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1、不可思议的印度(Incredible India)Historical&cultureGeography&TravelEconomicsCONTENTCustom Historical&culture1PART ONEIndia has a long history and is one of the worlds four major ancient civilization,ancient Egypt,Babylon,China and India.1、Historical&cultureHISTORYHISTORY0101In two thousand five hundred BC,t

2、he Aryan(雅利安人)came to the Indus valley(印度河流域),created the advanced civilization.0303In the 17th century,the British east India company as an excuse,to India launched more than one hundred years of wars of aggression,in 1849,India became a British colony.0202In three hundred BC,emperor Asoka(阿育王)famo

3、us of the mauryan(孔雀王朝)is established.0404In 1947,under the leadership of Gandhi,Indias independence.1、Historical&culture1India is a multi-religious country,India is the main religion of Hinduism(印度教),Islam,Buddhism.1、Historical&cultureHindu caste system(种姓制度)in India can be divided into four castes

4、(种姓)and untouchables(贱民),caste system under the low status of women.21、Historical&cultureThough India religion has had a profound effect on,India is a country with the separation of church and state(政教分离).31、Historical&culture01.language01.languageIndias official language is Hindi.English is Indias

5、national common language03.literature03.literatureIndias literature and poetry mainly epic,we in Indias most familiar is the poet tagore(泰戈尔).02.architectural02.architecturalIndias architectural culture and medieval gothic culture contrast,Indias temple was stocky messiness.04.spices04.spices India

6、is called the kingdom of spices(香料王国).1、Historical&cultureLife be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leavesIndias food culture has a strong religious color,buddhists and hindus in India is vegetarian(素食主义者),Indian vegetarian accounts for more than two-thirds of Indias population,so

7、the vegetarian culture is Indias diet culture basic characteristics.Bollywood movies interspersed with song and dance is very interesting.It is difficult to realize when other movies elements.Such as“3 idiots”(三傻大闹宝莱坞),“star of the earths”(地球上的星星),“slumdog millionaire“(贫民窟的百万富翁)”.1、Historical&cultur

8、e2geographyPART TWOIndiaIndiaCapital:New DelhiCapital:New DelhiClimate:varies from tropical monsoon in south Climate:varies from tropical monsoon in south to temperate in northto temperate in northPopulation:1,065,070,607(July 2004 est.)Population:1,065,070,607(July 2004 est.)2、Geography&Travel2、Geo

9、graphy&TravelNational Flag2、Geography&TravelNational Emblem2、Geography&TravelThe emblem of India is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath,preserved in the Varansi Sarnath Museum in India.It was adopted on 26 January 1950,the day that India became a republic 大家好National Flower2、Geogr

10、aphy&TravelLotus Temple in IndiaThe Ganges RiverThe Ganges RiverAmber FortSheesh MahalSheesh Mahal(Mehrangarh)是一座傲然屹立于“蓝色之城”焦特布尔的古堡,同时也是一处奇观和建筑杰作。Taj MahalTaj Mahal Economy3PART THREE3、EconomyThe sex ratio is imbalance.男女比例为1000比914。印度人口是12.1594亿。印度人口超过中国已成定局到2028年印度人口将达到14.64亿人,超过中国人口(14.6亿人),成为世界第

11、一人口大国。”在此之前,已经有许多新闻报道印度人口将超过中国,只不过具体时间有所差异。例如,7月11日广州日报报道:“到2025年,印度总人口将会超过中国,成为世界第一人口大国。”又如,2007年4月7日环球时报报道:“联合国人口司近日公布了最新的一份关于人口的预测,在今年的预测中,联合国人口司估计2033年中国的人口会达到14.6亿的峰值,而在2025年,印度将取代中国成为世界上第一人口大国。3、Economics3、EconomyOver populationOver population Custom4PART FOURThe cow is Indias most sacred anim

12、al.When you are driving on the road,must be careful not to hit the bull.4、CustomIn India is traditionally favor boys over girls,because her daughter married,the parents have to prepare a dowry,if there is no dowry,daughter cant marry.4、CustomAfter defecate without toilet paper,they use left hand flu

13、sh butt(屁股).Of course,this is no picture.=4、CustomIn some states of India,when people agree or hear something,they not nod,but on one side of the head to the right side.4、CustomMore than ten years old,should be carefree flower-like age,but some remote villages in India,the girl may be forced to marr

14、y at this age,children began the tragic fate of the bride.4、CustomIndias it outsourcing industry is very developed.A lot of the companys CEO are of Indian origin,like Pepsi,Mastercard,Google,Microsoft.4、Custom有人说 这是最坏的时代(Some people would say,This is the worst of time)也有人说 这是最好的时代(While others would say,This is the best of time)印度IncredibleTHANKS FOR YOUR WATCHINGBY Betty&Vera结束


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