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1、Lets learn&Write and sayUnit 6How do you feel?Part A人教人教PEPPEP版英语六年级上册版英语六年级上册Warm upSing a song:If youre happy,clap your hands点击画面 播放视频How does she/he feel?Lead in觉得,感到feel filhappytiredWhats this?Its a cat.Who is she?Shes Sarah.What are they doing?How does Sarah feel?The cat broke the cup.Lets lea

2、rnPresentationShe is angry.How does the cat feel?The cat is afraid.How does Sarah feel now?If you were Sarah,what will you say to the cat?短语短语:be angry with 对生气eg.He is angry with his mother.短语短语:be afraid of 对感到害怕eg.Im afraid of dark.What about the cat?The cat is ill.So Sarah is sad.If you were Sar

3、ah,what will you do?近义词近义词:sickeg.The baby is ill.ill反义词反义词:happyeg.He looks very sad.Where is the cat?The cat is in the tree.So Sarah is worried.If you were Sarah,what will you say to the cat?短语短语:be worried about 为担心eg.Im worried about my friend.拓展:拓展:worry v.担心Where is the cat?The cat is in Sarah

4、s hug.So Sarah is happy.If you were Sarah,what will you say to the cat?eg.They all have a happy day.反义词:反义词:unhappy sadRead after the tape.angryillworriedhappyRead after the tape.Sarah is angry.The cat is afraid.The cat is ill.Sarah is sad.Sarah and the cat are worried.They are happy.主语+be动词+表示情绪的形容

5、词.表达人物和动物的情绪和心理状态。be动词随着主语而发生变化,用儿歌表示:我用am,你用are,is 跟着他、她、它,单数is,复数are,千万不要忘记了。eg.I am happy.Sarah and Mike are sad.Language pointsWrite and sayHe is .They are .He is .She is .I am .worriedhappyangrysadafraidPractice翻卡片,说句子。翻卡片,说句子。请一名学生随意翻开其中一张,全体学生问:How do you feel?如果翻开的是sad,该生说Sad,sad,Im sad.angr

6、yillworriedhappy“变脸变脸”活动。活动。请一名学生到讲台前,面向全体学生,呈现不同的表情,其他学生用句子描述。如做出生气的表情,其他学生说:xxx is angry.一、按要求写单词。Exercisesworry形容词happy反义词her主格feel英译汉worriedsad she 感觉二、单项选择。()1.How _ you feel?A.do B.are C.does()2.Sarahs father is ill.She is _.A.happy B.sad C.angry()3.I _ happy,because my mom is going to Beijing

7、 with me.A.is B.are C.amABC三、看图补全句子。1.They _ _.2.The boy _ _.are happyis afraidSummary1.学习了表示情绪和心理状态的单词:angry,afraid,sad,happy,worried2.学习了表达人物或动物的情绪和心理状态的句型:主语+be+表示情绪、心理状态的形容词.七彩课堂 伴你成长听录音跟读lets learn 部分单词和对话。onetwoHomework用英语描述同伴的心情。完成同步练习。Lets try&Lets talkUnit 6How do you feel?Part A人教人教PEPPEP版

8、英语六年级上册版英语六年级上册Review some words.afraida-f-r-a-i-dsads-a-dhappyh-a-p-p-yangrya-n-g-r-yworriedw-o-r-r-i-e-dWarm up 教师请几名学生到讲台前,其他学生说句子,这几名学生根据学生说的句子做出表情。如:xxx is sad.xxx这名学生听到后作出伤心的表情。Play a game.Who are they?Sarah and Sam.Whats the weather like?Its cold/windy.Where are they?Guess?If they are at home

9、,what will they do?Lead inListen to the tape and answer questions.Where are they?A.At home.B.At school.What will they do?A.Eat some fruit.B.Watch films.听力原文:听力原文:Sam:Phew!Its so cold in January.Sarah:Yes,but we can stay inside and watch films.Sam:Great.I like cartoons.Sarah:Yes,me too.They make me f

