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1、Unit2 复习课复习课一、单词识记一、单词识记 1._ n.羊肉羊肉2._ n.醋醋3._ n.顾客;消费者顾客;消费者4._ n.折扣折扣5._ n.纤维;纤维制品纤维;纤维制品fibre fibre muttonmuttonvinegarvinegarcustomercustomerdiscountdiscount6._ n.日常饮食日常饮食 vi.节食节食7._ n.谎话;谎言谎话;谎言 vi.说谎说谎8._ v.油煎;油炸油煎;油炸9._ vt.&n.烧烤烧烤10._ vi.怒目而视怒目而视 n.怒视怒视glare glare dietdietlieliefryfrybarbecue

2、barbecue11._ vi.叹息叹息 n.叹息叹息;叹息声叹息声12._ adj.苗条的苗条的13._ v.窥探窥探 n.间谍间谍14._ adj.生的;未加工的生的;未加工的15._ adj.烤制的烤制的 v.烤烤roastroastsighsighslimslimspyspyrawraw二、单词拓展二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生1._ vt.平衡平衡;权衡权衡n.天平天平;平衡平衡 _ adj.平衡的平衡的2._ adj.好奇的好奇的 _ n.好奇心好奇心 _ adv.好奇地好奇地curiouslycuriouslybalancebalancebalancedbalancedcu

3、riouscuriouscuriositycuriosity3._ n.男主人;男主持人男主人;男主持人 _ n.女主人;女主持人女主人;女主持人4._ adj.虚弱的虚弱的 _ adv.虚弱地;无力地虚弱地;无力地 _ n.缺点;虚弱;弱点缺点;虚弱;弱点weaknessweaknesshosthosthostesshostess weakweakweaklyweakly5._ adj.强壮的强壮的;坚强的坚强的 _ adv.强烈地强烈地;强有力地强有力地 _ n.强项强项;长处长处;力量力量 _ vt.加强加强;增强增强strengthenstrongstronglystrength6._

4、n.利益利益 v.有益于有益于;有助于有助于 _ adj.有益的有益的;有利的有利的benefitbeneficial1.Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the importance of a_(balance)diet to their health.(B)灵活运用灵活运用 1.作定语用形容词。作定语用形容词。balanced2.Those who enjoy eating wild animals say that they not only enjoy the taste but also want to satisf

5、y their _(curious).2.形容词性物主代词修饰名词。形容词性物主代词修饰名词。curiositycuriosity3.Students in China should _(strong)the sense of safety and learn common knowledge of safety.3.作谓语用动词作谓语用动词,情态动词后用原形。情态动词后用原形。strengthenstrengthen4.At that time,he became ill and he came to meet the foreign guests _(weak).4.副词作状语。副词作状语

6、。weaklyweakly5.Having friends who have the same hobby as us can be_(benefit),which makes it possible for us to enjoy things together,such as going to clubs or to the movies.5.表语用形容词形式。表语用形容词形式。beneficial1._ 体重减轻体重减轻;减肥减肥2._ 被放过被放过;不受惩罚不受惩罚3._ 说谎说谎4._ 赢回赢回;重新获得重新获得5._谋生谋生三、短语翻译三、短语翻译 earn ones living

7、 lose weightget away withtell a lie/tell lieswin.back6._ 欠债欠债7._ 暗中监视暗中监视;侦查侦查8._ 削减削减;删节删节9._ 不久以后不久以后10._ 体重增加体重增加11._ 供能食物供能食物energy-giving food in debtspy oncut downbefore longput on weight原句原句 I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.我不我不再担忧并且为我的食物的好处做广告。再担忧并且为我的食物的好处做

8、广告。(B3 P14)1.benefit n.利益利益,好处好处 vi.得益得益例句例句:We are all aware of the benefits of protecting our environment.我们都知道我们都知道保护环境的好处。保护环境的好处。benefit from sth 得益得益于于for the benefit of 为为了了的利益的利益be beneficial to sb./sth.对对有益有益Taking a walk after supper _(对你的健康有益对你的健康有益).运用运用 用上述短语填空。用上述短语填空。is beneficial to

9、your health is beneficial to your health _(为了我们国家的利益为了我们国家的利益),you must spare no effort to protect the forest.Your success _(得益于得益于)your teachers help last year.benefited fromFor the benefit of our country原句原句:Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy

