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1、HSKK scores are valid for a long time.As a proof of the Chinese language ability of foreign students entering Chinese colleges and universities,HSKK scores are valid for two years(counting from the day of the test).1.How many levels does HSKK Test include?A.6 B.4 C.3 D.22.Who will need to take HSK T

2、EST(LEVEL 4)?A.A foreign student applying for further education in Chinese university.B.A foreign student travelling in a short period in China.C.A Chinese teacher teaching in Chinese university.D.A Chinese learner who wants to apply for the Confucius Institute Scholarships.3.Where is the above text

3、 possibly taken from?A.A book review.B.A website about tests.C.An academic article.D.A textbook.B Weve all been told that different types of fruits and vegetables have different benefits that help us maintain our health.A new international study has found that eating one fruit regularly can help red

4、uce the risk of cancer,among those people who have a high risk of developing certain cancers.The research which followed almost 1000 patients with Lynch syndrome-a genetic condition that makes people predisposed to a range of cancers found that a regular intake of resistant starch(抗酶解淀粉)could have a

5、 major preventative effect on the risk of cancer.Heres what you need to know about how eating bananas can help reduce risk of cancer.Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate(碳水化合物)which feeds beneficial gut bacteria.It is found in green bananas.By eating green bananas your body gets a regular dose

6、 of resistant starch,which has been found to reduce risk of cancers in some parts of the body by more than half,according to the new research.The study,which was published in Cancer Prevention Research,was led by experts at the Universities of Newcastle and Leeds.It found that resistant starch,if ta

7、ken regularly for an average of two years,had a positive effect on some cancers,which can be difficult to detect.John Mathers,a professor at Newcastle University explained:“Resistant starch acts in effect,like dietary fibre in your digestive system.This type of starch has several health benefits and

8、 fewer calories than regular starch.”Besides green bananas,resistant starch is also found in foods such as peas,oats,cereal,beans and other starchy foods.You can also take resistant starch as a powder supplement.In terms of bananas,experts recommend that eating one banana daily is the equivalent of

9、one dose of resistant starch.The trick is to eat the bananas before they become too ripe or soft.4.Which of the following can prevent the risk of cancer?A.Carbohydrate.B.resistant starch.C.dietary fibre.D.gut bacteria.第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)高三英语 第1页(共8页)高三英语 第2页(共8页)阅读下列短文,从每题所给

10、的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A HSK TEST is an internationally standardized test that focuses on the ability of candidates whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese for communication in life,study and work.Test levels include HSK(Level 1),HSK(Level 2),HSK(Level 3),HSK(Level 4),HSK(Level 5)and

11、HSK(Level 6).What is HSK useful for?According to Chinas Ministry of Education,any foreign students to be enrolled in Chinese university should at least pass Level 4 of HSK.Learners who want to apply for the Confucius Institute Scholarships should take the score reports of both HSK and HSKK.All test

12、takers who take HSK/HSKK/YCT/BCT abroad are eligible to apply for the Chinese Test Summer Camp to experience Chinese culture and learn Chinese in a short period in China.HSK Level 4 Test Fee:450 yuan Exam Object:HSK(Level 4)is mainly for candidates who have learned Chinese for four semesters(two aca

13、demic years)with a schedule of 2-4 class hours per week and mastered 1,200 commonly used words.HSKK TEST HSKK Test is designed to test the ability to express oneself orally in Chinese and includes the HSKK(Elementary),HSKK(Intermediate)and HSKK(Advanced).Exam Object HSKK(Elementary)is mainly for can

14、didates who learn Chinese for one to two semesters at a schedule of 2-3 class hours per week and master about 200 of the most commonly used words.广东省新高考普通高中学科综合素养评价 高三年级英语绝密 启用前注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色笔迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写 在答题卡上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动

15、,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应 位置 上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不 按以上要求作答的答案无效。4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试题与答题卡一并交回。本试卷共8页,47小题,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。9.Why does the writer mention the example of“new mothers”in paragraph 2?A.It shows the benefits of the farm-to ho

16、spital movement.B.It tells us St.Lukes Hospital which cares for new mothers.C.It emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet for new mothers.D.It proves organic,locally produced food accessible to the general population.10.What does the underlined phrase“gain traction”mean in the last paragraph?

