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1、Initial OrdersRepeat Orders Duplicate OrdersPlace and Confirm an Order Contents of a Sales Contract or ConfirmationFill in a Contract in EnglishChapter 6 Acceptance&Orders Main&Difficult Points Writing Steps1.express pleasure in receiving the offer;2.confirm the conclusion of the business and point

2、out the full details of article number,quantity,specification,quality,unit price,total value,shipment,packing,insurance and terms of payment as agreed upon in preliminary negotiations between the exporter and the importer;3.hope for further orders;q A satisfactory order letter should include:Writing

3、 Stepsq A satisfactory reply to the order will include:1.express pleasure in receiving the order;2.add a favorable comment on the goods ordered;3.include an assurance of prompt and careful attention;4.draw attention to other products likely to be of interest;5.hope for further orders;Specimen Letter

4、 1Dear Sirs,We appreciate your immediate response dated June 20 to our request for a 5%reduction in price and through your full cooperation we have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised price:Thirty metric tons of Bitter Apricot Kernels at$1750.00 per metric ton CFR Qingd

5、ao for shipment in August.Enclosed please find our Purchase Confirmation No.369 in duplicate.Please sign and return one copy for our records as soon as possible.We are arranging for the establishment of the relative letter of credit with the Bank of China,Sweden,and shall let you know by fax as soon

6、 as it is opened.As we are in urgent need of the goods,we find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the L/C;any delay in shipment would be harmful to our future business.Yours faithfully,Language Points1.1.一项有效的接受一般具备以下条件:一项有效的接受一般具备以下条件:We are acc

7、epting your offer.We accept your offer subject to December Shipment.v Useful Expressions We accept your firm offer.We have accepted your firm offer.受盘人对一项实盘的完全接受受盘人对一项实盘的完全接受 发盘所规定的受盘人表示才有效发盘所规定的受盘人表示才有效 受盘人在发盘的有效期内或合理的时间内表示接受才有效受盘人在发盘的有效期内或合理的时间内表示接受才有效 应由受盘人采用声明或做出其他行为的方式表示,并且这种应由受盘人采用声明或做出其他行为的方式

8、表示,并且这种 表示传达给发盘人才开始有效表示传达给发盘人才开始有效 Language Points2.reduction n 减少;减小减少;减小 Although we are anxious to begin business with you,we regret that we cannot allow the reduction asked.Our prices have been cut to the lowest possible point.make a reduction of 5%in the price 减价5%make a 5%reduction in the pric

9、e 减价5%1)We have cut our price to the limit.We regret therefore being unable to comply with your request for further reduction.我方已削价到极限,遗憾不能同意你方再次降价的要求。2)尽管我方渴望与你方开展贸易,但歉不能接受降价要求。我方价格已削减到了最低点。3)我们不能比报价少10%。We are not in a position to take 10%off the listed price.3.confirm the following order with you

10、 确认向你方订购确认向你方订购 confirm having placed the order with you 确认向你方订购 Language Points1)我们高兴地确认已与你方达成一百公吨核桃仁的交易。We are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 100 metric tons of walnutmeat.We confirm having accepted your offer on the following terms and conditions:2)兹确认已按下列条款接受你方的报盘:

11、4.revised price 修改的价格,修改的价格,修正价格修正价格 1)We dont think we can put the business through unless you revise your conditions.除非你方修改你们的条件,否则我们认为不能达成交易。2)由于你方的通力合作,我们才能按你方修正价格确认向你方订货如下:Through your full cooperation we have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised price.Language Poin

12、ts5.sign v.签署;签字签署;签字 signature n.签名;署名签名;署名 1)Enclosed we are sending you the relative S/C No.777 in duplicate and hope that you will sign and return us one copy of it to complete our records.现附寄第777号销售合同一式两份,望签字并退回一份,以便归档。6.for ones records 供某人存档;供供某人存档;供存查存查 for ones file 供某人存档;供存查 to complete on

13、es records 供某人存档/归档 be on file 存档;归档 1)这是我方关于中东情况的存档资料。Here is our file on the Middle East.Language Points7.arrange v.安排;筹备;后接介词安排;筹备;后接介词for arrange for sb.to do sth 安排做某事 arrange for sth.to do sth 安排做某事 1)他强调的一点是我们必须准时。8.stress v.n.强调;着重强调;着重 He stressed the point that we should punctual.2)我们一向强调质

14、量。We always lay stress on the quality.1)我已安排小汽车到机场迎接贸易代表团。I have arranged for a car to pick the trade delegation up at the airport.2)泰德已安排此人参加交易会。Ted had arranged for this man to attend the Fair.Language Points the validity of the L/C 信用证的有效期 9.validity n.有效;合法性有效;合法性 10.delay v.耽搁;延误;推迟耽搁;延误;推迟 del

