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1、专题专题八八动词的分类动词的分类人教版九年级英语中考专题复习课件人教版九年级英语中考专题复习课件-动词动词中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 2 页1行为动词辨析行为动词(或称实义动词)分为及物动词和不及物动词,表示动作或状态,在句中能独立作谓语。考点一动词词义辨析动词例词及物动词remind,notice,allow,promise,buy,catch,eat,find,give,hear,love,write不及物动词arrive,come,die,jump,appear,fall,rise,listen,agree中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 3 页2.连系动词辨析连系动词本身有一定词义,

2、但不能独立作谓语,必须和表语一起构成复合谓语,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份。连系动词含义状态系动词 be(am,is,are)是感官系动词look看上去smell闻起来taste尝起来sound听起来feel摸起来;感觉中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 4 页连系动词含义变化系动词become变为;成为get变成;变得go变为,成为grow长得;变成turn变成持续系动词keep保持remain仍然是stay维持表像系动词seem看起来,似乎,好像appear看来,似乎中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 5 页3.词义相对类动词词义辨析中考中常考查的一些词义相对的动词有以下几组:break破坏f

3、ollow/obey遵守buy买sell卖cry哭,哭泣laugh大笑/smile微笑fill填满,装满empty倒空,腾空find找到lose失去,丢失forget 忘记remember记得,记起open打开close关闭中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 6 页save节约waste浪费stop停止start/begin开始,启动succeed成功fail失败accept接受refuse拒绝reach到达leave离开中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 7 页1解答行为动词辨析的题时,首先弄清所给选项中动词的词义及用法,然后根据语法点或固定搭配等排除不符合语境的选项。【例题】(2019江苏泰州)A

4、fter the terrible explosion(爆炸)in Xiangshui,Yancheng,many people from cities around came to hospitals to _ blood.Adevote Bcreate Cdonate Dcelebrate【答案】C中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 8 页【解析】句意:盐城响水大爆炸之后,许多周边城市的人到医院来献血。devote奉献,贡献;create创造;donate捐献;celebrate庆祝。根据句意及四个选项的意思可排除B和D,这两项不符合语境。表示“献血”用donate blood。【跟进训练1】

5、(2018安徽)Im afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work.Dont worry.I will _ you then.Anotice Ballow Cremind DpromiseC中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 9 页2解答连系动词辨析的题时,可以用词义辨析法。首先弄清所给选项的词义,然后根据具体的语境明确答案。【例题】(2018湖北恩施州)Have you seen the movie Titanic,Wang Wei?Yes.The music in it _.Alooks great Bsounds greatCfeels

6、great【答案】B【解析】looks great看起来很棒;sounds great听起来很棒;feels great感觉很棒。由答句句意“是的。电影里的音乐_”可知,sounds great符合语境。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 10 页【跟进训练2】(2018重庆B卷)The cheese cake _ so good that I cant wait to eat it.Atastes Bfeels Csounds DsmellsD中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 11 页3在解答词义相对类动词词义辨析的考题时,要求考生掌握并能熟练应用各动词的词义及用法,然后根据语境找出关键信息来解答

7、此类试题。【例题】(2019山西)Parents should let children _ home and find more about the world.After all,birds should fly freely in the sky.Aleave Benter Creach【答案】A【解析】句意:父母应该让孩子们离开家,去寻找更多关于世界的事物。毕竟,鸟儿应该自由地在天空中飞翔。根据“.birds should fly freely in the sky”可判断,前面是建议家长让孩子们走出家门到世界的环境中去发现更多的东西。所以用leave。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第

8、12 页【跟进训练3】(2019辽宁抚顺)Sometimes the smooth surface of the lake really _ like a mirror.Asounds Blooks Csmells DtastesB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 13 页情态动词有一定的词义,但词义不完整,不能独立作谓语,必须和动词原形连用,表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度和看法。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。考点二情态动词情态动词用法例句can表示能力,意为“能、会”She can swim fast,but I cant.她能游得快,但我不能。表示请求、允许,意为“可以”You can bo

