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1、高三完型填空专项训练第一篇Every two or three months,Thyago Ohana goes out on the busy streets of Vienna with a sign saying “Free Hugs”. The handsome 32yearold Brazilian chooses a popular 1 ,like the historic shopping street,Kaerntner Strasse.There he opens his arms to 2 who wants a hearty embrace.He does it beca

2、use back in 2012,when he was feeling very stressed and 3 during a visit to Paris,a stranger gave him a free hug.Hes never forgotten how it 4 him with 5 calm and joy.For those who take up his 6 ,the hug makes them laugh and smile.But sometimes it does more,as when an elderly woman in a tour group 7 a

3、nd watched him.The group moved on, 8 she stayed where she was and asked,“Can I have a hug?”“Of course you can!” said Thyago who 9 his arms round her.When they broke their embrace,she kept 10 his shoulders and looked into his eyes.“Thank you,” she said,“I can 11 remember the last time I was hugged th

4、is way.”Its a 12 that still makes Thyago emotional.“It was a really powerful moment of human 13 .Its why I keep doing it.”Of our five senses,our sense of 14 is the one we most tend to take for granted and yet the one we can 15 do without.“A child can be born blind or 16 and they will grow up just fi

5、ne,with no cognitive(认知的) 17 ,” says US neuroscientist(神经系统科学家) David Linden,author of Touch:TheScienceofHand,Heart,andMind.“Yet if a baby is 18 in loving social touch for the first two years of life,then all sorts of disasters unfold.”“When we put our hands on each other,” wrote Linden in a recent

6、issue of AARPTheMagazine,“were 19 deep associations between touch and 20 that are developed at the dawn of life.”1A.profession BlocationCpath Ddirection2A.someone BnobodyCanyone Deverybody3A.moved BanxiousCindifferent Drelieved4A.filled BfitCmixed Dcombined5A.temporary BunexpectedCnecessary Dnatural

7、6A.gesture BpuzzleCoffer Dassistance7A.approached BpassedCattracted Dslipped8A.otherwise BbutCand Dor9A.tore BshookCpiled Dwrapped10A.falling down Bsettling downCholding onto Dletting go of11A.entirely BfairlyCbarely Dsimply12A.spirit BtrendCexpense Dmemory13A.connection BexpectationCconfusion Datti

8、tude14A.hearing BtouchCsight Dsmell15A.most BlatestClast Dleast16A.physical BdeafCdear Davailable17A.problems BpainsCnerves Dmistakes18A.present BfondCfull Dlacking19A.looking into Bputting forwardCsearching for Dpreparing for20A.emotion BhealthCgrowth Dpassion第二篇I can still remember the afternoon w

9、hen we climbed the mountain as if it were yesterday.It was a sunny day. 1 to spend some time outdoors,I went up the mountain with Uncle Jimmy.The mountain was not easy to climb and had tough rocks and streams on it.In the end, 2 and hot,I couldnt go any further. 3 ,we went back down the mountain.On

10、the way back down,Uncle Jimmy asked me a question,which 4 me speechless for a second: “Whats your dream,young lady?”“I have no idea,” I answered after thinking for a while.Then he smiled and told me about his 5 .He didnt 6 well at school when he was a student.Although 7 thought he could succeed,he k

11、new 8 what his dream wasto be a 9 .“I knew I wasnt 10 when it came to studying,so I tried to buy snacks from a nearby market and sell them after class,” he told me.After he left school,he started selling different items to 11 which one was most attractive to customers.Of course,he often had no money

12、 in his pocket,but 12 difficult life was,he never gave up.“There is no 13 that a person who puts in a great deal of 14 to reach his or her goal will have good luck at some point.The meaning of life is to chase your dream,” he said gently.That night I could not fall asleep.With my eyes wide open,I la

13、y in bed tossing and turning,asking myself,“Whats my motivation?” I wanted to be a top student,but the hard work 15 meant putting everything into following my 16 .If I find myself 17 willpower,what should I do? Leaving home early the next morning,I climbed the mountain again all by myself.It made me

14、 think: If we dont 18 the climb,how can we get to enjoy the scenery on the top of the mountain? At last,I reached the top and was 19 by the warm breeze and sunshine.Nothing could be more 20 than that.1A.Hesitant BUnwillingCSatisfied DEager2A.worried BanxiousCexhausted Dscared3A.Consequently BHowever

