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1、高三英语高三英语学习方法指导学习方法指导:如何猜词悟义如何猜词悟义 By ChenyinliangBy Chenyinliang陈银良陈银良 No.8 Middle School of No.8 Middle School of AnxiAnxi 2005 2005年年1111月月1 The largest player-Shanghai Tourism Car Rental Center offers a wide variety of choices-deluxe sedans,minivans,station wagons,coaches,Santana sedans are the b

2、ig favorite.The words“deluxe sedans”,“minivans”and“station wagons”used in the text refer to _.(NMET 2001,A)A.cars in the making B.car rental firms C.cars for rent D.car makers 从文中The largest player-Shanghai Bashi Tourism Car Rental Center offers a wide variety of choices-deluxe sedans,minivans,stati

3、on wagons,coaches.Santana sedans are the big favorite.可可知是列举人们喜欢知是列举人们喜欢租用的汽车的种租用的汽车的种类类。因此答案应是。因此答案应是cars for rent.2 Shu Pulong has helped at least 1,000 people bitten(咬)by snakes,“It was seeing people with snake bites(伤口)that led me to this career,”he said.In 1963,after his army service,Shu entere

4、d a medical school and later became a doctor of Chinese medicine.As part of his studies he had to work in the mountains.There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives.Which of the following words can take the place of the word caree

5、r in the first paragraph(段)?A.conclusion B.story C.incident D.job 我们可利用上下文的提示猜测“career”这个词的词义。文章的第一段第一句告诉我们Shu Pulong已帮助救了至少1000名被蛇咬伤的人。这已说明他已在从事这项挽救受伤者的工作。第二段紧接着又讲述了Shu服役后学医并当了一名医生。这些上下文句子的描写可以帮助我们准确地予以逻辑推理,就不难确定这个词的词义。因此此题正确答案是 D。3 The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 Sept

6、ember 1666.In four days it destroyed more than three quarters of the old city,where most of the houses were wooden and close together.One hundred thousand people became homeless,but only a few lost their live.The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the Kings baker(面包师)in Pudding Lane.The

7、baker,with his wife and family,was able to get out through a window in the roof.A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery(面包房)into a small hotel next door.Then it spread quickly into Thames Street.That was the beginning.The underlined word“family”in the second paragraph means _.A.home B.children C

8、.wife and husband D.wife and children 这道题可利用上下文的语境,或者说利用词的相互关系来确定词义。The baker,with his wife and family,was able to get out through a window in the roof.面包师带着妻子和家人从天窗逃出。根据这句话的含义我们很快就能淘汰A项。那么一家人一家人除了丈夫和妻子外,自然就应该是除了丈夫和妻子外,自然就应该是孩孩子子。所以正确答案是 B。猜测词义类试题解题技巧猜测词义类试题解题技巧 提高猜测词义的能力,对排除阅读中某些生词的干扰、降低生词率、提高阅读速度和


10、何况考试的时候是不允许查字典的。何况考试的时候是不允许查字典的。在阅读理解中要求判断词语在阅读理解中要求判断词语意思的问题意思的问题,通常有以下形式通常有以下形式 1.According to the author,the word.Means_.2.By.,the author means _.3.Which of the following is nearest(closest)in meaning to.?4.The word.in the passage means_.5.The word.most likely means_.猜测词义可采用以下几种方法猜测词义可采用以下几种方法 一、

11、释义一、释义 二、举例二、举例 三、同义词或近义词三、同义词或近义词 四、反义词或反义关系四、反义词或反义关系 五、因果关系五、因果关系 六、常识及生活经验六、常识及生活经验七、利用构词法猜测词义。七、利用构词法猜测词义。一、释义一、释义 1通过使用定语从句通过使用定语从句。2通过使用逗号、破折号和括通过使用逗号、破折号和括 号等号等。3利用利用or,that is to say,in other words等词语等词语。4.重述重述。例例I$1I$1:I told him I was a masonmason,a person whose job is cutting stone into

12、shape for building.根据定语从句,猜出mason是石匠石匠不算很难。定语从句定语从句 例例I$2 OrigamiI$2 Origami Japanese paper foldingis family fun 这一句中的“origami”虽然很陌生,但从后面破折号中的“Japanese paper folding”,可以猜出其义为“日本的折纸手日本的折纸手工艺工艺”。例例I$3 I$3 In sports,especially athletics,success is often prevented by psychological psychological obstacle

13、sobstacles,that is,barriers(障碍)that exist in the mind only.that is后面的内容解释说明了psychological obstacles为“心理障心理障碍碍”。例例I$4 I$4 He is very fastidiousfastidiousIt is extremely difficult to please and satisfy him 从后面的重述中可以清楚地看出“fastidious”意为“挑剔,挑剔,难于取悦的。难于取悦的。”重述重述 二、举例二、举例 有时,运用上下文所举的例子,读者也能够悟出某个单词的词义。常见的举例

14、的提示词有:for example,such as,for instance 等。例例IIII I like to read periodicalsperiodicals,such as Time magazine,Newsweek,Readers Digest,etc 通过“such as”,可以猜出“periodicals”,的含义为“期期刊刊”。三、同义词或近义词三、同义词或近义词 为了避免重复或为了表达同一事物的不同种类,作者经常使用同义词或近义词。例例III III John suspected we are being watched“Really?”I asked,“What m

15、akes you think we are under surveillancesurveillance?在例句中,“being watched”和“under surveillance”是同义关系。其意思是“监视监视”。只要知道其词义所属的大意,对阅读理解也就不会产生太大的障碍,阅读也就可以顺利进行下去。四、反义词或反义关系四、反义词或反义关系 读者也可以利用语句中所使用的对比表达法得到某个单词词义的线索。根据对比关系猜测生词的词义,表示对比的词有 butbut,howeverhowever,yetyet,otherwiseotherwise,though though,neverthele

