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1、Can you swim?Yes,I can./No,I cant.Can he play chess?Yes,he can./No,he cant.Can you and Tom play chess?Yes,we can./No,we cant.Can Jane and Jill swim?Yes,they can./No,they cant.What can you do?I can dance./I cant sing.What club do you want to join?We want to join the chess club.Grammar Focus1.speak、te

2、ll、say、talk 的区别用法。的区别用法。1)speak 说(某种语言);说话说(某种语言);说话 speak English 说英语说英语 speak French 说法语说法语 Mr.Smith can speak Chinese well.史史密斯先生说汉语说得很好。密斯先生说汉语说得很好。2)tell 讲述;告诉讲述;告诉 Can your grandma tell stories?你你奶奶会讲故事吗?奶奶会讲故事吗?tell sb.告诉某人;告诉某人;tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事告诉某人做某事 Lets go and tell our teacher.我们

3、去告诉老师吧。我们去告诉老师吧。Tell Eric to bring his basketball to school.告诉埃里克把他的篮球带到学校来。告诉埃里克把他的篮球带到学校来。3)say 说说(强调所说的内容强调所说的内容,常跟一个句子常跟一个句子)Mr.Lin says“Im your new teacher.”林老师说,林老师说,“我是你们的新老师。我是你们的新老师。”“I dont know.”Linda says.琳达说:琳达说:“我不知道。我不知道。”4)talk 说话;交谈(强调与他人进行语言交流)说话;交谈(强调与他人进行语言交流)talk to sb.与某人说话与某人说

4、话 talk with sb.与某人交谈与某人交谈 You can talk to Mr.Black.你可以和布莱克先生谈一下。你可以和布莱克先生谈一下。Mary is talking with Jenny.玛丽正在和詹妮玛丽正在和詹妮谈话。谈话。2.show 名词名词 演出;节目演出;节目 动词动词 给给看;展示看;展示 school show 校园演出校园演出 talent show 才艺表演才艺表演 We want students for the school show.我们需要学生参加我们的校园演出。我们需要学生参加我们的校园演出。Come and show us.来给我们(表演)看

5、一下。来给我们(表演)看一下。Can you show me your new iPad?你能让我看一下你的新的平板电脑吗?你能让我看一下你的新的平板电脑吗?show sb.(sth.)给某人看给某人看(某物某物)3.and 和和 or 的用法辨析。的用法辨析。1)and 和、且和、且(用于肯定句中用于肯定句中)Tom and Jack can play soccer well.汤姆和杰克能打足球打得很好。汤姆和杰克能打足球打得很好。2)or 或者;也不或者;也不(用于疑问句中或否定句中用于疑问句中或否定句中)Can you sing or dance?你会唱歌还是跳舞?你会唱歌还是跳舞?My

6、 sister cant play basketball or soccer.我姐姐不会打篮球也不会踢足球。我姐姐不会打篮球也不会踢足球。4.want(想要想要)的用法:的用法:想想干什么用干什么用want to I want to play ping-pong.They want to join the sports club.He wants to play basketball.She wants to join the chess club.Li Xiaweng wants to play the piano.wanted 是是want的过去式和过去分词的过去式和过去分词“sb.wan

7、ted”结构常用于招聘或启事等的标题结构常用于招聘或启事等的标题。如如:Teacher Wanted 招聘教师招聘教师 Cook Wanted 招聘厨师招聘厨师 Help Wanted 寻求帮助寻求帮助 Students Wanted for School Show 学学校公演招募学生校公演招募学生.选词填空。1.Ms.Wu wants to _ to his son.2.Jenny and Mary can _ English well.3.Can you _ your new photo,Grace?4.Bob _“I can play chess well.”5.Mr.Li often

8、_ us interesting stories.talkspeakshowsaystellsspeak,tell,say,talk,show1.Li Juan can speak English.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ Li Juan _ English?2.They can play volleyball well.(改为否定句改为否定句)They _ _ volleyball well.3.Tom can do Chinese kung fu.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ can Tom _?Can speakcant playWhat do.按要求完成句子,每空一词。

9、4.Jenny wants to join the music club.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ _ does Jenny want to join?5.Bill does well in sports.(改为同义句改为同义句)Bill _ _ _ sports.What clubis good at Tony/sing/dance 例:例:Can Tony sing?No,he cant,but he can dance.1.you/play tennis/play basketball 2.Lingling/speak English/speak Chinese Can you