15、CMeanwhile DFurthermore4A.caused Bleft Cpushed Dbrought5A.career BstoryCidea Dconfusion6A.behave BperformCrespond Dimpress7A.somebody BeverybodyCnobody Danybody8A.shortly BdirectlyCclearly Drapidly9A.chef BscholarCdeliveryman Dbusinessman10A.gifted BskilledCdiligent Dknowledgeable11A.make sure Bchec

16、k inCfigure out Dcount on12A.whatever BhoweverCwherever Dwhichever13A.need BdoubtCwonder Dpossibility14A.talent BpotentialCambition Deffort15A.directed BconnectedCpulled Dinvolved16A.passion BabilityCstrength Ddemand17A.lacking BsharingCdesiring Dpossessing18A.grasp BapproachCexperience Drecognize19

17、A.shocked BamusedChonored Dgreeted20A.pleasant BunexpectedCrelaxing Dchallenging第三篇Some years ago,Dr.Paul Ruskin presented an article to his students when teaching a class in medical school.He 1 the patient under his care like this:“The patient neither 2 nor understands the spoken words.She is 3 abo

18、ut person,place,and time.She does,however, 4 to her name.I have worked with her for the past six 5 ,but she still pays no 6 to her physical appearance and makes no effort to 7 her caretaker.She must be fed,bathed,and clothed by others.”“Because she has no teeth,her 8 must be something like milk.She

19、does not walk.Her sleep time is 9 .Often she wakes in the middle of the night and her crying 10 others.Most of the time she is friendly and 11 ,but several times a day she gets quite nervous without 12 cause.Then she shouts until someone comes to 13 her.”Dr.Ruskin then asked his students if any of t

20、hem would like to volunteer to 14 this person after 15 the class with this challenging case.No one volunteered.Then Dr.Ruskin said,“Im surprised that none of you offered to help,because 16 she is my favorite patient.I get great 17 from caring about her and I am learning so much from her.She has taug

21、ht me a depth of gratitude,the spirit of complete 18 ,and the power of unconditional love I never knew before.” Then Dr.Ruskin 19 her picture and passed it around.It was his sixmonthold baby daughter.Im not sure exactly what the doctors point was intended to be when he presented that lecture,but it

22、reminds me that our parents do things for us that we would never dream of doing in 20 .1A.served BrecalledCexamined Ddescribed2A.remembers BspeaksCrecognizes Drecords3A.angry BmadCconfused Dworried4A.respond BadmitCrefer Dstick5A.days BweeksCmonths Dyears6A.mind BattentionCvisit Ddebt7A.inspect Breq

23、uireCreceive Dassist8A.food BmedicineCdrink Denergy9A.fixed BirregularClimited Dinformal10A.supports BawakesCbrightens Dweakens11A.busy BconfidentChappy Dhumorous12A.natural BunbelievableCcommon Dreasonable13A.comfort BpraiseCwatch Dtouch14A.call on Bpick upCattend to Dcheer up15A.presenting Bfillin

24、gCarming Dcomparing16A.hopefully BnormallyCparticularly Dactually17A.pleasure BsurpriseCregret Drelief18A.pride BtrustCkindness Dcourage19A.watched for Bthought ofCpulled out Ddepended on20A.case BadvanceCcompany Dreturn第四篇My Ph.D.adviser called me into his office and started by saying,“Anurag,this

25、conversation isnt going to be easy.” My mind was instantly 1 into a burst of thoughts about what was to 2 .He looked me in the eye and announced,“You are fired from the lab.” I stared back in 3 ,“Is he joking?”I get along with my Ph.D.adviser,and my experiments 4 as planned.Though I made a few mista

26、kes in the lab,I wasnt 5 that my adviser noticed them,and he never spoke to me about any concerns.Thats 6 I was caught off guard in his office that day.I suspect he fired me because of that I made those mistakes.He wasnt 7 I could complete my research.I tried to change his mind with 8 results,but he

27、 remained unchanged.I was soon thrown into a state of anxiety,and I could not 9 the news to my family,as I was seized by the fear of disappointing them.I started to 10 whether my experience was unique.Surfing the Internet,to my 11 ,I discovered that many Ph.D.students never finished their studies fo