9、rrow my dictionary.你可以借我的字典。表示推测,意为“可能”,用于否定句和疑问句Can the news be true?这个消息是真的吗?He cant have gone there alone.他不可能独自去那里。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 14 页情态动词用法例句could表示过去的能力,意为“能、会”No one could answer the question at that time.那时没有人能回答这个问题。表示委婉的请求(注意疑问句的回答)Could I go there with you?我能和你一起去那里吗?Yes,you can./No,you

10、cant.是的,你能。/不,你不能。may表示请求、许可,意为“可以”(注意疑问句的回答)May I borrow your pen?我可以借一下你的钢笔吗?Yes,you may./No,you cant.是的,你可以。/不,你不能。表示推测,意为“可能、也许”,用于肯定句It may rain this afternoon.今天下午可能会下雨。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 15 页情态动词用法例句might表示推测,可能性小于mayHe is absent from school.He might be sick.他不在学校,可能是生病了。must表示主观看法,意为“必须、应当”(注意疑

11、问句的回答)Must we clean all the rooms?我们必须打扫所有的房间吗?Yes,you must./No,you neednt/dont have to.是的,你们必须。/不,你们不必。表示推测,意为“准是、肯定是”,用于肯定句He must know where Li Lei lives.他一定知道李磊住在哪里。have to表示客观需要,意为“必须、不得不”Its too late.He has to leave now.太晚了,他现在必须离开了。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 16 页情态动词用法例句need意为“需要、有必要”Need I stay here an

12、y longer?我还有必要留在这儿吗?Yes,you must./No,you neednt.是的,你必须。/不,你不需要。shall表示征求对方的意见(用于第一人称)Shall we go out for a walk?我们出去散散步好吗?should表示劝告、建议、义务、责任,意为“应该”We should protect our environment.我们应该保护环境。will表示意愿、意志、打算,意为“会、愿意”I will help you if I am free this afternoon.今天下午如果我有空,我就会帮你。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 17 页情态动词用法

13、例句would表示主观愿望或意志,意为“愿意”I told him that I would go along with him.我告诉他我将和他一起去。I would like a cup of tea.我想喝杯茶。表示请求或征求意见Would you please not smoke here?请不要在这儿吸烟好吗?表示过去的习惯,意为“总是、总会”When I was a child,I would go swimming with other children in summer.小时候,在夏天我总会同别的孩子一块儿去游泳。表示对未来的想象I would have two wings

14、and then fly to the moon.我想有一对翅膀,然后飞到月球上去。had better表示建议,意为“最好”You had better not give the book to him.你最好不要把这本书给他。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 18 页情态动词的用法口诀:情态动词can、may、must,人称与数无变化,动词原形跟着它。can表能力与可能;may表可能与许可;must表责任与义务,否定回答neednt换;have to“被迫”表客观。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 19 页1解答考查情态动词的题时,首先浏览题干,快速判断是否是常用句型,如Can I.?May

15、I.?如果不是,接着分析所给选项的含义,然后根据具体的语境确定答案。【例题】(2018北京)I _ go now,or Ill miss my train.Acan Bmight Cmust Dcould【答案】C【解析】can能,可以;might可能;must必须,肯定;could能够。结合句意“我_得走了,否则我会错过我的火车”可知must符合语境。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 20 页【跟进训练4】(2018江苏连云港)How amazing this robot is!Wow,it has video cameras in its eyes,so it _“see”and inter

16、act with people.Amay Bcan Cmust DshouldB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 21 页2当情态动词用于表示推测时,若是肯定推测,就一定选must;若是否定推测,则常选用cant;若是不太有把握的推测,则常选用may、might。【例题】(2018四川达州)Look!The woman at the school gate _ be her headmaster.No,it _ be her.She is holding a meeting in the office now.Amust;cant Bmust;mustntCcan;neednt Dmay;mus

17、tnt【答案】A【解析】句意:“看!校门口那位女士肯定是她的校长。”“不是,不可能是她。她现在正在办公室开会。”情态动词表示推测时,must表示肯定的推测,cant表示很肯定的否定推测。故选A。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 22 页【跟进训练5】(2019天津)You _ walk on the wet hill path because you _ fall and hurt yourself.Amust;might not Bmustnt;mightCneednt;need Dmust;mustB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 23 页动词短语在意义上相当于一个实义动词。下列是一些中考试

