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1、2021/02/2512021/02/2522.2.学情分析学情分析3.3.教学目标教学目标1.1.教材分析教材分析6.6.课时安排课时安排5.5.突破途径突破途径 4.4.重点难点重点难点 2021/02/253 1.新标准新标准英语采用英语采用发现式语法发现式语法学习法学习法:呈现呈现-提问提问-发现发现-总结总结,培培养学生自主学习的能力。养学生自主学习的能力。直接引语和直接引语和间接引语在间接引语在JEFCJEFC教材中初中阶段并没教材中初中阶段并没有单独作为一个独立的语法体系加以有单独作为一个独立的语法体系加以呈现,是高中要求掌握的一个重点,呈现,是高中要求掌握的一个重点,现在初二阶


3、级在七年级时知识基础:由于这一届八年级在七年级时Go for it 教材中已涉及到电影方面的内容,八年级教材中已涉及到电影方面的内容,八年级M10也了解了一些相关的东西,但毕竟对电影内容的也了解了一些相关的东西,但毕竟对电影内容的转述难度较大,相当一部分学生缺少丰富的语言转述难度较大,相当一部分学生缺少丰富的语言基础和信息积累,所以对某些任务的完成有一定基础和信息积累,所以对某些任务的完成有一定的难度。的难度。2.思维能力:有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,思维能力:有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展运用能力。有待培养知识的扩展运用能力。3.认知心理:有较强的求知欲和表现欲,部分学生认知心理

4、:有较强的求知欲和表现欲,部分学生存在不自信,羞于表现等思想顾虑。存在不自信,羞于表现等思想顾虑。二二.学情分析学情分析2021/02/256 听:能听懂用间接引语表述的意义。听:能听懂用间接引语表述的意义。说:能运用间接引语表达对电影以及他人说:能运用间接引语表达对电影以及他人 话题的描述。话题的描述。读:能读懂阅读文章,理解语篇主题和细节。读:能读懂阅读文章,理解语篇主题和细节。写:能用间接引语来写有关电影或喜爱名星写:能用间接引语来写有关电影或喜爱名星 等有关的短文。等有关的短文。三三.语言技能目标语言技能目标2021/02/257语言知识目标语言知识目标词汇:词汇:基础核心词汇基础核心

5、词汇:among awake sleepy too worried fight sail ship tonight act character face action play scene funny although opinion except advise ourselves plenty winner 掌握掌握:pirate believable lost fighting comment romantic 日常用语日常用语:She was fantastic!Thats us Ah,thats nice Was that it?And finally2021/02/258语法语法:直

6、接引语和间接引语直接引语和间接引语话题话题:能利用间接引语转述喜爱的电能利用间接引语转述喜爱的电 影及他人的观点。影及他人的观点。其他重点词组其他重点词组:take place explain+that come to face to face with play sb.in my opinion too much except for advise sb.to do sth.Join sb.2021/02/259情感态度目标情感态度目标2.2.引导学生与他人合作,相互帮引导学生与他人合作,相互帮 助,共同完成学习任务,尽情享受助,共同完成学习任务,尽情享受学习的乐趣。学习的乐趣。1.1.通过

7、对喜爱的电影及音乐的交流,通过对喜爱的电影及音乐的交流,拓展自己的爱好和兴趣,增加对同伴的拓展自己的爱好和兴趣,增加对同伴的了解,同时学会聆听他人的意见。了解,同时学会聆听他人的意见。2021/02/25101.1.自主学习自主学习 能够结合个人的情况预习教能够结合个人的情况预习教 材和拓展。材和拓展。2.2.合作学习合作学习 能够与同学交流学习心得体能够与同学交流学习心得体 会,共享学习策略。会,共享学习策略。3.3.通过合作讨论、游戏、竞赛等多种活动通过合作讨论、游戏、竞赛等多种活动形式,实现在用中学,学而能用的原则。形式,实现在用中学,学而能用的原则。4.4.能利用网络上的学习资源查找信

