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1、新课标理念与初中英语教材教法研讨新课标理念与初中英语教材教法研讨Michelle2011-3-14Definition of curriculum&syllabus(see Greenb.1,Blueb.2-4)国家课程标准国家课程标准是教材编写,教学,评估和考试命题的依据,是教材编写,教学,评估和考试命题的依据,是国家管理和评价课程的基础,是国家管理和评价课程的基础,它体现了国家对不同阶段的学生在知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观念等方面的要求,它体现了国家对不同阶段的学生在知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观念等方面的要求,规定各门课程的性质,目标,内容框架,规定各门课程的性质,

2、目标,内容框架,提出教学和评价建议。提出教学和评价建议。(摘自摘自基础教育改革纲要基础教育改革纲要(试行试行),转引自,转引自光明日报光明日报2001年年6月月7日日)A curriculum contains a broad description of general goals by indicating an overall educational-cultural philosophy which applies across subjects together with a theoretical orientation to language and language learn

3、ing with respect to the subject matter at hand.A curriculum is often reflective of national and political trends as well.A syllabus is a more detailed and operational statement of teaching and learning elements which translates the philosophy of the curriculum into a series of planned steps leading

4、towards more narrowly defined objectives at each level.(from Course Design by Dubin&Olshtain,2002:34-35,-hes blue book p2-3)The term curriculum itself can be used in two ways.In one sense,it refers to the program of studies of an educational institution.for example,the school curriculum in the distr

5、ibution of subjects and activities.In a more restricted sense we use the term curriculum to describe the substance of what is taught in a given subject.(It)usually involves at least three aspects:(a)defining objectives,(b)determining content,and(c)indicating some sort of sequence or progression.(fro

6、m Issues and Options in Language Teaching by H.H.Stern,1992:19-20-hes white book p4-5))Definition of teaching materialswhat,why need,function/role(Redb.29)Tg materials&concepts of educationResources for tg.&lg.-knowledge transferringTools of tg.&lg.-student centerMedia betw.Lger&knowledge&curriculum

7、 lgers/tgers-constructivismSum:Tg materials including key knowledge,way of lg&tg,fine cases of interactionTask:Look at your textbook and identify each of the above functions represented in it,highlight its surface features and implications underlined.Greenb.Whiteb.Blueb.综合语言综合语言运用能力运用能力情感态度情感态度学习策略学

8、习策略文化意识文化意识语言技能语言技能语言知识语言知识国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略跨文化交际文化理解文化知识话题功能语法词汇语音写读说听Unit titlesU-1 Hello!What s your name?U-2 Nice to meet you!U-3 Can you spell it?U-4 Numbers in EnglishU-5 Whats this in English?U-6 How old is he?U-7 Is this your pencil-box?U-8 Mainly revisionU-9 The new stude

9、ntsU-10 Where is it?U-11 Come and meet the family!U-12 What can you see?U-13 What colour is it?U-14 Thats mine!U-15 Whats the time?U-16 Mainly revisionU-1 My names Gina.U-2 Is this your pencil?U-3 This is my sister.U-4 Wheres my backpack?U-5 Do you have a soccer ball?U-6 Do you like bananas?U-Review

10、 of units 1-6 U-7 How much are these pants?U-8 When is your birthday?U-9 Do you want to go to a movie?U-10 Can you play the guitar?U-11 What time do you go to school?U-12 My favorite subject is science.U-Review of Units 7-129604Curriculum&TextbooksUnderlined theory Curriculum/syllabus Textbook Exerc

11、ises/activitiesIt is precisely in the nature of classroom tasks that materials designers assumptions about the best route to language learning become clear and in consequence,teacher and learner roles become defined.It is also through an analysis of tasks that we can most effectively test out the va

12、rious claims made for the materials.”Littlejohn(1998,p200)Linear&spiral sequencing/ordering(whitb:89-93)Linear gradationIn a typical linearly ordered course the items are presented one by one in a strictly linear sequence which is maintained throughout the course.Each item is discussed in detail,and

