Unit 2 Reading 知识点讲解(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Understanding the benefits of exercisephysicalmentalincrease the efficiency of heart and lungshave better immune systems and are at lower risk of diseasesreduce stress and get over negative feelingsimprove certain brain functionsPlanning your exercise routineheart and lung efficiencymuscle strengthf

2、lexibilityjoggingswimmingskiingpull-upsweightliftinggymnasticstai chiEating and drinking rightWhat noodlesricefruitvegetablesfisheggsmilk productsWhen before exercising:1.52.5h after exercising:30minsDrink throughout exerciseAvoiding injuryWear proper clothes and equipmentStart smallWarm up and stre

3、tchBy the end of this class,we will be able to1.Review the structure of each paragraph2.Get to learn the usage of these key words and key phrasesread these paragraphs and circle the words that you dont knowYou want to start doing exercise?Congratulations!You have just taken your first step tawards a

4、 new and improved you.want to do sth 想要做某事start doing sth 开始做某事take ones first step towards 向.迈出第一步Understanding the benefits of exerciseMost people assume that regular exercise does wonders for the body and mind but what exactly are its health benefits?To start with,physical activity increases the

5、efficiency of your heart and lungs.During exercise,your heart and lungs must work harder.do wonders for 为.创造奇迹exactly(adv)精确地,确切地its 它的 its=it is 它是to start with 首先increase(v)增加-decrease(v)减少efficient(adj)效率高的-efficiency(n)效率during(prep)在在.期间期间hard(adj)困难的困难的(adv)努力地努力地Understanding the benefits of

6、exerciseMost people assume that regular exercise does wonders for the body and mind but what exactly are its health_(benefit)?_ start with,physical activity_(increase)the _(efficient)of your heart and lungs.During exercise,your heart and lungs must work_(hard).efficiencybenefitsToincreasesharderThis

7、 extra effort makes them grow stronger over the long term.It has also been proven that active people tend to have better immune systems and are at lower risk of diseases.over the long term长期长期make sb do sth 让某人做某事It is proved that 据证实据证实tend to do sth 趋向/往往做某事tend on sb 照顾某人immune system免疫系统at lower

8、 risk of diseases 更低的患病风险更低的患病风险run/take the risk冒险冒险at the risk of 冒冒.的危险的危险This extra effort _(make)them grow _(strong)over the long term.It has also _(prove)that active people tend _(have)better immune systems and are at_(low)risk of diseases.makesstrongerbeen provedto havelowerMoreover,exercise

9、is good for your mental health.Working out can help you reduce stress and get over negative feelings.Some studies even show that exercise improves certain brain functions,meaning you could actually exercise your way to better performance at school!moreover(adv)此外,而且 be good for 对对.有好处有好处be beneficia

10、l to work out 锻炼,解决,计算锻炼,解决,计算出出 reduce(v)减少减少get over 克服克服show(v)表明,展示表明,展示the way to do sth 做某事的方式Moreover,exercise is good _ your mental health._(work)out can help you _(reduce)stress and get over negative _(feeling).Some _(study)even show that exercise _(improve)certain brain functions,meaning y

11、ou could_(actual)exercise your way to _(good)performance at school!forWorkingto reduce/reducefeelingsstudiesimprovesactuallybetterPlanning your exercise routineWhen you plan an exercise routine,the first thing to consider is what you expect to improve:heart and lung efficiency,muscle strength or fle

12、xibility.Aerobic activities,like jogging,swimming and skiing,develop your heart and lungs.the first thing to do is首先要做的是首先要做的是expect to do sth 期待做某事期待做某事consider(v)考虑考虑efficiency(n)效率效率-efficient(adj)高效的高效的strength(n)力气力气-strengthen(v)加强,加强,巩固巩固flexibility(n)灵活性灵活性-flexible(adj)灵活的,灵活的,易弯曲的易弯曲的When

13、you plan an exercise routine,the first thing _(consider)is what you expect to improve:heart and lung efficiency,muscle strength or_(flexible).Aerobic _(activity),like jogging,_(swim)and skiing,develop your heart and_(lung).to considerflexibilityactivitiesswimminglungsStrength training,such as pull-u

