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1、高中英语外研社高中英语外研社选修六选修六 Module 5 课文课文+译文译文Frankensteins Monster Part 1 the story of Frankenstein Frankenstein is the name of a young scientist from Geneva,in Switzerland.While studying at university,he discovers the secret of how to create life.Using bones from dead bodies,he creates a creature that re

2、sembles a human being and gives it life.The creature,which is very large and strong,and is also extremely ugly,terrifies anyone who sees it.However,the monster,who has learnt to speak,is intelligent and has human emotions.He becomes lonely and unhappy when he cannot find any friends and soon he begi

3、ns to hate his creator Frankenstein.When Frankenstein refuses to create a wife for him,the monster murders Frankensteins brother,his best friend Clerval,and finally,Frankensteins new wife Elizabeth.The scientist chases the creature to the Arctic in order to destroy him,but he dies there.At the end o

4、f the story,the monster disappears into the ice and snow to end his own life.Part 2 Extract from Frankenstein It was on a cold November night that I saw my creation for the first time.Feeling very anxious,I prepared the equipment that would give life to the thing that lay at my feet.It was already o

5、ne in the morning and the rain fell against the window.My candle was almost burnt out when,by its tiny light,I saw the yellow eye of the creature open.It breathed hard,and moved its arms and legs.How can I describe my emotions when I saw this happen?How can I describe the monster who I had worked so

6、 hard to create?I had tried to make him beautiful.Beautiful!He was the ugliest thing I had ever seen!You could see the veins beneath his yellow skin.His hair was black and his teeth were white.But these things contrasted horribly with his yellow eyes,his wrinkled yellow skin and black lips.I had wor

7、ked for nearly two years with one aim only,to give life to a lifeless body.For this I had not slept,I had destroyed my health.I had wanted it more than anything in the world.But now I had finished,the beauty of the dream vanished,and horror and disgust filled my heart.Now my only thoughts were,“I wi

8、sh I had not created this creature,I wish I was on the other side of the world,I wish I could disappear!”When he turned to look at me,I felt unable to stay in the same room as him.I rushed out,and for a long time I walked up and down my bedroom.At last I threw myself on the bed in my clothes,trying

9、to find a few moments of sleep.But although I slept,I had terrible dreams.I dreamt I saw my fiance walking in the streets of our town.She looked well and happy but as I kissed her lips,they became pale,as if she were dead.Her face changed and I thought I held the body of my dead mother in my arms.I

10、woke,shaking with fear.At that same moment,I saw the creature that I had created.He was standing by my bed and watching me.His mouth opened and he made a sound,then seemed to smile.I think he wanted to speak,but I did not hear.He put out a hand,as if he wanted to keep me there,but I ran out of the r

11、oom.I hid in the garden and stayed there till morning,terrified by what I had done.Again and again I thought,“I wish I had not done this terrible thing,I wish I was dead!”You cannot imagine the horror of that face!I had seen him when he was unfinished he was ugly then.But when he stood up and moved,

12、he became a creature from my worst nightmares.弗兰肯斯坦的怪物弗兰肯斯坦的怪物第一部分第一部分弗兰肯斯坦弗兰肯斯坦的故事的故事弗兰肯斯坦是瑞士日内瓦一位年轻科学家的名字。弗兰肯斯坦是瑞士日内瓦一位年轻科学家的名字。还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样创造生命的秘密。还在上大学时,他就发现了怎样创造生命的秘密。利用死人的骨头,他制造出一个像人的怪物,并赋利用死人的骨头,他制造出一个像人的怪物,并赋予了它生命。那个怪物异乎寻常地高大、强壮,并予了它生命。那个怪物异乎寻常地高大、强壮,并且极其丑陋,所有的人见了它都感到害怕。但是,且极其丑陋,所有的人见了它都感到


14、弗兰肯斯坦追赶(chase)他到北极,但弗兰肯斯坦本人却死在了那儿。在故他到北极,但弗兰肯斯坦本人却死在了那儿。在故事的结尾部分,怪物在冰天雪地中结束了自己的生事的结尾部分,怪物在冰天雪地中结束了自己的生命。命。第二部分弗兰肯斯坦节选第二部分弗兰肯斯坦节选我在我在11月的一个寒冷的晚上首次看到我的创造物。月的一个寒冷的晚上首次看到我的创造物。它躺在我的脚边,我紧张不安地准备好了赋予它生它躺在我的脚边,我紧张不安地准备好了赋予它生命所需的设备。时间已是凌晨命所需的设备。时间已是凌晨1点,雨点敲打着窗点,雨点敲打着窗户。蜡烛即将燃尽户。蜡烛即将燃尽(burn out),就在此时,借着微弱,就在此时


