Unit 4 期末复习知识要点记忆课件2022-2023学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册.pptx

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Unit 4 期末复习知识要点记忆课件2022-2023学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 4 期末复习知识要点记忆课件2022-2023学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 4 期末复习知识要点记忆课件2022-2023学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 4 期末复习知识要点记忆课件2022-2023学年牛津深圳版英语八年级上册.pptx_第5页
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1、一、重点单词。一、重点单词。1 1广告广告 n.advertisement n.advertisement 2.2.滑稽的滑稽的 adj.funny adj.funny 3 3创造创造 v.create v.create 4.4.电话电话(机机)n.telephone)n.telephone 5 5车轮车轮 n.wheel n.wheel 6.6.舒服的舒服的 fortable fortable 7 7四轮马车四轮马车 n.carriage n.carriage 8.8.世纪世纪 n.century n.century 9 9乘客乘客 n.passenger n.passenger 10.10

2、.发明发明 v.invent v.invent 1111有用的有用的 adj.practical adj.practical 12.12.自自以来以来 prep.since prep.since 1313距离距离 n n.distance .distance 14.14.在任何时候在任何时候 advadv.anytime .anytime 1515开发;研制开发;研制 v v.develop .develop 16.16.蜡烛蜡烛 n n.candle .candle 1717特别的特别的 adjadj.special .special 18.18.引言引言 n n.introduction.

3、introduction 19.19.灰尘灰尘 n n.dust.dust 20.20.机翼机翼 n n.wing .wing 二、词汇拓展及词性转换。二、词汇拓展及词性转换。1 1advertisement n.advertisement n.广告广告 advertise v.advertise v.广告广告2 2funny adj.funny adj.滑稽的;滑稽的;有趣的有趣的 fun n.fun n.趣味趣味&玩笑;玩笑;adj.adj.有趣的有趣的3 3invent v.invent v.发明发明 inventor n.inventor n.发明家发明家 invention n.in

4、vention n.发明发明4 4create create v v.创作创作 creation creation n n.创作物;作创作物;作品品 creator creator n n.创作者创作者 creative creative adjadj.有创作有创作力的力的5 5comfortable comfortable adjadj.舒适的舒适的 comfortably comfortably advadv.舒适地舒适地 6 6practical practical adjadj.有用的有用的 practice practice n n.练习练习7 7since since preppr

5、ep.自从自从以后以后 其他含义其他含义 conjconj.既然既然8 8distance distance n n.距离距离 distant distant adjadj.遥远的遥远的9 9develop v.develop v.开发;开发;研制研制 development n.development n.发展;发展;开发开发 developed adj.developed adj.发达的发达的developing adj.developing adj.发展中的发展中的 (developed/developing countries (developed/developing countri

6、es 发达发达/发展中的国家发展中的国家)1010dust n.dust n.灰尘;尘土灰尘;尘土 dusty adj.dusty adj.积满灰尘的积满灰尘的1111special adj.special adj.特别的特别的 specially adv.specially adv.特别地特别地1212introduction n.introduction n.介绍;介绍;引言引言 v.introduce v.introduce 介绍介绍三、词语释义。三、词语释义。1.funny1.funnyinteresting adj.interesting adj.滑稽的;滑稽的;有趣的有趣的 2.i

7、nvent2.invent make for the first time v.make for the first time v.发明发明 fortablepleasant adj.pleasant adj.舒适的舒适的 4.century4.centuryone hundred years n.one hundred years n.世纪世纪5.passenger5.passengerpeople on the transport n.people on the transport n.乘客乘客 6.practical6.practicaluseful useful adjadj.有用的有

8、用的 7.mobile phone7.mobile phonecell phone cell phone n n.手机手机 8.anytime8.anytimeat any time at any time advadv.在任何时候在任何时候 9.special9.specialunusual unusual adjadj.特别的特别的 四、重点短语。四、重点短语。1.1.自那以来自那以来 since then since then 2.2.与与保持联系保持联系 keep in touch with keep in touch with3.3.在白天在白天 in the daytime in

9、the daytime 4.4.使使远离远离 keepoff keepoff5.5.过上更好的生活过上更好的生活 live a better life live a better life 6.6.在在2020世纪初期世纪初期 at the start of the 20th century at the start of the 20th century 7.7.通过很远的距离通过很远的距离 over long distances over long distances 8.8.想象做某事想象做某事 imagine doing sth.imagine doing sth.9.9.用更短的时间