15、ay in shipment 在某方面的延误 delay of 延误若干时间 Excuse us for delay in answering your letter.2)这将造成约六天的延误。This will cause a delay of about 6 days.11.harmful adj.有害的;后接介词有害的;后接介词 to本报盘以货物未售出为条件。1)原谅我方没有及时回信。Language Points12.order n.订单订单 fresh order 新订单新订单new order 新订单新订单 initial order 初次订单初次订单 trial order 试订

16、单试订单 repeat order 续订单续订单 duplicate order 重复订单重复订单outstanding order 未完成订单未完成订单 pending order 未完成订单未完成订单 to accept an order 接受订单接受订单 to accept an order 接受订单接受订单 to confirm an order 确认订单确认订单 to cancel an order 取消订单取消订单 Language Points to withdraw an order 取消订单取消订单 to turn down an order 拒绝订单拒绝订单 to decl

17、ine an order 谢绝订单谢绝订单 to fulfill an order 执行订单执行订单 to execute an order 履行订单履行订单 to carry out an order 执行订单执行订单 q Difference between repeat order&duplicate order duplicate order:指与原订单除了装运期不同外,其它交易条件与原来订单完全一致。repeat order:指除交货期外,其它交易条件等未必与原订单相同的订单。Language Points1)假如你方价格可行,我们将向你方试购80箱红茶。We shall place

18、 a trial order with you for 80 cases of Black Tea if your price is workable.2)你方得告知我们你方要订购的数量。You have to give us an idea of the quantity you wish to order.3)很高兴从你五月二十八日传真中得知你方已决定订购一百套试试销路。We are glad to note from your fax of May 28 that you have decided to place an order with us for 100 sets to tes

19、t the market.Should the sample proves satisfactory,we will place a trial order with you for 5 000 dozen.4)他们不如果样品令人满意,我们将试订五千打。Analyzing the LetterParagraph One:the opening sentence of the letter(the reason)Paragraph Two:making a request for Purchase Confirmation Paragraph Three:informing the export

20、er of opening L/C Paragraph Four:giving the hints Comments:for bids and analyzes the present market condition.Chinese version of the letter执事先生:感谢你方6月20日来信对我要求降价5%的迅速答复,由于您的通力合作,我们现确认按你方修改的价格与你达成交易如下:三十公吨苦杏仁,每公吨1750美元成本加运费青岛,装运期为8月份。随函附上我方第369号购货确认书一式两份,请查收。请尽快签名并退回一份以供我方存档。我们正安排由瑞典的中国银行开立相关的信用证,一经开

21、出即传真通知你方。由于我们急需此货,我们认为有必要重申在信用证有效期内按时装运的重要性,装运方面的任何延误都将给我们以后的交易带来损失。谨上,Specimen Letter 2Gentlemen:We have received your letter of April 16 and regret that our counteroffer was refused.As your product“bed sheets”is very much appreciated to our local customers and there is a high demand at our market,

22、we are very desirous of concluding this transaction with you,for the purpose of strengthening our friendship and cooperation,we agree to accept your offer:Bed Sheets US$19.99 per piece CIF Karachi with an order of 500 dozen.We are very much pleased to have been able to transacted this order with you

23、 after exchange letters in the past two months and we are now looking forward to your sales confirmation for this order so as to enable us to open the L/C duly.As your make is comparatively famous here,the sales will be somewhat quicker.If this first order is executed satisfactorily,we shall be able

24、 to place repeat orders with you soon.Yours faithfully,Language Points1.transaction n.交易;生意交易;生意 1)在过去的几年里,我们与贵公司达成了多笔交易。We wish to transact with the exporters of jewellery in South Africa.1)为了使我们能及时装运,你方必须按规定的时间开立信用证。We have concluded a number of transactions with you in the past few years.2)我们希望与南

25、非珠宝出口商开展业务。To enable us to ship the goods in time,you will have to open the L/C in the prescribed time.transact v.办理,处理(业务),做交易2.enable v.使(人)能够使(人)能够 enable sb to do sth 使(人)能够 做某事 enable sth.使某事成为可能 Language Points2)请立即修改信用证以便十月装船。The train will enable me to get there in time.3.make n.(工业)产品;制造方法或

26、式样(工业)产品;制造方法或式样 Please amend the L/C immediately to enable October shipment.3)字典能使国际间的理解更明白一些。The dictionary will enable better international understanding.4)火车能保证我按时到达那里。Chinese makes 中国牌子的产品;中国货 other makes 其他产品 of first-class make 头等技术制造的 1)我们对中国造感兴趣。We are interested in Chinese makes.Language P