8、息,用能利用网络上的学习资源查找信息,用所学内容进行真实交际。所学内容进行真实交际。学习策略目标学习策略目标2021/02/2511 四四、教学重点教学重点 教学难点教学难点 正确运用直接引语和间接引语正确运用直接引语和间接引语来表达。来表达。间接引语的人称、状语及动词的变化。间接引语的人称、状语及动词的变化。2021/02/2512五五.突破途径突破途径 1.1.利用多媒体利用多媒体,让学生在歌声中感受语言,让学生在歌声中感受语言,在轻松愉快的在轻松愉快的video欣赏中欣赏中 输入语言。在合作输入语言。在合作学习、游戏、竞赛等活动中巩固语言。学习、游戏、竞赛等活动中巩固语言。2.整合教材整

9、合教材,对教材的内容进行适当的补充、对教材的内容进行适当的补充、删减、调序。以话题为核心删减、调序。以话题为核心,设计多种任务活设计多种任务活动,动,把知识点化难为易。将知识不断滚动、把知识点化难为易。将知识不断滚动、内化和外延。内化和外延。2021/02/2513Period 1 Unit1(1,2,3,4,5)Wb(1)Period 2 Unit 1(7,8)Unit 2(1,2,3,4,5)Period 3 Unit 3(1-4)Wb(Activity2.12)Period 4 Unit 3(5.6.7)Wb(Activity4)Module Task六六.课时安排课时安排2021/02

10、/2514Warming-up/Lead in目的:导入话题,复习词汇,并呈现一部分生词。1.Lead-in:(1)Presentation of the vocabulary:among awake believe beside cheer clap fantastic plenty sleepy worry.Using some pictures to help(make up a short story about my son,learn all the words.)Read through the words in the box and have the students fol

11、low and then repeat chorally and individually.本活动旨在通过一个自编的故事,呈现本活动旨在通过一个自编的故事,呈现Activity2中出现的词汇及下面对话中涉中出现的词汇及下面对话中涉及到的短语,为听力及下文的学习扫清及到的短语,为听力及下文的学习扫清障碍,降低难度。障碍,降低难度。自己拍摄并自编一段他和小自己拍摄并自编一段他和小朋友们一起看电视的录像或朋友们一起看电视的录像或照片,把所有重要的词及下照片,把所有重要的词及下面对话中的个别重点句子也面对话中的个别重点句子也一起呈现。一起呈现。2021/02/25152.Listen and writ

12、e notesListen to the tape then answer the three questionsa)Who is speaking?b)Where does it take place?c)What time of day is it?3.Listen and answer the questionsListen again then ask the Ss check the answers in pairs,(one asks,the other answers).then Check in the whole class听力材料都听力材料都Sally有关,既作为复有关,既

13、作为复习,又为下文对话呈现作好铺垫,习,又为下文对话呈现作好铺垫,但但Activity2的问题只要求简短回的问题只要求简短回答即可答即可2021/02/2516Listening(Activities3、4、5)1.listen and check.Go through the the questions in Activity 4,then Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions (Books closed.)1.Why didnt Betty hear Sallys interview on the radio?2.What does

14、 Sally think is the main reason for her visit?Why did Daming want to clap and cheer?Why does Betty think they should look after Sally?Do individually,then check with a partner.Check in the whole class.Group12Group342021/02/2517强调学生分角色朗读,创设真实的语言运用情境,并尽可能给强调学生分角色朗读,创设真实的语言运用情境,并尽可能给学生一些展示的机会。学生一些展示的机会

15、。2.Listen and repeat the dialogue.Change the roles.Ask some groups to perform if it is possible.Then explain some difficulties.take place explain+that among be awake be sleepy between wake sleep asleep2021/02/2518Activity5 Write down what Sally said in the interview with Chen Huan.She said that she

16、was with some classmates from London“Im with some classmates from London.”She said.(she said)that she was studying Chinese.She said that she missed her parents but she had some close friends here.And she said China was a very exciting place.But she didnt like the word“foreigner”.“Im studying Chinese