10、eel happy.stay inside:待在里面What film do they watch?PresentationLets talkA cartoon about a cat.Lets watch the video and answer the question.点击画面 播放视频1.What does the cat do?He chases the mice.2.Why does he do that?Because the mice are bad.They hurt people.点击画面 播放视频Lets watch the video again andanswer t

11、hese questions.追赶mousemice复数邪恶的,坏的(使)受伤How does the cat feel?He is angry with them.be angry with后面跟人,是对某人生气,生某人的气。eg.Are you angry with him?He is angry with me.How does the mice feel?They are afraid of him.be afraid of+人/物,指害怕 eg.I am afraid of the dog.Whats this cartoon about?Its about a cat.The ca

12、t is a police officer.Cool!He chases the mice.Theyre afraid of him.Why?Because the mice are bad.They hurt people.The cat is angry with them.Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!Sam:Sarah:Sam:Sarah:Sam:Sarah:Sam:Read after the tape.Whats this cartoon about?Its about.The cat is.Cool!He chases the mice

13、.Theyre him.Why?Because.They hurt people.The cat is them.Maybe our cat is a mouse now!Sam:Sarah:Sam:Sarah:Sam:Sarah:Sam:Read the dialogue in roles.Look and tell your partner.How do these pictures make you feel?PracticeA:How does picture one make you feel?eg.B:It makes me feel afraid.手指游戏手指游戏用彩笔在自己的手

14、指上画上不同的表情,然后与自己的同桌互相用下列句型交流:How does he/she feel?He/She is angry/sad.()1.Whats this cartoon _?Its about a cat.A.in B.about C.at()2.The _ are bad.A.mouse B.mice C.cats()3.Your cat is _ a mouse now.A.chase B.chasing C.chases()4.Amy is afraid _ the dog.A.of B.to C.for一、单项选择。BBBAExercises二、给下列句子中的画线部分选择

15、正确的汉语。()1.The cat is a police officer.A.警局 B.警察 C.邮递员()2.They hurt people.A.(使)受伤 B.痛苦 C.抓住 BA三、连词成句。1.do,feel,how,you(?)_ 2.is,Tom,with,them,angry(.)_ 3.happy,are,her,and,Sarah,cat(.)_How do you feel?Tom is angry with them.Sarah and her cat are happy.Summary1.学习了下列单词及词组:chase,mice,bad,hurt,be afrai

16、d of,be angry with2.学习了运用句型“主语+be+表示情绪的形容 词”,表达心情和感受。七彩课堂 伴你成长听录音跟读lets talk 部分对话。onetwoHomework完成同步练习。Lets learn&Play card gamesUnit 6 How do you feel?Part B人教人教PEPPEP版英语六年级上册版英语六年级上册Warm upSing a song:If youre happy,clap your hands点击画面 播放视频Ask and answer.Im.Lead inHow do you feel now?PresentationW

17、ho are they?New wordsChen JieWu Yifan OliverMikeHow does Chen Jie feel?She is ill.What should she do?看病看病She should .What is Wu Yifan doing?He cant run fast.What should he do?Hes running.多锻炼多锻炼He should .What is the weather like?What should he do?Its cold outside.穿暖和的衣服穿暖和的衣服He should .John is helpi

18、ng his friend.What should Oliver do?深呼吸深呼吸数到十数到十He shouldand .Read the words.see a doctor do more exercisewear warm clothestake a deep breath and count to tenListen to the tape and follow the tape.You should see a doctor.You should do more exercise.You should wear warm clothes.You should take a deep

19、 breath and count to ten.我们学的情态动词有can,may,must,should,用在行为动词前,表示说话人对这一动作或状态的看法或主观设想。后面跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。eg.He is ill.He should go to the hospital to see a doctor.Mary must study hard.情态动词情态动词Play card games.What should I do?You should wear warm clothes.coldcoldangryillworriedPracticePractice in pairs.

