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1、第 1 页 共 8 页秘密启用前1.本试卷共8页,满分120分,答题时间120分钟,考试形式为闭卷。I30第一部分第一部分 听力(共五节,听力(共五节,30 小题;小题;每小每小 1 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分)第一节 听六段对话,选择与每段对话相符的图。每段对话读一遍(共6小题,每小题1分,共6分)1.AB.C.2.AB.C.3.AB.C.4.AB.C.5.AB.C.6.AB.C.第二节 听六个句子,选择与每个句子匹配的应答。每个句子读一遍。(共 6 小题,每小题 1 分,共 6 分)7.A.I like singing.B.I can speak Chinese.C.I can sin

2、g English songs.8.A.Im fine.B.I like it very much.C.Im going shopping.9.A.Its wonderful.B.Sure,Id love to.C.Sorry,Miss Brown.10.A.Great.B.Silk.C.Certainly.11.A.By Shen Nong.B.In China.C.By accident.12.A.I often go school by bike.B.I think my school is great.C.I think we should be allowed to wear our

3、 own clothes.第 2 页 共 8 页第三节 根据对话内容选择最佳选项完成句子。每段对话读两遍(共6小题,每小题 1 分,共 6分)13.The chopsticks are made of.A.steelB.plasticC.silver14.Alice likesbest.A.basketballB.swimmingC.skiing15.Tina willthis Friday evening.A.go to the cinemaB.watch TV at homeC.go to the concert16.Sams sister likesbest.A.the Spring F

4、estivalB.the Dragon Boat FestivalC.the Mid-Autumn Festival17.Jane lovesmusic.A.countryB.rockC.classical18.Jason used to be.A.short and thinB.short and heavyC.tall and thin第四节 根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(共6小题,每小题1 分,共 6 分)19.A.Its made of cotton.B.Its made of wood.C.Its made of silk.20.A.7:45.B.8:15.C.

5、8:45.21.A.Because they are too young.B.Because they are old enough.C.Because they are not serious enough.22.A.To choose her clothes.B.To get her ears pierced.C.To go out with her friends.23.A.Inventor.B.Pianist.C.Teacher.24.A.Spring.B.Summer.C.Winter.第五节 根据短文内容及问题,选择最佳选项。短文读三遍。(共 6 小题,每题 1 分,共 6分)25

6、.A.Grade Seven.B.Grade Eight.C.Grade Nine.26.A.17.B.83.C.100.27.A.It was not useful.B.It was good for health.C.It was a waste of time.28.A.Get ill.B.Sleep more.C.Study better.29.A.It was tiring.B.It was important.C.It was good.30.A.Hurt ourselves.B.Make ourselves excited.C.Help to rest our brain.第二部

7、分第二部分 完型填空(共两节,完型填空(共两节,16小题;小题;每小题每小题 1 分,满分分,满分16分)分)第一节阅读下面一遍短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。Stonehenge is one of Britains most famous historical places.People like togo to this place as they want to see the sun rising31the longest day of theyear,especially in June.Different people have diff

8、erent32about Stonehenge.For many years,some historians believedStonehenge was a temple,but historian Paul Stoker thinks this cant be true because Stonehenge was builtmany centuries33.Other people believe the stones were used to keep people healthy.No one is sure34Stonehenge was used for,but most agr

9、ee that the position of the stones must be for a specialpurpose.People35build it to respect ancestors.Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time.Most historians believe it must be almost5,000years old.The stones are36big and heavy that no one knows how it was built,but we do knowthe buil

10、ders must have been hard-working and great planners.A.mightB.whatC.inD.agoE.onF.soG.ideas第 3 页 共 8 页第二节 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。On January 4,the China National Traditional Orchestra(中央民族乐团)played some well-known37music in their concert.Audiences(观众)enjoyed the beautiful sounds ofguzhe

11、ng,the powerful tunes of souna,the tearful notes of erhu and so on.38traditional Chinese musical instrument tells its own story.“Ive fallen in love with the sounds of traditional instruments,especially pipa,a four-stringed(弦)instrument with a39of more than 2,000 years.It can produce different sounds

12、,such as the sounds offalling snow and raindrops.Every time I listen to a pipa tune,I have a strong40of peace,said YangTian,an audience of the concert.However,a recent report suggests the number of traditional music listeners is dropping.To41up peoples love for traditional music,something creative h

13、as been done.In some traditional music concerts,VR(虚拟现实)technology is42to bring the starry sky or thebeautiful sandy view of Dunhuang to the music hall.It makes the experience43watching a 3Dmovie.Li Xiaobing.a music teacher from Beijing,44traditional folk(民间)singing,operas and Chineseinstruments thr

14、ough technology.People are surprised at his works and they love them!Some musicians try to add something45to traditional music.They bring modern music like popand rap into traditional music.When the east meets the west,the new form of music wins the hearts of boththe old and the young.Traditional mu

15、sic shows the46of our culture,and with some creativity,great things happen.37.A.traditionalB.modernC.county38.A.OtherB.EachC.Another39.A.meaningB.cultureC.history40.A.feelB.feelingC.felt41.A.getB.wakeC.make42.A.useB.usingC.used43.A.thatB.likeC.who44.A.fixesB.addsC.mixes45.A.newB.oldC.strange46.A.bor

