Unit 2 Looking Into the Future Reading and Thinking 核心词汇讲解(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Unit2 Looking Into the Future Reading and Thinking核心词汇讲解1.persuade vt.劝说;劝说;说服说服教材原句教材原句For example,the phrase in my opinion tells us that the passage is likely meant to persuade.例如,例如,“in my opinion”这个词组向我们表明这篇文章可能要说服这个词组向我们表明这篇文章可能要说服(别人别人)。单句语法填空单句语法填空 I do know how upset the shop staff can get

2、but I try to persuade them _(keep)smiling.There was no way she could persuade him _ her innocence.Finally,I _ these goods by ship.最后,我说服了他不用船运送这些货物最后,我说服了他不用船运送这些货物。to keepof persuaded him not to transport/persuaded him out of transporting同义句转换同义句转换 I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the

3、 competition.I allowed myself to _.(同义句同义句)I allowed myself to be persuaded _ the competition.(反义句反义句)提醒提醒persuade“说服说服”,强调劝说的结果;,强调劝说的结果;advise“建议建议”,强调劝说,强调劝说的动作;的动作;“劝说但不一定有结果劝说但不一定有结果”用用advise sb to do sth/try to persuade sb to do sth来表达来表达。be persuaded to enter the competitionout of entering/no

4、t to enter2.switch vt.转换;交换转换;交换 vi.&vt.(使使)改变;转变改变;转变 n.开关;转换器;开关;转换器;改变改变教材原句教材原句Or,have you ever forgotten to switch off the TV or computer?或者,你忘记过关闭电视或电脑吗?或者,你忘记过关闭电视或电脑吗?(1)switch.from.to.把把由由转变为转变为switch on/off(用开关用开关)打开打开/关上关上switch over to转变;换频道转变;换频道(2)press the switch按下开关按下开关make a switch

5、in做出做出改变改变eg.She made a switch in our plan to go swimming when it started to rain.天天开始下雨时,她改变了我们去游泳的计划。开始下雨时,她改变了我们去游泳的计划。单句语法填空单句语法填空 He pulls out a special device,points it at the suspect,and switches it _ You must switch _ the TV when you leave.补全句子补全句子 He started studying history but then _.他开始学

6、历史,但后来改学建筑了他开始学历史,但后来改学建筑了。onoffswitched over to architecture3.preference n.爱好;爱好;偏爱偏爱教材原句教材原句Your home will also learn your daily routine and preferences,so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.你的你的(智能智能)家居也会了解你的日常生活习惯和喜好,所以当你每天晚上到家家居也会了解你的日常生活习惯和喜好,所以当你每天晚上到家时,一切都会为你准备好。

7、时,一切都会为你准备好。(1)have/show a preference for更喜欢更喜欢give preference to给给以优惠;优待以优惠;优待in preference to优先于;而不是优先于;而不是(2)prefer vt.更喜欢更喜欢prefer(doing)sth to(doing)sth与与(做做)相比,更喜欢相比,更喜欢(做做)prefer to do.rather than do.宁愿做宁愿做也不愿做也不愿做eg.A teacher shouldnt show a preference for any one of his pupils.老师不应对任何一个学生有所

8、偏爱。老师不应对任何一个学生有所偏爱。单句语法填空单句语法填空 The company often gives _(prefer)to the old customers.The old woman prefers _(sit)in the sofa to _(walk)in the sun.He prefers _(stay)at home rather than _(go)shopping.preferencesittingwalkingto staygo词汇升级词汇升级 Many people choose the train rather than the car to travel.

9、Many people choose the train _ the car to travel.(用用preference短语改写短语改写)in preference to4.instant n.瞬间;瞬间;片刻片刻 adj.立即的;速食的;速溶立即的;速食的;速溶的的教材原句教材原句Your lights will come on the instant you enter the door along with your favourite music or TV programmes,and you will find your dinner already prepared for

10、you.你一进家门,灯就会亮起,还有你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目你一进家门,灯就会亮起,还有你最喜欢的音乐或电视节目(会自动播放会自动播放),而且你会发现晚餐已为你准备好了。而且你会发现晚餐已为你准备好了。(1)in an instant 一会儿后;片刻;马上一会儿后;片刻;马上for an instant 持续了一会儿持续了一会儿the instant(that)一一就就(2)instantlyimmediately 立刻,马上;一立刻,马上;一就就eg.I sent you the news instantly/the instant I heard it.我一听到此消息,便通知了你。我一听到

11、此消息,便通知了你。语境辨义语境辨义/补全句子补全句子 I dont like to drink instant coffee._ _,he took off his coat and jumped into the water.瞬间,他脱下大衣跳进了水里。瞬间,他脱下大衣跳进了水里。The injured in the accident were _.在这次事故中受伤的那些伤员急需救助在这次事故中受伤的那些伤员急需救助。速溶的速溶的In an instant/Instantly/Immediatelyin instant need of help一句多一句多译译 她一停止问问题,我就起身走出