27、oints2)抱歉因为我们不能向你报盘,所以请买别处的产品。Much to our regret that we are not in a position to offer you,as a result,you may purchase other makes.4.somewhat ad.有点;稍微;略有点;稍微;略 5.execute v.执行执行 1)这个病人稍有好转。1)我们认为你方会尽最大努力执行我方第一个订单,因为它将带来一系列交易。The patient is somewhat better.2)我对这个工作有点厌倦了。I am somewhat tired of this w

28、ork.execution n 执行;履行We believe you will do your utmost to execute our first order as it will lead to a series of transactions between us.Language Points satisfactory adj.令人满意的令人满意的2)我们保证准时执行你方订单。We assure you of our punctual execution of your order.3)我方将妥善迅速地处理这一订单。Our best and prompt attention wil

29、l be given to the execution of this order.6.satisfactorily ad.令人满意地;符合要求地令人满意地;符合要求地 1)包装问题已得到充分重视,我方确信这将使你方客户对各方面都会满意。Special attention has been paid to its packing,which we trust will prove satisfactory in every respect to your clients.4)有关配额的新规章可能给我们执行你方订单带来困难。The new regulations on quotas may ma

30、ke it difficult for us to execute your order.Analyzing the LetterParagraph One:the opening sentence of the letterParagraph Two:confirming the order Paragraph Three:making a request for sales confirmation Paragraph Four:the closing sentence of the letter Chinese version of the letter执事先生:你方4月16日函悉。十分

31、遗憾,你们没有接受我们的还盘。由于我客户对您的床单非常欣赏,并且市场需求量很大,为了增进我们之间的友谊和合作,而且我们渴望与你方做成生意,我们同意接受你的报盘:床单1999美元/每条,卡拉奇成本运费加保险,数量500打。我们很高兴经过两个月的函电往来,终于与你方做成了这笔生意。我们渴望收到你们的销售确认书以便使我方及时开立信用证。因为您的产品在此地名气很大,销售也一定很快。倘若第一次订货合同能够满意地执行,我们将高兴地向贵公司续购。谨上,Specimen Letter 3Dear Sirs,We have duly received your Sales Contract No.7768 co

32、vering 10,000 dozen Gents Shirts we have booked with you.Enclosed please find the duplicate with our counter-signature.Thanks to mutual efforts,we were able to bridge the price gap and put the deal through.The relative L/C has been established with the Bank of China,London,in your favor.It will reac

33、h you in due course.We trust this order will be the first of a series of deals between us.Yours faithfully,Language Points1)我们尚有一些库存,你方若愿意重复上次订单我们能满足你方的要求。2.duplicate v.n.重复;使再发生重复;使再发生 to book ones order=to accept sbs order to book with sb.sth.=to place with sb an order 1.book n.帐簿;帐簿;v.把把记载入册;预定;订

34、记载入册;预定;订 We have some stock left,and shall be able to meet your requirements if you wish to duplicate your last order.1)兹高兴地确认从你处购进了五十吨核桃。We are pleased to confirm having booked with you 50 tons of walnuts.2)兹高兴地确认卖给了你方五十吨核桃。We are pleased to confirm having booked your order for 50 tons walnuts.2)随

35、函附上我方会签的合同。Enclosed please find the duplicate with our countersignature.Language Points4.thanks to ph.由于;幸亏由于;幸亏 1)多亏你方的密切合作,我们成功地达成了这笔交易。2)这是我方第007号销售合同,如你方认为合同内容无误,请会签并退回一份供我方归档。Thanks to your close cooperation,we succeeded in putting the deal through.3.counter-signature n.会签会签 1)我们及时会签了合同,现在寄回一份供

36、你方存档。We have duly counter-signed the contract and are returning one copy for your file.This is our S/C No.007.If you find the contents therein agreeable,please counter-sign and return one copy for our records.Language Pointsbridge the price gap 弥合价格差别close the price gap 弥合价格差别5.bridge v.弥合弥合 1)价格差距太

37、大,无法弥合。We hope you will do your best to bridge the price gap.2)我方希望你们能尽力弥合价格方面的差距。6.put the deal through 达成交易达成交易 The price gap is too wide to bridge.to conclude a transaction to close the deal/bargain to conclude the business with sb.to come to terms with sb to come to business with sb.to transact