17、nefit B.develop C.shrink D.end 11.What can we learn about the movement from the last paragraph?A.It is challenging but promising.B.It goes smooth.C.It has gained popularity at present.D.It is expensive and unworthy.D Thanks to the field of linguistics we know much about the development of the 5,000

18、plus languages in existence today.We can describe their grammar and pronunciation and see how their spoken and written forms have changed over time.For example,we understand the origins of the Indo-European group of languages,which includes Norwegian,Hindi and English,and can trace them back to trib

19、es in eastern Europe in about 3000 BC.So,we have mapped out a great deal of the history of language,but there are still areas we know little about.Experts are beginning to look to the field of evolutionary biology to find out how the human species developed to be able to use language.So far,there ar

20、e far more questions and half-theories than answers.We know that human language is far more complex than that of even our nearest and most intelligent relatives like chimpanzees.We can express complex thoughts,convey subtle emotions and communicate about abstract concepts such as past and future.And

21、 we do this following a set of structural rules,known as grammar.Do only humans use an innate system of rules to govern the order of words?Perhaps not,as some research may suggest that dolphins share this capabili-ty because they are able to recognise when these rules are broken.Human brains allowed

22、 language to evolve in a way.At some point,our brains became able to make our mouths produce vowel and consonant sounds,and we developed the capacity to invent words to name things around us.More questions lie in looking at the influence of genetics on brain and language development.It seems to have

23、 a connection with speaking and how our brains control our mouths and face.Monkeys have a similar gene,but it did not undergo this change.Its too early to say how much influence genes have on language,but one day the answers might be found in our DNA.12.What have experts known about language?A.How t

24、he human developed to use language.B.How language changed over time.C.How chimpanzees convey their emotions.D.How genes affect language.13.What capability do dolphins share in Paragraph 3?A.the inborn system of rules to govern the order of words.B.the capability to invent words and name things.C.the

25、 grammar of dolphin language follows the same rules as human language.D.the capability to produce vowel and consonant sounds.5.What did the new research find?A.Eating green bananas regularly could serve as a power supplement.B.Eating green bananas regularly could reduce risk of cancers.C.Eating bana

26、nas regularly could improve life expectancy.D.Green bananas would have fewer calories.6.What aspect does John Mathers reseach probably focus on?A.human nutrition.B.plants formation.C.herbal medicine.D.weight control.7.According to the text what would the experts suggest people do?A.Take more green b

27、ananas.B.Reduce calories and dietary fibre.C.Keep regular intake of resistant starch.D.Detect hidden cancers earlier.C While a healthy diet has always been considered necessary for overall wellness,historically,many hospitals have overlooked its powerful potential for healing.In some areas,thats beg

28、inning to change.In Pennsylvania four years ago,St.Lukes Hospital partnered with Rodale Institute to start an organic produce farm at the hospitals campus in Easton.Since its first season,the St.Lukes farm has expanded to grow 100 fruits and vegetables on 11-12 acres.Today,St.Lukes sends all new mot

29、hers home with a basket of organic produce.New moms arent the only ones benefiting from the farms bounty,which is also served to patients,cooked up in cafeterias operated by the hospitals six-campus network,and sold at nearby farmers markets.Hospital farms are part of a broader movement to make orga

30、nic,locally produced food accessible to the general population.Some hospitals are making it a priority to source food from nearby farms,while others are turning unused land on their grounds into community gardens.By making organic produce easily accessible to the patients and visitors alike,these ho

31、spitals hope to inspire lifelong changes for better health.Even though most hospital farms arent growing enough to completely supply their staff and patient food needs,providing even a small amount of fresh produce makes an educational statement about how healthy(and delicious)a plant-rich diet can

32、be.While the farm-to-hospital movement continues to gain traction,its encountering some challenges along the way.For one,health workers dont necessarily know how to grow food.This means that most hospitals need to hire a full-time farmer and other farm labor to manage the property,which can be expen

33、sive.It takes between 3 and 5 years for most hospital farms to break even,much less save money on food costs.Nonetheless,participating hospitals believe that the benefits are worthwhile.As the movement continues to expand,you might soon experience a farm-fresh meal at a hospital near you.8.What is t

34、he purpose of the farm-to-hospital movement?A.To teach patients how to grow food.B.To provide the financial supports for hospitals.C.To solve the social problems of farm labor.D.To promote its powerful potential for healing.高三英语 第3页(共8页)高三英语 第4页(共8页)G.Perhaps youve always wanted to learn a new langu

