Unit 1 Science and Scientists Vocabulary (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、人教高中英语选择性必修二Unit1 Science and scientist东明一中 贾卫宽1.raw.adj.未煮的,生的,未处理的,原始的One of Macs friends picked out some raw meat and threw it to the wolf.There were few cho ices of food and drink on it:just rice,raw vegetables served in vinegar,fruit and water.幽默句子串记单词law(法律),jaw(下巴),paw(爪子),raw(生的),saw(看,锯)In

2、a law book,I saw a cat whose jaw was very big eating a raw fish with its paws on a long saw.在一本法律书中,我看到一只下巴很大的猫用爪子搭在长锯子上吃生鱼。I saw a saw sawing another saw.我看见一把锯子在锯另一把锯子。2.pure adj.干净的,纯的,纯粹的Nowadays drinking pure water has become a fashion with many people.如今,喝纯净水已经成为许多人的一种时尚。But what happened next

3、 was pure magic.接下来发生的非常奇妙。She was neither purely evil,nor purely good.她算不上坏人,也算不上好人。翻译:孩子们思想纯洁。Children have pure thoughts.我帮他纯粹是出于友情。I helped him purely and simply out of friendship.幽默句子串记单词cure(治愈),lure(引诱,诱惑),pure,sureI am sure that he is purely luring me to eat this pill only to cure me of my h

4、eadache.我敢肯定他纯粹是引诱我吃这药丸,结果却治好了我的头痛。3.jet t n.喷气式飞机plane n.飞机airplane n.飞机(美国英语)aeroplane n.飞机(英国英语)aircraft n.飞机,飞行器(集合名词)helicopter n.直升飞机fighter aircraft 战斗机transport aircraft 运输机military aircraft 军用飞机搭配:jet-black 乌黑的Her waist was small,her hair full and jet-black,her eyes liquid and her eyebrows

5、drawn out toward her temples。她腰肢纤细,头发浓密、乌黑,两眼如秋水般明丽,双眉画入两鬓。by jet 坐飞机We are going to travel by jet.我们打算乘喷气式飞机旅行。助记:bet 打赌get 获得jet 喷气机let 让,使met 见面(过去式)net 网vet 兽医wet 湿的pet 宠物set 一组/套yet 还,仍然有一个vet(兽医)约上我met(见面)和别人bet(打赌)开一架jet(喷气机)上有个pet(宠物)意外撞net(网)结果却wet(湿的)没想到get(得到)一整套set(套,组)于是想let(让,使)仍然用yet(

6、还,仍然)4.cell seln.细胞;小房间;单间牢房助记:bell n.铃声,铃 fell v.落下(fall的过去式)hell n.地狱sell v.卖tell v.告诉,区分well adv.好,adj.健康 n.水井yell v.大声喊叫合成词:cell-phone 手机卖(sell)铃铛(bell)的那个人说(tell)把树砍倒(fell)的时候不要大声叫(yell),否则他的健康(well)细胞(cell)会下地狱(hell)。景物描写:The fresh air was fragrant with scents from the earth,awakening all my c

7、ells to breathe greedily.新鲜的空气中弥漫着来自大地的芳香,唤醒了我所有的细胞,让我贪婪地呼吸。But nowhere in any of my cells did I believe him.但我是一点也不相信他的。5.cast v.投射 (cast,cast)助记:fast adj.快的 adv.快速地last adj.上一个的,最后的 v.持续mast n.桅杆past adj.过去的 n.过去,昔日 prep.经过vast adj.广袤的一只小鸟 past(经过)最后落上mast(桅杆)海洋非常 vast(广阔)我把石头 cast(投掷)很快扔到 last(最后

8、的)速度非常 fast(快)景物描写:When the setting sun cast an orange light over the mountains,the tent was set up and the meal was ready.当夕阳把橘黄色的阳光洒在山上时,帐篷已经搭好了,饭也准备好了。心理描写:The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face.这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影。We both cast a glance of surprise at each other and started to chuckle.我们都惊讶地互相看了

9、一眼,开始咯咯地笑起来。He looked back at me and I cast him an encouraging smile.他回头看了看我,我给了他一个鼓励的微笑。翻译:The sun shone through the trees and cast a shadow over her smiling face.(“景物+心理”描写)阳光透过树林,在她微笑的脸上投下阴影。The moon burst through the clouds and cast its silver light all over the wet land.(景物描写)月亮破云而出,把银光洒在潮湿的大地上