12、了房间。她一停止问问题,我就起身走出了房间。_ she stopped asking questions,I got up and went out of the room._ she stopped asking questions,I got up and went out of the room.The instantInstantly/Immediately提醒提醒“一一就就”的表达方式:的表达方式:on/upon(doing)sthas soon as从句从句the moment/instant/minute.从句从句immediately/instantly/directly从句从

13、句no sooner.than./hardly/mand n.指令;命令;控制;指令;命令;控制;掌握掌握 v.命令;控制;应得;命令;控制;应得;博得博得教材原句教材原句All controls will respond to voice commands,so if you want to change your routine,you just say aloud what you want and the home system will obey.所有的控制都会对语音指令做出反应,所以如果你想改变你的日常生活习惯,所有的控制都会对语音指令做出反应,所以如果你想改变你的日常生活习惯,你

14、只要大声说出你想要的,家居系统就会遵照执行。你只要大声说出你想要的,家居系统就会遵照执行。单句语法填空单句语法填空 He commanded that the coal mine survivors _(send)to the nearest hospital for treatment.She has a good command _ several languages,such as English and Danish.If the soldiers couldnt go through the gate at dusk,the general would _.如果在黄昏时分士兵们不能通

15、过大门,将军会命令他们攻城如果在黄昏时分士兵们不能通过大门,将军会命令他们攻城。be sentofcommand them to attack the city提醒提醒command that后接宾语从句的时候,从句谓语动词用后接宾语从句的时候,从句谓语动词用should动词原形的形动词原形的形式,式,should可以省略。可以省略。这类常用词有:这类常用词有:一个坚持:一个坚持:insist两个命令:两个命令:order/command三个要求:三个要求:require/request/demand四个建议:四个建议:suggest/advise/propose/recommend6.rel

16、evant adj.有关的;有意义有关的;有意义的的教材原句教材原句For example,if a water pipe starts leaking,or if there is a short in the electrical wiring,your smart home will detect it and provide you with the relevant information.例如,如果水管漏水或发生电线短路,你的智能家居将会探测出来,并给你例如,如果水管漏水或发生电线短路,你的智能家居将会探测出来,并给你提供相关的信息。提供相关的信息。(1)be relevant t

17、o 与与有关有关(2)relevance n.关联;切题关联;切题have(no)relevance to 和和有有(无无)关关eg.I completed the senior course of Computer Basics,plus five relevant precollege courses.我完成了电脑基础的高等课程,外加五门相关的大学预科课程。我完成了电脑基础的高等课程,外加五门相关的大学预科课程。单句语法填空单句语法填空 These comments are not directly relevant _ this enquiry.Politicians private l

18、ives have no _(relevant)to their public roles.torelevance一句多译一句多译 这部电影与课堂上正在讨论的事情有关。这部电影与课堂上正在讨论的事情有关。The film _ what is being discussed in class.(relevant)The film _ what is being discussed in class.(relevance)The film _ what is being discussed in class.(related)提醒提醒“与与有关有关”的其他表达形式还有:的其他表达形式还有:be r

19、elated to,be connected with,be associated with 等等。is relevant tohas relevance tois related to7.available adj.可获得的;可购得的;可获得的;可购得的;(人人)有空有空的的教材原句教材原句Many of these new innovations are already available and being used in some homes.很多很多这些新创新已经可用并正在一些房屋中使用。这些新创新已经可用并正在一些房屋中使用。(1)be available to do sth 能够

20、用于做某事能够用于做某事be available to sb 能够被某人所用;能够被某人获得能够被某人所用;能够被某人获得be available for sth 能够用于某事能够用于某事readily/freely/publicly/generally available可以容易可以容易/免费免费/让公众让公众/普遍得到普遍得到(2)unavailable adj.无法得到的;难以获得的;不能无法得到的;难以获得的;不能(或不愿或不愿)见面见面的的;不能不能(或或不愿不愿)交谈交谈的的eg.The arts should be available to more people at pric

21、es they can afford.艺术品应该以人们能够承受的价格面向更多的人出售。艺术品应该以人们能够承受的价格面向更多的人出售。单句语法填空单句语法填空 Since 1978,the amount of money available _(buy)books has fallen by 17%.The store has about 500 autographed copies of the book available _ purchase.The director was available for comment._to buyfor有空的有空的补全句子补全句子 Its impor

22、tant that you let them know _.It can help to eliminate future interruptions.(全国卷全国卷)让他们知道你什么时候有空是很重要的,这可以让你在以后不被打扰。让他们知道你什么时候有空是很重要的,这可以让你在以后不被打扰。提醒提醒available既可以作表语和后置定语,也可以放于名词前,修饰名词。既可以作表语和后置定语,也可以放于名词前,修饰名词。如:如:available space(可用的空间可用的空间),every available doctor(所有能找到的医生所有能找到的医生)。when youll be bi

23、ne vt.&vi.(使使)结合;结合;混合混合教材原句教材原句Care will also be taken to combine the building and surrounding architecture together to form an effective system.也要注意把这栋楼和周围的建筑结合起来,以形成一个有效的系统。也要注意把这栋楼和周围的建筑结合起来,以形成一个有效的系统。(1)combine A with/and B 使使A与与B结合起来结合起来(2)combination n.联合;结合联合;结合in combination with 与与联合联合eg.