10、 play tennis?No,I cant,but I can play basketball.Can Lingling speak English?No,she cant,but she can speak Chinese.根据提示词,仿照例句编写对话。1.他他们将如何和对方对话?们将如何和对方对话?2.把把这篇文章剪下来拿给你的老板看。这篇文章剪下来拿给你的老板看。3.你会唱歌或者跳舞吗?你会唱歌或者跳舞吗?How will they talk to each other?Cut out this article and show it to your boss.Can you sing

11、 or dance?.翻译下列句子。Which sport do you prefer,volleyball _ basketball?I prefer volleyball.A.or B.and C.but 中考链接AGoodbyeGoodbye!Grammar FocusGrammar Focus语法复习语法复习Grammar FocusWhat time do you usually get up?I usually get up at six thirty.What time do they get dressed?They always get dressed at seven tw

12、enty.What time does Rick eat breakfast?He eats breakfast at seven oclock.When does Scott go to work?He always goes to work at eleven oclock.Hes never late.When do your friends exercise?They usually exercise on weekends.不确定时间的副词:不确定时间的副词:always(总是),(总是),often(经常),(经常),usually(通常),(通常),sometimes(有(有时)

13、,时),seldom(很少),(很少),never(从不)(从不)等,等,这些副词表频度,表示经常性或习惯性的行为。这些副词表频度,表示经常性或习惯性的行为。:在在be动词,情态动词或助动词之动词,情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前。后,行为动词之前。1.always是频度最大的词,意为是频度最大的词,意为“总是;永远总是;永远”。I always remember my first day at school.我将永远记住我上学的第一天。我将永远记住我上学的第一天。2.usually意为意为“通常通常”,即很少例外,频度仅次,即很少例外,频度仅次always。What do you usua

14、lly have for breakfast?你通常早餐吃什么?你通常早餐吃什么?频度副词的用法频度副词的用法3.often 意为意为“经常经常”,在,在频度上不如频度上不如usually那么频繁。那么频繁。Li Ping often does his homework in the afternoon.李平经常在下午做作业。李平经常在下午做作业。4.sometimes意为意为“有时候有时候”,频,频度比度比often小,表示小,表示 动作动作偶尔发偶尔发生,间生,间断较大。既可以放在断较大。既可以放在be动词、动词、助助 动词动词之之后,行后,行为动词之为动词之前,也前,也可以放在句可以放在

15、句首,还可首,还可 以放在句以放在句尾。尾。I sometimes go to the library.我有时去图书馆。我有时去图书馆。Sometimes I read a book in the evening.我有时在晚上看书。我有时在晚上看书。5.never 从未;永不;决不。从未;永不;决不。I have never been there.我从未到过那里。我从未到过那里。频度副词在句中习惯上位于频度副词在句中习惯上位于be动词之后、行为动词之前、助动词之后。动词之后、行为动词之前、助动词之后。She is often late for school.她上学经常迟到。她上学经常迟到。He

16、 usually goes to bed at about 12.他通常他通常(午夜午夜)十二点钟睡觉。十二点钟睡觉。When do you usually get up in the morning?早上你通常什么时候起床?早上你通常什么时候起床?He never has anything to do.他一向无所事事。他一向无所事事。频度副词在句中的位置频度副词在句中的位置.选词填空。1.Who is your _ friend?2.Jenny and Mary always play tennis on _.3.Tom can play guitar well in our _.4.Bob

17、 _ eats ice-cream.He thinks its not healthy.5.His sister usually gets _ at 6:00 in the morning.bestweekendsgroupneverdressednever,weekends,dressed,group,best1.我妈妈通常在周末八点钟锻炼。我妈妈通常在周末八点钟锻炼。_2.我弟弟总是在七点钟穿好衣服。我弟弟总是在七点钟穿好衣服。_3.艾瑞克艾瑞克上班从未迟到过。上班从未迟到过。_Eric is never late for work.My brother always gets dress

18、ed at seven oclock.My mum usually exercises at 8:00 on weekends.翻译下列句子。4.在上学的日子里,他总是七点吃早饭。在上学的日子里,他总是七点吃早饭。_ _5.在我们小组里,我哥哥通常在在我们小组里,我哥哥通常在12点钟回家。点钟回家。_ _He always eats breakfast at 7:00 on school days.My brother usually goes home at twelve oclock in our group.A:Hi,Rick,What _ do you get up?B:I usual

19、ly get up _ five thirty.A:Wow.I _ get up so early.B:I like sports.I always _ at five fifty.A:What time do you _ breakfast?B:At seven twenty.Then I _ teeth.A:_ do you go to school?B:At seven forty.Im never _ for school.timeatneverexerciseeat/havebrushWhenlate.填入适当的单词,完成对话。中考链接_is your family going to