17、.”She said.“I miss my parents but I have some close friends here.”She said.“China was a very exciting place.But I dont like the word foreigner.”She said.先让学生在对话中把间接引语的句子找出来,然后根据例子改写,注意人先让学生在对话中把间接引语的句子找出来,然后根据例子改写,注意人称时态的变化,但只要感性认识即可,不必细讲。称时态的变化,但只要感性认识即可,不必细讲。注意颜色注意颜色的对比的对比2021/02/2519Its very good

18、!Jane said(that)it was very good.I want to see this programme again.I love these cartoonsLulu said(that)she wanted to see this programme again.Jane said(that)she loved these cartoons.MaomaoTianyiLulu2021/02/2520I dont like cartoons.Jingwei said(that)she dint like cartoons.Its a funny story.I think i

19、ts boring.Baogeng said(that)It was a funny story.Xiaoni thought(that)it was boring.JingweiXiaoniBaogeng2021/02/2521Homework1.Listen and read after the tape for 15 minutes.(P48 Activity3)(must)2.通过因特网等途径课前收集自通过因特网等途径课前收集自己喜爱的电影或明星的资料己喜爱的电影或明星的资料(要要求有图片或照片)。求有图片或照片)。(can)2021/02/2522Unit 1(7,8)Unit 2(

20、1,2,3,4,5)2021/02/2523Free talk.music videos.pop music .television.favourite programmes.films.film stars.A:Do you watch music videos?B:Yes,I do.A:Whats your favourite music videos?B.I like the one byshort report(say sth about your partner)My friend is.He said he watched music videos.He said he liked

21、 the one by这一部分只要求学生口头表达即可,在全班展示以前可在小组内准备,降低难度,毕竟学生刚刚接触到直接引语和间接引语。2021/02/2524Lead-inQuestions:1.Which film do you like best?2.Who is your favorite film star?3.Where a ship take you?4.What does a pirate do?这些问题选自这些问题选自WbP117 activity 5,与课文内容有一定与课文内容有一定关联,又有助于课关联,又有助于课文内容的整合文内容的整合2021/02/2525famous f

22、ight gold island pirate popular sail sea ship terribleLook at the picture,choose some words to describe it让学生看着图让学生看着图片,尽可能多片,尽可能多地描述,老师地描述,老师不多加评论不多加评论2021/02/2526Read the passage and complete the tablefilm factsName of film Actors CinemaTimeComment bad good excellent2021/02/2527Read again and chec

23、k the main idea of each paragraphParagraph1:_Paragraph2:_Paragraph3:_Paragraph4:_2021/02/2528Read Paragraph 2 and answer the following questions1.What did Chen Huan say the type of Pirates of the Caribbean?2.What did Chen Huan say about the actors?He said It was a fantastic adventure film.He said Jo

24、hnny Depp and Orlando Bloom were very popular and famous,and they both acted well and made their characters believable.2021/02/2529Read Paragraph 3 and answer the following questions1.Why are Depp and Bloom sailing around the island?2.Who do they meet?Chen Huan said they tried to find some lost gold

25、.Chen Huan said they came face to face with some terrible men.3.Why is there lots of action in the film?Chen Huan said they came face to face with some terrible men.4.Who does Keira Knightley play?Chen Huan said she played Elisabeth,the daughter of a rich man.让学生从书上让学生从书上找出答句,然找出答句,然后用后用Chen Huan sa

26、id 完完成问题。成问题。2021/02/2530Read Paragraph4 and check the sentences The film is really true to our life.Chen Huan thought there was too much fighting in the film.Chen Huan didnt like the film at all.FTF不管对错都从文章中找出原句,加深印象,为后面不管对错都从文章中找出原句,加深印象,为后面的的Conversation 打下基础。打下基础。2021/02/2531Jane:Did you hear Ch

