Unit 5 Words and expressions (ppt课件) (3)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 5 Words and expressions (ppt课件) (3)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第5页
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1、作者信息:作者信息:Unit5 Words and expressions单词速记重点单词词形变化巩固练习1234CONTENTS作者信息:单词速记011.Complete the sentences.1.He devotes his time to study.2.I dont know how they will tackle the problem.3.He is having a mid-life crisis.4.She didnt yield to the enemy.5.I convinced her to come with me.6.It is not easy to est

2、imate how many people have the disease.7.Experience is essential for this job.8.The team is comprised of five students9.The technology can change the way we generate power.10.Do you have an alternative solution?专心于解决危机屈服于说服估计极其重要由组成产生可替代的1.Complete the sentences.11.She refuses to face reality.12.The

3、 fertilizer is a substance put on land to fertilize it.13.The childrens vocabulary expands through reading.14.Young people today are under intense pressure to succeed.15.His actions were based on a false assumption.16.He was advised to reduce his alcohol consumption.17.Output is up 30%last year.18.N

4、ot only does it help to build up our health,but it also helps us to learn more effectively in turn.现实肥料扩大强烈的设想消耗量产量转而02词形变化n./adj.syn.pl.syn.adj.v.devote tackle crisis yield convince assumption devotion/devotedfix;solve;settle;crisesoutput convinced/convincing assume v.n.adj/n.ant.n.n.consumptionint

5、enseexpandoutputestimategenerate consumeintensity expansive/expansion input estimation generation/generator n./v.n.adj./v.v./nn.realrealizefertilizeralternativeestimate reality/realizerealization fertile/fertilize alternate/alternation estimation1.I have a (devote)friend.2.There are many (crisis)hap

6、pening at once.3.Tom nodded but he didnt look .(convince)4.Lets (assumption)for a moment that the plan succeeds.5.Only 27%of the paper we (consumption)is recycled.6.He spoke with great .(intense).7.He is the warmest person in my .(estimate)8.My family have lived in this house for .(generate)devotedc

7、risesconvincedassumeconsumeintensityestimationgenerationsFill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.03重点单词v.他专心学习/研究He devotes his time to studystudy.我们上周专心于完成这个思维导图。1)W e d e v o t e d o u r t i m e/e n e r g y/o u r s e l v e s (finish)the mind map last week.2)We were devoted (fini

8、sh)the mind map last week.1.devotevt.专心于/奉献、投入(时间、精力等);专用于致力于/专心于做某事devote ones time/energy/whole life/oneself to (do)sth.=be devoted to (do)sthbe devoted/loyal sb.对某人忠诚/全心全意(doing)(doing)to to finishing to finishingadj.我有一个忠诚的朋友I have a friend.n.他对家人的关爱感人至深His his family is touching/moving.1.devote

9、致力于/专心于做某事devote ones time/energy/whole life/oneself to (do)sth.=be devoted to (do)sthbe devoted/loyal sb.对某人忠诚/全心全意 doing doing to devoted devotion to1.devotevt.专心于/奉献、投入(时间、精力等);专用于我不知道他们会怎么处理这个问题。1)I dont know they will deal with the problem.2)I dont know they will do with the problem.2.tacklevt.

10、解决(难题);处理解决:fix;solve;settle处理:deal with;do with;cope with;handledeal with:强调处理的方式、方法,常与疑问词 连用。do with:强调处理的对象,常与疑问词 连用。t o d o w i t h=t o d e a l w i t h/c o p e with/tackle/handle how what what how what hown.产量 科学家们致力于提高农作物的产量。S c i e n t i s t s a r e d e v o t e d to .vt.产生;出产这些棵树不再长水果了。These t

11、rees no longer .vi.屈服刘胡兰宁死不屈。Liu Hulan would rather die than .3.yieldn.产量;vt.产生;vi.屈服农作物的产量the crop yield/the yield of the crop产生丰厚的收益 yield good returns屈服于某人yield sb to improving yield the crop yield yield fruit我说服了她跟我一起去。I convinced her (come)with me.我们使他相信汤姆是无辜的(innocent-innocence)。1)We convinced