20、 Beijing Expo(北京世园(北京世园会)会),Lucy?In August.A.How B.When C.Where D.WhyBGoodbyeGoodbye!How do you get to school?I ride my bike.How does she get to school?She usually takes the bus.How long does it take to get to school?It takes about 15 minutes.How far is it from your home to school?It is only about t

21、wo kilometers.Does Jane walk to school?No,she doesnt.She goes by bike.Do they take the bus to school?No,they dont.They walk.Grammar FocusHow do you get to school?你是怎么上学去你是怎么上学去的?的?how 是疑问副词是疑问副词,通常用来提问方式等。通常用来提问方式等。含有动词交通方式有含有动词交通方式有:take the subway take the train walk(go on foot)take the bus 可以用介词可

22、以用介词by表示乘坐方式表示乘坐方式by bus,by subway,by ship,by bike,by plane/airHe rides his bike to school.=He gets to school on his bike.=He gets to school by bike.How does he get to school?She walks to school.=She goes to school on foot.How does she get to school?总结:总结:How 引导的特殊疑问句引导的特殊疑问句1.用来询问方式或手用来询问方式或手段。段。如:

23、如:How does Li Lei usually go to school?He usually goes to school by bus.2.用来询问程用来询问程度。度。如:如:How is your weekend?周末过得怎样?周末过得怎样?How is your mother today?你妈妈今天身体好吗?你妈妈今天身体好吗?3.【how long】(1)询问时间长短询问时间长短 如如:-How long does it take you to go to work by bike every day?你每天骑自行车上班花多你每天骑自行车上班花多长时长时间?间?-Half an

24、hour.半个小半个小时。时。(2)多用来询问长度多用来询问长度。如如:How long is the Yellow River?黄河有多长?黄河有多长?4.【how far】提问路程的长短。提问路程的长短。如如:How far is it from your home to school?你你家离学校有多远?家离学校有多远?About 2 kilometers.大约大约2千千米。米。.从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,有一项多余。A.Then how do you get to school every day?B.Oh,thats far from our school.C.How long

25、 does it take?D.Where do you live?E.How far is it?F.What about you?A:Morning,Tony!(1)_ B:I live at No.25 Qinxian Road.A:(2)_B:Yes.Its about ten kilometers.A:(3)_ B:By bus.But sometimes I ride my bike.A:(4)_ B:Twenty minutes by bus and about fifty minutes by bike.(5)_A:My home is not far from our sch

26、ool,so I walk to school every day.B:Thats great.D B A C F.翻译句子。1.林飞家离学校大约林飞家离学校大约10千米。千米。2.从从你家到学校有多远?你家到学校有多远?3英里。英里。Lin Feis home is about 10 kilometers from school.How far is it from your home to school?Its three miles.3.你家离学校有多远?你家离学校有多远?_ _ is it _ your home _ school?4.在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的在中国,自行车和

27、公共汽车是最流行的 交通方式。交通方式。In China,bikes and buses _ the _popular _ of _.most ways/meanstransportationHow far from toareA:_?B:I usually ride my bike.A:_is it from your home to school?B:About 10 kilometers.A:_does it take?B:It _me around 35 minutes.补全对话。How do you get to schoolHow farHow longtakes _ is it

28、from your school to the bus stop?Its about 5 minutes walk.A.How often B.How long C.How soon D.How far 中考链接DGoodbyeGoodbye!Dont run in the hallways.Dont fight.What are the rules?We must be on time for class.Can we eat in the classroom?No,we cant,but we can eat in the dining hall.Can we wear a hat in

29、class?Yes,we can./No,we cant.Does he have to wear a uniform at school?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.What do you have to do?We have to be quiet in the library.Grammar Focus一、祈使句一、祈使句1.用法:用法:一般以动词原形开头,表示请一般以动词原形开头,表示请 求、命令、劝说、警告等。在祈使句求、命令、劝说、警告等。在祈使句 中,通常省略句子主语第二人称中,通常省略句子主语第二人称you。2.句子结构句子结构(1)肯定句:肯定句:_+

30、其他其他 在餐厅里吃东西。在餐厅里吃东西。_ 在音乐教室里听音乐。在音乐教室里听音乐。_ 骑自行车去上学。骑自行车去上学。_Ride the bike to school.Eat in the dining hall.动词原形动词原形Listen to music in the music room.(2)否定否定句:句:_+_+其他其他 不要和同学们打架。不要和同学们打架。_ 不要在教室里打篮球。不要在教室里打篮球。_Dont fight with your classmates.Dont play basketball in the classroom.Dont 动词原形动词原形(3)以以

