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1、Unit 41.interaction n.相互影响 adj.interactive v.interact interact with sb.2.分析句子Words are important,but the way people stand,hold their arms,and move their hands can also give us information about their feelings.para.13.vary v.变化,变化 n.adj.varietyvariousa variety of=varities of=various vary from.to.从.到.

2、不同人们对三孩政策的观点各不同。Opinions on three-child policy vary from person to person.para.2vary in.在在 方面不同方面不同vary with.伴随伴随 而变化而变化Task 1 练习:1.教学方法根据学校情况而变化。Teaching methods vary greatly _ school_ school.2.对这件事的看法因人而异。Opinions on this matter _.3.(2016全国阅读)Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see,and oft

3、en taste,a wide variety of apples 参加苹果活动是一个很好的机会,可以看到并经常品尝_苹果。fromtovary from person to person.各种各样的各种各样的4.appropriate adj.适合的(suitable)(反)adj.inappropriate5.by contrast 相反(on the contrary)6.approve of vi.赞成,同意 vt.批准,通过n.approvalpara.2拓展:拓展:动词动词+al 变为变为 名词名词approveapprovalsurvivesurvivalarrivearriva

4、lrefuserefusalTask 2 练习:1.It is apparent that 56%of the students approve _the idea that students should surf the Internet.2.The chairman has also given his _(approve)for an investigation into the case.3.(用于申请信)如果我的申请能得到您的批准,我将不胜感激。_ of approvalI would appreciate it if my application could get your a

5、pproval.7.demonstrate v.说明,显示(show)n.demonstrationIt 为形式主语,to look down.真正主语para.2Task 3练习:1.It is necessary _(pay)attention to your behaviour.2.It is a waste of time _(spend)so much time shopping online.3.It seems _ they are lying to John.4.学习肢体语言是很重要的。_ to pay spending thatIt is quite important to

6、 study body language.注意:It is+no good/no bad/no harm/no use/no fun/no need/useless/a waste of time+doing sth.躺:lie-lay-lain-lying说谎:lie-lied-lied-lying下蛋:lay-laid-laid-layingTo study body language is quite important.para.38.employ v.使用,雇佣 n.employment9.interpret v.理解,翻译(口译)n.口译人员 interpreter unemplo

7、yment employer employeeinterpret.into.把把 翻译成翻译成.interpret as 把把 理解为理解为10.differ vi.不同于 n.adj.differencedifferent与.不同be different from=differ fromdiffer in在.方面不同Attitude makes a great difference to my study.para.4Task 4练习:1.日语发音和法语大不相同。Japanese _ greatly_French in pronunciation.2.各种各样的树上都有叶子,但它们的大小和形

8、状差别很大。Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but they _ greatly_size and shape.3.Tom和Jack在这问题上彼此观点不同。Tom and Jack _ about the problem.differ from each other in their opinionsdiffersfrom differin Task Five 课文考点背诵1.express our thoughts and opinions 表达想法和观点2.in our interaction with others 在我们与其他人的交流中3.

9、important adj.重要的 -importance n.重要性4.spoken English 英语口语5.be appropriate to 适合.6.be permitted to do sth.被允许做.7.avoid doing sth.避免做.8.shake hands 握手 1.The wires lengths _(由.到.之间不等)between 25cm to 50cm.2.He doesnt _(同意)of my taking up the job as a journalist.3.These two regions _(相异)greatly in climate

10、.4.The flowers that vary _ colour and size appeal to a good many bees.5.There is no doubt that our customs vary_place _ place.6.London differs _ most European capitals.7.There exist _(vary)cultures in the world.8.American English is significantly _(differ)from British English.课堂检测课堂检测varyapprovediff

11、erintofrom from variousdifferent11.favour vt 赞成,喜欢 n.(approval)adj.para.4by contrats in favour of 支持,赞成 favour doing sth.喜欢做某事 do sb a favour 帮助某人 favouritefavourable 赞同的,有利的Task 1练习:1.In China,people favour _(shake)hands when they meet for the first time.2.他们大多数人赞成我的意见,而David 反对。Most of them were _

12、 my opinion while David was against it.3.你今天能帮我一个忙去学校接Sam吗?Could you _ and pick up Sam from school today?Could you _ and pick up Sam from school today?shaking in favour ofdo me a favourdo a favour for mepara.612.break down 消除,分解,打破,(机器等)出故障,(身体)垮掉break in 闯入;强行进入;打断break out 突然发生;爆发(不用于被动语态)break up

13、 打碎;分裂;解体;解散,结束关系Task 2 练习:用以上的短语填空。1.Her health has almost _,but she has a positive attitude towards life.2.The band _ in 1970,but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.3.A big fire _ last night and its cause is being looked into.4.Masked robbers _ and stole his money last night.broken down broke

14、upbroke out broke inpara.613.there is nothing better than seeing the smiling face of a good friend.句式分析:比较级的否定形式表示最高级最高级的含义Task 3“否定词+比较级”表示最高级(1)否定词形容词/副词比较级(than)-nothing better than(2)常用的否定词有:no,not,never,nothing,nobody,hardly等(3)意义:再没有比更的了,再不过了Task 3 练习:1.No one could be _(generous);he has a hea

15、rt of gold.2.-China is sure to overcome the outbreak of the COVID-19.-I couldnt agree with you _(much).我再也同意不过了。3.不可否认的是健康是最宝贵的。There is no denying the fact that _.more generousmorenothing is more precious than healthTask 4Which is a more reliable guide for understanding someones feelings:their body

16、 language or the words they speak?(教材P39)_ adj.可信赖的;可靠的 _ n.可靠,信赖 _ v.信任;信赖;依赖;依靠 rely on/upon=depend on 依靠;依赖reliabilityreliablerelyTask 4 练习:1.In order to ensure childrens health,we are determined to provide milk products with _(rely)sources.2.有时候,我们得依靠肢体语言来表达我们的想法。Sometimes,we have to _ to expres

17、s our thoughts.The land is the most _(rely)living security that the peasants can rely_4.(2017年全国.阅读)For many older people,particularly those living alone or in the country,driving is important for preserving their independence,giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on ot

18、hers对许多老年人来说,特别是那些独自生活或住在乡下的老年人,开车对于保持他们的独立性很重要,让他们不需要_就能自由出行。reliablerely on body language onreliable 依赖他人依赖他人课堂检测:填空 1.It takes a long time to _(消除)prejudices.2.Last week,his girlfriend _(结束关系)with him.3.Could you _(帮我个忙)?4.He favours _(help)others,so everyone thinks highly of him.5.No one can be

19、_(reliable)than him.没人可以比他更可靠了。6.I rely _ him because he is _(rely).7.It is one of my _(favor)books.8.75%的学生认为眼神交流是身体语言的一种形式,在交流中不仅重要且必要。_ the idea that eye contact is a form of body language,which is not only important but also necessary in communication.break downbroke updo me a favourhelping more reliableon reliablefavourite75%of the students are in favour of


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