35、age,play tennis or learn to play the piano.第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。No two snowflakes are alike?Wilson A.Bentley,a farmer and amateur meteorologist,sought to answer that question,dedicating himself to _21_ flakes of snow for 50 years.Bentl

36、ey was born in 1865 and _22_ on a farm.On his 15th birthday,Bentleys mother gave him an old _23_.It was snowing that day,and the boy _24_ getting a glimpse of a six-sided snowflake with the_25_.When he was 17,Bentley asked his parents to buy him a new,better microscope and a camera.His father argued

37、 that it was a waste of time.Finally,his father gave in.Bentley built a wooden frame to _26_the new equipment and then spent 2 years figuring out how to take a picture of a snowflake_27_ a microscope.On January 15,1885,he did it,creating the worlds first photo of snowflake.Every winter for the rest

38、of his life,Bentley studied snowflakes in a(n)_28_ room in the back of the house.The process was difficult and cold.Outdoors,he collected snowflakes on a wooden tray that was painted _29_ to observe it.Whenever it snowed,Bentley caught and captured flakes,sometimes working all night.He found that mo

39、st snowflakes had six sides,_30_ others looked like triangles,or columnsno two were alike.Bentley_31_ his snowflakes with anyone who was interested.He wrote articles for scientists and for _32_such as National Geographic.Occasionally,he felt _33_ that few people seemed to care about his work.Still,h

40、e _34_ stopped.In 1920,Bentley was elected as one of the first members of the American Meteorological Society,which later _35_ him its first research grant in 1924.21.A.creating B.producing C.observing D.cleaning22.A.worked B.raised C.ran D.helped23.A.bag C.microscope D.tray24.A.succeeded i

41、n B.turned in C.gave up D.gave in25.A.time B.frame C.instruction D.instrument26.A.hold B.fix C.adjust D.buy27.A.without B.along C.under D.above28.A.old B.unheated C.small B.white D.odd30.A.or B.and D.but 31.A.sold B.shared C.carried D.presented32.A.magazines B.newspaper C

42、.colleges D.companies33.A.amazed B.excited C.discouraged D.encouraged34.A.always B.once C.ever D.never 35.A.owed B.awarded C.praised D.considered 14.What field would experts continue to work on?A.the history of language.B.brain development.C.evolutionary biology.D.linguistic rules.15.Which would pro

43、bably be the best title for the passage?A.The languages in the world.B.The connection between genes and language.C.How human brains produced language.D.How human language evolved.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。“Work hard,play hard”is a commonly used phrase that ref

44、ers to having a good work-life balance._ 16_ Here are some tips you can use to implement the work hard,play hard approach.Assess how you spend your free time Estimate how much free time you have each week and then make a list of the different activities you typically do outside of work.For a more ac

45、curate assessment,consider tracking how you spend your free time over the next week by keeping a log of your daily activities._17_ This can help you identify areas for improvement and make smarter decisions about how you spend your free time in the future.Make a list of things that interest you Cons

46、ider what hobbies,topics and activities interest you._18 _Write these interests down so you have a list you can reference in the future.Then when you find yourself with a little free time,consult your list to see if theres an interesting hobby or activity you might enjoy.This can help you use your f

47、ree time more intentionally to create meaningful experiences outside of work._19_ _20_ While many people keep a schedule for work,scheduling your play time can also be beneficial.You can use a calendar or scheduling software to block off the times you plan to spend on work.Then,consider what persona

48、l goals you have for the week,what habits you would like to implement and what activities you might enjoy.You can create a list to help you stay organized.A.Schedule your work time and your play time.B.Identify your work goals and reward yourself for achieving them.C.It can also help you learn new s

49、kills,decrease stress and improve your self-esteem.D.If you want to strive to achieve a healthy work-life balance by embracing this lifestyle,adopting the work hard,play hard lifestyle may benefit you.E.For example,if you want to write a novel this year,you might set a daily or weekly word count goal to help you track your progress.F.At the end of the week,reflect on how much time you spent on hobbies,activities or interests that bring you joy.高三英语 第5页(共8页)高三英语 第6页(共8页)第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。When my grandfather died,my 83-year-old grandmother,once full of life,slowly b


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