16、与他的黄眼睛、皱巴巴的黄色皮肤以及黑嘴唇形成了他的黄眼睛、皱巴巴的黄色皮肤以及黑嘴唇形成了骇人的对比骇人的对比(contrast with)。我忙了近两年,目标只有一个,将生命注入一具尸我忙了近两年,目标只有一个,将生命注入一具尸体。为此,我放弃了睡眠,累坏了身体。它一度是体。为此,我放弃了睡眠,累坏了身体。它一度是这个世界上我最想要的东西。现在我已经完成了创这个世界上我最想要的东西。现在我已经完成了创作,但梦想中的美丽已荡然无存,恐怖和厌恶充斥作,但梦想中的美丽已荡然无存,恐怖和厌恶充斥着我的心灵。现在,我唯一的想法是:着我的心灵。现在,我唯一的想法是:“但愿我没但愿我没有制造出那个家伙,但

17、愿我身处世界的另一边,但有制造出那个家伙,但愿我身处世界的另一边,但愿我可以消失无踪!愿我可以消失无踪!”当他转过身来看着我时,我当他转过身来看着我时,我受不了和他呆在同一个房间里。我冲受不了和他呆在同一个房间里。我冲(rush)了出去了出去,接下来的很长时间就在自己的卧室来回踱步。最后接下来的很长时间就在自己的卧室来回踱步。最后我和衣倒在床上我和衣倒在床上(throw oneself on),试图睡一会儿。试图睡一会儿。尽管我睡着了,但是噩梦连连。我梦见我的未婚妻尽管我睡着了,但是噩梦连连。我梦见我的未婚妻走在城镇的大街上。她看上去健康而快乐,但是,走在城镇的大街上。她看上去健康而快乐,但是

18、,当我亲吻她时,她双唇失色,犹如死人。她的脸变当我亲吻她时,她双唇失色,犹如死人。她的脸变了,我感觉拥抱着的是我死去的母亲。我浑身战粟了,我感觉拥抱着的是我死去的母亲。我浑身战粟着吓着吓(fear害怕害怕)醒了。就在那一刻,我看见了我创醒了。就在那一刻,我看见了我创造出的怪物。他正站在我床边,看着我。他张开嘴造出的怪物。他正站在我床边,看着我。他张开嘴,发出一种声音发出一种声音(make a sound),然后像是笑了。我,然后像是笑了。我猜他想说什么,但我没听见。他伸出手来,好像是猜他想说什么,但我没听见。他伸出手来,好像是想拦住我,但我冲出了房间。由于害怕,我藏身花想拦住我,但我冲出了房间

19、。由于害怕,我藏身花园,一直呆到天亮。我一遍又一遍园,一直呆到天亮。我一遍又一遍(again and again)地想:地想:“但愿我没有做这可怕的一切,但愿我死但愿我没有做这可怕的一切,但愿我死了!了!”你无法想象那张脸有多可怕!当他还没有生命的你无法想象那张脸有多可怕!当他还没有生命的时候,我看着他,只觉得他丑陋。当他站起来行时候,我看着他,只觉得他丑陋。当他站起来行走后,他就成了我最可怕的噩梦走后,他就成了我最可怕的噩梦(nightmare)中的中的怪物。怪物。Cloning and DNA Many people think that the science of genetics a

20、nd cloning is recent.Its certainly true that in 1953,Watson and Crick,two scientists at Cambridge University,England,discovered the structure of the acid DNAa transparent twisting ladder made of the fundamental components of life.But in fact,it was in 1866 that Mendel first recorded the results of g

21、rowing pea plants.He understood that both the parent plants had influenced the genetic make-up of the new plant.In 1973,biochemists Cohen and Boyer discovered a procedure to use enzymeschemicals formed in the bodyto unzip the DNA,to cut out a sequence of genes,and finally to insert them into the hos

22、t cell and combine with its DNA.Cloning takes the DNA from a single cell to create a whole new individual.A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one.But its now certain that no clone is an exact copy because of differences in experiences and upbringing.There are at least tw

23、o teams of scientists which are trying to clone humans.Although controversial,there are many valid reasons to do so.An Italian doctor wants to offer cloning as an optional treatment for couples who find it difficult to have children.But anyone who was a clone of one of their parents would be under u

