.(mix)withupmixture22frost n.-frosty adj

19、.结霜的;严寒的结霜的;严寒的wealthy adj.-wealth n.财产财产mist n.-misty adj.schoolmate23 confirm vt.证实证实;证明;确定;证明;确定;批准批准-confirmation n.证实;证明;批准证实;证明;批准-confirmed adj.确定的、已被证实的确定的、已被证实的【联想拓展联想拓展】confirm sth./that/wh-从句从句 证实;确实证实;确实confirm sb.in sth.使某人确信某事使某人确信某事It has been confirmed that已经确定已经确定confirm a theory 证实

20、一种理论证实一种理论confirm ones belief 坚定信念坚定信念confirm a contract 批准合同批准合同【即学活用即学活用】There was frost on the ground,_(confirm)that fall had arrived.确诊病例确诊病例 _(confirm)casesconfirmingconfirmed24distance n.距离;远方距离;远方-distant adj.遥远的;冷漠的遥远的;冷漠的【联想拓展联想拓展】in the distance 在远处在远处at a distance 隔一段距离;从远处隔一段距离;从远处at a d

21、istance of在在远处远处keep sb.at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远对某人冷淡;与某人疏远keep ones distance from 与与保持距离保持距离【即学活用即学活用】1)We caught sight of our English teacher _.2)The painting looks more beautiful _.3)Its better for you to keep the liar _.in the distanceat a distanceat a distance25boothdowntownpearlapproximately=

22、about/or so26at dawnworkplacebuffetbroad-broadly adv.-broaden n.27nearby 在附近;附近的在附近;附近的【拓展拓展】nearby 即可做即可做前置定语前置定语,又可做,又可做后置定语后置定语,而,而near by 只能做后置定语只能做后置定语:a nearby hotel=a hotel nearby/near by 附近的一家附近的一家旅馆旅馆【即学活用即学活用】直升机坠毁在附近的地面上直升机坠毁在附近的地面上。附近的一张餐桌旁一附近的一张餐桌旁一个男子在个男子在高声抱怨着。高声抱怨着。The helicopter cra

23、shed to earth nearby.At a nearby table a man was complaining in a loud voice.28tradition n.传统;风俗传统;风俗-traditional adj.传统的传统的;-traditionally adv.传统地传统地【联想拓展联想拓展】by tradition 按照传统按照传统It is traditional for sb.to do sth.某人做某事是一种传统某人做某事是一种传统【即学活用即学活用】1)Spring festival,as a _(tradition)celebration in Chin

24、a,has gone further to foreign countries.2)Mothers have _(tradition)stayed home with their children.traditionaltraditionally29terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓使恐怖;恐吓-terrified ad.感到恐惧的感到恐惧的-terrifying ad.令人恐怖的;可怕的令人恐怖的;可怕的-terror n.恐惧恐惧【联想拓展联想拓展】terrify sb.into doing sth.恐吓某恐吓某人干某人干某事事be terrified of害怕害怕;不敢;不敢be ter

25、rified with/at 被被吓一跳吓一跳【即学活用即学活用】1)The _ look on his face shows that hes greatly _.(terrify)2)He will never forget the _ experience.(terrify)3)She was_ at the_-looking dog and stood there trembling with_.(terrify)terrifiedterrifyingterrorterrifiedterrifiedterrifying30pleased adj.-please vt.使(某人)高兴使(

26、某人)高兴/愉快愉快-pleasing adj.令人愉快的令人愉快的-pleasant adj.令人愉快的令人愉快的-pleasure n.高兴;愉快高兴;愉快【联想拓展联想拓展】be pleased/satisfied with 对对感到满意感到满意be pleased to do sth.高兴地去做某事高兴地去做某事for pleasure 为了娱乐为了娱乐with pleasure 乐意效劳乐意效劳【即学活用即学活用】1)Well be _to offer any assistance you need.(please)2)The girl in the shop is always e

27、ager _ the customers.(please)pleasedto please31impress vt.使印象深刻使印象深刻-impressive adj.给人深刻印象给人深刻印象的的-impression n.印象印象【联想拓展联想拓展】impress sb.with sth.=impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人牢使某人牢记某事;使某人对某事印象深刻记某事;使某人对某事印象深刻sb.be impressed with/by 某人对某人对印象深刻印象深刻make/leave/have a/an.impression on sb.给给某人留某人留下下印象印象【即学活

28、用即学活用】Her speech was so_.Thats to say,she seized the chance to _ her boss and made a good_ on him.(impress)impressiveimpressimpression32 The story I would like to tell you today is about a man named Chris who settled down in a beautiful place,which was surrounded by rivers and mountains.The scenery

29、there is very fantastic.When he was young,he had a gift for maths.That is why he managed to enter a big company rather than just stay in the small place when he grew up.The lucky day came finally,he took a quiz to enter a big financial company and chatted with the minister who was in charge of the d

30、epartment and took measures to make his company better.Luckily,he was admitted.Understand the passage33 Write a small passage using the words we learnt today.(measure,rather than,impress sb.with sth./impress sth.on sb./leave/make/have a(n)impression on sb.,manage to do,settle down,be surrounded by)我

31、我的朋友李华的朋友李华 我的朋友李华高我的朋友李华高1.7米。她每天骑自行车而不是乘公米。她每天骑自行车而不是乘公交上学。她的勤奋交上学。她的勤奋(diligence)给我印象很深。她成功地给我印象很深。她成功地通过了托福考试(通过了托福考试(TOEFL)并且已经被批准可以定居)并且已经被批准可以定居在美国。我喜欢和像她这样的同学在一起。(喜欢被像在美国。我喜欢和像她这样的同学在一起。(喜欢被像她这样的同学包围)她这样的同学包围)My friend Li Hua measures 1.7metres tall.She goes to school by bike rather than by bus every day.Li Hua impresses me with her diligence.(She impresses on me the importance of diligence./Her diligence has left/made/had a good impression on me.)She managed to pass TOEFL and has been confirmed(批准批准)to settle down in the USA.I like being surrounded by schoolmates like her.3435


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