24、Youd better combine your work with/and pleasure.你最好把工作和娱乐结合起来。你最好把工作和娱乐结合起来。单句语法填空单句语法填空 The beautiful scenery,_(combine)with delicious food and lovely weather,made our visit to Hawaii unforgettable.This _(combine)of healing myself and healing the world struck me as the perfect binedcombination9.in

25、this sense(in.sense)从这种从这种(某种某种)意义上意义上来讲来讲教材原句教材原句In this sense,the home of tomorrow is already the home of today.从这个意义上说,今天的家已经运用了这些智能技术。从这个意义上说,今天的家已经运用了这些智能技术。in a sense 在某种意义上;在某种程度上在某种意义上;在某种程度上in no sense 决不决不(置于句首,句子用部分倒装置于句首,句子用部分倒装)make sense 讲得通;有意义讲得通;有意义make sense of 懂得;了解懂得;了解的意义的意义make

26、 no sense 讲不通;没有意义讲不通;没有意义Theres no/little sense in doing sth 做做某事没有某事没有意义意义eg.In this sense,good crisis management also contributes to crisis prevention.从这个意义上讲,良好的危机管理也有助于预防危机。从这个意义上讲,良好的危机管理也有助于预防危机。单句语法填空单句语法填空 Theres no sense in _(argue)with hershe is so stubborn!I couldnt _ what he said.What h

27、e said couldnt _ to me.我不能理解他所说的话我不能理解他所说的话。arguingmake sense ofmake any sense Planning so far ahead _so many things will change.那么早计划是没有意义的那么早计划是没有意义的很多事情会发生变化。很多事情会发生变化。句式升级句式升级 Never lose heart;if you keep trying,you will make it sooner or later.In no sense _;_ you will make it sooner or later.(改

28、为倒装句;祈使句并列句改为倒装句;祈使句并列句)makes no senseshould you lose heartkeep trying and1.These smart homes will keep us secure,save us energy,and provide a more comfortable environment to live in.这些这些智能家居将保证我们的安全,为我们节省能源,并提供一个更舒适的居智能家居将保证我们的安全,为我们节省能源,并提供一个更舒适的居住环境。住环境。不定式短语作后置定语不定式短语作后置定语(1)用来修饰被序数词、形容词最高级或用来修饰

29、被序数词、形容词最高级或the only,no,all,any等不定代词等不定代词限定的中心词。限定的中心词。(2)用来修饰某些抽象名词,常见的有:用来修饰某些抽象名词,常见的有:ability,chance,promise,way,opportunity,right,attempt,time等。等。(3)不定代词不定代词something,nothing,little等后常用不定式作定语。等后常用不定式作定语。(4)表示将来的动作。表示将来的动作。eg.What we all know is that Tu Youyou became the first Chinese scientist

30、to win the Nobel Prize for Medicine.众所周知,屠呦呦是第一个获诺贝尔医学奖的中国科学家。众所周知,屠呦呦是第一个获诺贝尔医学奖的中国科学家。单句语法填空单句语法填空 Youll have the opportunity _(ask)any questions at the end of the meeting.A characteristic of the camel is its ability _(live)for a long time without water.to askto live2.Nevertheless,it will take som

31、e years before most new homes begin to use this new technology.然而然而,要让大多数新房屋开始使用这项新技术还需要几年的时间,要让大多数新房屋开始使用这项新技术还需要几年的时间。It will take一段时间一段时间before.意为意为“在在之前要花一段时间之前要花一段时间”(1)“It was时间段时间段before.”意为意为“过了过了才才”,从句常用一般过去时。,从句常用一般过去时。(2)“It was not long before.”意为意为“不久就不久就”,从句常用一般过去时。,从句常用一般过去时。(3)“It wo

32、nt be long before.”意为意为“不久就会不久就会”,从句常用一般现在时。,从句常用一般现在时。(4)“It will/may be时间段时间段before.”意为意为“要过要过/或许要过或许要过才才”,从句,从句常用一般现在时。常用一般现在时。eg.From my experience,it takes some time before you get good at reviewing code.依我的经验,在你能擅长评审代码前,你需要花一些时间依我的经验,在你能擅长评审代码前,你需要花一些时间(锻炼学习锻炼学习)。补全句子补全句子 _ I figured out the q

33、uestion.我花了一些时间才弄明白这个问题。我花了一些时间才弄明白这个问题。If you miss this chance,_you get another one.如果你错过这次机会,可能要过数年才能得到另一次机会如果你错过这次机会,可能要过数年才能得到另一次机会。It took some time beforeit may be years before Never mind._ he adapts to the new environment.不要紧。不久他就会适应新的环境。不要紧。不久他就会适应新的环境。补全句子补全句子 The history exam was so easy that _ I finished.这次历史考试非常简单,我没花多长时间就做完了这次历史考试非常简单,我没花多长时间就做完了。It wont be long before it wasnt long before/it didnt take long beforeThanks!


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