31、let引起的句子引起的句子 _+sb.+动词原形动词原形 让我们步行去上学吧。让我们步行去上学吧。_(4)No+动词动词-ing形式。表示形式。表示“禁止、规劝禁止、规劝”禁止停车!禁止停车!No Parking.禁止吸烟!禁止吸烟!No Smoking.LetLets walk to school.二、询问和讨论学校规则:二、询问和讨论学校规则:1.有有什么规则什么规则?我我们必须保持安静。们必须保持安静。_ _ 2.我我们可以在上课的时候戴帽子吗?们可以在上课的时候戴帽子吗?_ 不不可以。你可以在外面戴帽子。可以。你可以在外面戴帽子。_What are the rules?We must

32、be quiet.Can we wear a hat in class?No,we cant.You can wear a hat outside.3.你你们必须做什么事?们必须做什么事?_ 我我们必须穿校服。们必须穿校服。_4.他必须在校吃午饭吗?他必须在校吃午饭吗?_We must wear the school uniforms.What do you have to do?Does he have to eat lunch at school?have to 的用法的用法have to意思是意思是“必须、不得不必须、不得不”,它侧重于它侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威。客观上的必要和外界

33、的权威。1)结构:结构:主语主语have to动词原形其他动词原形其他(一般现在时一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,主语是第三人称单数时,用用has to;句子是过去时,用;句子是过去时,用had to。)如:如:We have to wear sneakers for gym class.在体育课上在体育课上,我们必须穿运动鞋。我们必须穿运动鞋。Tom has to practice the guitar every day.汤姆每天必须练习弹吉它。汤姆每天必须练习弹吉它。I had to get up at 5:00 am last Monday.上周一上周一,我不得不早上我不得不早上5点

34、起床。点起床。2)否定形否定形式:式:主语主语dont have to动词原形动词原形其他其他(一般现在一般现在时,主时,主语是第三人称单数语是第三人称单数时,时,用用doesnt have to;句;句子是过去子是过去时,用时,用didnt have to)e.g.Nick doesnt have to wear a uniform.尼克不必穿校服。尼克不必穿校服。We didnt have to do our homework at once.我们不必马上完成作业。我们不必马上完成作业。3)疑问疑问句:句:Do(Does 或或 Did)主语主语 have to 动词原形其他动词原形其他 如

35、如:-Do you have to stay at home on weekends?-Yes,I do./No,I dont.周末你必须待在家里吗?周末你必须待在家里吗?是的是的,我必须。我必须。/不不,我不必。我不必。Did he have to go to bed by 11:00 last night?昨昨晚晚,他不得不他不得不11点上床睡觉吗?点上床睡觉吗?.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Dont _(listen)to music in the library.2.Do we have to _(clean)the room every day?3.You cant _(wear)

36、sunglasses in the classroom.4.Please _(arrive)at school on time(准时准时).5.John is often late for _(class).classlistencleanweararrive.将下面的句子改为祈使句,每空一词。1.You can come in._ _,please.2.I can help you._ me _ you.3.You cant eat in class._ _ in class.4.You cant be late for school._ _ late for school.5.You ca

37、nt take photos here._ photos here.Come inLet helpDont eatDont beNo1.-Can the students eat in the classroom?(作否定回答作否定回答)-No,_.2.Bill has to play sports every morning.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ Bill _ _ play sports every morning?they cantDoes have to.按要求完成句子,每空一词。3.You cant wear a hat in class.(改为祈使句改为祈使句)_ _

38、a hat in class.4.He has to see his grandparents on weekends.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)What _ he _ _ _ on weekends?5.Come in,please.(改为否定句改为否定句)_ _ in,please.Dont weardoeshave to doDont come1.我们必须按时到校。我们必须按时到校。We must arrive at school _ _.2.你能把你的电子游戏带到学校来吗?你能把你的电子游戏带到学校来吗?Can you _ your computer game _ school?

39、on timebring.根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。to3.周末迈克经常在外面吃饭。周末迈克经常在外面吃饭。Mike often _ _ on weekends.4.星期天你不必早起。星期天你不必早起。You _ _ _ get up early on Sundays.5.不要在走廊里乱跑。不要在走廊里乱跑。Dont run _ _ _.eats outsidedont have toin the hallways 中考链接You _ always be careful with electricity for safety.A.must B.can C.mustnt D.cantA

40、 _ I take the magazine out of the reading room?Im sorry you _.A.Could;couldnt B.Must;couldnt C.will;cant D.May;cantDGoodbyeGoodbye!Grammar FocusQuestions Answers Why do you like pandas?Because theyre kind of interesting.Why does John like Koalas?Because theyre very cute.Why dont you like tigers?Beca

