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1、产品推销英文版Chapter Objective1.Define the term product,including the core,actual and augmented product,product line.2.Explain services classifications and discuss the marketing of services.2Product3In your opinion,what is product?4DefinitionlA product is anything that can be offered to a market for atten

2、tion,acquisition,use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.lIt includes physical objects,services,persons,places,organisations and ideas5The level of productslCore productlActual products lAugmented product6The level of products cont.lCore product is the problem-solving services or core b

3、enefits that consumers are really looking for when they buy a product7The level of products cont.lActual product is a products parts,quality level,styling,features,brand name,packaging and other attributes that combine to deliver core product benefits8The level of products cont.lAugmented product me

4、ans additional consumer services and benefits built around the core and actual products.9Figure 1.1:Three Levels of Product10Exercise Base on Figure 1.1(Three Levels of Product),Take the airline company as a example to illustrating three levels of its product11Figure 1.2:Illustrating three levels of

5、 product12Product ClassificationslProducts may classes based on the types of consumers that use them Consumer products Business-to-business products13Consumer productlConsumer products are products brought by final consumers for personal consumption.lBase on how consumers go about buying them,it inc

6、lude:convenience,shopping,specialty and unsought products14ClassificationTypes ofConsumerProductsConvenienceUnsoughtGoodsSpecialtyShopping15Convenience productslConsumer goods and services that the customer usually buys frequently,immediately,and with a minimum of comparison and buying effort16Shopp

7、ing productslGoods and services that the consumer,in the process of selection and purchase,usually compares on bases such as suitability,quality,price and style.17Specialty productslConsumer goods and services that have unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of

8、buyer is willing to make a special purchase effort.18Unsought productslConsumer goods and services that the consumer either does not know about or know about but does not normally think of buying.19B2B productlB2B refer to business to businesslB2B product means:goods purchased by individuals and org

9、anisations for further processing or for use in conducting a business 20B2B Product Classification21Materials and PartslIndustrial goods that become part of the buyers product completely,including raw materials and manufactured materials and parts.Raw materials include farm products and natural prod

10、ucts.Manufactured materials and parts include component materials and component parts.22Capital itemslIndustrial goods and services that enter the finished product partly,including installations and accessory equipment.Installations consist of buildings and fixed equipment.Accessory equipment includ

11、es portable factory equipment and tools and office equipment.23SupplieslIndustrial goods that do not enter the finished product at all.lSupplies are the convenience product of the business market and are usually purchased with minimum effort or comparison.24Services25ServiceslService organisations o

12、ffer customers something that is intangible:the interaction does not result in the ownership of anything that endures26Characteristics of Services27lService consumption mostly involves people in service encounters,services are experiential in nature and often require special measures to assess quali

13、ty such as mystery shoppers28DiscussionlAre services products?lAre they really so different from branded goods29DiscussionlIs Microsoft a product or a service?lWhy?30Industry31lBeing familiar with the industry helps you to be confident and perform well in your role32Information Related to IndustrylM

14、anufacturing lHospitalitylInformationlTechnologylTradelAutomotivelTransportlsport33Information Related to IndustrylThe kind of organization and the products and services offeredlFor example,a furniture or a house care provider34Information Related to IndustrylBusiness ownership or organisation struc

15、ture:Owned by one person or a partnershipA private business or public companyA cooperative,government-owned,or a franchiseRun by a board or shareholders35Information Related to IndustrylRegulations that affect the way the business operates36Information Related to IndustrylThe size of the organisatio

16、nSmall(1-30 employees)Medium(31-79 employees)Large(more than 80 employees)37Practice task 1lUse the organisation you are familiar with to complete this tableName of organisationIndustry sectorKind of organisationProducts and servicesOrganisation ownershipSize of organisation38Chapter 2 Recommending

17、product and services39Needs Want Demand40NeedslHuman needs are the most basic concept underlying marketinglStates of felt deprivationlHumans have many complex needs including physical,social and individual needs41NeedslWhen a need is not satisfied,a person will either try to reduce the need or look

18、for an object that will satisfy itlPeople in less economically developed societies might try to reduce their desires and satisfy them with what is available42WhatlWants are the form taken by human needs and are shaped by culture and individual personality.lAs a society evolves,the wants of its membe

19、rs expand.lMarketers try to provide more want-satisfying goods and services 43测试你的需求欲望测试你的需求欲望 l请在纸上随意画一条蛇 A 像棒子一样直的蛇 B 卷成圆盘状的蛇 C 缠在树上或其他东西上的蛇 D 波状蛇 44l把蛇画成像棒子一样僵直的人,正处于满足于现状之中,是淡泊的人,并不作超出自身能力的妄想。l卷缩成盘状的蛇,表示得不到满足的欲望即将爆发。不过,如果只是卷成盘状的蛇,虽然表达出某种程度的不满足,但也仅仅是在静静地储存力量。相反地,如果是扬起脖子的蛇,则是不满的程度很强烈,若蛇伸出嘶嘶叫的舌头,则表