10、 and fibre.也许我们应该把我们的想法结合也许我们应该把我们的想法结合起来起来,从而提供一个充满能量和纤维的从而提供一个充满能量和纤维的平衡饮食。平衡饮食。(B3 P15)2.ought to do sth 应该做某事应该做某事 combine v.结合结合;联合联合比较比较:ought to与与should 两者意义和用法相近两者意义和用法相近,但但ought to语气更语气更强强,强调强调“有责任有责任,有义务做有义务做”或或“按道按道理应该如何理应该如何”;should含有含有“劝告劝告,建议建议”的语气的语气,即即“按我的想法应该如何按我的想法应该如何”。例句例句 Films

11、ought to combine education with recreation.电影应当把教育和娱乐电影应当把教育和娱乐结合起来。结合起来。搭配:搭配:含含combine的短语:的短语:combine with与与结合结合combine A with B把把与与结合起来结合起来combine together(to do)联联合起来合起来 你应该对我说声对不起。你应该对我说声对不起。(表示道义表示道义上有责任上有责任)You _ youre sorry to me.运用运用 根据汉语提示完成英语句子。根据汉语提示完成英语句子。你本该来得早一点儿你本该来得早一点儿,但你却没有。但你却没有。

12、(表表示责备示责备)You _ earlier,but you didnt.ought to have come ought to say 他本不该对老师说话无礼。他本不该对老师说话无礼。(表示责备表示责备)He _ _ but he did.It is an essential principle that we must _ theory _(结合结合)practice.with combine oughtnt to have spoken to theteacher impolitely原句原句:He could not have Yong Hui getting away with t

13、elling people lies!他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。(B3 P10)3.get away with doing sth(做了某做了某事事)不受惩罚不受惩罚;携带携带逃跑逃跑 tell a lie/tell lies 说谎说谎运用运用:It is unfair that some businessmen _(不受惩罚不受惩罚)making poisonous beef.例句例句:Nobody can get away with telling lies in public.没有人能在公众面没有人能在公众面前说谎又能万事无忧的前说谎又能万事无忧的。ha

14、ve got away with Those children who have got the habit of _(说谎说谎)are bound to win no trust.He promised me never to _(对我说谎对我说谎),but yesterday he did it again.lie to metelling a lie/lies原句原句:In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.这样这样,他们减少了饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了他们减少了饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了纤维

15、素。纤维素。(B3 P15)4.cut down削减削减;砍倒砍倒例句例句:We have to cut down the number of the trees which were cut down last year so that we can pay less fax.我们不得不削减我们不得不削减去年砍树的数量以便少交税。去年砍树的数量以便少交税。含含cut的其他短语:的其他短语:cut off 切断;中断切断;中断cut up 切碎切碎 英语中一些简单而灵活的词汇,英语中一些简单而灵活的词汇,如如:take,make,put,look,get,go,keep,come,cut等等,

16、常能与其它词构常能与其它词构成大量的短语成大量的短语,考生平时应多积累这考生平时应多积累这些些“料料”,此类灵活的短语在写作实此类灵活的短语在写作实践中很有用。践中很有用。运用运用 用上述用上述cut短语填空。短语填空。The news that the US will _ _ its financial aid to Japan has been revealed.This morning the old man cut down the tree and now he _ it _.up up cutcut downdown is cuttingis cutting 原句原句:Their

17、balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.他们平衡的饮食他们平衡的饮食很成功很成功,以致不久后以致不久后,王鹏变瘦了王鹏变瘦了,雍雍慧的体重也增加了。慧的体重也增加了。(B3 P15)5.before long 不久以后不久以后例句例句:They got married on October 1st but before long they got divorced.他们十月一日结婚他们十月一日结婚,但不久以后他们但

18、不久以后他们离婚了。离婚了。比较比较:long before 很久以前很久以前That had happened long before.那事那事老早就发生了。老早就发生了。运用运用 完成句子。完成句子。So many people starved to death _(解放前解放前),which is unbelievable to young people now.before liberation He said that he had worked in the White House _ (很久以前很久以前)._(不久后不久后),he became the best known bo

19、ss in the country.Before longlong before例句例句:If you are tired of work,pack your clothes and have a travel.如果你如果你对工作感到厌倦对工作感到厌倦,就收拾好衣服去旅游就收拾好衣服去旅游。6.be tired of 对对感到厌倦感到厌倦;对对不感兴趣不感兴趣原句原句:Tired of all that fat?对油脂食物对油脂食物感到厌倦吗?感到厌倦吗?(B3 P10)比较比较:be tired with/from 因因而疲劳而疲劳The film was so _(tire)that I