10、用更短的时间 in a shorter time in a shorter time 10.10.提及;提到提及;提到 refer to refer to 11.11.互相互相 each other each other 12.12.数百万的数百万的 millions of millions of 13.13.在晚上在晚上 at night at night 14.14.到达到达 arrive at/in arrive at/in15.15.丢掉丢掉 throw away throw away 16.16.在陆地上在陆地上 on land on land17.17.在空中在空中 in the

11、air in the air 18.18.变成变成 turn into turn into19.19.将来将来 in the future in the future 20.20.导致导致 lead to lead to 21.21.弄得乱七八糟弄得乱七八糟 make a mess make a mess 22.22.一直一直 all the time all the time 23.23.电话电话 mobile phone mobile phone 24.24.同时同时 at the same timeat the same time五、重点句型。五、重点句型。1 1车轮也许是历史上最伟大的

12、发明。车轮也许是历史上最伟大的发明。(in history)(in history)The wheel is perhaps the greatest invention in history.The wheel is perhaps the greatest invention in history.2 2在在1919世纪早期,第一批火车开始载乘客。世纪早期,第一批火车开始载乘客。(in the early 19th(in the early 19th century)century)In the early 19th century,the first trains began to In

13、 the early 19th century,the first trains began to carry passengers.carry passengers.3 3没有水,我们不能生活。没有水,我们不能生活。(without)(without)Without water,we cant live./We cant live without Without water,we cant live./We cant live without water.water.4 4自从那时起,人们能够互相通过远距离说话。自从那时起,人们能够互相通过远距离说话。(since then)(since t

14、hen)Since then,people have been able to speak to each Since then,people have been able to speak to each other over long distances.other over long distances.5 5当今,全世界数百万的人都有手机。当今,全世界数百万的人都有手机。(across the world)(across the world)Today millions of people across/around the world own Today millions of pe

15、ople across/around the world own mobile phones.mobile phones.6 6手机允许人们随时随地能互相保持联系。手机允许人们随时随地能互相保持联系。(allowto do)(allowto do)Mobile phones allow people to keep in touch with each Mobile phones allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime,anywhere.other anytime,anywhere.7 7有了灯泡,人们在晚上可以像在白天一样做

16、尽可能多的事情。有了灯泡,人们在晚上可以像在白天一样做尽可能多的事情。(asas)(asas)With light bulbs,people can do as many things in the With light bulbs,people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.evenings as they can in the daytime.六、课文回顾。六、课文回顾。Great inventions change the world.They help people live Great

17、 inventions change the world.They help people live a better life.The following are three of the most a better life.The following are three of the most important inventions in history.important inventions in history.TheThe wheelwheel maymay bebe thethe greatestgreatest inventioninvention inin history

18、history.TravellingTravelling becamebecame fasterfaster andand moremore comfortablecomfortable afterafter itsits inventioninvention.SeveralSeveral thousandthousand yearsyears agoago,peoplepeople startedstarted toto useuse wheelswheels onon carriagescarriages.InIn thethe earlyearly nineteenthnineteent

19、h centurycentury,thethe firstfirst trainstrains beganbegan toto carrycarry passengerspassengers.AtAt thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe 20th20th centurycentury,carscars becamebecame popularpopular.WithoutWithout thethe wheelwheel,wewe wouldwould notnot havehave thesethese inventionsinventions.One

20、 of the first practical telephones was One of the first practical telephones was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.Since then,invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.Since then,people have been able to speak to each other over long people have been able to speak to each other over long dis

21、tances.Today,millions of people across the world distances.Today,millions of people across the world own mobile phones.They allow people to keep in touch own mobile phones.They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime,anywhere.with each other anytime,anywhere.Thomas Edison developed the

22、 first useful light bulb in Thomas Edison developed the first useful light bulb in 1897.With light bulbs,people can do as many things in 1897.With light bulbs,people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.Can you imagine the evenings as they can in the daytime.Can you imagi

23、ne living without them?living without them?七、写作范文:七、写作范文:介绍一项发明。介绍一项发明。My invention is a special lamp.My invention is a special lamp.First,it is very small and light.It is convenient First,it is very small and light.It is convenient for me to carry it around and I often take it to school.for me to c

24、arry it around and I often take it to school.Besides,it can control its light according to the Besides,it can control its light according to the natural light so as to protect my eyesight.natural light so as to protect my eyesight.More importantly,it can also be used as a More importantly,it can als

25、o be used as a projector to put the images on the mobile phone or the projector to put the images on the mobile phone or the ipad to the wall.ipad to the wall.In a word,I love this invention.It helps me live In a word,I love this invention.It helps me live a more comfortable life.a more comfortable life.


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