新人教版七年级英语上册unit4 where is my schoolbag单元练习题(含答案).doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit4-Where s-my-schoolbag 练习 一、词汇考查 A) 从以下方框内选出适当的单词完成句子,使句子意思通顺。每词限用一次。 everywhere, head, Where, know, bed, come, but, always 1. _ is my schoolbag? Its on the sofa. 2. Look! The red quilt is on the_. 3. Alans baseballs are_, on the table, under the sofa and in the box. 4. Can you _ t

2、o my room, Bob? 5. Where is her hat? Its on her _. 6. Jim _ says “Good morning, Ms Green” when he meets her. 7. Linda can find her map, _ she cant find her ring. 8. Where is the key? I dont _. Is it in your desk? B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Jim and Tim have some books. They are in _ (they) room. 2. _ (Ci

3、ndy) English books are in the bookcase. 3. _ (that) are my English books. 4. here is _(he) hat, Mom? Its on _ (you) bed. 5. Two _(bed) are in the room. C) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Where _ (be) his notebook? Its in the bookcase. 2. I _ (think) these books are Jacks. 3. Where _ (be) her erasers? They are o

4、n the table. 4. _( be) your keys on the table? No, they _ (be not). 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. _are the keys? Theyre on the bed. A. Where B. How C. What color ( ) 2. Are the keys the floor? A. under B. in C. on ( ) 3. “Where is your watch?” My parents _ me. A. know B. ask C. excuse ( ) 4.Mum, wheres my pencil bo

5、x? Its on sofa. A. the B. a C. an ( ) 5. Is your photo on the table? _ A. No, they arent. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 6. Your brothers books _ in the desk. A. are B. is C. / 【 精品教育资源文库 】 ( ) 7. That isnt my model plane. I think it is _. A. your B. his C. her ( ) 8. Excuse me, wheres my pen

6、? Sorry, I _ know. A. am not B. arent C. dont ( ) 9. Can you help , please? A. me B. my C. I ( ) 10. Wheres the clock? _. A. It is mine B. It is on the sofa C. They are under the chair 三、根据汉语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 1. 我们的收音机在哪里? Wheres _ _ _? 2. 你的身份证在飞机模型下面。 Your ID car is under the_ _. 3. 你的笔记本在书柜上吗? 对丌起,我

7、丌知道。 Is your notebook in the bookcase? Sorry, I _ _. 4. 快点,海伦。你必须去上学了。 _ _, Helen. You must go to school. 5. 这个整洁的房间是南希的。 The is Nancys. 四、情景交际 根据答语填写问句。 1. A: _? B: Your watch is on your bed. 2. A: _? B: Yes. Cindy is in her room. 3. A: _? B: The girl is Franks aunt. 4. A: _? B: No, they are not hi

8、s pens. They are her pens. 5. A: _? B: Their CDs are on the red box. 五 完形填空( 10 分) Here is a picture.It is a picture of my _26_.This is my _27_.My quilt is on it.Two baseballs are under it.They are white _28_.Look at my desk.A _29_ is on it.I like computer games.A _30_ is on it, too.Its 9: 00.My _31

9、_ is in my schoolbag and two _32_ are in it.My books are _33_ the floor.My keys are in the drawer._34_ is my ID card? Do you _35_? Oh, its in my English book. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 I like my room.It is nice. 26 A.room B school C family D tape 27 A.watch B flowers C bed D schoolbag 28 A.keys B baseballs C ba

10、gs D chairs 29 A.photo B sofa C computer D CD 30 A.picture B clock C dictionary D jacket 31 A.books B number C pencil box D color 32 A.erasers B tables C drawers(抽屉) D dressers(梳妆台) 33 A.in B on C under D at 34 A.What B How C Where D What color 35 A.spell B take C ask D know 六 、阅读理解 (一 ) Dear Tommy,

11、 Can you bring (带来 ) some things to school? I need (需要 ) my English book, baseball, notebook, CDs and computer game. The English book is on the sofa. The baseball is under the bed. Where is my notebook? Oh, its on the bookcase. The CDs are on the table. The computer game is on the table. Thanks. Mik

12、e ( ) 1. Is the English book on the bed? 【 精品教育资源文库 】 A. Yes, it is B. No, it isnt C. Yes, they are ( ) 2. The baseball is the bed. A. under B. in C. on ( ) 3. The is on the bookcase. A. computer game B. book C. notebook ( ) 4. Where are the CDs? A. On the table. B. On the computer. C. In the sofa.

13、 D. Under the bed. ( ) 5. need the things. A. Tommy B. Jack C. Mike ( 二 ) This is a room in Kates house.There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it.Theres a glass and some books on the table.There is a picture on the wall.Kate is in the room.She is looking at the picture.Her father

14、 and mother are in the school.They work hard. 36 How many rooms are there in Kates house? A Only one. B There is a bed. C There is a computer. D I dont know. 37 Whats in the room? A Only a bed. B Only a table. C Only some chairs. D A bed, a table, a computer and some chairs. 38 Is there anything on

15、the table? A Yes, there is. B No, there isnt. C Some books. D A glass. 39 Who is at home? A Kates father. B Kates mother. C Kates brother. D Kate. 40 Kates father and mother are _. A teachers B students C friends D at home 七 、书面表达 假如这是你房间的一张照片,请用英语描述一下。 30 词左右。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 4 一、 A) 1. Where 2.

16、 bed 3. everywhere 4. come 5. head 6. always 7. but 8. know B) 1. their 2. Cindys 3. Those 4. his; your 5. beds C) 1. is 2.think 3. are 4. Are; arent 二、 15 ACBAC 610 ABCAB 三、 1. our radio 2. model plane 3. dont know 4. Come on 5. tidy room 四、 1. Wheres my watch? 2. Is Cindy in her room? 3. Who is th

17、e girl? 4. Are they his pens? 5. Where are their CDs? 六 、( 一 ) 15 BACAC 七 、 This is a picture of my room. Its very nice. My bed is under the window. My hat is on it. Near the bed, there is a desk. My book is on the desk and my pen is on the desk, too. Under the desk, its my schoolbag. Where is my chair? Oh, its next to the bed.


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