Unit4 单词知识点+课后练习题(ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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Unit4 单词知识点+课后练习题(ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit4 单词知识点+课后练习题(ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第2页
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Unit4 单词知识点+课后练习题(ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第3页
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Unit4 单词知识点+课后练习题(ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第4页
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Unit4 单词知识点+课后练习题(ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第5页
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1、UNIT 4 HUmour Lesson 2 Why Do We Need Humour 单词+知识点+课后练习题单词 tension/ten n/n.紧张;焦虑;焦急relieve/ease the tension 缓和紧张的情绪 international tensions 国际紧张局势 tense r adj.(人)神经紧张的;(形势等)令人紧张的;(肌肉或身体部位)绷紧的 muscle/m s l/n.肌肉*physical/f z k l/adj.身体的,肉体的;客观存在的physical fitness 健康体魄 physical world 客观世界 physically adv

2、.身体上;肉体上 physics n.物理学 physicist n.物理学家 blood vessel血管 psychological/sa k l d k l/adj.心理的,精神的 psychological problem 心理问题 psychology n.心理学 psychologist 心理学家psychologism n.心理主义;唯心理论;mood/mu d/n.心情,情绪 In a good/bad mood 心情好/坏 far-reaching adj.影响深远的 energise/e n da z/vt.使充满活力;使增强决心energy n.精力 energetic

3、adj.精力充沛的 immune/mju n/adj.有免疫力的 immune system 免疫系统 cell/se l/n.细胞 infection/n fe k n/n.感染;传染infect v.使感染;传染infectious adj.感染的;传染性的*incorporate/n k p re t/vt.把并入;包含 whisper/w s p/vi.&vt.悄声说,低语,耳语*blush/b l/vi.脸红 embarrassment/m b r s mn t/n.窘迫,尴尬 embarrassed adj.尴尬的,窘迫的;拮据的,陷入经济困境的 accidentally/k s

4、dn t li/adv.偶然地,意外地 accidental adj.偶然的,意外的 accident n.事故 expense/k s pen s/n.费用,花费 at sbs expense嘲笑某人 知识点1.increase(1)vt.&vi.(使)增长,增加 increase to/by增加到/增加了 increase from.to.从增加到 eg.Her weight has increased to 70 kilos as a result of poor diet and lack of exercise.由于不合理饮食和缺乏锻炼,她的体重增加到了7O千克。eg.Food pr

5、ices increased by10%in less than a year.不到一年,食品价 格就上涨了10%。(2)n.C,U增长,增加 an increase in.方面的增长 on the increase在增长 eg.There was an increase in the towns population.这个城镇的人口有所 增长。eg.The people who own private cars are on the increase.拥有私家车的人 越来越多。2.focus on意为集中注意力/精力于,on 可用upon替换。eg.It took Lisa a lot of

6、 time to focus on preparing her classes and correcting her studentshomework.集中精力备课和批改学生的 作业花费了莉萨很多时间。集中注意力于/全神贯注于表达法集锦:concentrate(ones mind/attention)on be buried/absorbed/lost in keep ones mind on focus/fix ones mind on lose/bury oneself in 3.keep on doing sth.继续做某事 I was getting increasingly tire

7、d,but I kept:on walking.我越来越累,但我还一直在走。keep away from避免接近,远离 keep.in mind将记在心中 whisper(1)vt.&vi.小声说,低语 whisper(sth.)in sb.s ear在某人耳边低声说(某事)whisper about sth.低声说某事 whisper(sth.)to sb.对某人低声说(某事)eg.James leaned over to whisper something in Tomsear.詹姆斯探过身 去附耳对汤姆说了些什么。eg.What are you two whispering about

8、over there?你们俩在那里低声说 些什么?in a whisper/in whispers低声地 eg.They talked with each other in a whisper/in whispers in the corner.他们在那个角落里低声交谈。5.expense n.U费用,价钱;at sb.s expense嘲笑某人;由某人付钱,由某人负担费用 at great/huge expense花费大笔费用 cover/meet an expense支付开支 at the expense of sb./sth.在牺牲的情况下 练习题讲解课本课本78页页Lesson 2 C

9、hoose a word below to replace the words or phrases highlighted in italics.anxiety embarrassed pretend plot facial psychological mood energised well-being enhanceThere have been many studies which show the1 mind-related benefts of humour and laughing.A positive 2 state of mind or feeling makes us fee

10、l far more 3 enthusiastic and is associated with better health and 4 feelings of comfort.psychological moodenergisedwell-beingPeople laugh for lots of reasons;sometimes they laugh at a joke or funny 5 storyline of films or TV shows.People laugh even when they are feeling 6 uncomfortable or ashamed o

11、r experiencing 7 worry or occasionally even at the cost of others(which is not a nice thing to do).plot embarrassedanxietySurprisingly,even the 8 face-related moverment of smiling can make you feel happy even if youare not!You can 9 fake a laugh and your body will think you really are happy and relax!facial pretend So,remember to laugh and smile as much as possible in order to 10 increase your happiness and improve your life.answers:1 psychological 2 mood 3 energised 4 well-being 5 plot 6 embarrassed 7 anxiety8 facial 9 pretend 10 enhanceenhance


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