10、。6.pour vt.倒出助记:four num.四hour n.小时sour adj.酸的tour n.&v.旅行your pron.你 It never rains but it pours。不鸣则已一鸣惊人。Finally,he broke down in tears and poured out his heart to her.最后,他失声痛哭,向她倾诉衷肠。Tears of happiness poured down Susans cheeks.苏珊喜极而泣。翻译:她无法抑制自己的悲伤,泪水顺着脸颊往下流。She couldnt contain her sorrow and tea

11、rs poured down her cheeks.雨从阴沉沉的天空中倾盆而下。Rain poured down from the cloudy skies.他们似乎有很多话要说,每个人都倾吐着过去的经历。They seemed to have a lot to talk about,each pouring out the past experiences.7.pump n.泵助记:bump v.碰,撞 n.肿块,隆起jump v.跳lump n.块,肿块搭配:pump up 振奋Music can make you feel happy,excited or even pumped up.

12、音乐可以让你感到快乐、兴奋甚至振奋。His heart pumped hard.他的心跳得很厉害。With a trembling hand,I turned on the computer,my heart pumping violently.我用颤抖的手打开了电脑,我的心怦怦直跳。翻译:她的心怦怦直跳。Her heart was pumping.The balloon enlarged as we pumped air into it.那个气球充气后就变大了.They find it difficult to pump themselves up for the games.他们感到要让他

13、们自己振奋起来去打比赛并不容易。8.severe adj.极为恶劣的,严重的,严肃的形似:serve v.服务,端上My family told Grandpa that his condition was not severe but that he needed good care.我的家人告诉爷爷,他的情况并不严重,但他需要很好的照顾。She was a severe woman who seldom smiled.她是个严肃的女人,脸上很少出现笑容。He was severely injured and couldnt even feel his legs.他受了重伤,甚至双腿失去了知

14、觉。9.infect vt.使感染 infection n.感染 infected adj.被感染的 infectious adj.有感染力的 infective adj.有传染性的 infective/infectious disease 传染病助记:insect n.昆虫 perfect adj.完美的The spirit of the little boy has also infected the people in the village.小男孩的精神也感染了村里的人。The man has been infected with cholera.这人已染上了霍乱。Her laught

15、er,which was very infectious,broke the silence.她的富有感染力的笑声打破了沉默。翻译:他们都被他的高昂的情绪所感染。They are all infected with his high spirits.他因肺部感染接受了治疗,目前正在康复中。He was treated for a lung infection and was now recovering.Never had they been so overjoyed that their infectious laughter could be constantly heard.他们从来没有

16、这么高兴过,他们那富有感染力的笑声总是不绝于耳。10.proof n.证据 proofs(复数)同:evidence n.证据-proof 后缀“防的”如:water-proof 防水的变形:prove v.证明Actually,there is no proof about where it came from.事实上,没有证据表明它来自哪里。He realized what his grandfather said proved to be right.他意识到他爷爷说的被证明是正确的。11.frustrated adj.懊悔的,沮丧的=depressed变形:frustration n.

17、懊悔,沮丧Disappointed and frustrated,the poor man made his way back to his family.失望又沮丧,这个可怜的人回家去了。翻译:又饿又沮丧,我们试图找到一条出路,但没有成功。Hungry and frustrated,we tried to find a way out but in vain.I felt like crying with frustration.我沮丧得只想哭。12.subscribe v.订阅,订购,赞成搭配:subscribe to sth.赞同某事,订阅某物subscribe.to.向捐赠subscr

18、iber n.订阅人;定期捐款者;消费者 subscription n.订阅;订阅费;定期捐款I dont subscribe to such views.我不同意这样的观点。He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund.他向救济基金捐赠巨资。My subscription to the magazine will soon be due,I will renew it.我订阅的杂志快到期了,我将续订。13.suspect vi.&vt.怀疑 n.犯罪嫌疑人(1)suspect sb.of(doing)sth.怀疑某人(做过)某事suspect sb

19、./sth.to be/as.怀疑某人/某物是(2)suspicion n.怀疑;疑心under suspicion 被怀疑(3)suspicious adj.怀疑的;可疑的be suspicious of/about sth.对某事怀疑suspect vi.&vt.怀疑怀疑 n.犯罪嫌疑人犯罪嫌疑人助记:词根助记:词根spect=look,su意为意为“向下向下”,向下看为,向下看为“怀疑怀疑”类似:类似:aspect n.方面,方面,respect v.尊敬尊敬,inspect v.视察视察expect v.期待,期待,persepctive n.远景,透视图远景,透视图区分:区分:dou