20、almost went to sleep.He said that he was tired _ over work those days.tiringtiring运用运用 I have been tired _ the same old breakfast every morning.ofofwith/fromwith/from原句原句:“Nothing could be better.”he thought.他想他想:“再也没有比这个更好吃再也没有比这个更好吃的了的了”(B3 P10)1.否定词否定词+比较级比较级 没有比没有比更更的了的了例句例句:Nobody is taller tha

21、n Yaoming among NBA players.在在NBA 运动员中运动员中没有人比姚明更高了没有人比姚明更高了。仿写仿写 请根据汉语意思完成请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。下列英语句子。在我们班没有人比在我们班没有人比Lucy 更漂亮了。更漂亮了。Nobody is _ than Lucy in our class.more beautiful more beautiful 我彻底同意你的建议我彻底同意你的建议。I cant agree _(much)with your suggestion.再也没有什么比你保持健康更珍贵的再也没有什么比你保持健康更珍贵的了了。Nothing is_

22、(precious)than you keep fit.moremoremore preciousmore precious原句原句:Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.也许通过打折和换个面貌也许通过打折和换个面貌,他就他就能把顾客赢回来。能把顾客赢回来。(B3 P10)2.with.,sb.can.有了有了,某人某人就能够就能够例句例句:Perhaps with my teachers help,I could solve the problem.也许有了老也许有了老师的帮助,我就能解决

23、这个问题。师的帮助,我就能解决这个问题。也许通过反复的训练也许通过反复的训练,她很快能独立驾她很快能独立驾驶了。驶了。_ _independently in no time.也许有了这些钱也许有了这些钱,他们就能救小悦悦他们就能救小悦悦的生命。的生命。_,_ _the life of Little Yueyue.仿写仿写Perhaps with repeated practice she could drivePerhaps with the moneycould save they they原句原句:According to my research,neither your restaura

24、nt nor mine offers a balanced diet.根据我的研究根据我的研究,你我的餐馆都没有提供一个平衡的饮食你我的餐馆都没有提供一个平衡的饮食。(B3 P15)3.neither.nor 既不既不也不也不例句例句:According to my judgment,neither you nor your brother is right.根据我的判断根据我的判断,你和你的哥哥都不对你和你的哥哥都不对。仿写仿写 根据我的判断根据我的判断,你和他都不是来自美国。你和他都不是来自美国。According to my judgment,neither you nor he com

25、es from America.根据目前情况根据目前情况,你和我都不可能是获胜你和我都不可能是获胜者。者。According to the present situation,neither you nor I am the winner.4.In this/that way.,sb.这样这样/用用这种方式这种方式,某人某人原句原句:In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fiber in the meal.这样这样,他们在饭菜中既减少了脂肪又他们在饭菜中既减少了脂肪又提高了纤维。提高了纤维。(B3 P15)例句例句:In thi

26、s way,they built two railways in two years.用这种方式用这种方式,他们他们两年内建了两条铁路两年内建了两条铁路。提醒提醒:如果如果in this way前面加上前面加上only,后面的主句须用部分倒装后面的主句须用部分倒装,如:如:Only in this way will we live a happy life.只有这样只有这样,我们才会过上幸福我们才会过上幸福的生活的生活。只有这样只有这样,他才能被北京大学录取。他才能被北京大学录取。_ Beijing University.只有这样只有这样,我们才能成功。我们才能成功。Only in this

27、way can we be successful.仿写仿写In this way he can be admitted to原句原句:Something must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.(B3P15)如果李刚不像通常那样如果李刚不像通常那样来这家餐馆吃饭来这家餐馆吃饭,那一定是发生什么那一定是发生什么事了。事了。5.sb.must have done sth.某人一定做某人一定做了某事了某事例句例句:He must have washed the cl

28、othes because his clothes are so clean.他一定洗了衣服,因为他的他一定洗了衣服,因为他的衣服如此干净。衣服如此干净。说明说明:must 后接完成时态是作者后接完成时态是作者对过去发生的事进行有把握的推测。对过去发生的事进行有把握的推测。其否定式是其否定式是cant have done sth.仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。下列英语句子。昨天她一定打了篮球。昨天她一定打了篮球。She must _ _ yesterday.have have played played basketballbasketball去年他们一定建了一座新房