16、ssnevertheless,on the other hand on the other hand 等。例例IV$1IV$1 Though Toms face has been washed quite clean,his neck still remains grubbygrubby.grubby是什么意思呢?和clean相对,便是“肮脏的肮脏的”了。例例IV$2 IV$2 John usually wastes a lot of money on such useless things;his wife,however,is very thriftythrifty.和wastes a l

17、ot of money相对比,thrifty就是“节俭的节俭的”意思。五、因果关系五、因果关系 becausebecause,sincesince与asas是连接原因状语从句的从属连词,soso是连接表示结果的并列句,so.thatso.that与such.thatsuch.that中的thatthat是连接结果状语从句的。当这些信息词出现在有生词的句中,通过因果关系,依据已知部分,就能猜出生词的词义。例例V$1 V$1 The river is so turbidturbid that it is impossible to see the bottom even when it is sh

18、allow 水浅时也看不到底的河必是“浑浊的浑浊的”了。例例V$2 V$2 The light was so faintfaint that it was impossible to tell who was speaking.即然分辨不清谁在说话跟灯光有关系,那么可见灯光是多么的昏暗昏暗或暗淡暗淡了 六、常识及生活经验六、常识及生活经验 有时猜一个生词的意义要靠前后语句以及常识和生活经验。例例VI$1 VI$1 He went into a hardwarehardware to buy some nails能买钉子的商店无疑是“五金五金店店”。例例VI$2 VI$2 Jane bought

19、 five dresses,three skirts and two pairs of shoes,all of the latest styles,thus squanderingsquandering this months salary 根据语境可以判断出句中的“squander”是“花费、浪费花费、浪费”之义。七、利用构词法猜测词义七、利用构词法猜测词义。利用构词法知识猜测合成词和派生词含义,比如表否定的有 un-dis-im-,in-,-less表名词的有-ment,-ess,-er,-or,-ist表动词的有en-和-en如enlarge,sharpen等等。例例VII$1 VII

20、$1 They overestimateoverestimate the interviewees ability and asked him many difficult questions.在overestimate词中是前缀,意思是过分-。因此,overestimate的词义可猜测为过高估计过高估计。例例VII$2 We were told that ours was the most spacious room in the hotel.That was why we had to pay so much for it.spacious是由词根 space(空间)和ious(形容词后缀

21、)构成。由此我们可以猜出其意思为有空间有空间的的,宽敞的宽敞的。巩固练习:巩固练习:1She entered the PentathlonPentathlon competition,a test of skill in five events2Im a resoluteresolute manOnce I set up a goal,I wont give it up easily3.The old man put on his spectaclesspectacles and began to read.巩固练习:巩固练习:4.The government promises to give

22、 millions of deprived black the essentials essentials in life-housing,education,health facilities,and job opportunities.5.Nearby is the race courserace course,where the towns most famous car race is held each year on May 30th.巩固练习:巩固练习:6.The type of meter is called multimetermultimeter,which is used

23、 to measure electricity.7.To train the students to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words through contextual cluescontextual clues,namely,through the words before or after the words they may not know.巩固练习:巩固练习:8.American businessmen expect employees to be punctualto be punctual.They do not expect th

24、at the workers will come late.9.A vegetarianvegetarian does not want meat,but may rate the utility of banana very highly,while a meat-eater may prefer steak.巩固练习:巩固练习:10.All the other members are of the same opinion.They are unanimousunanimous.11.Instinctive behavior is a pattern of behavior that an

25、 animal is born with.1She entered the PentathlonPentathlon competition,a test of skill in five events在句中,从后半句中可以猜出“Pentathlon”是“五项竞技项目”之类的意思,如果读者稍有些体育常识,那肯定马上知道这个词意指“五项全能五项全能”。2Im a resolute manOnce I set up a goal,I wont give it up easily “resolute”指的是“坚定坚定的的”、“果断的果断的”。3.The old man put on his spec

26、tacles and began to read.从下文戴上spectacles后开始阅读可猜得其词义为眼镜眼镜。4.The government promises to give millions of deprived black the essentials essentials in life-housing,education,health facilities,and job opportunities.从下文可猜出essentials是“必需必需品品”。5.Nearby is the race courserace course,where the towns most famo

27、us car race is held each year on May 30th.以where引导的定语从句为依据,course应是汽车赛举行的地点,所以排除“过程”,“课程”,“航向”,而要定义为“跑道跑道”。6.The type of meter is called multimeter multimeter,which is used to measure electricity.通过定语从句which is used to measure electricity(用来测量电的),我们可以将multimeter的词义确定为“万用表万用表”。7.To train the students

28、 to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words through contextual cluescontextual clues,namely,through the words before or after the words they may not know.namely后面的内容解释说明了 contextual clues为“情景线索情景线索”“上下文上下文”。8.American businessmen expect employees to be punctualto be punctual.They do not expect that t

29、he workers will come late.文中be punctual.的意思,可理解为not come late,即准时准时,不迟到不迟到。9.A vegetarianvegetarian does not want meat,but may rate the utility of banana very highly,while a meat-eater may prefer steak.句中vegetarian通过while与meat-eater对比,可猜为“吃素吃素者者”10.All the other members are of the same opinion.They are unanimousunanimous.unanimous与of the same opinion同义,可猜为“一致同意的一致同意的”。11.Instinctive behaviorInstinctive behavior is a pattern of behavior that an animal is born with.根据句子内容,可猜测Instinctive behavior为“本本性性”。


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