27、en Huans culture report yesterday?Adam:No,I didnt.What did she say?Jane:It was about Pirates of the Caribbean.He said it was on at the student cinema.Adam:What did he say about it?Jane:He said that学生通过上文的问题回答已对文章比较了解,所以本学生通过上文的问题回答已对文章比较了解,所以本活动应该不难。活动应该不难。2021/02/2532 writing showWrite a short repo

28、rt about the film Chen Huan thought of,Ask some students to show it.学生可参照上面提出的问题写,特别是课文第四段学生可参照上面提出的问题写,特别是课文第四段Chen Huan自己的观点,这样更有真实性。自己的观点,这样更有真实性。2021/02/2533Homework:1.Listen and read after the tape for 15 minutes.(P50-2)2.Finish the exercise book2021/02/2534Unit 3(1-4)Wb(Activity2reading)2021/0

29、2/2535EnjoyEnjoy the video the video2021/02/25361.Tony sang(that)he was from_.2.Jenny sang(that)she was from_.3.Billy sang(that)he was from_.2.Sophie sang(that)she was from_.Fill in the blanksAmericaBritainJapanChinaIm from ChinaIm from JapanIm from BritainIm from AmericaPlease find the rules2021/02

30、/2537直接引语直接引语间接引语间接引语引语为一般陈述句,变为间接引语时一般由引语为一般陈述句,变为间接引语时一般由that引导引导(可省略)可省略)如果直接引语中的主语为第一人称,变为间接引语时如果直接引语中的主语为第一人称,变为间接引语时人称人称要要随主语作适当变化随主语作适当变化如果引述动词为一般过去时,间接引语中动词的如果引述动词为一般过去时,间接引语中动词的时态时态一般一般推移到过去时间推移到过去时间指示代词指示代词thisthatthese-those时间状语时间状语now-thentoday-that daytonight-that night地点状语地点状语here-ther

31、e动词动词come-go2021/02/2538训练大本营训练大本营Chen Huan said:“The film starts tonight.”Chen Huan said(that)the film started last night.Chen Huan said,“Its a great film.”Chen Huan said _2.Daming said,”I want to see Pirates of the Caribbean today.”Daming said said_.3.Tony said,“I cant come with you.”Tony said sai

32、d _.4.Tony said,“I have to finish my homework.”Tony said _.2021/02/2539训练大本营训练大本营5.Lingling said,“I want to listen to the radio tonight.Lingling said _.6.Sally said,“Im in Beijing for a concert now.”Sally said _.7.Lingling said,“Im very proud of Sally.”Lingling said _.8.Betty said,“Shes an excellent

33、 musician.”Betty said _.9.Daming said,“Im very happy today.”Daming said _.2021/02/2540Billy said that he loved football.Billy said:“I love football.”Billy said that he wanted to listen to some music then.Tom and Mike said:“We play football at the weekendsJane said:“I like watching football on TVLarr

34、y said:“I am here,reading my book.”Mark said:“I dont enjoy football at all.”Billy said:“I want to listen to some music now.”Mark said that he didnt enjoy football at all.Larry said that he was there,reading his book.Jane said she liked watching football on TV.Tom and Mike said they played football a

35、t the weekends2021/02/2541Read the passage and complete the sentences.“This is Chen Huan on the radio.Theres a fantastic party in the park tonight.Were having a great time.The Beach Boys are playing all their new songs.They are my favourite band.Everyone is dancing.Some of the dancers are excellent.