24、nknown psychological pressure throughout their childhood.Another reason is to reproduce the talents of exceptional human beings.But an Einstein clone might choose a path in life which is contradictory to the one the original Einstein chose.He may even possess new vices instead of existing virtues!A

25、further reason is to obtain a supply of stem cells.Stem cells in embryos are very flexible and can develop into every other type of cell in the body.For example,it could help someone recover from a disease,repair human tissue,or help them walk again after an accident.These stem cells would need to c

26、ome from an embryo taken from the clone of someone.But the embryo would then be wasted,which many people find unacceptable.What is clear is that some voluntary code of practice among scientists has to be agreed.If not,compulsory government regulations will have to control cloning.A fourth reason for

27、 cloning is that some scientists and farmers think it would be handy to clone,for example,a prize cow which can resist bacteria or disease,or to sow a cloned crop which can resist rot or pests.But to rely on a few cloned animals or crops would restrict the biodiversity of the breed.Finally,the lates

28、t research into DNA has helped solve crimes by analysing the suspects saliva which they spit at a crime scene or the dirt under their fingernails.克隆和DNA 许多人认为遗传学(genetics)和克隆技术是最近发现的。确实,1953年,英国剑桥大学的两位科学家沃森和克里克发现了酸性(acid)DNA的结构由生命的基本(fundamental)成分(component)构成的透明(transparent)而弯曲的(twisting)梯状。但事实上,孟

29、德尔在1866年第一个记录了种植豌豆(pea)的结果。他了解到植物的双亲都会影响新植物的基因构成。1973年,生物化学家科恩和博耶发现了如下程序(procedure):利用人体内形成的化学物质酶解开(unzip)螺旋DNA,截取一定顺序的(a sequence of一系列的)基因片断,最后把它们植入(insert)宿主细胞,并使之与其DNA结合。克隆技术是从一个单细胞中提取DNA来创造一个全新的个体。一个克隆物是基因与另一个生物个体完全相同的(be identical to)生物体。但是现在确定的是由于在成长经历和抚育(upbringing)方面的差异,任何克隆体都不是一个完全的复制品。至少有



32、克隆作物。但是仅仅依靠(rely on)少数几种克隆动植物会限制生物种类(breed)的多样性(biodiversity)。最后,在DNA的最新研究中,通过分析(analyse)嫌疑犯(suspect)在犯罪现场吐(spit)的唾液(saliva)或手指甲(fingernail)下的污垢已帮助解决了许多犯罪行为。Jurassic ParkScientific Fact or Hollywood Fiction?Steven Spielbergs successful sci-fi adventure film follows two dinosaur experts Dr Alan and D

33、r Ellie Sattleras they are invited by the eccentric millionaire John Hammond to visit his new amusement park on an island off Costa Rica before it opens to the public.By cloning DNA taken from prehistoric mosquitoes,Hammond has created living dinosaurs for his new Jurassic Park.Accompanied by Hammon

34、ds two grandchildren,they are sent on a tour through Jurassic Park in computer-controlled cars.But a tropical storm hits the island,knocking out the power supply,and an employee destroys the security system so that he can steal dinosaur embryos and sell them.The dinosaurs start to get out of control

35、.So,since it is possible to clone sheep,is it possible to clone dinosaurs?Or is this just Hollywood?First,any DNA that has been taken from a preserved mosquito is only 40 million years old.Dinosaurs are at least 60 million years old,so even if any DNA was found,the mosquitoes need to be much older,a

36、nd as far as we know,mosquitoes that old do not exist.Second,although it is possible to find preserved mosquitoes,only one male has been recovered.In fact,only females can absorb the DNA of another creature.Also,there is no way of knowing if the DNA was from a dinosaur or not.Since there has been no

37、 previous discovery of dinosaurs,there is nothing to compare the new sample with.Thirdly,dinosaur DNA would not be intact after the long period of time since their extinction.When life ends,DNA breaks down and does not repair itself.Many questions also arise in the cloning of dinosaurs.Some of these

38、 questions are:What will be needed to raise a baby dinosaur from childhood successfully?What kinds of conditions do dinosaurs need to survive?What are the diets of dinosaurs?What kinds of care would dinosaurs need in their adult lives?What would be done to protect humans from dinosaurs and vice vers

39、a?What ethical and human rights issues are raised by cloning?So cloning dinosaurs seems scientifically impossible.The world is not ready for it and the materials that are needed are not yet available.Even if it was possible to bring dinosaurs back to life they probably could not survive in the prese