20、bt与与suspectdoubt“怀疑不是怀疑不是”,suspect“怀疑是怀疑是”I doubt he is the criminal.我不相信他是罪犯。我不相信他是罪犯。I suspect he is the criminal.我怀疑他是罪犯。我怀疑他是罪犯。doubt后可接后可接if或或whether从句,而从句,而suspect不能接。不能接。翻译:Suddenly,he suspected that the young man was probably the one who organized the robbery.突然,他怀疑这个年轻人可能就是组织抢劫的人。The police

21、 cant decide whether the suspect is guilty.警察不能断定嫌疑犯是否有罪。单句语法填空单句语法填空Any man who has witnessed the attack is _ suspicion.Some of his colleagues at work became _(suspect)of his behaviour.完成句子完成句子:老板怀疑他从公司拿走了电脑。老板怀疑他从公司拿走了电脑。The boss _ the computer away from the company.under suspicioussuspected him o

22、f taking14.blamed vt.责备;谴责;把责备;谴责;把归咎于;归咎于;n.过失;责备过失;责备(1)blame sb.for sth.因某事而责备某人因某事而责备某人blame sth.on sb.把某事怪到某人头上把某事怪到某人头上be to blame 应受责备;应负责任应受责备;应负责任(2)bear/take the blame for.对对负责负责lay/put the blame for sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人身上把某事归咎于某人身上单句语法填空单句语法填空Once you form the habit of blaming somebody or s

23、omething else _ a bad situation,you are a loser.Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning,and put the blame _ the alarm clock.It was the professor rather than his assistant that was _(blame)for what had happened in the lab.for onto blame15.handle n.把守;拉手把守;拉手 vt.处理处理表示表示“处理处理”的还有:的还有:do w

24、ith/deal with,tackle,dispose,manage,conduct等等Only when you put your heart on it can things be handled well.(续写主旨升华句续写主旨升华句)只有你用心去做,事情才能处理好。只有你用心去做,事情才能处理好。I have the confidence that I can handle this job well.我有信心把这份工作做好。我有信心把这份工作做好。16.link n.联系;纽带联系;纽带 vt.把把连接起来;相关联连接起来;相关联助记:助记:blink v.眨眼眨眼知识拓展知识拓

25、展(1)link.to/with.将将和和联系或连接起来联系或连接起来link up 连接;结合连接;结合link up with.与与联合;使与联合;使与衔接衔接(2)a link between A and BA与与B之间的联系之间的联系单句语法填空单句语法填空The new tunnel links Britain France.The two spacecraft will link up each other in orbit.The country (link)to the town by a new bridge.to/withwithis linkedI blinked my

26、eyes hard,looking carefully all around me.我使劲眨了眨眼睛,仔细地环顾四周。翻译:她眨了眨眼睛,挤出一丝微笑。She blinked and forced a smile.In the/a blink of an eye,the rabbit escaped out of sight.转眼间,兔子就不见了。整个过程似乎就发生在眨眼之间。The whole progress seemed to be happening in a blink of an eye.17.household n.一家人一家人常用词块:常用词块:household goods家

27、庭用品;日用商品家庭用品;日用商品household appliance家用电器家用电器household register户口户口本本household income 家庭收入家庭收入He is a household legendary figure.他是个家喻户晓的传奇性人物。他是个家喻户晓的传奇性人物。(2020山东卷续写山东卷续写)Then Mrs.Meredith searched the internet and ordered a household popcorn machine.然后梅雷迪思太太上网订购了一台家用爆米花机。然后梅雷迪思太太上网订购了一台家用爆米花机。18.m

28、ultiple adj数量多的数量多的助记:词根:助记:词根:multi-多的多的multimedia adj.多媒体的多媒体的multinational adj.多民族的多民族的 multitask n.多任务多任务multifunctional 多功能的多功能的形似:形似:multiply v.乘以,倍增,繁殖乘以,倍增,繁殖Silently,I prayed multiple times.我默默地祈祷了很多次。我默默地祈祷了很多次。19.blame vt.把把.归咎于归咎于n.职责责备职责责备助记:助记:lame adj.瘸的,跛的瘸的,跛的flame n.火焰,激情火焰,激情搭配:搭配

29、:(1)blame sb.for sth.因某事而责备某人因某事而责备某人blame sth.on sb.把某事怪到某人头上把某事怪到某人头上be to blame 应受责备;应负责任应受责备;应负责任(2)bear/take the blame for.对对负责负责lay/put the blame for sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人身上把某事归咎于某人身上单句语法填空单句语法填空Once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else _ a bad situation,you are a loser.Lots o