20、两人一组,拿出自制卡片cold,ill,angry,worried等,然后轮流抽取卡片和给出建议。A:What should I do?B:You should see a doctor.coldangryillworriedFor example:Express yourself.教师将学生分成几组,每组选择一张表示情绪的图片。教师请一名学生戴上帽子,扮演心理医生提问:angry,angry,who is angry?选中angry的图片的小组说:Angry,angry,Im angry.扮演心理医生的学生回应相应的疏导情绪的句子。()1.A.doctor B.coach C.mother

21、()2.A.can B.give C.should()3.A.clothes B.worried C.happy()4.A.do B.breath C.see 一、选出不是同类的一项单词。ExercisesCBAB二、单项选择。()1.Mike is ill.He should _ a doctor.A.see B.sees C.look()2.Im _.I should wear warm clothes.A.hot B.cold C.angry()3.Youre too fat.You should do _ exercise.A.many B.much C.moreABC三、连词成句。1

22、.I,what,do,should(?)_2.a,you,take,deep,should,breath(.)_3.does,how,feel,Sarah(?)_What should I do?You should take a deep breath.How does Sarah feel?Summary1.学习了下列词组:see a doctor,do more exercise,wear warm clothes,take a deep breath,count to ten2.学习了寻求解决问题的方法及提出建议、疏导情绪的 句型:What should I do?You should

23、.七彩课堂 伴你成长抄写下列短语四遍:see a doctor,do more exercise,wear warm clothes,take a deep breath,count to ten onetwoHomework仿写Lets learn部分的对话。完成同步练习。Lets try&Lets talkUnit 6 How do you feel?Part B人教人教PEPPEP版英语六年级上册版英语六年级上册Warm upPlay a game“What should I do?”Choose one of the cards and ask your partner,what sh

24、ould you do?coldworriedangryillA:Im angry.What should I do?B:You should take a deep breath and count to ten.A:Im _.What should I do?B:You should _.Read the phrases.wear warm clothessee a doctordo more exercise take a deep breathcount to tenIts seven oclock in the morning,and its time to get up.Liste

25、n and circle.1.Who is talking?A.Doctors.B.Parents.2.What are they talking about?A.Going to the zoo.B.Going to school.Lead inLets try听力原文:听力原文:Dad:Ah-choo!(sneeze)Mum:Bless you!Oh,no!You have a fever.You should see a doctor.Dad:OK.But what about the zoo?Mum:Its OK.I will tell the kids.have a fever:发烧

26、see a doctor:看病 PresentationLets talkWhats wrong(怎么了)with them?Guess!Sarah,Sam and their mum.Look at the picture.Who are they?1.Whats wrong with Sams father?He is ill.Watch the video and answer these questions:2.Can they go to the zoo today?No,they cant.点击画面 播放视频He feels sad.How does Sam feel?What s

27、hould Sams father do?He should see a doctor.If you were Sarah and Sam,what should you do?Caring for others,thinking for others.关心他人,为他人着想。Watch the video again and answer these questions:点击画面 播放视频Whats wrong?意思是“怎么了?”后面常跟with you。eg.Whats wrong?I have a fever.同义句:What s the matter with you?Language

28、pointsDont be+形容词.意为“不要”。eg.Dont be sad.Dont be angry.Dont+动词原形.意为“不要”。eg.Dont run.Sarah,Sam,come here,please.Whats wrong?Your father is ill.He should see a doctor this morning,so we cant go to the zoo today.Oh,no!Dont be sad.We can go next time.How does Dad feel now?Not well!Lets go to the hospital

29、.Mum:Sarah:Mum:Sam:Mum:Sam:Mum:Read after the tape.Sarah,Sam,come here,please.Whats wrong?.He should see a doctor this morning,so we cant go to the zoo today.Oh,no!.We can go next time.?Not well!Lets go to the hospital.Mum:Sarah:Mum:Sam:Mum:Sam:Mum:Lets read the dialogue in roles,then act it out.Act

30、 with your friends.Your friends need some help.Call them and give your suggestions.Dont be angry.You should take a deep breath.PracticeIm angry.四人一组,根据提供的文本,模拟情景进行表演。四人一组,根据提供的文本,模拟情景进行表演。Act in groups.A:Whats wrong?B:Im.A:How do you feel?B:.What should I do?A:You should.A:Whats wrong?B:Im.A:How do

