(全国通用)2019版高考英语一轮复习 提分单元加餐练 第五辑 Unit 5 First aid 新人教版必修5.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 5 First aid 单元加餐练 . 完形填空 I felt very depressed the other day. The weather had been dark and rainy, and I just didnt feel so _1_ . As I was sitting at my desk, I _2_ it was the birthday of a dear longtime friend a single, middleaged woman who has devoted the past 30 years to nursin

2、g and loving her _3_ . Knowing that she didnt have family in town, I _4_ to give her a call. Sure enough, she was on her shift, _5_ to work late into the evening, and wouldnt have _6_ of a birthday this year. As always, though, she _7_ cheerful and was happy that I _8_ . After I hung up, I couldnt _

3、9_ the feeling that she would really appreciate a little attention on her special day. _10_ feeling a little depressed myself, I tried to put it out of my mind, but as the day passed, I couldnt shake the thought. I _11_ gave in, and set off to the hospital with a card, a cheese cake, and some balloo

4、ns that evening. My friends grateful smile and joyful surprise _12_ me that Id done the right thing, and they were a generous _13_ for the little effort it had taken. When I got home, I realized that not only had I cheered up a _14_ friend on her birthday, but my own negative feelings had also disap

5、peared. Making her day had _15_ my own! Isnt that the way it is _16_ we take the time and make the _17_ to do something for someone else? Its just like the saying, “Loving kindness is twice blessed; it blesses him who gives, and him who _18_ .” Cheering up people on their birthdays isnt the only thi

6、ng we can do to make their day. Life constantly presents us with _19_ to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make a difference to _20_ . And the wonderful thing is that as we do, it changes things for the better for us too. 篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作 者讲述了在自己心情不好的一天给一个从事护士职业的朋友过生日而得到的感悟:生活总是为我们提供机会

7、,让我们多迈出一步或者做一件对别人有影响的善事。 1 A.special B positive C nervous D scared 答案: B 根据空格前的 “I felt very depressed the other day.” 可知, “ 我 ” 的心情不好,由第 1 空前的否定词 didnt 可判断 positive “ 乐观的 ” ,符合语境。 2 A.explained B complained C remembered D informed 答案: C 当 “ 我 ” 坐在书桌前的时候,记起了一个朋友的生日。 remember “ 记起 ” ,【 精品教育资源文库 】 符合

8、语境。故选 C 项。 3 A.family B training C work D school 答案: C 根据空格前的 “who has devoted the past 30 years to nursing” 可知,她从事护士职业 30 年,说明她很喜欢自己的工作 (work)。故选 C 项。 4 A.decided B continued C agreed D refused 答案: A 根据语境可知,此处用 decided 表示 “ 我决定给她打个电话 ” 。故选 A 项。 5 A.surprised B disappointed C bored D prepared 答案: D

9、根据前面的 “Sure enough, she was on her shift” 可知,这是她的当班时间,她准备工作到深夜。 prepare to do sth.“ 准备去做 ?” 。故选 D 项。 6 A.much B many C little D few 答案: A 此处表示 “ 不打算怎么好好地过个生日 ” 。固定短语 “not much of a .” ,意为 “ 不是很好,不怎么样 ” 。故选 much。 7 A.sounded B looked C grew D found 答案: A “ 我 ” 打电话给她,她听上去很高兴。 sound“ 听起来 ” ,符合语境。故选 A项。

10、 8 A.admitted B called C succeeded D apologized 答案: B 由上文可知, “ 我 ” 给她打了电话。故选 B 项。 9 A.experience B imagine C shake D understand 答案: C 由第 11 空前的句子 “I couldnt shake the thought” 可知,此处表示 “ 我没法去除这种感觉 ” ,应用 shake,表示 “ 去除;摆脱 ” 。故选 C 项。 10 A.Almost B Even C Never D Still 答案: D 此处用 “Still” 表明作者仍然感到沮丧,与文章开头相