18、题中常见的中考动词短语:break短语break out 爆发break off 突然中断break up 打碎,破碎 break down出故障look短语look around环顾 look at看look after照顾,照料 look back回顾考点三动词短语中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 24 页look down向下看 look for寻找look into调查 look like看起来像look out当心 look over仔细检查look through浏览 look up查阅,向上看come短语come across偶然遇见 come back回来come down下降

19、come into进入come from来自 come in 进来come true实现 come out出来,出版come over顺便来访 come on加油come up 出来,上升中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 25 页make短语make up编造,化妆 make up for补偿,弥补make fun of 取笑,戏弄 make sure of 确认make use of 利用make a mistake犯错误make a decision作决定make a living谋生,维持生活make friends with与交朋友make a difference有影响,有关系,起作用

20、中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 26 页put短语put away把收起来 put down写下,记下put in插入,放进 put on穿上,增加(体重)put off推迟 put out扑灭put up搭建,张贴 put up with容忍take短语take on呈现 take out取出take over接管 take up从事,占据take in吸入,吞入(体内)take down写下,记下take away拿走,带走 take after与长得像take off脱下(衣服),(飞机)起飞中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 27 页turn短语turn off关掉 turn down调低

21、,拒绝turn on打开 turn into(使)变成turn over翻身,翻转 turn around转身get短语get to到达 get out出去,离开get on上车 get in进入get off下车 get back回来get over克服get through顺利通过;(用电话)接通;完成;用完中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 28 页give短语give up放弃 give off发出,释放give out分发 give in屈服give away捐赠 give back归还go短语go back回去 go out出去go on继续 go away走开go by时间流逝 go

22、 off(闹钟)发出响声go over复习 go through经历,检查中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 29 页含on的动词短语depend on/upon 依靠,信赖keep on继续(进行)pass on传递try on试穿 work on从事,继续工作hold on等一等(别挂电话)concentrate on全神贯注,聚精会神live/feed on以为主食,靠为生中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 30 页含off的动词短语cut off 切除 keep off不接近pay off偿清(欠款等)see off送别,送行send off派遣 set off动身,启程shut off 关闭

23、,停止运转含up的动词短语bring up教育,培养 cheer up使振奋clean up打扫干净 cut up切碎fix up修理,修补 get up起床grow up成长,长大 hang up挂断电话中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 31 页hurry up赶快,快点 mix up混合在一起pick up拾起 stay up不睡觉,熬夜show up出席,露面 wake up睡醒,醒来turn up调大 set up建立dress up装扮 use up用完,用光,耗尽中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 32 页含about的动词短语learn about了解 hear about听说talk

24、 about谈论 care about关心bring about导致 set about开始,着手worry about担心 think about考虑含away的动词短语get away 离开,逃脱 move away搬走run away逃跑,跑掉 throw away扔掉keep away from 远离中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 33 页含at的动词短语arrive at到达 laugh at嘲笑knock at敲(门、窗等)point at指向shout at对大喊 throw at投向,掷向aim at瞄准,旨在含with的动词短语agree with同意 begin with以

25、开始deal with解决,处理 catch up with赶上,超过keep up with赶上 come up with提出,想出connect with与相连get on/along well with与友好相处中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 34 页含out的动词短语find out找出,查明 hand out分发run out用完 try out试验work out解决中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 35 页考生在平时的学习中要不断积累动词短语并掌握其用法;做题时结合语境正确理解全句有助于准确判断所选用的动词短语。【例题】(2018湖北武汉)I took the subway and

26、 _ at the downtown station.Agot through Bgot overCgot on Dgot off【答案】D【解析】get through 完成,用完;get over克服;get on 上车;get off 下车。结合句意“我乘坐地铁并在市中心站_”可知选D。中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 36 页【跟进训练6】(2019天津)If you want to join the Music Club,_ the form,please.Ago out Bfill outCget up Dwarm upB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 37 页1.(2017成都)T