40、nt day environment.Temperature,air,disease,and plants are all different today than in the era of dinosaurs.Dinosaurs are used to a completely different world and would find great difficulty living here.The only place that dinosaurs seem to exist today is in Hollywood.侏罗纪公园科学事实 还是好莱坞神话?史蒂文斯皮尔伯格的成功科幻(

41、sci-fi)探险电影故事是伴随着这样的情节而开始的两位恐龙专家艾伦博士和埃利萨特勒博士应古怪的(eccentric)百万富翁约翰哈蒙德的邀请,在他的位于哥斯达黎加外鸟屿上的新的娱乐公园对公众开放前去拜访他。通过克隆从史前的蚊子身上提取的DNA,哈蒙德为他的新侏罗纪公园创造出了活恐龙。在哈蒙德的两位孙子的陪伴(accompany)下,他们被送到电脑控制的轿车中 进行环绕侏罗纪公园的旅行。但是一场热带风暴袭击了岛屿,摧毁(knock out)了电力供应,一个雇员破坏了安全系统,因此他能偷出恐龙胚胎并卖掉它们。恐龙开始摆脱控制(get out of control)这样看来,既然克隆羊是可能的,那

42、有可能克隆恐龙吗?或者说这只是好莱坞的神话吗?首先,任何从保存的蚊子身上提取的DNA都是四千万年前的。恐龙至少有六千万年的历史,因此即使任何DNA被发现,那些蚊子也需要年代更久远些,不过据我们所知(as far as we know),那么久远的蚊子是不存在的。其次,虽然找到保存的蚊子是可能的,但只有一只公蚊子已被发现。事实上,只有母蚊子才能吸取(absorb)另一种生物的DNA。而且,没有方法得知这DNA是否是从恐龙身上获得的。既然以前还没有发现过恐龙,就无法与新的样本(sample)进行比较。再次,恐龙DNA自从它们灭绝以来的很长一段时间都不是完整的(intact)。当生命结束后,DNA分

43、解(break down)并且不能自我修复。恐龙的克隆过程会产生(arise)许多问题。一些问题是:需要做什么来成功地抚养仅有几个月的幼恐龙?恐龙需要在什么样的环境下生存下去?恐龙的饮食是什么样的?恐龙在它们成年后的生活中需要什么样的照顾?需要做什么来保护人类免遭恐龙的伤害,反之亦然(vice versa)?克隆会提出什么样的道德或人权问题?因此,克隆恐龙在科学上似乎是不可能的。世界没有为它准备好而且需要的物质原料也是不能获得的。即使真有可能让恐龙复活(bring.back to life),它们在目前的环境中也不一定能存活下去。今日的温度、空气、疾病和植物都完全不同于恐龙时代。恐龙已习惯于生

44、存在一个完全不同的世界里,它们会发现很难在现今这样的环境中生存下去。如今恐龙似乎能生存的唯一地方是在好莱坞。Brave New world One of the most famous 20th century novels in the western world is a book called Brave New World.Written in 1931 by an Englishman called Aldous Huxley,it became a subject of much discussion as soon as it first appeared.The reason

45、why Brave New World is still so famous is that it describes a terrifying future world that is becoming more and more possible.Brave New World takes place 600 years in the future.At this time there is a world government.Its aim is for people to be happy,so that there are no more wars or violence.This

46、 government uses several very powerful methods to control people.The first is that people are no longer born from human beings.Instead,they are cloned in factories.There are five different types of clones.The best type of clone,called Alphas,become the leaders of society.The second group,the Betas,a

47、lso have good positions in society.There is only one of each Alpha person or each Beta person.However,with the three lower groups,one egg is used to create up to 96 clones.Each of these clones is of course identical.The only reason why scientists have not created thousands of identical clones is tha

48、t they have not yet learnt how to do this.These lower groups do the harder,more boring jobs that are needed in society.For example,the lowest group,the Epsilons,are always factory workers.As small children,each cloned group is taught to like and dislike certain things and people.For example,the seco

49、nd group,the Betas,are taught to dislike the lower groups because“they are stupid”While the Betas sleep,they are told that they are“glad they are not Alphas,because Alphas work too hard”In this way,the government makes sure that people are happy with their position in society and will not try to cha

50、nge things.The government also keeps people happy with the use of a drug called soma that makes people happy.As a result,very few people are unhappy or feel any strong emotion.Again,the government wants people to be happy so that they will not try to change society.In this novel,Huxley asks very imp


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