29、子。去年他们一定建了一座新房子。They must _ a new house last year.昨天她一定没有去参加晚会。昨天她一定没有去参加晚会。She _ yesterday.have attended the party have built 1.牛哥喜欢牛哥喜欢撒谎撒谎。1.Brother Bull liked lying to others.2.他告诉他妈妈他决定到广州去他告诉他妈妈他决定到广州去谋谋生生。2.He told her mother that he had decided to go to Guangzhou to earn his living.3.在广州在广州不

30、久后不久后,他染上了赌博他染上了赌博(gambling)的坏习惯的坏习惯,而且输掉了一些钱而且输掉了一些钱。3.Before long in Guangzhou,he got into the bad habit of gambling and lost some money.4.他他节省节省开支并想把输了的钱开支并想把输了的钱赢回来赢回来。4.He cut down his expenditures and dreamt of winning back all his money.5.他每天吃三块面包他每天吃三块面包,体重下降体重下降得很厉害。得很厉害。5.He ate only three

31、 pieces of bread every day,and he lost weight badly.6.在他的朋友中在他的朋友中,没有人比他更瘦了。没有人比他更瘦了。6.Nobody was thinner than he among his friends.7.根据我的调查根据我的调查,他的妈妈和他的妈妈和他的妻子都不知道这件事。他的妻子都不知道这件事。According to my research,According to my research,neitherneither his mother his mother nor nor his his wife knew about

32、it,wife knew about it,8.用这种方式用这种方式,他存他存(set aside)了了2万万元钱。元钱。In this way,he set aside 20,000 yuan.9 也许有了这些钱他就可以在他家也许有了这些钱他就可以在他家乡买一座山了。乡买一座山了。9.Perhaps with the money,he could buy a hill in his hometown.合并:合并:Brother Bull,who likes lying to others,once,told her mother that he had decided to go to Gu

33、angzhou to earn his living.Before long in Guangzhou,he got into the bad habit of gambling and lost most of his money so he cut down his expenditures and dreamt of winning back all his money.Eating only three pieces of bread every day,he lost weight badly and nobody was thinner than he among his frie

34、nds.Whats worse,according to my research,neither his mother nor his wife knew about it.However,in this way,he set aside 20,000 yuan,and perhaps with the money,he could buy a hill in his hometown.课文概括课文概括 Wang Pengs popular restaurant suddenly became empty,which frustrated him,but he found Yong Huis

35、restaurant attracting many of his customers.To win back,he had a competition against her.一、语法填空一、语法填空 A regular inspection(检查检查)last month by the Ministry of Agriculture showed that food quality in 37 major cities has improved after a four-month promotional campaign.The nationwide inspection 16_ veg

36、etables,pork and aquatic products found acceptance rates had risen since August,17 _ the campaign was launched.The inspection 18 _(find)that 95.3%of the countrys vegetables were safe in terms of pesticide residues(农农药残留物药残留物);17.引导定语从句修饰前面的引导定语从句修饰前面的August。18.根据句意可知用过去时态。根据句意可知用过去时态。whenfound16.表示所

37、属关系表示所属关系ofofso were 98.45%of meat products because a drug some farmers used 19 _(feed)pigs is now banned due to 20 _ damage it can cause to the human heart.19.不定式作补语。不定式作补语。20.由后面的从句可知是特指。由后面的从句可知是特指。to feedtheNo pork products in Beijing,Shenzhen,Shanghai and 25 other cities 21 _ _(pollute)with ban

38、ned drugs.Aquatic products(水产品水产品)in seven cities including Beijing,Tianjin and Guangzhou were also found to be safe 22 _ illegal drugs.21.由主语可知用被动语态。由主语可知用被动语态。22.根据前面的根据前面的from可知。可知。safe from 意意为为“没没有的有的危险危险”。werepollutedfromThanks to the campaign,public 23 _(aware)of agricultural product quality

39、and food safety has been strengthened.23.名词作主语。名词作主语。awarenessawarenessThe ministry said 24 _ will follow up the campaign by cracking down on fake agricultural supplies and developing a network 25 _ gives farmers access to good-quality agricultural materials.24.指代前面的指代前面的The ministry。25.引导定语从句修饰前面的引

40、导定语从句修饰前面的network。itit thatthat 二、完形填空二、完形填空 People in communities have slowly been pushed apart through the years,mostly because people simply arent taking the time to say a simple“hello”.After considering this phenomenon,I decided I was going to 1 the way I was doing things.1.A.change B.explain C.

