1、3C 產品的電池種類介紹 主講人:劉進添3C 產品的電池技術 為了因應功能愈來愈強大的 3C 產品,電池技術也必須要不停地推陳出新,才能供應這一代愈來愈饑渴、愈來愈耗電的 3C 產品。最常見的四種充電電池-鎳鎘、鎳氫、鋰離子和鋰聚合物到底有什麼不同?各有什麼優點和缺點?在這篇裡嘗試著用網路上找得到的資料來分析給大家聽.此外,若以電池中的電解液的酸鹼度來做區分,則電池的種類又可以被分為鹼性、酸性以及中性電池等。而上面所提及的都是將化學能轉換成電能的電池,如果我們所使用的是太陽能,那就是屬於太陽能電池(solar cell)了。Micro fuel cell.This prototype micr
2、o fuel cell is capable of providing 300mW of continuous power.The fuel in a 10ml tank is 99.5 percent pure methanol.The 21cc cartridge provides the equivalent energy of about 10 AA disposable alkaline batteries.The only by-product is water vapor.The runtime between refueling is 20 hours.The prismati
3、c cell improves space utilization and allows flexible design but it can be more expensive to manufacture,less efficient in thermal management and have a shorter cycle life than the cylindrical design.Made ultra-slim,some cells generate hydrogen gas during charge and puff up.The force can damage the
4、housing of the portable device.The pouch cell offers a simple,flexible and lightweight solution to battery design.Exposure to high humidity and hot temperature can shorten service life.This configuration provides maximum design flexibility.Zinc Carbon batteries are mainly used in wide variety of dev
5、ice applications using lightto moderate drains.They also have a voltage/cell of 1.5V.These have been around since the mid 19th century and were the only batteries used until World War II.They have low energy density and perform poorly under high current application.In spite of such disadvantages they are used in everyday applications such as Penlights,Personal care devices and motor driven devices.