16、ingB.beautyC.interest第二第二部分部分 阅读理解阅读理解(共三节,22小题;每小题2分,共44分)第一节第一节 阅读下阅读下面三个语篇面三个语篇,从每题所给的,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。三个选项中选出最佳选项。第 4 页 共 8 页AScientists are not alone in the fight against the virus(病毒),as various products and apps are givingthem a hand.Here are some examples.Drones(无人机)Drones have played

17、 a major role in disinfection(消毒).Police officers alsouse them to spread the latest information.Whats more,they use drones toremind people to wear masks or warn them not to gather in large groups.Health QR codes(健康码)People in more than 100 cities can get their own health QR codes by applying(申请)thro

18、ugh their phones.This way,they dont have to fill in information like their names,agesand living addresses over and over again when they enter public places.Mini-programmesDifferent mini-programmres or apps that you dont need to download but can use on thephone have also come to help.For example,you

19、can check whether you have unknowinglytravelled alongside infected patients.Community workers can collect information about peoplemore easily with the help of mini-programmes.47.What are Drones used for by police officers?A.To spread the latest information.B.To teach people how to wear masks.C.To le

20、t people know that they can gather in large groups.48.If people dont fill in information over and over again when they enter public places,they could.A.Wear masks.B.Download apps.C.Apply for their own health QR codes.49.What should you do if there are any infected patients around you?A.You can use r

21、obots because they are good helpers for medical workers.B.You can use mimi-programmes to check.C.You can use health QR to check.50.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Some examples about scientists how to against the virus.B.Various products and apps help scientists to fight against the virus.C.A

22、ll in the passage have nothing to do with virus.(B)Today more and more building designers(设计师)are thinking about how to make buildings that aregood for the environment.They use materials that are easy to find or recycle old materials to make newbuildings.Here are some examples.第 5 页 共 8 页In August 2

23、013,Ban,a building designer from Japan,made a new church for people in New Zealand.The church is mainly made of cardboard(硬纸板).It stands 25 meters high,with a plastic top to protect thebuilding from rain.The church can last up to 50 years,and it can be recycled.Another example is from Taiwan.This bu

24、ilding is designed by Arthur-Huang,and it is made of 1,500,000 recycled plastic bottles.The building is strong,beautifuland comfortable.The last example is made by Choi Jeong-Hwa,an artist from South Korea.Heused old doors to decorate(装饰)an old,ten-floor building.He painted bright and beautiful colo

25、rs on thedoors.The building is a colorful surprise in the street.The use of recycled materials to build public buildings is growing.They not only cost little,but alsoare beautiful and good for the environment.Maybe soon,these buildings will appear in your city!51.Who was the church made of cardboard

26、 build by?A.Ban.B.Arthur Huang.C.Choi Jeong-Hwa.52.How many kinds of environmentally friendly buildings does the passage give us?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.53.Why do people want to use recycled materials to build buildings?A.Because more and more building designers are talented.B.Because the recycled plas

27、tic bottles are beautiful.C.Because theyre cheap and good for the environment.54.Whats the writers purpose of the passage?A.To show us some examples about interesting buildings.B.To tell us the recycled materials are used for building widely.C.To let us know the importance of protecting environment.

28、(C)Why do we remember some things,and not others?And why do memoriesfinally disappear?Lets look at how memories form in the first place.Informationfirst lands in short-term memory.Then it passes to long-term memory,and finallyto several storage areas across the brain.Memories form there.But how do s

29、omememories get lost?Age is one reason.As we get older,synapses(神经元的突触)begin to weaken.It will influence howeasily we can take back memories.Age also influences our memory-making abilities.When peoplesmemories reach a certain level,with the gradual growth of age,the human brain,like other organs(器官)

30、ofthe body,unavoidably also gradually decline(哀退),which is a natural fact.Another leading cause of memory problems is stress.When we have difficulty in dealing with workand personal responsibilities,our bodies are quite nervous.It will lead to our inattention.Another importantpoint is that it influe

31、nces our abilities to keep new information.Depression(抑郁)is also one of the main problems.Depression hits one person in five around theworld.People who are depressed are 40%more likely to develop memory problems.Is difficult to payattention to the present.When you are depressed,your memory ability f

32、or many things will naturallydecline.第 6 页 共 8 页There are several steps you can take to help your brain keep memories.Make sure you keep physicallyactive and eat well.Moreover,give your brain a workout.Leading your brain to meet difficulties is one ofthe best ways to keep your memories perfect.55.In

33、 paragraph 1,the author leads in the topic by?A.giving examplesB.asking questionsC.comparing things56.How many reasons are mentioned about some memories get lost?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.57.Why does age influence our memory-making abilities?A.Because human brain and organs can gradually decline.B.Becaus

34、e stress makes bodies quite nervous.C.Because depression can make you difficultly pay attention to the present.58.What can we infer from the passage?A.Although we get older,synapses will be stronger.B.Depression hits 40%people around the world.C.If you want to help your brain keep memories,you can f