41、learn D.showA 根据前面的叙述以及下文的根据前面的叙述以及下文的this is where I should have changed可知。与可知。与change是原词复现。是原词复现。My opportunity came one morning when I was in the community library.I passed by a girl who dropped her 2 out of her locker.Thinking like most that someone else would help her pick them up,I 3 my way.2.

42、A.books B.clothes C.shoesD.bowls 2.A 根据常识根据常识,图书馆的柜子里肯定是书图书馆的柜子里肯定是书(book)。3.A.forced B.continued C.lost D.felt 3.B 由上句中的由上句中的I passed by可知。可知。However,when I had to go back because I stupidly 4 my book,I noticed she had just finished packing them up by herself.No one had stopped to 5 her.4.A.broke B

43、.missed C.remembered D.forgotD 根据句中的根据句中的had to go back可推出填可推出填forgot。其他不。其他不合语境。合语境。5.A.please B.greet C.help D.praise C 由前面的由前面的someone else would help her可知。与可知。与help是原词复现。当然是原词复现。当然,这题根据常识也很容易选出答案。这题根据常识也很容易选出答案。My best 6 came a few days later when I saw a man sitting by himself 7 for the openin

44、g of the library,so I sat down next to him and began a 8 .6.A.friend B.opportunity C.state D.idea 6.B 根据前面的根据前面的My opportunity came one morning when可知。与可知。与opportunity是原词复现。是原词复现。7.A.waitingB.accounting C.huntingD.allowing7.A 由语境可知那个人是在等图书馆开门。由语境可知那个人是在等图书馆开门。My best 6 came a few days later when I s

45、aw a man sitting by himself 7 for the opening of the library,so I sat down next to him and began a 8 .8.A.discussion B.lesson C.report D.conversation D 根据根据so I sat down next to him可以推出可以推出,接下接下来自然是谈话来自然是谈话(conversation)。It was difficult to get started,and even when I had to say goodbye,almost every

46、 9 from my new friend had a tone(语气语气)of 10 in it,And who could blame him?9.A.joke B.response C.cry D.storyB 根据前面的根据前面的so I sat down next to him and began a 8 可知是可知是“我我”发起的谈话发起的谈话,对方只对我的话做出回应对方只对我的话做出回应(response)。10.A.anger B.surprise C.doubt D.beliefC 根据语境及常识根据语境及常识,这位陌生人对作者肯定是怀疑的。这位陌生人对作者肯定是怀疑的。Pe

47、ople arent used to making an 11 chat with a stranger.But a change,no matter how desperately it is needed,doesnt just 12 ,It takes people like us to make it possible.11.A.unchangeable B.unprepared C.unforgettable D.unfinished 11.B 句中的句中的with a stranger是主要依据。根据常识,是主要依据。根据常识,与陌生人谈话一般是没有准备的与陌生人谈话一般是没有准备

48、的(unprepared)。12.A.happen B.exist C.goD.stay 12.A 主要根据后一句的主要根据后一句的 to make it possible得出。得出。I 13 you to take a small step out of your comfort zone and try to make someones day a little 14,Together,we can really make society come 15 as a whole.13.A.allow B.warn C.order D.advise 13.D 这是作者的呼吁这是作者的呼吁,只能

49、用只能用advise。14.A.shorter B.longer C.brighter D.darker C 这里用的是借代的修辞手法这里用的是借代的修辞手法,作者用作者用day代代“mood”。由前面的。由前面的day以及句意可推出。意为:尽以及句意可推出。意为:尽量使人们的白天更明亮一点。量使人们的白天更明亮一点。I 13 you to take a small step out of your comfort zone and try to make someones day a little 14,Together,we can really make society come 15

50、as a whole.15.A.later B.straighter C.closer D.slowerC 根据句中的根据句中的as a whole可知。本句是作者美好可知。本句是作者美好的愿望。句意的愿望。句意:只要我们齐心协力只要我们齐心协力,我们就会使我们就会使我们的社会成为一个更加亲密的整体。我们的社会成为一个更加亲密的整体。phenomenon现象现象 chat闲聊闲聊 要求考生推断所选文段可能来自何要求考生推断所选文段可能来自何处。提问方式有:处。提问方式有:(1)The passage is most likely to be taken from _.三、阅读理解三、阅读理解技


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