13、 the aim is to attain complete command of the item before proceeding to the next item.Cyclic gradation/spiral sequencingThe feature cyclic refers to the presentation of a point in a way leading to gradual familiarization by returning to it at different intervals in the course of instruction.In the c

14、yclic approach mastery is achieved by successive approximation to a given standard.(摘自Applied Linguistics and the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages-Gradation of Course Content,by Theo Van et al.1884:226-228)Sequencing in terms of Grammar knowledge(demonstration of attributive clause in srj0

15、7)Vocabulary knowledgeTopic&content(titles in contentable of pxbz04,whitb.)WorkshopObserve the unit list and grammar knowledge sequence of 04srjIdentify some language item sequencing in your textbook New curriculum concepts in new textbooksAiming at doing things in English:module task|language goal,

16、(1R),VerbsLang.knowledge go with lang.Skill:*and*ing,attention to whatVideo:scanning7:20,dictagloss:27Content is close to lgers lifeU-*(1R-3R),my|your(2 W.cluster),email,just for fun,way*to learn,learning to learn,How to tg.GrammarHow to tg.VocabularyWord chunk build up meaning in context come,back,

17、give1 1)Listen for the stressed words in the conversation.Listen for the stressed words in the conversation.2 2)Write the next numbers in words:2,4,6,Write the next numbers in words:2,4,6,3 3)Put the words into three listsPut the words into three lists4 4)Read the three stories and try to guess what

18、 the last words areRead the three stories and try to guess what the last words are5 5)Add some words from Add some words from(a)(a)to make 5 negative sentencesto make 5 negative sentences6 6)What phrases go with best,what words come after best?What phrases go with best,what words come after best?7 7

19、)Which word fit all the spaces?Which word fit all the spaces?8 8)Can you hear the words that missed out of the oral transcript?Can you hear the words that missed out of the oral transcript?9 9)Which words could be used to replace the words that are underlined?Which words could be used to replace the

20、 words that are underlined?1010)Look at the text,find out 13 more words ends in s and put Look at the text,find out 13 more words ends in s and put them in categories.them in categories.1111)This story happens in America,read it and find what words are This story happens in America,read it and find

21、what words are missing.missing.1212)What other words can you think of to put into this spider(What other words can you think of to put into this spider(词汇联词汇联想图想图)?)?1313)What words or phrases would you change or add to make it more What words or phrases would you change or add to make it more welco

22、ming?welcoming?1414)How many words for time/colour/do you have in your own languageHow many words for time/colour/do you have in your own language?1515)Try to work out the meaning of these words beginning with over-Try to work out the meaning of these words beginning with over-.1616)What words would

23、 you say for my goodness in your own language?What words would you say for my goodness in your own language?(何红书46-7页)国外教材词汇学习活动指令语摘抄课堂教学改革的突破口要改变课程实施过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力。(摘自基础教育改革纲要(试行),转引自光明日报2001年6月7日)课堂教学应改变以教师为中心、单纯传授书本知识的教学模式。教师应

24、帮助学生发展探究知识的能力,获取信息的能力和自主学习的能力。(转引自高中课标2003:1,18)一、一、体验、参与、合作、探究的学习方式的特点是什么?体验、参与、合作、探究的学习方式的特点是什么?1 1、体验式、参与式学习、体验式、参与式学习(Experiential learningExperiential learning)的特点是:)的特点是:learning language through experiencing it in use rather than learning language through experiencing it in use rather than th

25、rough focusing conscious attention on language items.through focusing conscious attention on language items.即让学生通过用目标语去做事来体验该语言的形式和使用规则即让学生通过用目标语去做事来体验该语言的形式和使用规则 例如例如:通过阅读英语小故事,连环画,听唱英文歌来识记英语中经常使用通过阅读英语小故事,连环画,听唱英文歌来识记英语中经常使用的单词和句型。的单词和句型。参与一些小项目活动,亲自动手收集材料制作的英文贺卡或者给外参与一些小项目活动,亲自动手收集材料制作的英文贺卡或者给外国同

