Unit 1 Food for thought单元过复习练(ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、 Unit 1Food for thought 单元复习课件一、核心词汇一、核心词汇1.n.种,类 2.adj.糟糕的 3.v.聚集 4.n.咬 5.n.意见,看法 6.n.(事物的)功能;作用 7.v.下载(信息或程序)8.n.日常饮食 9.n.指点,建议 sorthorriblegatherbiteopinionfunctiondownloaddiettip10.n.风俗,习惯,传统 11.n.礼貌,礼仪 12.n.诀窍,技巧,技法 13.n.柄,把手 14.v.侵袭,侵蚀 15.v.属于 16.v.(使)(前后)摆动,(使)摇摆 custommannerstrickhandleattac

2、kbelongswing17.n.蜂蜜 18.n.厨师 19.v.确定,发现 20.n.烹饪法,食谱 21.n.官员,高级职员 22.v.忍住,按捺 honeychefidentifyrecipeofficialresist选用上面单词并用其适当形式填空1.The weather has been really all week.2.The whole family together at Rays home last night.3.As is advertised,there will be all of paper-cuttings shown on the exhibition.4.T

3、he of the heart is to pump blood through the body.5.It is good for an Arab to stand close to his friends when they are talking.horriblegatheredsortsfunctionmanners6.Dont pull so hard,or the will come off.7.On hearing the joke,I was unable to laughing.8.I decided to go on a before my holiday.9.He use

4、d the old of attacking in order to defend himself.10.His arms from front to back as he walked.handleresistdiettrickswung二、拓展词汇二、拓展词汇1._ n.婚姻_ vt.嫁,娶,与结婚vi.结婚 2._ adj.典型的,有代表性的_ adv.代表性地,通常,总是 3._ v.(身体或精神上)受苦_ n.痛苦,苦难 4._ n.毒素,毒物,毒药_ adj.有毒的 5._ adj.有关系的,相关的_ vt.使有联系_ n.关系 marriagemarrytypicaltypica

5、llysuffersufferingpoisonpoisonousrelatedrelaterelation6._ n.对着迷的人_ adj.入迷的,上瘾的_ n.上瘾,沉溺_ adj.使人上瘾的 7._ v.不同,不一样,有区别_ adj.不同的_ n.差异,不同 8._ adv.略微,稍微_ adj.轻微的,少量的 9._ adv.极端地,非常地_ adj.难以置信的,极好的,极大的 10._ v.推荐_ n.推荐,建议 addictaddictedaddictionaddictivedifferdifferentdifferenceslightlyslightincrediblyincr

6、ediblerecommendrecommendation11._ n.建造,建筑_ vt.建造,建筑 12._ adj.令人高兴的,令人满意的_ vt.使满意_ adj.满意的_ n.满意,满足 13._ adj.方便的,便利的_ n.方便,便利_ adj.不方便的 14._ adv.原先,最初 _n.起源,原点_ adj.原来的,开始的 15._ n.排行,排名_ vt.排列 16._ v.(使)适应,(使)适合_ n.适应,改编 _adj.有适应能力的,能适应的 constructionconstructsatisfyingsatisfysatisfiedsatisfactionconv

7、enientconvenienceinconvenientoriginallyoriginoriginalrankingrankadaptadaptationadaptable用所给词的适当形式填空1.In his _,the author writes an _animal which can _to changeable surroundings in a short time.(adapt)2.There was a chef who _from toothaches for a few years,so he decided to see the dentist because he

8、cant stand the _any longer.(suffer)3.What _us was that the _meal made him very _.His _was the biggest reward for us.(satisfy)adaptationadaptableadaptsufferedsufferingsatisfiedsatisfyingsatisfiedsatisfaction4.He _his experience in the village which is possibly _to the job.To his joy,the interviewer b

9、elieved his _.(relate)5.It makes no _that the _opinions among students _largely from one to another.(differ)6.He has been _to smoking since he was young because of the _cigarettes which turned him into a drug _and now he finds it difficult to get rid of the smoking _.(addict)relatedrelatedrelationdi

10、fferencedifferentdifferaddictedaddictiveaddictaddiction三、核心短语三、核心短语1.使某人想起某事 2.由于,幸亏 3.遭受,忍受;患病 4.偶然遇见,无意中发现 5.爱上,喜欢上 6.喜欢上 7.处理 8.感觉自在 remind sb.of sth.thanks tosuffer fromcome acrossfall in love withtake todeal withfeel at home9.in case 10.belong to 11.end up 12.catch up 13.pick up 14.bring up 15.

11、whats more 16.try out 以防万一 属于(尤指经历一系列意外后)最终处于,到头来打听(不在时所发生的事情),别后叙谈买,购买;捡起抚养,养育 而且 试验根据所给汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空1.The photo _(使他想起)his maths teacher._(多亏)the teacher,he _(爱上)maths.2.In his opinion,health _(属于)anyone with a good lifestyle.He _(喜欢)the homemade dishes.Whats more,he is good at fried onions with

12、 chicken breast and honey.Some people wanted to _(打听)on his recipe,but _(最终处于)in failure.reminded him ofThanks tofell in love withbelongs totakes tocatch upended up3.Yesterday while _(购买)a book in the bookstore,I _(偶然遇到)a good friend,who _(被抚养)by his father because his mother _(遭受)lung cancer and di

13、ed.picking upcame acrosswas brought upsuffered from完成句子1.约翰为什么认为玛丽一定拿了桌子上的书?Why did John think Mary _ _ _the book on the desk?2.没有什么比在沙滩散步更畅快的事情了。There is _ _ _ _on the beach.3.毫无疑问他年龄太小不能参军。There is no doubt that he is _ _ _ _the army.4.在不知道任何信息的情况下,不可能到那里去。There is _ _ _ _ _ _ _any information.must have takennothing better than walkingtoo young to joinno way to get there without knowing


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