11、呼应。故选 D 项。 11 A.luckily B finally C unhappily D hardly 答案: B “ 我 ” 的心情沮丧, “ 我 ” 尽力去清理掉这种心情,但是经过一天的时间,还是没能摆脱,最终 “ 我 ” 屈服了。 finally “ 最后,终于 ” ,符合语境。故选 B 项。 12 A.convinced B advised C promised D reminded 答案: A 根据空格前面的 “My friends grateful smile and joyful surprise” 和空格后面的 “Id done the right thing” 可知,朋

12、友的神情让 “ 我 ” 确信自己做对了。【 精品教育资源文库 】 convince“ 使确信 ” ,符 合语境。故选 A 项。 13 A.response B contribution C reward D share 答案: C 她的笑容和惊喜使 “ 我 ” 确信 “ 我 ” 做对了,这也是对 “ 我 ” 慷慨的回报。reward“ 回报 ” ,符合语境。故选 C 项。 14 A.careless B lonely C weak D curious 答案: B 由前文的 “a single, middleaged woman” 和 “she didnt have family in tow

13、n” 可知,作者的朋友是孤独的。故选 B 项。 15 A.troubled B taken C wasted D made 答案: D 让这位孤独的朋友快乐的同时,又扫除了作者的沮丧,所以说 “Making her day had made my own” 。 make sb.s day “ 使某人非常高兴 ” 。故选 D 项。 16 A.when B where C why D how 答案: A 从句子的结构和语境看,此处应该用引导时间状语从句的关系副词,表示 “ 当我们花费时间为别人努力做一些事情的时候 ” 。故选 A 项。 17 A.suggestion B money C effor

14、t D call 答案: C 由上文所述作者去医院为朋友庆生,努力让朋友开心可知,选 C。 make the effort to do sth.“ 努力做某事 ” 。 18 A.tries B receives C expects D cares 答案: B 根据空格前的 “gives” 可知,应用 receives 与之相对应。故选 B 项。 19 A.opportunities B dreams C choices D regrets 答案: A 由上文所述作者主动去医院为朋友庆生可知,生活总是为我们提供做善事的机会。 opportunity 意为 “ 机会 ” ,符合语境。故选 A 项。

15、 20 A.someone B something C everyone D everything 答案: A 生活总是为我们提供机会,让我们多迈出一步或者做一件对某人产生影响的善事。 someone“ 某人;有人 ” , everyone “ 每人;人人 ” 。故选 A 项。 . 阅读理解 A You may need to give first aid. First aid is defined as the emergency care given to a sick or injured person. The goals of first aid are to prevent dea

16、th and to prevent injuries from becoming worse. Each emergency condition is different. However, the following rules apply to any 【 精品教育资源文库 】 kind of emergency. Be aware of your limitations. Do not try to do more than you are able to. Nor should you do things if you are unfamiliar with them. Do wha

17、t you can under the conditions at the time. Stay calm. Acting calmly will help the victim feel safe. Take a quick look to see if the victim is bleeding, and if there is a pulse. Keep the victim lying down and do not move him or her. You could make an injury worse if you move the victim. Take necessa

18、ry emergency steps. Call for help or ask someone to ma ke the EMS system (急救系统 ) start. Do not remove clothing unless you have to. If clothing must be removed, tear the clothes along the seams(线缝 ) Keep the victim warm. Cover the victim with a blanket. Coats and sweaters can be used if a blanket can

19、not be found. Reassure the victim. Explain what is happening and that help has been called. Do not give the victim any food or fruits. Keep the bystanders away from the victim. Bystanders want to have a look, offer advice, and say something about the victims condition. The victim may believe that th

20、e condition is worse than it really is. 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了平时在进行急救的时候,普遍适用的正确做法。 1 When a person is badly injured on the road, you should _ . A act worriedly and hurriedly B do whatever you want freely C not move him or her D make the injured person stand up 答案: C 细节理解题。根据文章中所列的第四个注意事项可知,不要移动受害者,否则你可能会使他 /她的伤势恶化,其余选项均与文章细节不符。 2 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A You should help an injured person in any condition. B Dont remove the clothing of the injured person whatever happens. C It is necessar


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