26、龄人朋友用英文国同龄人朋友用英文emailemail通信等等。通信等等。2 2、探究式、发现式学习、探究式、发现式学习(inquiry and discovery learninginquiry and discovery learning)的)的特点是:特点是:involve learners in investing energy and attention in order involve learners in investing energy and attention in order to discover something about the language for the

27、mselvesto discover something about the language for themselves,即要学生自己动脑筋,花力气去寻找和发现语言的特点和规律而不是即要学生自己动脑筋,花力气去寻找和发现语言的特点和规律而不是由老师首先介绍语言规则或给出答案。由老师首先介绍语言规则或给出答案。例如:例如:让学生通过观察一批实例来总结英语的直接引语和间接引语的形式区别;让学生通过观察一批实例来总结英语的直接引语和间接引语的形式区别;要求学生在阅读英文小故事的时候留意是什么人在什么时候会使用情态动词要求学生在阅读英文小故事的时候留意是什么人在什么时候会使用情态动词mustmus

28、t;在听日常英语对话录音时留意说话者在什么情况下可以使用省略句等等。在听日常英语对话录音时留意说话者在什么情况下可以使用省略句等等。3、体验、参与、合作、探究的学习方式的特点、体验、参与、合作、探究的学习方式的特点归纳归纳:1 1)有问题的提出)有问题的提出 (但没有现成的、或唯一的答案);(但没有现成的、或唯一的答案);2 2)有用英语做事的过程)有用英语做事的过程 (观察、收集、归类、分析、解释(观察、收集、归类、分析、解释););3 3)有明显的结果并进行交流)有明显的结果并进行交流 (对不同的结果展开讨论,说明理(对不同的结果展开讨论,说明理由)由)。二、二、什么学习活动可以体现出这种

29、学习方式?什么学习活动可以体现出这种学习方式?个案1-语法课段:语法课段:说说说说国际词国际词个案2-阅读教材:阅读教材:蝴蝶的故事蝴蝶的故事个案3-课堂活动:课堂活动:人物描写人物描写My friend,John was born in a small village and studied in a school in a town.The school was not far and he always walked there.His father bought a bike for him but he didnt like to use it.Three years ago,whe

30、n John was nine,his father found work in the city.He drove a car to the factory.And his family moved there.This year John began to study in a middle school.He worked hard at his lessons and all the teachers and students like him.Now he enjoys living there.One day a teacher said in class,“I think you

31、re a clever boy,John.Do you want to answer two easy questions or a difficult one?”“A difficult one,sir.”“Well,”said the teacher.”where did an egg come from?”“A hen laid it.”“And where did the hen come from then?”“It is the second question,sir,”said John.Please answer five questions according to the

32、passage:Was John born in a city or in a village?How did he go to school?Where did his father find a job?How did John study?What was the difficult question the teacher asked John?个案个案1 1:语法课段:语法课段 -说说说说国际词国际词(international wordsinternational words)课段描述:课段描述:1)1)要学生例举几个要学生例举几个国际词国际词(名词)(名词)2)2)让学生听听几个

33、英国人如何谈论让学生听听几个英国人如何谈论国际词国际词(link1link1)3)3)让学生读读这段录音的文字材料,挑出里面的让学生读读这段录音的文字材料,挑出里面的国际词国际词并与并与自自 己原先例举的进行对比己原先例举的进行对比(link2link2)4)4)留意留意国际词国际词后面的反馈语,把所有带后面的反馈语,把所有带thatthat的句子划出来的句子划出来(link3link3)5 5)按照)按照thatthat在句子中的位置和前后搭配词特点进行分类在句子中的位置和前后搭配词特点进行分类(link4link4)点评:点评:u 真实生活中的英语真实生活中的英语 熟悉熟悉u 简单的词、句