31、you feel?B:.What should I do?A:You should.“我是小帮手我是小帮手”游戏。游戏。每个学生写一张小纸条,如:Im very sad.What should I do?放进教师提前备好的纸箱里。请几名学生轮流抽取纸条,并读出纸条的内容,小组讨论,用.Should.Dont.提出建议。Play a game.一、用单词的适当形式填空。Exercises1.Dont _(be)angry.2.How _(do)Lisa feel?3.We should do more _(exercise).Keep our body healthy.4._(you)fathe

32、r is ill.bedoesexerciseYour 1.Whats wrong?A.They will go to the park.2.How do you feel,Amy?B.Im ill.3.What should Mike do?C.Im happy.4.What will they do?D.He should take a deep breath.二、问答连线。三、选择合适的句子补全对话。Mom:Its seven oclock.1._ Ann:Ok,mum.Mom:2._ Ann:I have a headache.3._Mom:Oh.How do you feel now

33、?Ann:4._Mom:5._ Lets go to the hospital now.BA.Not well.B.Its time to get up.C.You should see a doctor.D.Whats wrong?E.I think I cant go to school.DEACSummary1.学习了提出建议的句型:Dont.Should.2.学习了询问他人状况的句型:Whats wrong?七彩课堂 伴你成长用以下句型造句:Whats wrong?Dont.Should.onetwoHomework读Lets talk部分的对话。完成同步练习。Read and wri

34、teUnit 6 How do you feel?Part B人教人教PEPPEP版英语六年级上册版英语六年级上册Sing a song:The way I feel.Warm up点击画面 播放视频Read the words.afraid happy angry sadLead inDraw faces for each word.PresentationPre-readingWhat is it?Its an ant.Whats this?Robin.What happened to Robin and the ant?Today well learn a story about Rob

35、in and the ant.Read the story quickly and circle the words about feelings.Step 1:Skimming readingWhile-readingIt is a sunny morning.Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears,“wait!”It is a little ant.He is afraid.“please dont sit on me.One day I can help you.”“Dont worry,little ant.I wont sit

36、 on you,”says Robin.The next day,it is raining.Robin is in the park.He is stuck in the mud.He is worried.Then he hears,“Let us help you!”It is the ant and all of his friends.They are strong.They pull Robin out of the mud.Everyone is happy!Check the answer.1.Read the story carefully and answer the qu

37、estion.What does the story tell us?A.We should always be nice to each other.B.We shouldnt hurt ants.Step 2:Intensive reading2.Read the text carefully and number the pictures.1342It is a sunny morning.Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears,“wait!”It is a little ant.He is afraid.“please dont

38、 sit on me.One day I can help you.”“Dont worry,little ant.I wont sit on you,”says Robin.The next day,it is raining.Robin is in the park.He is stuck in the mud.He is worried.Then he hears,“Let us help you!”It is the ant and all of his friends.They are strong.They pull Robin out of the mud.Everyone is

39、 happy!坐草坪听见蚂蚁担心,担忧陷住,无法移动泥拉,拽每人What do the underlined words mean?Guess!Everyone is happy!eg.Everyone likes to get birthday cards.everyone 是不定代词,表示第三人称单数。后面的谓语动词必须是单数形式。Language pointsRead after the tape.It is a sunny morning.Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears,“wait!”It is a little ant

40、.He is afraid.“please dont sit on me.One day I can help you.”“Dont worry,little ant.I wont sit on you,”says Robin.The next day,it is raining.Robin is in the park.He is stuck in the mud.He is worried.Then he hears,“Let us help you!”It is the ant and all of his friends.They are strong.They pull Robin

41、out of the mud.Everyone is happy!Robin and the Ant1.Its a _ morning.Robin is going to _ on the grass when he hears,“Wait!”2.The ant is _.3.Its _.Robin is stuck in the _ and _.4.The ants are strong.They _.5.Now everyone _.afraidhe is worriedpull Robin out of the mudis happyFill in the blanks and rete