28、r various reasons.At least I wasnt 12 .Around that time,I watched a movie.13 it is a common saying,one line from the movie impressed me “When life gives you lemons,make lemonade(柠檬汁)” What kind of “lemonade” could I make out of my current 14 ? After much reflection,I 15 myself that one failed attemp

29、t was not the end of the world,and that I needed to give it another 16 .In the following weeks,I emailed potential advisers and 17 other programs.Within 2 months,I 18 an offer from a Ph.D.program in Italymy goal of completing a Ph.D.was 19 once again.Im thankful that I didnt give up on my dream and

30、that I found another professor who accepted me.20 ,if you find yourself in a similar situation and life gives you lemons,ask yourself: “How can I make lemonade?”1A.sent BchangedCslid Dbroken2A.require BexpectCmean Dfollow3A.silence BangerCdoubt Dresponse4A.developed BprogressedCperformed Dimproved5A

31、.discouraged BashamedCafraid Daware6A.why BbecauseChow Dwhat7A.delighted BsatisfiedCconfident Dtolerant8A.satisfying BpromisingCdisappointing Damusing9A.show BwriteCbreak Dread10A.wonder BimagineCsearch Dobserve11A.surprise BreliefCsorrow Dregret12A.weak BdepressedCalone Danxious13A.As BWhileCUnless

32、 DIf14A.situation BjobCdream Dplace15A.warned BinformedCreminded Dtrusted16A.chance BhitCtry Doffer17A.participated in Bcarried outCdealt with Dapplied for18A.landed BmadeCfound Ddelivered19A.ruined BlivelyCperfect Dalive20A.However BStillCConsequently DBesides第五篇In the process of celebrating my 60t

33、h birthday with a 60day kindness challenge,I got the greatest birthday surprise from my daughters.When they asked me what I 1 for my birthday,I said,“Please do a 2 act for someone in my 3 .” They took it way 4 .They got in 5 with all my friends and family members and asked them to do the 6 thing I h

34、ad asked of them,as my birthday 7 .Then they asked them to 8 them after they had done their 9 and tell them what they had done.They also asked their friends to do the same.On my birthday,I was presented with a 10 scrapbook(剪贴簿) filled with pictures and all the kindness acts written out in their own

35、words, 11 me what they had done and how it made them feel.The “acts” ranged from 12 a stranger a ride,shortening showers duration(长度) to help with the water 13 ,bringing an elderly neighbor coffee in the morning,stopping to buy a 14 person lunch, 15 at a Red Cross blood drive,to many,many other beau

36、tiful gestures.I cannot tell you how 16 I was by this gift,and even more touched that their young adult friends would 17 with such love and enthusiasm.I cannot 18 a better gift.I share this story with the 19 that many a beautiful “someone” passes on this idea.The joy of it is 20 !1A.wanted BplannedC

37、recommended Dsuspected2A.brightness BkindnessChappiness Dpoliteness3A.reputation BbeliefChonor Dtrust4A.farther BdeeperCbigger Dgreater5A.trouble BagreementCtouch Dtune6A.various BpreciousCmeaningful Dsame7A.present BpromiseCcontribution Dtrouble8A.talk to Bwrite toCstare at Dlook after9A.behavior B

38、responsibilityCmatter Dact10A.simple BcomplexCwonderful Dvarious11A.warning BremindingCtelling Dexplaining12A.showing BofferingClending Dobjecting13A.shortage BpollutionCimpact Ddisaster14A.fearless BhomelessCselfless Dcareless15A.practicing BinstructingCmonitoring Dvolunteering16A.disturbed Bsatisf

39、iedCtouched Ddisappointed17A.conflict BdisplayCpropose Dparticipate18A.look into Bthink ofCmake out Dpick up19A.hope BdecisionCfact Dopinion20A.challenging BfascinatingCappealing Dastonishing答案第一篇:1-5 BCBAB 6-10 CABDC 11-15 CDABD 16-20 BADCA第二篇:1-5 DCABB 6-10 BCCDA 11-15 CBBDD 16-20 AACBA第三篇:1-5 DBCAC 6-10 BDABB 11-15 CDACA 16-20 DABCD第四篇:1-5ADCBD 6-10ACBCA 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 CDADC第五篇:1-5 ABCAC 6-10 DABDC 11-15 CBABD 16-20CDBAD10


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