34、简单的词、句 易懂易懂u 形式归类组合形式归类组合 观察观察u 学生通过亲身体验和参与,构建起对学生通过亲身体验和参与,构建起对thatthat的使用知识,对比的使用知识,对比传统课本中的传统课本中的This is a pen.That is a pencil.This is a pen.That is a pencil.1)1)通读故事(通读故事(link5link5)2)2)回答回答事实性问题事实性问题(link6link6)3)3)回答推理性问题回答推理性问题(link7link7)4)4)回答评价性问题回答评价性问题(link8link8)点评:点评:u 小故事的语言简单,但内容寓意深

35、刻小故事的语言简单,但内容寓意深刻u 问题的设计有层次,观察、理解和探究的过程由浅入深,从易到难问题的设计有层次,观察、理解和探究的过程由浅入深,从易到难 u 学生不但回答学生不但回答what,what,还要思考还要思考whywhy个案个案2 2 阅读教材阅读教材-蝴蝶的故事蝴蝶的故事(ButterfliesButterflies)1)1)录像观摩录像观摩5 5分钟(分钟(link9link9)2)2)人物描写的人物描写的3 3个层面:一般介绍,相貌衣着个层面:一般介绍,相貌衣着 喜好、与人关喜好、与人关 系系 评价评价(link10link10)3)3)做事的策略指引:跳读式阅读,从图画变文

36、字,超越课文信息,做事的策略指引:跳读式阅读,从图画变文字,超越课文信息,语言表达方式,创设合作学习环境语言表达方式,创设合作学习环境.点评:点评:u 有教师的帮助和指引有教师的帮助和指引 u 有合作交流的过程有合作交流的过程u 从关注内容到关注语言形式从关注内容到关注语言形式个案个案3 3 课堂活动:课堂活动:描写插图故事中的人物描写插图故事中的人物1 1、通过三个案例分析、通过三个案例分析1 1)从生活话语中总结)从生活话语中总结thatthat的句型,的句型,2 2)对蝴蝶故事的三个层次提问,)对蝴蝶故事的三个层次提问,3 3)合作式的写作活动合作式的写作活动p 体验与参与:从被动学习到

37、主动参与发现或构建知识的过程体验与参与:从被动学习到主动参与发现或构建知识的过程p 探究和发现探究和发现:从简单的重复、记背到深入观察、理解从简单的重复、记背到深入观察、理解2 2、自我反思:、自我反思:你能分出教材里阅读或听力理解练习题的深浅吗?你能分出教材里阅读或听力理解练习题的深浅吗?你在堂上的提问有没有要求学生说说答案的理由?你在堂上的提问有没有要求学生说说答案的理由?如果学生对于开放型的问题有不同答案,你会组织他们进一步探讨吗?如果学生对于开放型的问题有不同答案,你会组织他们进一步探讨吗?三、小结与反思三、小结与反思p新课程理念与初中英语课程改革新课程理念与初中英语课程改革,何安平主

38、编,东北师范大学何安平主编,东北师范大学出版社,出版社,20022002:68-7968-79。p高中英语课程改革理论与实践高中英语课程改革理论与实践,何安平编著,东北师范大学出,何安平编著,东北师范大学出版社,版社,20042004:158-169158-169。参考资料参考资料-THE END-:Pizza?:Pizza.:Mhm.:Hamburger:Mhm.Mhm.:What about taxi?:Oh yes,thats a good one.:Erm.:Picnic?What about that?:Oh yes,thats a good one.:What about.week

39、end?:Mhm.:Yes.Hamburger?How about that?英语本族语者谈英语本族语者谈国际词国际词的录音文字片断的录音文字片断:Ah,weve done that one!Got that!:Oh,weve got that,sorry.:Hotel?:Yes!Hotel,Thats a good one.:Stop!:Stop.Mhm mhm.What about football?:Oh yes,thats a good one,yes.:Oh yes,definitely.Oh dear.:In the same way tennis?:Yes,yes.:I thin

40、k thats-:And rugby.:Yeah!:Olympics.:Thats Greek!英语本族语者谈英语本族语者谈国际词国际词的录音片断(续)的录音片断(续)BACK:Pizza?:Pizza.:Mhm.:Hamburger:Mhm.Mhm.:What about taxi?:Oh yes,thats a good one.:Erm.:Picnic?What about that?:Oh yes,thats a good one.:What about.weekend?:Mhm.:Yes.Hamburger?How about that?:Ah,weve done that one!