20、示即将爆发 l 这是不满足程度最高的情况。你已经不满到想拖人下水的境地。l 画波状蛇的人,预示着要向某处移动。需求与供给均衡运转,正处在妥善处理不满情绪的状态。45DemandlDemands are the human wants that are backed up by buying powerlWhen people have the money to purchase the need-satisfying object there is then demand46Discussion?lWhat is the relationship between needs,wants and

21、 demand47lCustomers view products as bundles of benefits and choose the products that give them the best value for money.lOutstanding companies go to great lengths to learn about and understand their customers needs,wants and demands.lUnderstanding customer needs,wants,and demands in detail provides

22、 important input for designing marketing strategies.48lNegative demand:a major part of the market dislikes the product and may even pay a price to avoid itlNo demand:Target consumers may be unaware of or uninterested in the productlLatent demand:Many consumers share a strong need that cannot be sati

23、sfied by existing products49lDeclining demand:every organisation will face a decline in demand for one or more of its products sooner or laterlIrregular demand:many organisations face demand that varies on a seasonal,daily or hourly basislFull demand:organisations face full demand when they are sati

24、sfied with their volume of business50lOverfull demand:organisations may face a demand level that is higher than they can or want to handlelUnwholesome demand:unwholesome products will attract organised efforts to discourage their consumption 51ActivitylSuppose:a consumer said:I want a expansive carl

25、Analyse any possible demand52ExampleI want an expansive carl说出来的需要(顾客想要一辆昂贵的车)。l真正的需要(顾客想要的这辆车,开起来很省钱,而其最初的价格却不低)。l没有说出来的需要(顾客想获得优质服务)。l满足令人高兴的需要(顾客买车时,附赠一份道路图)。l秘密需要(顾客想被他的朋友看成是识货的人)。53Client needs54Client Satisfaction55lBuild customer satisfaction through ValueQualityService56Customer Delivered Va

26、lueImage valuePersonnel valueServices valueProduct valueTotalcustomervalueMonetary costTime costEnergy costPsychic costTotalcustomercostCustomerdeliveredvalue57Client SatisfactionlDefinition Satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceive

27、d performance(or outcome)in relation to his or her expectations.58Satisfied Customers:lAre loyal longerlBuy more(new products&upgrades)lSpread favorable word-of-mouthlAre more brand loyal(less price sensitive)lOffer feedbacklReduce transaction costs59QualitylProduct Quality is the ability of a produ

28、ct to perform its functions;it includes the products durability,reliability,precision,ease of operation and repair,and other valued attributes60lStrategic quality involves gaining an edge over competitors by consistently offering products and services that give customers better qualitylquality is no

29、t a problem to be solved;it is a competitive opportunity61Provide product and service information62Where information come fromlAt trade FairslOn websiteslIn industry magazineslIn newspaper and televisionlThrough media releaseslBrochures,pamphlets63Identify New Market64Organsiational Requirements65Ro

30、le playlScenario:You are the salesman for the Coca Cola.You customer is a supermarket which located in the college.Due to the confined space,products sell in this shop is limited and high profit margin.lQuestion:what would you do to persuade the boss sell your product in his shop.66Chatper 3 Advisin

31、g on promotional activities67Promotion68Promotion activitieslSampleslCouponslPremiumslContests/SweepstakelRefunds/rebateslBonus packslPrice-off dealslFrequency programslEvent marketing69Competitor70Who is your competitor71Case studyl Ravi bought a phone from Funky Fones.He was happy with his purchas

32、e until he saw an advertisement,in a newspaper offering the same phone at a cheaper price.72Case studylHe contacted Funky Fones and told them about their competitors price and how unhappy he was that he had paid more.Funky Fones offered to match their competitors price and give Ravi a refund.They al

33、so checked the prices of all their phones with that of their competitor and adjusted their prices to match.73Question lHow might Funky Fones have prevented the price difference from happening?lFunky Fones acted on what Revi told them,but how could they further improve their price competitiveness?lWh

34、y do you think its important to be aware of competitors prices?74Customer Feedback75DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS lListen,Stay Calm and Take ControlStay Calm-Dont take it personally.Listen Actively-Acknowledge the customers concerns76Ask Questions-Get the customer to detail the problem.Use Available Resou

35、rces-Ask for assistance if required.Take Action-Come to agreement about what can be done.Follow-up-Monitor customer satisfaction.77Assignment:Handling Customer ComplaintslOne of companys regular clients calls to complain that the Test Results Sheet he has received is incomplete.He is unhappy because

36、 some results that he specifically requested have not been included.You are not the person who has done this job,but the request has been forwarded to you because the Technician responsible is away for two weeks.lWrite down a report how you would deal with this problem on a step-by-step basis.78Evaluation79


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