27、his pair of glasses _ be Tonys.Hes the only one who wears glasses.AmustBmightCcant2(2017南充)Many young people usually offer their seats to the old on the bus.Thats good.The old should be _.Alooked for Blistened toCdepended on Dcared forAD中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 38 页3(2019乐山)Its already 7:50.If you want to ge

28、t to the meeting on time,you must _,Jack.I see.Ill walk quickly.Ahurry up Bring up Cstay up4(2019成都)Is that Tom over there?It _ be him.He is on the plane to Chengdu now.Acant Bmight not CmustAA中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 39 页5(2019达州)Can I _ Robinson Crusoe,Mrs.Zhao?Sure,its very interesting,but you can only _

29、it for two weeks.Aborrow;lend Blend;borrowCborrow;keep Dlend;keep6(2019乐山)Where is Monica?I cant find her anywhere.She _ be in the library.She loves reading books when she is free.Amust Bneed CcantCA中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 40 页7(2019眉山)Whats the meaning of“One Belt and One Road”?Let me _ the words in the ne

30、w dictionary.Alook at Blook forClook after Dlook up8(2018成都)Wow.another gift!Whats in the box?Im not sure.It_ be a pair of sports shoes.Amust Bmay CwillDB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 41 页9(2019凉山州)We should keep quiet in the library.We _ speak loudly.Amust Bmustnt Ccan Dneednt10(2019广元)Wed better _ our sports me

31、eting because its going to rain.Aput on Bput up Cput off11(2019乐山)Look,Linda.The flowers in our classroom came out in one night.I cant believe it.They are beautiful and colorful.They _ great.Asound Bsmell CtasteBCB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 42 页12(2019南充)Its cold outside,Jimmy!You should _ your sweater.Thanks,

32、Mom.Atake off Btake inCput on Dput up13(2019南充)Mom,may I play computer games this evening?No way.You _ finish your homework.Acan Bmust Cmay DwillCB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 43 页14(2018乐山)Why _ we close that chemical factory?Because it has caused lots of pollution.We need better environment.Amust Bcan Cmay15(2

33、018乐山)What do you think of the fish soup?Well,it _ a bit salty.Alooks Bsmells CtastesAC中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 44 页16(2017广安)The music sounds nice and the food _ good.This hotel is so great.Aeats Bsounds Cfeels Dtastes17(2018乐山)The jeans are very nice.Ill take them.Youd better _ first.Im afraid the size is

34、a bit small for you.Apay for them Btake them off Ctry them onDC中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 45 页18(2017乐山)Murray plans to study art in the UK.His friends will _ him off at the airport next week.AtakeBseeCleave19(2018内江)The blue coat_ be Tonys.He never wears blue clothes.Acan Bmust Ccant DmustntBC中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第

35、46 页一、词汇运用。1(2017江苏盐城)Its wrong of us to believe or _(扩散)some untrue news on the Interent.2(2019江苏宿迁改编)The school held many activities to _(庆祝)our countrys 70th birthday.3(2019江苏宿迁)Professor Xu gave us a talk on how to _(保护)the environment last week.spread celebrate protect 中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 47 页4(201

36、9江苏宿迁)The machine is hard to _(控制)There must be something wrong with it.5(2019江苏苏州)Everyone should _(行动)now to separate rubbish into different groups.6(2019浙江宁波)The two little girls often stay together to_(分享)their secrets.7(2019浙江宁波)We can see clearly that Mongolia _(位于)between China and Russia on

37、the map.8(2019山东济宁)It is very relaxing for me to_(躺)on a soft sofa after a long time study.control act share lies/is lie 中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 48 页9(2019湖北鄂州)There are some boys _(swim)in the river now.Its very dangerous.10(2019山东临沂)Scientists around the world are working to _(cover)a medicine for AIDS(艾滋

38、病)11(2019浙江杭州)Hearing the funny story,all the students began to l_ loudly.12(2019广西百色)When you visit someone,its polite to k_ at the door before entering.13(2019广西百色)I p_ milk to cola because milk is much healthier,I think.swimming discover augh nock refer 中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 49 页14(2019湖北荆门)This kind o