41、Got that!:Oh,weve got that,sorry.找出名词找出名词:Hotel?:Yes!Hotel,Thats a good one.:Stop!:Stop.Mhm mhm.What about football?:Oh yes,thats a good one,yes.:Oh yes,definitely.Oh dear.:In the same way tennis?:Yes,yes.:I think thats-:And rugby.:Yeah!:Olympics.:Thats Greek!找出名词(续)找出名词(续)BACK:Pizza?:Pizza.:Mhm.:Ha

42、mburger:Mhm.Mhm.:What about taxi?:Oh yes,thats a good one.:Erm.:Picnic?What about that?:Oh yes,thats a good one.:What about.weekend?:Mhm.:Yes.Hamburger?How about that?找出带找出带that的句子的句子:Ah,weve done that one!Got that!:Oh,weve got that,sorry.:Hotel?:Yes!Hotel,Thats a good one.:Stop!:Stop.Mhm mhm.What a

43、bout football?:Oh yes,thats a good one,yes.:Oh yes,definitely.Oh dear.:In the same way tennis?:Yes,yes.:I think thats-:And rugby.:Yeah!:Olympics.:Thats Greek!找出带找出带that 的句子(续)的句子(续)BACK(1)(2)(3)How about that?Weve done that one.Oh yes,thats a good one.What about that?Weve got that.Thats a good one,y

44、es.Got that Thats Greek!BACK 学生的归纳结果:学生的归纳结果:The grandmother plaited her granddaughters hair and then she said,Get your lunch.Put it in your bag.Get your apple.You come straight back after school,straight home here.Listen to the teacher,she said.Do what she say.Her grandfather was out on the step.He

45、 walked down the path with her and out on to the footpath.He said to a neighbor,Our granddaughter goes to school.She lives with us now.Shes fine,the neighbor said.Shes terrific with her two plaits in her hair.And clever,the grandfather said.Writes every day in her book.Shes fine,the neighbor said.Th

46、e grandfather waited with his granddaughter by the crossing and then he said,Go to school.Listen to the teacher.Do what she say.蝴蝶的故事蝴蝶的故事When the granddaughter came home from school her grandfather was hoeing round the cabbages.Her grandmother was picking beans.They stopped their work.You bring you

47、r book home?the grandmother asked.Yes.You write your story?Yes.Whats your story?About the butterflies.Get your book,then.Read your story.The granddaughter took her book from her schoolbag and opened it.I killed all the butterflies,she read.This is me and this is all the butterflies.And your teacher

48、like your story,did she?I dont know.What you teacher say?蝴蝶的故事蝴蝶的故事 (续续1 1)BACKShe said butterflies are beautiful creatures.They hatch out and fly in the sun.The butterflies visit all the pretty flowers,she said.They lay their eggs and then they die.You dont kill butterflies,thats what she said.The

49、grandmother and grandfather were quiet for a long time,and their granddaughter,holding the book,stood quite still in the warm garden.Because you see,the grandfather said,your teacher,she buy all her cabbages from the supermarket and thats why.蝴蝶的故事蝴蝶的故事(续(续2)BACK 第一层次:第一层次:事实性问题事实性问题BACK 第二层次:第二层次:推

50、理性问题推理性问题 BACK 第三层次:第三层次:评价性问题评价性问题BACK 教师的指令语教师的指令语First point is general information.So you can start with the name,his nationality,age,job,likes and dislikes,interests and so on.Some information are very clear on the book.Its very easy to find them.Other information,you can find them out any way,


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