38、business with sb.q Similar Expressions:7.in due course ph.适时;及时;如期地适时;及时;如期地 1)卖方及时收到了有关的信用证。The seller has received the relative L/C in due course.Language Points2)我们相信货物将如期抵达你处。We trust the shipment will reach you in due course.8.a series of deals 一系列交易一系列交易 9.covering letters 说明信说明信q 顾名思义,就是对附件有关

39、问题作一说明(对附件本身或其前因后果加以解释,即附件数量,为什么寄送附件、要求对方做出什么样的反应等。)这种信可简可繁,可长可短,由写信人自己掌握。一般来说,老客户之间只要看到附件就明白了,这时的说明信可短一点,而给新客户的说明信则可详细一点。Language Points10.at moderate price q Similar expressions the lowest price 最 低 价 the best price 最 低 价 competitive price 竞 争 价 indication of price 参 考 价 reasonable price 合理价格 mode

40、rate price 公 道 价 favorable price 优惠价格 practical price 可行价格 workable price 实际价格 keenest price 克己价格 Analyzing the Letter Letter 3Paragraph One:the opening sentence of the letterParagraph Two:informing the seller of the opening L/C Paragraph Three:the closing sentence of the letter Letter 4Paragraph On

41、e:the opening sentence of this letterParagraph Two:pressing the buyer to place the order soonParagraph Three:the closing sentence of the letter Chinese version of the letter执事先生:经香港中国银行推荐我们得知了贵公司及贵公司的地址。目前,我们对销往美国和加拿大市场的各种各样的针织服装感兴趣。如能将贵公司最新的目录册和价格表寄来,会对我方有很大的帮助。我们相信对大批量购货贵公司一定会尽力给我方报最优惠的交易条件。期待能与贵公

42、司建立直接的业务关系。谨呈,Language Points1.reference is made to 提及;涉及;谈及提及;涉及;谈及 make a reference to sth refer to referring to 1)提及你方第123号销售合同项下的我方第321号订单的货物,请立即包装并发运。Reference is made to your Sales Contract No.123 covering our Order No.321.Please pack the goods and ship it promptly.We refer to your Sales Contr

43、act No.123 covering our Order No.321.Please pack the goods and ship it promptly.2.give special care to 对对予以特别关照予以特别关照 3.lest conj.惟恐;免得惟恐;免得(在被连接的状语从句里常用should或原形动词)1)我们相信你方将对货物的包装给予特别注意,以免货物受损。We trust that you will give special care to the packing of the goods,lest they should be damaged.Specimen

44、Letter 4Dear Sirs,Reference is made to exchange of correspondences between us,we confirm having placed with you the following order:1000 sets of transistor radioSanyo Brand-model:1234UD$55.00 per set C&F DalianPacking:in cartons,each containing 10 setsShipment:within 45 days after receipt of the rel

45、evant L/CWe trust that you will give special care to the packing of our goods lest they should be damaged in transit.The L/C will be opened in your favour on receipt of your Sales Contract,and we shall advise you of the shipping marks in the meantime.Emphasis has,however,to be laid on the point that

46、 shipment must be made within the validity of the L/C,as no extension will be considered.It may interest you to know that there is a good demand here for transistor radio at moderate prices,and we have no doubt that your products are suitable for this market.If the shipment turns out to our entire s

47、atisfactory,substantial orders will follow.Yours faithfully,Language Points4.transit n.运输;通(经)过运输;通(经)过 in transit ph.在运输途中 during transit 在运输途中 5.shipping marks 装运标志;装运唛头装运标志;装运唛头 6.extension n.延展(长,期);伸长(展);扩大延展(长,期);伸长(展);扩大 extend v.延长;给予;延续 extensive adj.广泛的;广阔的;巨大的1)This has provided valuable

48、data for extension of cultivable land.这样就提供了有关扩大可耕地面积的宝贵数据。2)我们不得不将会议再延长15分钟。We had to extend the meeting another 15 minutes.3)教授向所有 学生发出了参加茶会的邀请。The professor extended an invitation to all the students to come to tea.Language Points7.suitable adj.合适的;适当的;相对的;后接介词合适的;适当的;相对的;后接介词for,to 1)详细告知适合你地市场的

49、货物。Will you please let us know the details of any lines of goods you think are suitable for your market?8.satisfaction n.满意;满足满意;满足 turn out to ones entire satisfaction 使人完全满意 to the satisfaction of sb 使人满意 1)相信运送的货物会使你方完全满意。We trust the shipment will turn out to your entire satisfaction.Analyzing t

50、he LetterParagraph One:confirming the deal Paragraph Two:confirming the contents of the order Paragraph Three:requesting the seller to give special care to the packingParagraph Four:promising to open the L/C timely Paragraph Five:emphasizing the importance of punctual shipmentParagraph Six:looking f


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