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1、单音节与单音节与部分双音节部分双音节+est+est/ist/ist/直接直接+er+est+er+esttall tallertallesttall tallertallestfastfasterfastestfastfasterfastest以以e e结尾的词结尾的词+r+r,+st+stnicenicernicestnicenicernicestlatelaterlatestlatelaterlatest辅音字母辅音字母+y+y结尾结尾 变变y y为为i+eri+er,estesteasyeasiereasieteasyeasiereasietearlyearlierearliestea

2、rlyearlierearliest双写双写+er+er,estestbigbiggerbiggestbigbiggerbiggesthothotterhottesthothotterhottest多音节多音节部分双音节部分双音节+more+more+most+mostdifficultymore difficultydifficultymore difficultythe most difficultthe most difficultgood/wellgood/wellbestbestbad/badlybad/badlyworstworstmany/muchmany/muchmostmos

3、tlittlelittleleastleastfarfarfurthestfurthest1 1)主)主+v.+v.+比较级比较级+than+than+比较级比较级 eg:Tom is smarter than Jim.Tom runs faster than Jim.This work is _ for me than for you、A.difficultB.most difficultC.much difficultD.more difficult2 2)主)主+v.+v.+比较级比较级+any other+cn.+any other+cn.单单 .比同一范围内其他任何一个比同一范围内其

4、他任何一个.都都eg:Tom is taller than any other student in his class.Tom runs faster than any other student in his class.I think P.E.is than any other subject.A.the most importantB.more importantC.as important than D.as important as3 3)主主+v.+the+v.+the+比较级比较级+of the two+of the two .是两者中较是两者中较.的那个的那个egeg:Tom

5、 is the taller of the two.Tom is the taller of the two.Tom runs the faster of the two.Tom runs the faster of the two.Of the two cups,he bought .A.the smallerB.the smallestC.small D:smaller4.the+4.the+比较级,比较级,the+the+比较级比较级eg:The harder you study,the better grades you will get.5 5.比较级比较级+and+and+比较级比

6、较级 more and more+adj./adv.more and more+adj./adv.原级原级eg:The weather is becoming warmer and warmer._ he read the book,_ he got in it _ he read the book,_ he got in it、A A.The more;the more interestingThe more;the more interestingB B.The less;the more interestingThe less;the more interestingC C.The mo

7、re;the more interestedThe more;the more interestedD D.More;more interestedMore;more interested6.6.疑问词疑问词+v.+v.+比较级,比较级,A or B?A or B?A A和和B B,.更更.?.?eg:Which city is bigger,China or Canada?7.7.明确上下文对比时,单独使用比较级明确上下文对比时,单独使用比较级eg:The shirt is too big,could you give me a smaller one?Which do you think

8、tastes _,the chicken or the fish?Which do you think tastes _,the chicken or the fish?A A.goodgoodB B.betterbetterC C.bestbestD D.wellwell8.两多两少两甚至一个远去了,均放于比较级前表强调 a lot,much,a little,a bit,even,still,far(多)1、I think science is _ _ than Japanese.A、much important B、importantC、much more important D、mor

9、e much important4 These children are _ this year than they were last year.A、more tall B、more tallerC、very taller D、much taller1.主+v.+(the)+最高级+n.+in/of.在某一范围,某类人或者物中最.eg:He is the tallest boy of us.Mother is _ in my family.A.busy B.busier C.the busiestD.more2.主+v.+one of the+adj.最高级+Cn复+in/of.是某一范围,

10、某类人或者物中最.的.之一eg:He is one of the tallest boys in our class.他是我们班最高的男生之一The Yellow River is one of _rivers in China.A.long B.longer C.the longest3.主+v.+the+序数词+adj.最高级+n.+in/of.是某一范围,某类人或者物中第.eg:He is the second tallest boy in our class.他是我们班第二高的男生China is _ country in the world.A.the third largest B

11、.the largest third C.the third large D.a third largest4.4.疑疑+v.+v.+(thethe)+最高级,最高级,A A,B B,or C?or C?在在A A,B B,C C中,中,.最最.?eg:Which is the tallest,Tomeg:Which is the tallest,Tom,Jim or JackJim or Jack?在他们三个中,谁最高?在他们三个中,谁最高?Who has _ oranges now,Jim,Lily or Lucy?A.much B.biggest C.betterD.the most 注