39、f special noodles t_ so delicious that I cant help asking for more.15(2019贵州铜仁)It t_ us 90 minutes from Tongren to Guiyang by high speed train.16(2019广西贵港)Mark can a_ at the office on time every day.He is never late.17(2019江苏南京)Since it will be rainy tomorrow,we have to _(选择)a different time to go j

40、ogging.18(2019黑龙江大庆)Be sure to let Tom know the news as soon as he _(arrive)astes akes rrive choose arrives 中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 50 页19(2019广西贵港)To be safe,students should _(避免)going out alone at night.20(2019安徽)The engineers are going to t_(测试)the selfdriving car in our city.21(2017山东烟台)Can you _(想象)wha

41、t the future will be like?22(2017江苏南通)They cant _(have enough money to pay for something)to go on vacation this year.23(2018江苏连云港)Paul has found a new job and is _(考虑)moving to a new flat near his company.avoid estimagine afford considering 中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 51 页24(2017吉林长春)I enjoy _(read)Chinese anci

42、ent poems aloud to better understand them.25(2017山东烟台)Many countries in the world are looking forward to _(trade)with China.reading trading 中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 52 页二、单项选择。1(2017山东青岛)These oranges look nice,but _ very sour.Afeel BtasteCsound Dlook2(2017山东德州)While travelling in a strange place,youd better

43、 _ the local people and follow their customs(习俗)Awatch BchangeCcontrol DteachBA中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 53 页3(2017安徽)Mom,Ive signed for the box.Whats in it?Im not sure.It _ be a present from your uncle.Aneed BmustCmay Dwill4(2018江苏盐城)Look,little Jim is swimming so fast.I _ believe my eyes.Ashouldnt BcantCmus

44、tnt DneedntCB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 54 页5(2017 山东泰安)If you always _ yourself with others,you may have tons of pressure.I agree.We should believe in ourselves.Acompare BcomplainCconnect Dconsider6(2017 山东德州)In some countries,people _ download(下载)music from the Internet without paying,because its against the

45、 law.Awouldnt BneedntCmustnt DcouldntAC中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 55 页7(2017安徽)Our geography teacher told us to _ more information about our city and share it next week.Afind out Bkeep awayCturn off Duse up8(2018湖北恩施州)Miss Li lost her purse at my home.Please_.Agive it to her Bgive her itCgive it herAA中考复习与训练英语

46、 配人教版第 56 页9(重庆A卷)When spring comes,trees begin to _ green.Asound BtasteCkeep Dturn10(2019贵州铜仁)“Do you know anything about C919?”“Of course.Its a kind of plane which _ China.”Ais made of Bis made inCis made from Dis made up ofDB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 57 页11(2019贵州铜仁)Mr Wang together with his wife and child

47、ren _ in the countryside.Aenjoys living Benjoy livingCenjoys to live Denjoy to live12(2019甘肃酒泉)Dont forget to _ the lights when they are not in use!Aturn over Bturn offCturn up Dturn onAB中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 58 页13(2019贵州安顺)My father _ to his workplace by bus,but now he _ there by bike.Really?You have an

48、 environmentallyfriendly father.Aused to go;is used to goBused to going;is used to goCis used to go;is used to goingDused to go;is used to going14(2018江苏连云港)The total number of online literature website users had _ to 352 million by the end of June 2017.And the number is still growing.Aincreased Bin

49、fluencedCincluded DintroducedDA中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 59 页15(2019贵州贵阳)Dad,my bike is broken._ I use yours?Sure!Its in the backyard.AMust BShould CMay16(2019广东)Dirty air and water are harmful.They _ kill plants,and even people.Acan BcantCshould DshouldntCA中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 60 页17(2018江苏连云港)Im sorry to _ on yo

50、u,but there are one or two things I dont understand.It doesnt matter.Acut down Bcut outCcut in Dcut off18(2019广东深圳)I heard that your grandma lost her way in Dameisha yesterday.Yes.Luckily,a kind stranger managed to lead her back home.(选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项)Atake Bpull CputCA中考复习与训练英语 配人教版第 61 页19(2019湖北


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