30、f people find it hard to get up in the morning,and put the blame _ the alarm clock.It was the professor rather than his assistant that was _(blame)for what had happened in the lab.for onto blame翻译:我在心里自责了几千次,希望能找到最好的方式来表达我的歉意。I blamed myself thousands of times in my heart,hoping that I could find th

31、e best way to convey my apology.She was surprised that he had no words of blame for her.使她感到惊讶的是,他没有一句责备她的话。20.decrease n.减少减少 vt.&vi.(使大小、数量等使大小、数量等)减少减少反义:反义:increase v.增加增加 同义:同义:reduce,lessen(1)on the decrease 在减少中在减少中a decrease in.在在方面减少方面减少(2)decrease to.减少到减少到decrease by.减少了减少了decrease from.t

32、o.从从减少到减少到 There is a decrease of nearly 7%the number of visitors to the museum.The accidents have decreased 20%since the measure has been taken.Because of human activities,the number of some rare animals is the decrease.inbyon词条用法常作成分thanks to“多亏”,多放在句首,用来表达正面意思(接近于原意“感谢”),偶用于讽刺口吻。作状语owing to“由于、因为

33、”,可置于句首或句末。常作状语、表语due to表示原因,可与owing to 互换常作表语、状语定语because of着重某个结果的原因常作状语20.transform vt.使改观使改观 vi.改变改变助记:词根助记:词根trans=转变转变(change),横跨,横跨(across)transplant v.移植移植translate v.翻译翻译transport v.运输运输transcentury 跨世纪的跨世纪的transnational 跨国的跨国的The whole city,transformed into a golden wonderland,was bathed i

34、n brilliant sunshine.整个城市沐浴在灿烂的阳光下,变成了一个金色的仙境。整个城市沐浴在灿烂的阳光下,变成了一个金色的仙境。21.microscope n.显微镜显微镜助记:词根助记:词根 micro-微小的微小的microcomputer n.微型计算机微型计算机 microphone n.话筒话筒,扩音器扩音器 microprocessor n.微处理器微处理器 microworld 微观世界微观世界 microwave 微波微波 microbe 微生物微生物I felt like I was under a microscope in my classroom.我觉得我

35、在教室里就像在显微镜下一样。我觉得我在教室里就像在显微镜下一样。22.thinking n.思想思想助记:助记:thoughts 思想,想思想,想 法,主意法,主意以以-ing结尾的名词结尾的名词It is mans social being that determines his thinking.人们的社会存在,决定人们的思想。He looked out of the window,biting his lips,as if thinking.他一边看着窗外,一边咬着嘴唇,仿佛在思考。Almost without thinking,I bent and gave her a hug.我几乎

36、不假思索地弯下腰给了她一个拥抱。Without a second thought,the old man stepped inside and held out a broken basket with several apples.老人想都没想就走了进去,拿出一个装着几个苹果的破篮子。without a second thought=without even thinking 下意识地,想都没想地without delay 立即;毫不迟延地=without hesitation 毫不犹豫地翻译:他想都没想,就把车停了下来。Without even thinking,he stopped th

37、e car.23.initial adj最初的最初的=original 原始的,最初的原始的,最初的initiative n.倡议倡议stay true to the original aspiration“不忘初心不忘初心”,After Debbie had overcome her initial shyness,she became ver friendly.黛比克服了开始时的羞涩之后黛比克服了开始时的羞涩之后,就变得非常友善。就变得非常友善。Initially,the sweet little dog was a bit shy,but a few days later they be

38、came good friends.起初,这只可爱的小狗有点害羞,但几天后他们就成了好起初,这只可爱的小狗有点害羞,但几天后他们就成了好朋友。朋友。24.shadow n.阴影,影子助记:meadow n.草地,牧场The embarrassment was heavy like a dark shadow.尴尬像阴影一样沉重。Love is a lamp,while friendship is the shadow.When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere.爱情是灯,友情是影子。当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。区分:

39、shade n.树荫25.rainbow n.彩虹Then there was silence,the sun,the blue sky,and a rainbow.然后一切寂静下来,天空中呈现了太阳、蓝天,另有一道彩虹。There was no treasure at the end of the rainbow,but the love between my brother and me.彩虹的尽头没有宝藏,只有我和哥哥之间的爱。Together they formed a rainbow across the sky,driving off the thunder and the rain.它们一起在天空中形成了一道彩虹,赶走了雷声和雨。


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