12、:1.adj.最高级前必须+the2.句子中要有表示范围的介词in,of3.of后加表示一类人,一类事物的名词或者代词,in后加表示单位,场所的名词4.adj.做表语时,the可省5.adv.最高级前的the可省6.最高级前有名词所有格,物主代词时不用theeg:my best friend比较级比较级+than+any other+Cn+than+any other+Cn单单比较级比较级+than+the other+Cn+than+the other+Cn复复eg:Tom is the tallest in his class.=Tom is taller than any other s

13、tudent.=Tom is taller than the other students.A is as+A is as+原原+as+B.+as+B.A is not as+A is not as+原原+as+B.+as+B.A is not so+A is not so+原原+as+B.A+as+B.A不如不如B Bso,very,quite,too,rather,pretty+so,very,quite,too,rather,pretty+原级原级When we speak to people,we should be When we speak to people,we should

14、be A A.as polite as possibleas polite as possibleB B.as polite as possiblyas polite as possiblyC C.as politely as possibleas politely as possibleD D.as politely as possiblyas politely as possibly1.1.It was very hot yesterday,but it is_ today It was very hot yesterday,but it is_ today.A A.even hotter

15、 even hotter B B.more hotter more hotterC C.much more hot much more hot D D.much ho much ho2.2.Our classroom is_ larger than theirs Our classroom is_ larger than theirs.A A.more more B B.quite quite C C.veryvery D D.muchmuch3.3.Maths is more popular than_Maths is more popular than_.A A.any other sub

16、jectany other subject B B.all the subjectsall the subjectsC C.any subjectany subject D D.other subjectother subject4.4.Tom is stronger than _ in his class Tom is stronger than _ in his classA A.any other boyany other boy B B.any boysany boys C C.any boyany boy D D.other boyother boy5.5.When spring c

17、omes,it gets_When spring comes,it gets_.A A.warm and warmwarm and warm B B.colder and coldercolder and colderC C.warmer and warmerwarmer and warmer D D.shorter and shortershorter and shorter6.6.At last he began to cry _ At last he began to cry _.A A.hard and hard hard and hard B B.more hard and more

18、 hardmore hard and more hardC C.harder and harderharder and harder D D.less hard and less harderless hard and less harder7.7._ I look at the picture,_ I like it_ I look at the picture,_ I like it、A A.The best;the moreThe best;the more B B.The more;the lessThe more;the less C C.The more;lessThe more;

19、less D D.More;the moreMore;the more8.8.Which do you like _,tea or coffee?Which do you like _,tea or coffee?A A.wellwell B B.betterbetter C C.bestbest D D.mostmost9.9.This book is_ that one,but_ than that oneThis book is_ that one,but_ than that one.A A.as difficult as;expensiveas difficult as;expens

20、iveB B.as more difficult as;more expensiveas more difficult as;more expensiveC C.as difficult as;more expensiveas difficult as;more expensiveD D.more difficult as;as expensivemore difficult as;as expensive10.10.I think the story is not so _ as that oneI think the story is not so _ as that one.A A.in

21、terestinginterestingB B.interestedinterestedC C.more interestingmore interestingD D.most interestingmost interesting11.11.Who jumped_of all?Who jumped_of all?A.farA.far B.fartherB.farther C.farthestC.farthest D.the most farD.the most far12.12.The fifth orange is_ of all.Give it to that small child.T

22、he fifth orange is_ of all.Give it to that small child.A.bigA.big B.biggerB.bigger C.the biggerC.the bigger D.the biggestD.the biggest13.13.English is one of_ spoken in the world.English is one of_ spoken in the world.A.the important languagesA.the important languagesB.the most important languagesB.

23、the most important languagesC.most important languageC.most important languageD.the most important languageD.the most important language14.14.Which is_interesting,science,maths or English?Which is_interesting,science,maths or English?A.moreA.more B.the mostB.the most C.veryC.very D.tooD.too15.15.I study English as_as my brother.I study English as_as my brother.A.hard A.hard B.harder B.harder C.hardest C.hardest


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