《跨境电商实用英语》课件Unit 3-Chapter 3.pptx

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1、Product Description跨境电商实用英语 Chapter 2Unit 3 Pre-sale Services of Cross-border E-commerce跨境电商系列教材Know what products are suitable for Cross-border E-commerce sales1Acquire basic knowledge about product structure of an online shop and know definitions of burst sells,flow-increase products and profitabl

2、e products2Learn the relative words and expressions3Understand the procedure of making a good product description on Cross-border E-commerce platforms4Chapter GoalsAfter studying this chapter,you are expected to:PART ONEWarming-upPART 1Warming-upTask:Product description is important to a product.Loo

3、k at the following product description,and discuss with a partner about what information we should include in the product description.Payment:Credit card on line is available.We accept payment by Paypal,T/T and Western Union.After your payment cleared we will deliver to you within 3 business days.If

4、 there is any import duties or taxes,it is buyers responsibilityWarranty:1.Although we have great confidence in the quality and prices of every products we sell,we can not guarantee all buyers would be 100%satisfied with them due to different reasons.But no matter what happens,we promise we will do

5、our best to solve any problem occured during transactions.2.If you have a defective item which you wish to return or exchange,pls contact us within 3 business days from date you receive the shipment.PART TWOPassage ReadingPART 2Passage Reading Products are key to Cross-border E-commerce.It can be sa

6、id that good products can help companies gain the world.In general,products that are suitable for Cross-border E-commerce sales have the following characteristics:small,light and high added value.In short,small and beautiful products are most suitable for sales on Cross-border E-commerce platform.Wh

7、en looking for products for online shops,pay attention to the product structure.There are mainly three types of Cross-border E-commerce products:burst sells,flow-increase products and profitable products.Burst sells are hot products,with high flow,high exposure,large orders and other characteristics

8、.However,burst sells are not the source of profits for shops.Usually,the price of burst sells is low,and the direct impact is that the profit margins are small,even no profit margins.Thus,it is recommended that shops only set 1-2 burst sells per store.Create burst sells by reducing price,increasing

9、discount rates,which will bring a lot of page views and orders in the short term for the shop,as well as promote the sale of other products.Product Description Flow-increase products refer to the products that can increase page views for the shop.Same as burst sells,the price of flow-increase produc

10、ts is also low,and they are not the main source of profits.It is recommended that each shop set about 5 flow-increase products,so that shops do not need to invest a lot to increase the flow.If shops choose flow-increase products and burst sells reasonably,it will help shops grow rapidly in the early

11、 stage.The operation of a shop is inseparable from profits,and profitable products are the main source of profits for shops.In general,in addition to burst sells and flow-increase products,other products in the shop are all profitable products.Profitability is determined by the sellers valuation on

12、the expected profit of the products.The page view of this kind of products is not large,but the profit of a single product is high.The seller should reserve discount space for this kind of products,so the seller can discount them during the flow peak of platform or promotion period.Once we have deci

13、ded the product structure of store,we need to have a more comprehensive understanding of the product category,so that we can better introduce and display the attributes and characteristics of the products in the product description.PART 2Passage Reading Although the major platforms have different ru

14、les about the product description,there are still some common skills and tricks:1)Follow the FAB method,which refers to Feature,Advantage and Benefit;2)Truthfully describe the products;otherwise there will be follow-up disputes such as products not as described;3)Do not include too many pictures,oth

15、erwise the loading time will be too long and that will probably result in a negative effect on the buyers decision making process,best between 10-12 pictures;4)Be as simple as possible in the product description,generally between 100-300 words;5)Include logistics,payment,after-sales service and othe

16、r information in the product description;6)Paragraph the description to enhance the buyers buying experience;7)Make use of custom modules such as related sales to increase the sales of similar products,new or profitable products.PART 2Passage ReadingNew Wordsburst b:st n.1New Worda sudden flurry of