41、use theyre really scary.Where are lions from?Theyre from South Africa.一、一、why 引导的特殊疑问句。引导的特殊疑问句。用法:用法:why 是对原因进行提问的疑问是对原因进行提问的疑问句,其答语多用句,其答语多用 because 来引导。来引导。句子结构句子结构 Why do you+_+其他其他 动词原形动词原形例如:你为什么喜欢大象?例如:你为什么喜欢大象?_ 因为它们聪明。因为它们聪明。_ Why do you like elephants?Because theyre kind of clever.二、二、wher

42、e 引导的特殊疑问句询问来引导的特殊疑问句询问来自哪自哪里。里。句子结构句子结构 Where+_+名词名词+_?are from答语:答语:They are+from 考拉来自哪里?考拉来自哪里?_他们来自澳大利亚。他们来自澳大利亚。_ 长颈鹿来自哪里?长颈鹿来自哪里?_它们来自非洲。它们来自非洲。_Where are koalas from?Where are giraffes from?They are from Australia.They are from Africa.三、形容词在句子中的用法。三、形容词在句子中的用法。1.形形容词在句子中作表语。置于容词在句子中作表语。置于系动词系

43、动词 之之后。后。如如:大象很聪明。大象很聪明。_ 狮狮子真得有点吓人。子真得有点吓人。_ Elephants are kind of smart.Lions are really scary.2.形容词在句子中作定语。形容词在句子中作定语。形容词形容词+_ 杰克是个聪明的孩子。杰克是个聪明的孩子。_ 这是一本有趣的故事书。这是一本有趣的故事书。_ 名词名词Jack is a clever boy.This is an interesting story book.1.The cats are from Australia.(对对画画线部分提问线部分提问)_ 2.I like pandas b

44、ecause theyre cute.(对画线部分对画线部分提问提问)_3.My dog can walk on two legs.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_.句型转换。Where are the cats from?Why do you like pandas?What can your dog do?4.Linda likes giraffes because theyre fun.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ 5.Eric doesnt like cats because theyre lazy.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ Why does Linda like g

45、iraffes?Why doesnt Eric like cats?1.-What animals are from Australia?-_.A.Lions B.Pandas C.Koalas D.Dolphins2.-Are _ from China?-Yes,they are.A.lions B.pandas C.koalas D.dolphins.单项选择。3.-Do you like giraffes?-_.A.Yes,I am B.Yes,I do C.Yes,I can D.Yes,I will4.-Why do you like pandas?-Because theyre _

46、.A.sorry B.tired C.quiet D.cute5.-Where are the lions from?-_.A.China B.Australia C.South Africa D.USA6.Lets _ during the day.A.sleeps B.to sleep C.sleeping D.sleepDo you know _ the students like the mobile phone game so much?A.what B.why C.how 中考链接BGoodbyeGoodbye!现在进行时现在进行时1.定义定义:表表示现在示现在(说话瞬间说话瞬间)

47、_的动作的动作 eg:The students are listening to the teacher.He is watching TV now.2.结构:be动词动词(am,is,are)+_正在进行或发生正在进行或发生V-ingeg:He is reading a book.I am writing.Theyre eating.判断词:判断词:now,look,listen等等be 随着人称、随着人称、数的变化而变化数的变化而变化3.动词动词-ing 变化规则:变化规则:1)_ play-playing watch-watching2)_ take-taking come-coming

48、3)_ _ run-running swim-swimming4)_ die-dying lie-lying重读闭音节三要素:重读闭音节三要素:1.必须是重读音节;必须是重读音节;2.最后只有一个辅音字母;最后只有一个辅音字母;3.元音字母发短元音元音字母发短元音 一般情况加一般情况加-ing 以不发音e 结尾,去e加-ing重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母再加-ing-ie结尾变成-y再加-ing2)否定句:_ I am writing.I am not writing.4.现在进行时的句式1)肯定句肯定句:_:_ I am reading a book.3)一般疑问

49、句一般疑问句:_:_ 肯肯定回答定回答:_:_ 否否定回答定回答:_:_ -Is he reading?-Yes,he is./No,he isnt.主语+be+V-ing+其它.直接在be后加not直接把直接把be提到句首提到句首Yes,主语+be.No,主语+be+not.4)特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语+动词-ing+其他?My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.Where is your mother cooking dinner?What is your mother doing in the kitchen?Who is cookin

50、g dinner in the kitchen?What are you doing?Im watching TV.Whats she doing?Shes washing her clothes.What are they doing?Theyre listening to a CD.Are you doing your homework?Yes,I am./No,Im not.I am cleaning my room.Is he reading a newspaper?Yes,he is./No,he isnt.Hes playing basketball.Are they using


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