42、ll the story.Post-readingsunnysitrainingmudListen and repeat.next day cant go count to dont beLook at the text on page 62.Find and say more like these.Tips for pronunciation单词之间失去爆破的现象单词之间失去爆破的现象 失去爆破,又叫“不完全爆破”,在某些情况下,只做出发音的准备,但并不发音。稍作停顿后,发后面的音。失去爆破现象多发生在两个相邻的单词之间。eg.good day big garden一、按要求写单词。Exer

43、cisesLets完全形式hear同音词say单三形式will not缩写形式let ushere ant英译汉sayswont 蚂蚁七彩课堂 伴你成长()1.They pull him out _ the water.A.for B.of C.on()2.Everyone _ happy.A.is B.are C.am()3.Its a _ day.A.sunny B.sun C.rain()4.当你想要安慰你的朋友,可以说:_ A.Dont worry.B.Dont worried.C.Not well.BA二、单项选择。AA七彩课堂 伴你成长1.Robin,in,is,the,mud,s

44、tuck(.)_2.going,to,he,is,on,sit,grass,the(.)_3.are,strong,they(.)_Robin is stuck in the mud.三、连词成句。He is going to sit on the grass.They are strong.Summary1.学习了下列单词和词组:sit,grass,hear,ant,stuck,worry,mud,pull.out of,everyone 2.学习了Robin和蚂蚁的故事,明白了一个道理:We should always be nice to each other.3.知道英语中单词之间失去

45、爆破的现象。七彩课堂 伴你成长继续练习Tip for pronunciation。onetwoHomework把学的故事用英语讲给自己的父母听。完成同步练习。Lets checkStory timeUnit 6 How do you feel?人教人教PEPPEP版英语六年级上册版英语六年级上册Part B&Part CSing a song:The way I feel.Warm up点击画面 播放视频Ask and answer.Im.Lead inHow do you feel now?Read the words and add more words.Lets wrap it upPr

46、esentationangryhappyworriedafraidFEEL给词汇分类给词汇分类表示情感的词汇表示感受的词汇sorry,worried,bad sad,happy,angry,.ill,hungry,coldwarm,hot,.句子接龙。四人一组,每名学生依次说一句话。For example:Play a game.S1:I feel hungry.S2:You feel hungry and I feel happy.(1)作连系动词用:feel的用法的用法(2)作实义动词用:a.表示某人的感觉 eg.I feel well today.b.表示某物摸起来给人的感觉 eg.Ic

47、e feels cold.表示“觉得;认为”eg.I felt that he was right.Listen and match.Lets checkis ill.is happy.should wear warm clothes.should count to ten.Listen again and circle the right answers.1.How does cold weather make John feel?A.Sad.B.Worried.2.Who should Wu Yifan see?A.Robin.B.A doctor.3.How does Oliver fe

48、el now?A.He feels happy.B.He feels angry.4.What should Zhang Peng do?A.Wear warm clothes.B.Do more exercise.Robin:Are you OK,Yifan?Wu Yifan:No,I feel ill.Robin:On dear!Do you have a headache?Wu Yifan:Yes,I do.Robin:Hmm.You shouold see a doctor.听力原文:听力原文:John:Mike,its snowing outside.Mike:Thats great

49、,John!John:Really?The cold weather makes me feel sad.Mike:Why?Look at the snow.Its so beautiful!John:Yes.I guess so.Mike:It makes me feel so happy!Zhang Peng:Ah-choo!Amy:Are you OK,Zhang Peng?Zhang Peng:Yes.Im fine.Amy:Wear warm clothes.Its cold outside.Zhang Peng:I will,thanks.听力原文:听力原文:Chen Jie:Ol

50、iver,whats wrong?Oliver:Im so angry.Chen Jie:Oh,you should count to ten.Why are you angry?Oliver:Someone took my sunglasses.Chen Jie:No,they are on your head.Oliver:Oh,yes.Haha!Story timeWhat is this?Popcorn.Where are Zoom and Zip?At home.What are they doing?Theyre watching TV.Look at the picture.Ho


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