1、 相相對對化化 Relativism 理理想想化化 Idealism 浪浪漫漫化化 Romanticism 絕絕對對化化 Absolutism 理理性性化化 Rationalism 現現實實化化 Realism 理想化浪漫化絕對化 渲染個人生活美化個人形象推銷個人商品 偶像選擇多元化明星偶像名人偶像親朋好友 偶像認同多元化形象特徵才能特徵人格特徵 成功經驗 化偶像為榜樣批判性接受偶像學習成功經驗拉近心理距離偶像認識平民化化榜樣為偶像看重親朋好友學習親朋好友我學人人人人學我 Dear Jacky:This is Emilio,a 9 year old boy who lived in Melbo
2、urne,Australia.Two years,I was operated on in order to remove a tumor growing in my head.Lots of different treatments have been administered to me;however,I am still ill.Some days,I feel fine,and some days I feel tired because of the medication I take.Jacky Chan is my favorite actor.I hope to meet him one day,and to be able to tell him how much I like his movies.Jacky,I know you are extremely busy and may not have the time needed to meet with me;however,if you decide to write me a letter,that would make me very happy,also.A thought dedicated to you from,Emilio Batres Perry 62Thank you!