17、activity爆发e.g.)After hearing the presidents speech,the applause burst from the crowd.在听到总统的演讲后,人群中爆发出一阵掌声。)We expect the new product could bring a burst in sales for our store.我们期待新产品能给我们店铺的销售额带来爆发。返回promote prmt v.01New Word2contribute to the progress or growth of;try to sell(a product)促进;推销e.g.)We

18、 launched a big online advertising campaign to promote our new products.我们发动了一场声势浩大的在线广告营销,旨在推销我们的新产品。)The representatives from both countries discussed how to promote economic cooperation between China and the U.S.来自中美的代表商讨了如何促进两国在经济上的合作。返回profitability prftblt n.New Word3the degree to which a busi

19、ness or activity yields profit or financial gain盈利能力;收益性e.g.)Profitability is the first thing to look into when thinking of investing a company or business.在考虑投资一家公司时,盈利能力是首要考察的因素。)Intense rivalry will reduce industry profitability.激烈的竞争将会降低整个行业的盈利能力。返回reserve rz:v v.New Word4hold back or set aside,

20、especially for future use or contingency储备;保留;预留e.g.)You must reserve your strength for the finals.你必须为决赛保留体力。)A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him.特地为他预留了一间带阳台的海景双人房。返回peak pi:k n.5New Wordthe most extreme possible amount or value最高点;顶点e.g.)Our holiday sales hi

21、t a peak of around 2 million dollars.我们的假日销售额达到了200万美元的顶点。)People in big cities often choose to leave early in order to get out of the peak-hour traffic.大城市的人们经常早点动身以避开交通高峰。返回comprehensive kmprhensv adj.01New Word6including or dealing with all or nearly all elements or aspects of something广泛的;全面的e.g

22、.I)There will be a comprehensive evaluation on students at the end of each semester.每学期结束将进行对学生的综合评价。II)This gallery has a comprehensive collection of Van Gogh.这家美术馆有全面的梵高作品收藏。返回common kmn adj.New Word7shared by two or more people,groups,or things共同的;共有的e.g.I)The two countries stand together against

23、 a common enemy.两个国家联合起来反对共同的敌人。II)We face some problems common to all the communities.我们正面临一些每个社区共同的问题。返回dispute dspju:t n.New Word8a disagreement or argument(about an order)纠纷e.g.I)The customer service team will interpose into the dispute if an agreement cant be reached by the seller and the buyer

24、.如果卖家和买家无法达成一致,客服将介入纠纷。II)The commission is in dispute with the government.委员会和政府正处于争议中。返回load ld v.9New Wordinsert something into(a device)so that it can be operated加载;载入e.g.I)It takes time for the computer to load pictures.电脑加载图片需要一些时间。II)The new cloud system allows us to load data from anywhere.新

25、型的云系统使我们能够在任何地方加载数据。返回logistics ldstks n.01New Word10the practical organization that is needed to make a complicated plan successful when a lot of people and equipment is involved物流;后勤;组织工作e.g.I)Logistics is now more important than technology in our industry.物流目前在我们这一行比技术还重要。II)The logistics system

26、is the biggest strength of JD.自建物流体系是京东最大的优势。返回custom kstm adj.New Word11made according to the specifications of an individual定做的,定制的e.g.I)Some brides want their custom made wedding dress,while some prefer to rent one.有些新娘希望拥有量身定制的婚纱,而有些则更倾向于租婚纱。II)We decide to add custom fitted masks during the Hal

27、loween season to attract more buyers.我们决定在万圣节期间增加定制面具,以吸引更多买家。返回module mdju:l n.New Word12a unit that has a particular function模块;组件e.g.I)This course consists of three four-week modules.这门课程分为三个模块,每个模块4周。II)AliExpress offers a series of modules to help sellers gain more flow and orders,such as relat

28、ed sales module.速卖通提供一系列的模块帮助卖家获得更多的流量和订单,比如关联销售模块。返回Phrases&Expressionsadded value附加值01P&Ee.g.I)Chinese government has made efforts to adjust and optimize the mix of export commodities to improve product quality and raise added value.中国政府为调整和优化出口商品结构,提高商品质量和附加值做了许多努力。II)We can create significant ad