12、 him that Tom was innocent.2).3)We convinced him of Toms innocence.4).4.convincevt.使信服 convince sb sth说服某人做某事convince sb.that 使某人确信=sb.be convinced thatconvince sb.sth.使某人确信=sb.be convinced sth to do of of He was convinced of He was convinced that to come我恐怕不能接受你的论点,因为你无法提供有说服力的证据。I am afraid I cant

13、 accept your arguments,for you havent offered enough (convince)evidence.4.convincevt.使信服 convince sb sth说服某人做某事convince sb.that 使某人确信=sb.be convinced thatconvince sb.sth.使某人确信=sb.be convinced sth to do of of convincingconvince sb.of sth.accuse sb.of sth.cure sb.of sth.inform sb.of sth.cheat sb.of st

14、h.persuade sb.of sth.warn sb.of sth.remind sb.of sth.4.convincevt.使信服 convince sb.sth说服某人做某事convince sb.that 使某人确信=sb.be convinced thatconvince sb.sth.使某人确信=sb.be convinced sth to do of of v.+sb.+of+sth.使某人信服某事指控某人做某事治好某人的病通知某人某事骗取某人某物说服某人某事警告某人某事使某人想起某事incomen.outcomen.breakoutn.breakdownn.breakthr

15、oughn.5.outputn.输出;产量inputn.输入;投入 结果 收入 爆发 故障 突破over-太;过于overwork overstudy overact oversleep overcome 6.estimatev.估计 estimate(v.)-estimated(adj.)高估 estimate (v.)-estimated(adj.)低估 over 用功过度 过度劳累 表演过火 睡过头 克服 over under under据说,那个小组由三个擅长画画的学生组成1)It is said that who are good at painting.2)It is said t

16、hat who are good at prisev.包含,由组成由组成be comprised/composed/made up ofconsist of the team is comprised/composed/made up of three students the team consists of three students时光旅行真的会变成现实吗?Will the time travel become a .(real)他的梦想成真the (real)of his dream我意识到自己干了什么后大为震惊.I was shocked by the (real)of what

17、I had done.8.real(adj.)reality(n.)n.现实realize(v.)-realization(n.)意识到;实现=turn sth into a reality reality=in fact 实际上 realization in realization reality我们学生轮流打扫教室 今天轮到我打扫教室 9.in turn相应地:依次地;转而by turns交替地take turns to do sth轮流做某事It is ones turn to do sth轮到某人做某事 We students clean our classroom by turn.I

18、t is my turn to clean the classroom.We students take turns to clean our classroom.水对人类非常重要。Water human beings.你们带上所有食物和用品是非常重要的 carry all of your food and supplies.that you all of your food and supplies.10.essentialadj.极其重要的be essential sth.对极其重要It is essential for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是重要的It is ess

19、ential that sb.(should)do sth.做某事是极其重要的 It is essential for you to to It is essential is essential to(should)carryIt is+adj+that sb(should)do sth.迫切/重要的urgent/important/vital/crucial/essential要求的necessary/required/demanded/requested建议的suggested/recommended 适当的 appropriate/advisable/better可能的 probabl

20、e/possible10.essentialadj.极其重要的be essential sth.对极其重要It is essential for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是重要的It is essential that sb.(should)do sth.做某事是极其重要的 tosb+v.+that sb(should)do sth.坚持 insist命令 order/command 建议 suggest/advise/propose/advocate要求 demand/desire/require/request10.essentialadj.极其重要的be essenti

21、al sth.对极其重要It is essential for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是重要的It is essential that sb.(should)do sth.做某事是极其重要的 to04巩固练习1.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box.1.You will never gain success unless you are fully to your work.2.We have been trying to him to the pr

22、oblem in this way in the past few days.3.The team is of ten educators and five experts.4.We ought to work hard to turn Chinese Dream into a .5.The loss is to reach up to 30000 yuan.devote tackle yield convince output estimate comprise real in turn devotedconvincetacklecomprisedrealityestimated1.Comp

23、lete the sentences with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box.6.Theory is based on practice and serves practice.7.Good nutrition is if patients are to make a quick recovery.8.The child pleaded,but the parents wouldnt to it.4.The should be proportional to the input.devote tackle yield convince output estimate comprise real in turn in turn essentialyieldoutput作者信息:作者信息:Thank you


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