36、The audience is clapping and cheering.Theres plenty of food and drink,so no one is hungry.Were all enjoying ourselves here,so come and join us.”He said that _a fantastic party _He said that the Beach Boys _ favourite band.He said that some ofthe dancers _He explained that _because _food and drink.20

37、21/02/2542Wb P119 Activity 12Read the passage.Describe the sentences are from the radio review(R)or the newspaper review(N)“Its an excellent film,with terrific special effects.”“Although the special effects are fantastic,its a disappointing film.”“The film is very long,and becomes boring.”“Elijah Wo

38、ods scenes are boring.“Ian Mckellen is much better and his scenes are great.”“Elijah Wood is excellent,and his scenes are the best in the film.”对照给出的句子和课文,注意直接引语和间接引语的差异对照给出的句子和课文,注意直接引语和间接引语的差异2021/02/2543 Talk about Liu XiangFromShanghaiBirth1983.7.13Height1.88mWeight74kg Sports110m hurdles S1:Liu

39、 Xiang was born in Shanghai.S2:What did your classmate S1 say?S3:He/she said(that)Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai.Give us a report2021/02/2544 Whats your favourite band?Who is your favourite singer?Whats your favourite song?When do you listen to music?Do you watch music videos on TV?How often?Do you

40、go to concerts?How often?pair workLinda said that her favourite kind of music wasGroup work2021/02/2545Homework:Write a composition about your friends opinion about music.2021/02/2546Unit 3(5.7)Wb(Listening)Module Task2021/02/2547Homework show 学生作品欣赏学生作品欣赏2021/02/2548Work in threesI want a(n)I have

41、a(n)I like Im interested in I playStudent A:Whisper a sentence to Student B.Use one of the phrases in the box.Student B:Report what Student A said:He said he wanted a computer.Student C:Asks student B:What did he/she say?2021/02/2549complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the bo

42、x.among believe beside cheer clap excellent plenty sleepy worry I think Ill go to bed now.I feel really _.At the end of the concert,everybody _and _.This is Peter.Hes my friend,and he sits _me in class.Do you _him?Would you like more to eat?Theres _of food.Dont _about the test.Relax and youll be fin

43、e.-Did you enjoy the film?-Yes,it was _.Thank you for your help.Its good to know Im _friends here.sleepybelievecheeredplentyworryexcellentamongclappedbeside2021/02/2550complete the sentences with the words in the box.believe cheer clap excellent fight island pirate plenty popular sail ship worryHave

44、 you seen Peter Pan?Its a really _ film,and its been a very _story with people for many years.Its the story of a boy called Peter Pan.He_ in magic,and in never growing up.He lives on an _called Neverland.One day he meets some children,Wendy and her brothers,in London,and they decide to go there with

45、 him.They have _ of adventures there-and theres danger,too.A bad man,a(n)_,called Captain Hook,wants to kill Peter.excellentpopularbelievedislandplentypirate2021/02/2551In a famous _between PeterPan and Captain Hook near the end of the film,Peter Pan and Captain Hook are_ on the sea.Peter throws Cap

46、tain Hook over the side of the _and a crocodile eats him.The children_their hands and_ loudly because they are so excited.But in the end,Wendy misses her home,and is_ about getting back,so she and her brothers leave Peter Pan and go back home.fightingsailingshipclapcheerworried2021/02/2552Rewrite th

47、e sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the boxa lot of except for face to face with have a good time in ones opinionShe was close to and looking at her favourite actor in the world.I didnt like the singer but other than that,I thought the concert was excellent.There were many famous act

48、ors on the pragramme.I think theres too much fighting.Come to the concert in the park.Youll really enjoy ourselves.face to face withexcept for a lot ofIn my opinionhave a good time2021/02/2553 Who is Willy Wonka?()a)The manager of a chocolate factory.b)A famous actor.c)The manager of a cinema.Who is

49、 charlie Bucket?()a)A bad student.b)A young actor.c)The winner of a competition.3.How many children enter the factory?()a)Four b)Five c)Six2021/02/25544.Who does the reporter think will become a star?()a)Johnny Depp.b)Charlie Bucket c)Freddie Highmore5.When did the audience cheer?()a)When Charlie wo

50、n the competition.b)When they saw the chocolate factory.c)When Johnny Depp appeared.6.What did the reporter think of the film?()a)It was excellent and will be popular.b)The only good actor was Johnny Depp.c)Only children will love it.2021/02/2555A Face-to-face Interview What is the name of it?When d


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