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1、目录与提示目录与提示 分析题型提供文本情节发展与走向 引导学生思维,利用选择、提问等方式 分析故事主角情绪变化 提供描写情节、情绪的例句 引导学生思考首段与第二段连接照应续写 提示可资利用单词、短语、句型 提供实操参考范文 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150150左右。左右。Having held the interschool storytelling championship for the past two years,I was the s

2、hining star of my school.When it came to choosing the right candidate to participate in such competitions,I was always the first choice.Naturally,I was once again selected to represent my school in the approaching contest this year.Upon hearing the fact that I was chosen again,my classmates and frie

3、nds acknowledged that I would undoubtedly emerge as the champion again.Consequently,I became conceited.I was so proud that I neglected the importance of practicing for the contest.A week before the contest,my teacher Ms.Sara asked,Selena,would you like to stand in front of the class to rehearse for

4、the contest?”She had tutored me in the past two competitions and knew how important practice was.“Just imagine you are on the stage in the presence of the audience,”she added.“Im sorry,Ms.Sara,”I replied.“I have a bit of a sore throat.”This was usually the lie I would tell whenever my teacher reques

5、ted me to practice in front of the class.I always found excuses to avoid doing it because I believed that I was the best and therefore the practice was unnecessary.On one occasion,I even told Ms.Sara not to worry too much as I was well prepared for the contest.In fact,I did everything but practice m

6、yscript.I only managed to glance briefly through the story the day before the contest.As the best storyteller among the students of the local secondary schools,I was too vain to practice and expected everything to be fine.The contest was being held in the local community hall.On the day of the conte

7、st,the hall was packed.My school teachers and principal were there along with many of my classmates and schoolmates.I was the eighth contestant out of twenty in total.Those who spoke before me did extremely well.On seeing their fascinating and outstanding performance,I began to lose confidence in my

8、self.My palms sweated heavily and I started to feel nervous.Paragraph1:Soon,it was my turn to talk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Paragraph 2:F i n a l l y,r e s u l t s w e r e a n n o u n c e d a f t e r t h e contest_ _ I was selected to take part in a _ champions

9、hip,but due to my _,I didnt bother to _ well for it and even refused to _ in front of the class.However,my confidence was gone when I found other contestants performed extremely _.conceit/vanitystorytellingprepare/practisewellrehearseWhich seems more reasonable to you?A.She failed to win as the cham

10、pion and learnt a valuable lesson.B.She managed to win an award and felt relieved and fortunate.C.She failed this time,but tried harder and won the championship the next year.Para 1:Soon,it was my turn to talk._Plot:_Emotion _I performed poorly on the stage.nervous,unconfident,embarrassed,ashamed,fr

11、ustratedPoor performance?stutter/stammer;forget my script;randomly gesture.The audiences response?look at each other in surprise;whisper to each other;shake their heads;look at me in disappointment.How did my story-telling end?in a random way;bow and apologize,flee the stage.What did I do after leav

12、ing the stage?sit there stiff/in total silence;try to hold back my tears;shut myself in the restroom;burst out crying.Para 1:Soon,it was my turn to talk._Plot:_ Emotion:_ How to describe these feelings:I performed poorly on the stage.nervous,unconfident,embarrassed,ashamed,frustratedPara 1:Soon,it w

13、as my turn to talk._Plot:_Emotion _I performed poorly on the stage.nervous,unconfident,embarrassed,ashamed,frustratedPara 1:Description of nervousness:(palm,heart,mouth,breath,blood,leg,voice,mind,at a total loss what to say/how to continue)I performed poorly on the stage.Para 1:a lack of confidence

14、:can hardly breathe;drag.legs;shrink from everyones gazeI performed poorly on the stage.参考句式参考句式:夸张夸张:Shame tore me into _.强调强调:I performed poorly on the stage.pieces1.用强调句式 2.感叹句 3.用否定 4.what.is.How I wished I had.Never had I felt more.Nothing had I been trapped in a more.Nothing could compare with

15、.It was.that.What I learnt from my failure was.With my legs trembling and my heart bumping nearly out of my chest,I walked slowly to the stage.I took a deep breath,walking onto the stage with sweating palms and trembling legs.Nothing could compare with the bitterness I felt when I stood on the stage

16、,with my mind going completely blank.I gasped in anxiety,realizing that I had no alternative but to face up to the challenge.Wiping out the sweat on my forehead,I plucked up my courage and stepped onto the stage.So nervous was I that I even failed to realize it was time to walk to the stage.I was ab

17、out to move my legs when I found it glued to the ground.Which is/are not naturally connected?1.In the end,I walked off the stage,my eyes filled with tears.2.I walked to my seat,too ashamed to talk to anyone.I could do nothing but wait for the results to come out.3.I dragged myself back to the seat a

18、nd waited for the result,feeling totally hopeless._.Finally,results were announced after the contest.?Para 2:Finally,results were announced after the contest.Plot:_ Emotion:_ My response at the outcome?Action:I failed to get a good prize&learnt a valuable lesson.sad,disappointed,regretfulbury myself

19、 in my hands;shrank at the chair.lower my head;Para 2:Finally,results were announced after the contest.Plot:_ Emotion:_ My response at the outcome?Action:I failed to get a good prize&learnt a valuable lesson.sad,disappointed,regretfulbury myself in my hands;shrank at the chair.lower my head;live up

20、to.,fall short of.,underestimate/overestimate,overconfidence,take it for granted that,cost sb.sth.takeseriouslyPara 2:Finally,results were announced after the contest.Plot:_ Emotion:_ I failed to get a good prize&learnt a valuable lesson.sad,disappointed,regretful1.虚拟语气:(要不是/如果/要是就好啦)But for my conc

21、ert and vanity,I would have./I wouldnt have suffered./If only.2.强调句:It was not my.,but my.that resulted in.参考句式参考句式3.more.than.句式 与其说我对结果失望,不如说我对自己失望。I was more disappointed with myself than with the result.4.感叹句 How I wishedI had.How I wished I had devoted more time preparing for the contest!?A pos

22、sible version Soon,it was my turn to talk.Nothing could compare to the bitter dryness that filled my mouth as I stood on the stage when everyone focused on me.I forced myself to calm down and then started my speech after a deep breath.Try as I might to be relieved and calm,the script still escaped m

23、y mind.The insufficient preparation nearly tore me into pieces.I spotted that the expressions on their faces altered when I stuttered.The audience whispered to each other.Never had I been trapped in a more embarrassing dilemma.In the end,I fled the scene and waited nervously for the results as I fel

24、t the cheeks burn.Finally,results were announced after the contest.As expected,I only got the third prize.I was more disappointed with myself than with the result.My teacher assumed that I was too nervous to express well before she realized I was seized by depression.However,I knew it was all because of my own vanity that brought about my downfall.What cost me the championship was my own making.The setback got me to appreciate the proverb that pride goes before a fall.The end


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