14、ps and weightlifting,increases muscle strength and encourages bone development.Flexibility training,including gymnastics and tai chi,helps stretch your muscles and improve your bodys range of movement.These types of exercise all play a role in a healthy routine.Above all,choose activities you enjoy

15、because,in this way,youre more likely to stick with them.such as 例如pull-up引体向上引体向上weightlifting 举重举重increase(v)增加增加include(v)包含,包括包含,包括-including(prep)包括包括play a role in 在在.中起作用中起作用above all 最重要的是最重要的是in this way 通过这种方法通过这种方法be likely to do sth 有可能做某事有可能做某事stick with 坚持,持续坚持,持续Strength training,such

16、 _ pull-ups and weightlifting,_(increase)muscle strength and encourages bone development.Flexibility training,including gymnastics and tai chi,_(help)stretch your muscles and improve your bodys range of _(move).These _(type)of exercise all play a role _ a healthy routine.Above all,choose _(activity)

17、you enjoy because,in this way,youre more likely _(stick)with them.increasesmovementtypesinto stickashelpsactivitiesEating and drinking rightLike cars that run on petrol,your body burns carbohydrates for energy.Foods like noodles,rice,fruit and vegetables give your body plenty of carbohydrates to kee

18、p up your energy during a long workout,To help your muscles recover and repair themselves after exercise,you need to eat foods rich in protein,such as fish,eggs and milk products.plenty of 许多的,大量的许多的,大量的keep up 保持,继续保持,继续during 在在.期间期间workout 健身健身recover(v)恢复恢复repair(v)修理修理be rich in 富含,富于富含,富于.such

19、 as 例如例如When to eat is also of great importance.In general,you should have your meal an average of 1.5 to 2.5 hours before exercising.Do not eat immediately after exercise;instead,wait at least 30 minutes after a typical routine,or as much as an hour after a hard workout.Remember to drink throughout

20、 exercise to make up for water lost to sweat.be of great importance.是同等重要是同等重要in general 一般而言,总之,通常一般而言,总之,通常an average of 平均平均exercise(n/v)锻炼锻炼at least至少至少at most 至多至多hard(adj)困难的,艰难的困难的,艰难的(adv)努力地努力地workout(n)健身,练习健身,练习instead(adv)相反相反instead of 相反,而不是相反,而不是remember to do sth 记得去做某事记得去做某事remember

21、 doing sth 记得做过某事记得做过某事throughout(prep)介词介词 make up for 弥补,补偿弥补,补偿When _(eat)is also of great _(important).In general,you should have your meal _ average of 1.5 to 2.5 hours before exercising.Do not eat _(immediate)after exercise;instead,wait _least 30 minutes after _ typical routine,or as much as a

22、n hour after a hard workout.Remember _(drink)throughout exercise to make up for water lost to sweat.to eatimportanceanimmediatelyatato drinkAvoiding injuryTo prevent soft tissue injury,make sure that you wear proper clothes and equipment when exercising.You should also start small and slowly work yo

23、ur way to a longer and harder exercise routine to avoid getting hurt.Finally,remember to warm up before exercising and stretch at the end of your workout.So,now you know the benefits of exercise and how to do it safely and effectively.What are you waiting for?soft tissue 软组织软组织injury(n)伤害伤害-injure(v

24、)伤害伤害make sure 确保确保proper(adj)合适的合适的 equipment(n)设备设备routine(n)常规常规(adj)常规的,例行的常规的,例行的 exercise routine 日常锻炼日常锻炼hurt(n/v)伤害伤害warm up 热身热身at the end of 在在.结束时结束时wait for sb/sth 等待某人等待某人/某物某物_(prevent)soft tissue injury,make sure _ you wear proper clothes and equipment when exercising.You should also

25、_(start)small and _(slow)work your way to a longer and_(hard)exercise routine to avoid _(get)hurt._(final),remember to warm _ before_(exercise)and stretch at the end of your workout.So,now you know the _(benefit)of exercise and how to do it safely and _(effective).What are you waiting _?thatTo preventstartslowlyhardergettingFinallyupexercisingbenefitseffectivelyfor


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