29、ded value by pushing the brand into other areas.我们可以通过把品牌推向其它领域而创造出巨大的附加价值。Phrases&Expressions01P&E02profit margin 利润率e.g.I)We had a net profit margin of 30%last year.我们去年的纯利润率为30%。II)Some small restaurants often ignore health and safety regulations in order to raise profit margins.一些小餐馆为了提高利润率,经常忽视

30、卫生和安全规章。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E03page view 访问量;浏览量e.g.I)Alexa is a website that offers website rankings in terms of page views and visitors globally.Alexa是一家发布全球网站浏览量及访客排行的网站。II)The ticket system experienced a temporary failure on excessive page view volume as the release of Jay Chous concert tickets

31、.随着周杰伦演唱会门票的开售,售票系统因为过多的浏览量经历了暂时的系统故障。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E04e.g.I)It is believed in modern society that liberty is inseparable from social justice.在现代社会,人们相信自由与社会正义是不可分的。II)Our countrys achievements are inseparable from support by people of the world.我们国家的成就同世界人民的支持是分不开的。inseparable from 不可分的Phras

32、es&Expressionsexpected profit 预期利润05P&Ee.g.I)Expected profit is a crucial thing to consider when setting price for a product.为产品定价时,预期利润是一个关键的考虑因素。II)The higher than expected profit shows the rapid rebound in global demand for luxury products.这一高于预期的利润显示了全球对奢侈品需求的快速反弹。Phrases&Expressions01P&E06decis

33、ion making 决策;判定e.g.I)We want to see more women involved in decision making process.我们希望看到更多的女性参与到决策过程中。II)Employers today want college graduates to have the abilities of problem solving and decision making.现在的雇主希望大学毕业生能具备解决问题和决策的能力。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E07buying experience 购买体验e.g.I)Top quality ser

34、vice will help improve the buying experience.优质的服务有助于提升购买体验。II)Pleasant buying experience helps boost customer loyalty.愉快的购买体验有助于提高客户的忠诚度。Phrases&ExpressionsTask 1 Work in pairs.Read the passage and answer the following questions.1What kind of products is suitable for Cross-border E-commerce sales?2

35、What is a burst sell,flow-increase product and profitable product?3How to create a series of product titles in an efficient way?Task 2 1.Our college used to be a banking college,but now its a_ college.2.We are totally different people and have nothing in_.3._ system includes customer service,packagi

36、ng,transportation,storage,distribution processing and i3.nformation control.4.Hangzhou has traffic restriction during_ hours.5.The labors union is in _ with management over working hours.6.This campaign is to _ awareness of environmental issues.7.The solar _of the machine helps reduce the resource c

37、ost and protect the environment.8.Her husband has _ a table at her favorite restaurant to celebrate their wedding anniversary.Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box.Change the form if prehensivecommonLogisticspeakdisputepromotemodulereservedTask 3 1.听到丈夫去世的消息,她突然大哭起来。(

38、burst)_2.在科研方面的投入帮助我们提高了产品的附加值。(added value)_3.我们公司的成功离不开每一位员工的努力。(inseparable from)_4.去年良好的业绩证明了我们公司的盈利能力。(profitability)_5.多听取不同方面的意见有利于做出我们做出决策。(decision making)_6.如果再降价,我们将几乎没有利润空间可言。(profit margin)_Translate the following sentences into English,using the expressions in brackets.She burst into t

39、ears when she heard the death of her husband.Investment in research and development helped to raise the added value of our products.The success of our company is inseparable from the effort of every employee.Last years great performance has proved the profitability of our company.Listening to different opinions helps with better decision making.If we lower the price further,there will be almost no profit margin for us.PART THEREMini-ProjectPART 3Please write a product description for the following product:THANKYOU跨境电商系列教材Unit 3 Pre-sale Services of Cross-border E-commerce


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