35、ollow 4 steps in the last paragraph.第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Imagine youre taking an exam,and you find it difficult to answer thosequestions.Time is running out.Would you waste the little chance that you get incheating?59Certainly,its not correct.Its important to follow the rulesb

36、ecause the world would turn into a total mess without rules.60Some rules have become barriers(障碍)to peoples success.Arnold once said,“We have somany rules in life about everything.But its impossible to be a creator if youre too well-behaved.You haveto think outside the box.61Some are created to cont

37、rol people,others become old and boring.So some-times,its OK tobreak the rules.In 1823,William Webb Ellis was a pupil at Rugby(橄榄球)School.He got bored withplaying football in the old way,so he took the ball in his arms and ran with it during a school football match.Rugby,the game we know and love to

38、day,was born.62Before you break the rules,think over whether it will go against your values.And the momentyou decide to do that,you must be ready to face the bad results.63So,we have reason to believe that breaking rules is necessary at times,especially when theyprevent us from becoming better.Of co

39、urse,one can be a fan of breaking the rules,but cant be a fan ofbreaking the laws.A.Not all rules are equal.B.Probably some of us have once cheated in the test.C.However,with the time passing by and the development of the society.D.Change your life habits and become different.E.Each person has his o

40、wn values(价值观).F.All in all,rules are used to help us,not control us.第 7 页 共 8 页第三节阅读下面一篇短文,根据其内容填空,完成短文后的句子。For the first time,scientists have grown plants in moon soil(土壤)collectedby NASAs Apollo astronauts.The scientists had no idea if anything would grow in moon soil.They wantedto see if it coul

41、d be used to grow plants.Robert Ferl of the University of Floridawas surprised with the results.“Plants actually grow in moon soil,he said.Ferl and other researchers planted thale cress,a small flowering plant,in moon soil.The good news wasthat all of the seeds(种子)grew.The bad news was that after th

42、e first week,they grew slowly.Most of theplants ended up small and not fully developed.Scientists found that the longer the soil was on the moon,the worse the plants seemed to grow.The soilcollected by the Apollo 11 was the least helpful for growth.It was a couple billion years longer.Onesolution mi

43、ght be to use younger soil on the moon,like lava(火山岩浆),or put in some special nutrient(营养物)mixtures.Only 382 kilograms of moon rocks and soil were brought back by the six Apollo groups that landed onthe moon.Early last year,NASA finally gave out 12 grams of soil for the planting experiment(实验).The F

44、loridian scientists hope to reuse their moon soil later this year,planting more thale cress beforepossibly moving on to other plants.A scientist said,“Growing plants is a big step forward.The real next step is to go and do it on thesurface of the moon.64.Robert Ferl thought the results of the planti

45、ng experiment is.65.Researchers planted thale cress in moon soil and all of the seeds grew but.66.The soil collected by the Apollo 11 wasntfor growth.67.The Floridan scientists plan toin the experiment this year.68.The real purpose of the planting experiment ison the surface of the moon.第第三部分三部分 写作(

46、共四节,写作(共四节,16小题;第一、二、三节每小题小题;第一、二、三节每小题1分,第四节分,第四节15分,共分,共30分分)第一节 根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空。69.Li Hua _(prefer)groups that play quiet and slow songs.70.I always take _(proud)in helping others and it brings me much pleasure.71.The books were _(translate)into different languages by different writers.72.The mo

47、re love you spread to the people around you,the _(happy)you will be.73.We Chinese should be proud of our history,_(invent)and achievements.第 8 页 共 8 页make choiceskeep away fromlook up totalked backin totalused to第二节 根据语境,选择恰当的短语完成下列各句,短语中有一个为多余短语。74.Please _ the tall buildings if the wind blows hard

48、.75.Parents should give children chances to _ by themselves.76.Fifty students _ are reading books in the library.77.I _ to my mom this morning,but now I regret doing so.78.Many young people _ these basketball heroes and want to become the ones like them.第三节 根据中文意思,补全英语译文(每空限填一词,缩写算一词)。79.我想知道那个学校的学生

49、在放学后是怎样放松的。I _ _ the students in that school relax after school.80.这辆自行车不可能是我妹妹的,因为她今天步行来的学校。This bike _ _ my sisters,for she came to school on foot today.81.孔子是一位对中国教育有着深远影响的思想家。Confucius is a thinker _ _ a far-reaching influence on Chinese education.82.我们一家人过去常常在晚饭后坐在院子里,享受着凉爽的风。Our familysit in t

50、he yard after dinner,enjoying the cool wind.83.无论处境多艰难,中国政府永远不放弃每个中国公民。The government of China wont abandon every Chinese citizenhow hard the situation is.第四节书面表达(15分)俗话说:“做正确的事,再把事情做正确”。英语课上,围绕“The Best Decision Ive Ever Made”这一话题,大家纷纷讲述自己的经历。假如你是李华,请根据以下要求和思维导图写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。要求如下:1.包含思维导图中的内容,结构完整


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